



1、3937国开电大专科人文英语2期末纸质考试(第四题翻译)题库(排序版)说明:更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.内音B 资料答案百分之十五至二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses. 2019 年 1 月试题答案百分之十五至二十的被判有罪的少年犯存在严重的精神疾病。A large san

2、dy beach is filled with shops,restaurants and lodging in the Nye Beach are 内部资料答案奈海湾地区的大沙滩上满是各种商店、餐馆和旅店。A large sandy beach is filled with shops,restaurants and lodging in the Nye Beach are2020 年 1 月 试题答案奈海湾地区的大沙滩上满是各种商店、餐馆和旅店。A large sandy beach is filled with shops,restaurants and lodging in the N

3、ye Beach are2020 年 7 月 试题 答案奈海湾地区的大沙滩上满是各种商店、餐馆和旅店。A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages. 内部资料答案保险公司需要警察有关事故责任认定的报告来决定由谁来赔偿损失。A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damage

4、s. 内部资料答案保险公司需要警察有关事故责任认定的报告来决定由谁来赔偿损失。A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages.2019 年 1 月试题答案保险公司需要警察有关事故责任认定的报告来决定由谁来赔偿损失。A police report is needed for the insurance company to determine who is responsible for paying the damages.201

5、9 年 7 月试题答案保险公司需要警察有关事故责任认定的报告来决定由谁来赔偿损失。All sites and downloads may be watched and/or stopped up by the company if they are considered to be harmful and/or not productive to business.内部资料答案所有的网站及下载都有可能被公司监控,如被认为有害及/或与公司事务无关内容,公司或将中止网 络连接。At times,! feel I am less than you.内部资料答案有时我感觉自己不如你。Company e

6、mployees are expected to use the Internet in line with these rules.内部资料答案公司职员应按照这些规定使用网络。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive. 2021年7月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have co

7、ntent that is considered to be offensive.内 部资料答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为不礼貌的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive. 2018 年1月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that

8、is considered to be offensive.2019 年7月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive.2020 年1月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is c

9、onsidered to be offensive.2020 年7月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive.2020 年9月试题答案通过公司电邮系统发送的邮件中,禁止含有被认为可能冒犯别人的内容。Employers look for key skills and experience.内部资料答案雇主所寻求的是核心技能及经历。Employers look f

10、or key skills and experience. 2019 年 1 月试题答案雇主看重的是核心技能及经历。Family will never put you down,(and) will never make you feel small.内部资料答案家人永远不会贬低你,永远不会让你感觉自己微缺乏道。Family will never put you down,(and) will never make you feel small.2018 年 7 月试题答案家人永远不会贬低你,永远不会让你感觉自己微缺乏道。Have others review your resume and o

11、ffer helpful advice.内部资料答案让别人帮你检查一遍简历并提供有益的建议。Have others review your resume and offer helpful advice. 2018 年 7 月试题答案让别人帮你检查一下简历并提供有益的建议。I have no ideas what they would like to put up on their walls.内部资料答案我不知道他们想在墙上挂点什么。I have no ideas what they would like to put up on their walls.2019 年 7 月试题答案我不知道

12、他们想在墙上挂点什么。I have no ideas what they would like to put up on their walls.2020 年 9 月试题答案我不知道他们想在墙上挂点什么。I have no ideas what they would like to put up on their walls. 2021 年 7 月试题答案我不知道他们想在墙上挂点什么。Im going to be a volunteer in the 2022 Winter Olympics where I want to be helpful in the language. 2021 年

13、7 月试题答案我将成为2022年冬奥会的志愿者,我愿意在语言方面提供帮助。It has made me more aware of the difficulties other people go through.内部资料答案它让我更能感受到他人经历的苦难。It is an advertisement of your potential value to the corporation.内部资料答案这是你向公司展示自己潜在价值的机会。It is therefore possible to make it public for legal reasons or to other suitable

14、 third parties.内部资淞I*答案因此,公司可能会因法律原因将之公开,或公布给适当的第三方。Its busy during summer,so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommended.内音|6 资料答案这里夏天很忙碌,所以建议提前买好或预订好票。Its busy during summer,so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommended. 2018 年 1 月 试题答案这里夏天很忙碌,所以建议提前买好或预订好票。List your work expe

15、rience,in reverse chronological order beginning with the most recent,relevant to your current job search.内部资料答案填写工作经历时要采用倒时间顺序,将最近发生的、跟当前工作最为相关的写在最前面。List your work experience,in reverse chronological order beginning with the most recent,relevant to your current job search. 2018 年 1 月试题答案填写工作经历时要采用倒

16、时间顺序,将最近发生的跟当前找工作最为相关的写在最前面。Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood. 2018 年 1 月试题答案学校的很多学生在进行着一个关于洛克伍德失业问题的工程。My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.内剖4资料 答案我在动物收容所做义工

17、,它既与我的学习无关,也与我的职业兴趣无关。My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.2018 年 7 月 试题答案我在动物收容所做义工,既与我的学习无关,也与我的职业兴趣无关。Parking can be hard to find,so it pays to go early,or visit during a walk around town.内部资料答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Parking can b

18、e hard to find,so it pays to go early,or visit during a walk around town.2019 年 7 月 试题答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Parking can be hard to find,so it pays to go early,or visit during a walk around town.2020 年 9 月 试题答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Parking can be hard to find,so it pays to go early,or v

19、isit during a walk around town.2018 年 1 月 试题答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Parking can be hard to find,so it pays to go early,or visit during a walk around town.2020 年 1 月 试题答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Parking can be hard to find,so it pays to go early,or visit during a walk around town.2020 年 7 月

20、试题答案停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。Please keep in mind the make,color and model of the vehicle.内部资料答案请牢记车辆的品牌,颜色和型号。Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.内部资料答案是否能参加本次典礼,请您于1月9日星期一之前给予答复。Please reply by Monday to confirm your attendance. 2021 年 7 月试题答案请在周一

21、前回复确认您是否出席。Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claim.内部资格口答案把事故报告给保险公司以便你需要索赔。Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claim.内部资料答案把事故报告给保险公司以便你需要索赔。Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you m

22、ay need to file a claim.2020 年 9 月 试题答案把事故报告给保险公司以便你需要索赔。Sometimes married couples dont even know how the other is fueling内音B 资料.答案有时夫妻双方甚至无法体会到对方的感受。Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you.内部资料答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。Stay right where your daughter went away in

23、case she comes back looking for you.内部资格I*答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you.2018 年 7 月 试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you. 2020 年 1 月 试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。Stay

24、right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you.2020 年 7 月 试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。That is the time you have to help yourself.内部资料答案那就是你们要自己帮助自己的时候。The most important thing is to give them something to use in the new home.内部资料答案最重要的是要送他们一些新家能用得上的东西。The most important thing

25、 is to give them something to use in the new home. 2019 年 7 月 试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。最重要的是要送他们一些新家能用得上的东西。The smalljuicy Yaquina Bay oyster made Newport a world famous place for seafood lovers.内部资料 答案对海鲜爱好者来说,正是个小、多汁的亚奎纳湾龙虾在纽波特闻名于世。Then you turn left,at the next junction on your right,you111 find a

26、 yellow budding. 2018 年 7 月试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色 大楼。Then you turn left,at the next junction on your right,youll find a yellow building.2020 年 1 月试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色 大楼。Then you turn left,at the next junction on your right,you, 11 find a yellow

27、building.2020 年 7 月试题答案就呆在你女儿走丢的地方,以防她回来找你。然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色 大楼。There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulations.内部资料答案由于缺乏法律法规,出现了越来越多的犯罪行为。They wont admit the claim.内部资料答案他们不会成认索赔的。This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening.内音B 资料答案这将有助于雇主将你的工作经历和他们的职务空缺联系起来。Visitors can also sign up for bay tours


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