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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、The painting by the artist is world-famous , but several years ago, no one could imagine what an important role he in the painting field.Awas playing Bwould pla

2、y Cplayed Dhad played2、The managers voice sounded on the phone. He offered to show us around the company.Asoftly BfriendlyCgently Dseriously3、 _ I have a cup of tea, Miss Anderson? Of course. Here you are.AMayBMustCNeedDShould4、-Linda, have you heard _ song Little Apple? -Is it the one Chopsticks Br

3、others sang last year? Maybe its _most popular song in 2014.Aa; theBthe; theCa; anDthe; a5、- - My backpack _. - Dont worry. Lets go to the Lost & Found.Ais missing Bhas found Cis broken Dis forget6、I think usingWechatevery night is a waste of time.Yes. In fact, there are meaningful things to do.Ales

4、sBmoreCthe leastDthe most7、In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of the books _ growing.Aare; isBis; areCis; isDare; are8、Which of the following pictures shows the mascot of Beijing Expo (世园会) 2019?ABCD9、I am worried about _.Cheer up. Im sure you will make it.Awhe

5、re I can take tomorrows testBif I can get high marks in tomorrows testChow can I get ready for tomorrows testDwhat should I take with me in tomorrows test10、-Do you know Wang Feng? He can remember 100 groups of numbers in five minutes. - Yes. _ man he is!AWhat a smartBHow smartCWhat a stupidDHow stu

6、pid. 完形填空11、Mikes birthday was coming soon, so he asked his father for a bicycle so that he wouldnt need to walk to school anymore. 1 , Mikes father had lost his job and didnt have much money. Mike got a book instead, but he didnt complain.One day while Mike was walking past a bookstore on his way t

7、o school, he saw 2 on a bike. The bike was too big for him. As he 3 around the corner, the bike hit a stone and he 4 .Mike recognized(认出) that the boy was a student in his 5 . The boys name was Peter. Peter seemed to have broken his 6 . Mike picked up Peters bike and rode to the nearby hospital to g

8、et help. After Peter 7 to the hospital, Mike rode Peters bike to school so that he wouldnt be 8 for class.Peter wasnt seriously hurt. He just needed to stay at home for several days. Mike visited Peter every day 9 Peters leg was well. From then on, Mike and Peter became good friends.To Mikes surpris

9、e, Peter got a new 10 on his birthday two months later and Mike could have Peters old bike. Mike was very happy.1AInstead BFinally CHowever2Aa little girl Ba little boy Can old man3Awas turning Bturns Cturned4Aran away Bflew away Cfell down5Ahospital Bhouse Cschool6Aarm Bleg Chand7Abrought Bwill bri

10、ng Cwas brought8Asorry Bproud Clate9Aif Buntil Cbut10Abike Bbook Cjacket. 语法填空12、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺, 每空格限填一词,首字母已给)More play and less work makes for more talented(有才能的) children. Some officials suggested that school hours for children aged

11、7 to 12 should be reduced, and that they should be1to spend at least an hour a day on team sports.All work and no play makes children depressed. Becky, an 8-year-old girl, used to be happy when she finished classes every day, but now, life has become unhappy. To make sure she has enough time for the

12、 lessons, she has to study until 11 at night to finish her homework.Some ideas are offered for helping cultivate(培养) kids talents. The ideas2cutting down classroom hours, introducing more team sports for children, getting parents to stop putting too much pressure on children and some other suggestio

13、ns. It is believed that all these can help train young people to be confident.“I used to go to the park with my parents on weekends before because I like playing tennis with my dad and I can play well,” a boy said, “But now, I3have time to do that any more.”“I would like to try other things, such as

14、 drawing,” Nara said. She was interested in drawing, but her parents thought it was not a bright way for her.Children now spend more time doing homework than playing, and we all know its quite4for them to have plenty of sleep. A lot of homework and heavy school bags are driving more young children a

15、way from a joyful childhood.Parents believe that5well in school is a sure way to make their children have a bright future. The study showed that about 80 percent of parents said they expected their children to get a university degree or some form of higher education. About 15 percent of students in

16、primary school and 40 percent in middle school said they thought their parents were not6with their marks.“Parents must always be willing to talk to their children and make them happy,” an educator advised, “Encourage him or her to be confident when he or she faces7. Parents should know what their ch

17、ildren like and what they want.”. 阅读理解A13、Mr. Browns house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car

18、. Then he walked back home. This made him very angry.He put up a board in the garden facing the road. The board said, “No Parking”. But nobody noticed it. People seemed to obey only a police notice with white letters on a blue board:POLICE NOTICENO PARKINGMrs. Brown asked his husband to steal a poli

19、ce notice but he was afraid to do so. Then she asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. Brown said he was not the police and couldnt use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. Brown made a blue board with white letters.PLEASE NOTICENO PARKING“Oh!” Mrs. Brown said. “You told me you we

20、rent going to use the word police, but why do you use it now?” “Really?” he asked.“Look again,” she started to laugh. “You are really clever”.1Mr. Browns office was _ his house.Anext toBnot far fromC2 hours drive fromD5 miles from2Mr. Brown was angry because _.Ahe found no room to park his car outsi

21、de his houseBhe had nothing to eat for lunch at homeChe lost the way when he drove back home one dayDhe couldnt make a police notice outside his house3Mr. Brown made _ notice board (s) altogether (总共)。AoneBtwoCthreeDno4In the end, Mr. Brown made a notice board and it _.Awas just the same as a police

22、 noticeBwas different in color from a police noticeCjust looked like a police noticeDsaid “POLICE NOTICE, NO PARKING”5We can infer(推断) that _ after he put up the blue board.Amore people will park their cars outside his houseBmore policemen will park their cars outside his houseCfewer people will par

23、k their cars outside his houseDfewer people will visit him at noon later onB14、Every place you leave becomes a memory. Even if you return to visit, in your mind its as it was when you left.I consider New York City my second hometown. You fight your way into New York City. It isnt easy. It isnt cheap

24、. It isnt so friendly. So when I got to Helsinki, the capital of Finland, I was surprised at how easy it was. People were friendly and nice. They are curious about what I thought of Finland.Except the coffee and the cost of living, Helsinki and New York dont have much in common, but I was born in th

25、e US Midwest, which was heavily influenced by North Europe. So the life of Finland seemed familiar to that of the US.Still, I missed New York, I visited it last year, and I went to my old coffee room, still in the same place. Although it was 2014, my mind insisted that it was 2007 and I had never le

26、ft. The waiter looked at me silently, reaching for the same size cup and pouring the same type of coffee I always got. Same corner, same waiter, same coffee.To the waiter, he guessed maybe I moved to another neighborhood. He wouldnt guess from my appearance that I havent even been in the country. He

27、 didnt find that there was anything different until I opened my mouth. It was something I said, Im sure. He mistook me for one of the tourists who got lost on their way from Times Square.In my mind, this is my home. It was the place when I dreamed of my childhood, long after I left it; and now I am

28、the same as the other tourists with the packbag.1Helsinki is in _.AFinland BAmericaCNew York DChina2Compared with Helsinki, the life in New York City is _.Aeasy Bcheap Cdifficult Dnice3The writers real place of birth is _.ANew York City BHelsinkiCFinland Dthe US Midwest4How long had the writer been

29、away from New York before he visited it last year?A5 B7 C9 D105What made the coffee guy think the writer to be a tourist?AWhat he looked. BWhat he wore.CWhat he said. DWhat he did.C15、 Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. “Football, tennis, cricket anyt

30、hing with a round ball, I was useless,” he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the one always made fun of in school gym classes in Devonshire, England.It was a mountain bike he received for his 15thbirthday that changed him. At first he went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to

31、ride the bike along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set up his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed and strength. At the age of 18, he ran his first marathon.The following year he met John Ridgway and started to work as a teacher at Ridgways school of adventure(冒险)in Scotland

32、, where he learnt about Ridgways coldwaterexploits. Greatly interested, Saunders read all he could about North Pole explorers and adventures; he decided that this would be his future.In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first longdistance expedition (探险) towards the North P

33、ole. It took unbelievable energy. He suffered frostbite, ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit, pulling his sled up and over the rocky mountains.Saunders has become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and hes skied more of the North Pole by himself than any other Bri

34、tish man. His old playmates would not believe the change.1According to Paragraph 2, what changed Saunders?AA friends words.BA mountain bike.CHis 18thbirthday gift.DHis first marathon.2What did Saunders do in 2001?AHe decided to build up his body.BHe met John Ridgway in Scotland.CHe worked as a teach

35、er at school.DHe took an adventure to the North Pole.3What does the story mainly tell us about Saunders?AHe is a success in sports.BHe is the youngest British skier.CHe is Ridgways best student.DHe is a good teacher at school.D16、There was a proud boxer(拳击手). He thought he was a talent boxer. He cou

36、ld beat other boxers without any difficulty. He was always thinking of getting first prize instead of practicing hard. His coach always told him that only hard training could help him win first prize. But he didnt accept it. His coach felt disappointed about him. At last, he said nothing. He waited

37、because he thought only failure could give a lesson to the pride boxer. Once, he joined in a match. He thought he could win it easily. Due to the fact that he didnt learn any skills to beat others, what he could do was to wave his hands violently. So during the fight, the boxer swiped(重击) the air fu

38、riously, but unfortunately he could not his opponent(对手) at all. But the boxer though what he did was excellent. His opponent was very afraid of himself. He would win if he kept doing this. So he asked the coach in a proud voice at the first end of the round:“What do you think of my action?” “Well,

39、if you keep this up,” replied the coach. “he might feel the wind. _” The boxer didnt understand what the coach meant. He made up his mind to give a lesson to his coach with his success. At the next rounds, his opponent knew all about the boxer and he began to fight back. The boxer was beaten by his

40、opponent in a few seconds. At that moment, he understood how necessary for him to train hard!根据短文所提供的信息选择最佳答案1The underlined word “furiously” in the passage most probably means .Aquickly Bheavily Coften2From the passage, we know the boxer practiced hard.Aalways Bsometimes Cnever3The coach was with h

41、is action during the match.Adisappointed Bsatisfied Cproud4Which of the following is TRUE?AHe hardly hit his opponent.BThe coach thought the boxer was a good athlete.CAt last, the boxer won.5“ ” can be the missing sentence in the passage.AHe will be frightened by you.BYou will win soon.CI think he w

42、ill catch a cold at last.E17、The Chinese tradition of giving gifts of money in red envelopes at Lunar New Year has turned into big business for Web giants Alibaba and Tencent, which now both offer electronic hong bao.At the end of each lunar year, it is common in China to give children hong bao - so

43、me money in envelopes that are red, the colour of success. But now theold also take part in this activity.It is now possible to exchange red envelopes with smartphone, which is popular in China and has caused a battle(战争) for thelucrativemarket between the two companies providing the service, Tencen

44、t and Alibaba.You dont have to pay the same cost or wait as long as you would for a traditional bank transfer(转账). Its more convenient, simple and fun, Wang Le, a 28-year-old Beijinger, told AFP. With electronic red envelopes, youre not limited by your identity(身份) or the time of year. Its a new, fr

45、esh way of playing the game.The idea was introduced in 2014 by WeChat, a mobile messaging system with over 400 million users and runby Tencent, Chinas largest Internet service system. It was successful at once.This year, Alipay Wallet(阿里支付宝), the payment system run by Alibaba, is ready to take on th

46、e competition. It is allowing its 190 million users to send digital gifts, especially on the Twitter-like Sina Weibo.For the past few weeks a digital battle has been terrible, with Tencent banning (禁止)Alipay from sending red envelopes on WeChat, saying they were at a risk. Recently, WeChat also bloc

47、ked(封锁) Alibabas music app Xiami.To attract the publics attention, the two companies have launched lotteries through which they award red envelopes to users in an online game.Its easy to send and receive hong bao or take part in the lotteries: you simply need to register (登记)your bank details.Accord

48、ing to market research group iResearch, Alipay controls 82.6 percent of the Chinese mobile phone payment market, compared to 10 percent for Tencents Tenpay.1Which Web giants now offer electronic hong bao?AAlibabaBTencentCAlibaba and TencentDSina Weibo2According to the passage, whats the popular tren

49、d for people to send “red envelopes” ?ASending red envelopes through short messagesBSending red envelopes through a vedios.CSending red envelopes through smartphones.DSending red envelopes through Express.3What does the underlined word “lucrative” mean?A利润丰厚的B富有想象力的C平滑的D好奇的4Which one is TRUE accordi

50、ng to the passage?ATencent allows Alipay to send red envelopes via Wechat.BThe idea of electronic red envelope was introduced by Wechat in 2014.CIts complicated (麻烦的) to send and receive hongbao or participate in the lotteries.DAlipay controls a smaller payment market of the Chinese microphone thanT

51、encents Tenpay.5Whats the main business purpose for Tencent and Alibaba launch lotteries?ATo catch the new fashion on the website.BTo raise money from netizens.CTo obtain a better reputation.DTo gain many more new App users.F18、One day, a young man visited a small farm in the countryside. As he got

52、closer to the farm, he saw many chickens and an eagle (鹰) playing together.He then went up to the farm house and talked to the farmer, “Sir, I was just passing by and I saw that you have many chickens and an eagle.” The farmer smiled and said, “Thats not an eagle. Its a chicken.” The young man kept

53、saying that it was an eagle. He said to the farmer, “Sir, that is an eagle! I can proveit to you.” The farmer laughed, “Sure, go ahead.”The young man then pulled that big bird out and climbed a high mountain. He held the bird in his hands and said, “You are an eagle, fly!” But the bird failed. The y

54、oung man tried the second time. He said to the bird, “I dont care you have beenraisedas a chicken for those years. But I know what you were created to be. You are an eagle, now fly!” After the young man tried another three times, the bird began to flap (拍打) its wings. Finally, it flew high and began

55、 to fly around the farm.It is true to us. Some people around us have continued to keep us down by lying to us. Over all of those years, we were told to be a failure, not to be good enough and to accept the “reality”. They are wrong. We should try our best to reach our highest potential (潜能) to prove that we are eagles.1The underlined word “raised” probably has the similar meaning to the word “ ”.Akept BtreatedCtrained Dregar


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