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1、住在富人区的她2022年考研考博-考博英语-通用考博英语考试名师押题精选卷I(带答案详解)(图片可根据实际调整大小)题型12345总分得分一.综合题(共50题)1.单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.She is a great athlete.B.She is a famed speaker.C.She is a famous scientist.D.She is a noted inventor.问题2选项A.How knowledge of human biochemis

2、try has been evolving.B.How nutrition helps athletes performance in competitions.C.How scientific training enables athletes to set new records.D.How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights.问题3选项A.Our physical structures.B.Our scientific knowledge.C.Our biochemical process.D.Our concept o

3、f nutrition.问题4选项A.It may increase the expenses of sports competitions.B.It may lead to athletes over reliance on equipment.C.It may give an unfair advantage to some athletes.D.It may change the nature of sports competitions.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C【解析】Conversation OneM: Tonight, we have a very spec

4、ial guest. 1 Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three-time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge. Mrs. Sanchez, thank you for joining us.W: Thank you for having me.M: Lets start with your book. What does the title “To the Edge” mean? Whatre you referring to?W: 2 The book is about how science a

5、nd technology has helped push humans to the edge of their physical abilities. I argue that in the past 20 years, weve had the best athletes the world has ever seen.M: But is this a fair comparison? How do you know how, say, a football player from 50 years ago would compare to one today?W: Well, you

6、are right. That comparison would be perhaps impossible to make. But the point is more about our knowledge today of human biochemistry, nutrition, and mechanics. 3 I believe that while our bodies have not changed in thousands of years, what has changed is the scientific knowledge. This has allowed at

7、hletes to push the limits of what was previously thought possible.M: Thats interesting. Please tell us more about these perceived limits.W: The world is seeing sports records being broken that could only be broken with the aid of technology. Whether this be the speed of a tennis serve or the fastest

8、 time in a hundred-meter dash or two-hundred-meter swimming race.M: 4 Is there any concern that technology is giving some athletes an unfair advantage over others?W: That is an interesting question and one that has to be considered very carefully. Skis, for example, went from being made of wood to a

9、 metal alloy, which allows for better control and faster speed. Theres no stopping technological progress. But, as I said, each situation should be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis.1. What do we learn about Anna Sanchez?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于女士,我们可以了解到什么?对话开头男士提到今天的嘉宾Anna Sanchez是三届奥运会冠军(a t

10、hree-time Olympic champion),因此A选项“她是名出色的运动员”正确。B选项“她是一位著名的演说家”和D选项“她是一位著名的发明家”在录音中没有信息提及;C选项“她是一位著名的科学家”,主要是利用录音中提到的science和scientific设干扰,录音中女士虽然提及科学,但这是为了说明科技对体育的影响,并不是说明女士的身份,因此不正确。2. What is the womans book mainly about?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问女士的书主要讲什么?女士说这本书是关于科学和技术如何促使人类达到身体能力的极限。D选项“技术如何帮助运动员达到新的高度”与

11、录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“人类生物化学知识是如何进化的”和B选项“营养如何帮助运动员在比赛中的表现”虽然在录音中有所提及,但不是这本书的主要内容,因此均可排除; C选项“科学的训练如何使运动员创造新的纪录”,录音中并没有提到training(训练),因此C选项也可排除。3. What has changed in the past thousands of years?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问在过去的几千年里发生了什么变化。女士提到,虽然人类的身体几千年来都没有改变,但改变的是科学知识(scientific knowledge),因此B选项“我们的科学知识”正确。A选项“我们

12、的身体结构”,录音中明确提及人类身体是没有发生改变的,因此排除A选项;C选项“我们的生化过程”和D选项“我们的营养观念”,录音中提及的是:如今关于人类生化学、营养学和力学的知识已发生变化。变化的是知识,并不是过程和观念,因此均不正确。4. What is the mans concern about the use of technology in sports competitions?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问的是关于在体育比赛中科技的运用,男士担心什么?录音最后,男士问是否有人担心科技会给一些运动员带来对其他运动员来说不公平的优势(an unfair advantage over

13、others),C选项“它可能给一些运动员不公平的优势”与原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“可能增加体育比赛的费用”;B选项“可能导致运动员对设备的过度依赖”和D选项“可能会改变体育比赛的性质”在录音中均未提及,因此排除。2.单选题( )she was living in Paris that she met her husband Terry.问题1选项A.Just whenB.It was whileC.Soon afterD.During the time when【答案】B【解析】考查强调句型。It is +被强调部分+that+其他成分,选项B符合题意。3.单选题Thousands o

14、f Medicare patients with chronic medical conditions have been wrongly( )access to necessary care.问题1选项A.grudgedB.deniedC.negatedD.invalidated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。grudge“怀恨”;deny“否认,拒绝”;negate“否认,无效”,比较正式;invalidate“使无效”。句意:成千上万患有长期慢性病的医保病人没有得到正确的必要治疗。选项B符合题意。4.单选题The law on drinking and driving is( )st

15、ated.问题1选项A.extravagantlyB.empiricallyC.exceptionallyD.explicitly【答案】D【解析】考查形近义异词义辨析。extravagantly “挥霍无度地”;empirically “以经验为主地”;exceptionally “特殊地,例外地”;explicitly “明确地,明白地”。句子意思为:法律对饮酒和驾驶是有明确规定的。选项D符合题意。5.单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.It may put too much

16、 pressure on team members.B.It may harm the culture of todays workplace.C.It may hinder individual career advancement.D.It may result in unwillingness to take risks.问题2选项A.They can hardly give expression to their original views.B.They may eventually lose their confidence and creativity.C.They can be

17、come less motivated to do projects of their own.D.They may find it hard to get their contributions recognized.问题3选项A.They can get chances to engage in research.B.They can enlarge their professional circle.C.They can complete the project more easily.D.They can make the best use of their expertise.25.

18、问题4选项A.It may prevent making a timely decision.B.It may cause lots of arguments in a team.C.It may deprive a team of business opportunities.D.It may give rise to a lot of unnecessary expenses.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A【解析】Recording ThreeToday Id like to talk about the dangers of being too collaborativ

19、e. Being a good team player is a central skill in our modern workplace. The ability to work well with others and collaborate on projects is a sought-after ability in nearly every position. However, 22 placing too much emphasis on being a good team player can negatively affect your career growth.Dont

20、 be overly focused on gaining consensus. Dont be too concerned with the opinions of others. This can hinder your ability to make decisions, speak up and gain recognition for your individual skills and strengths.Some people are too subordinate to others opinions, too focused on decision consensus, to

21、o silent about their own point of view, too agreeable to take things on when they dont have time or energy. This leads to building a brand of underconfident, submissive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers then-growth and career advancement.23 Collaboration certainly makes your individual competencie

22、s and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify. Collaborative projects mean youre sharing the spotlight with others. Outsiders may then find it difficult to determine your contributions and strengths. This may end up costing you opportunities for promotions or pay raises. You certainly

23、 shouldnt ditch teamwork, but how can you avoid the hazards of being an over-collaborator?Working in a team can have huge benefits. Your team may have repeated successes and often gain recognition, 24 you then have more opportunities to expand your professional network than if you worked alone. Howe

24、ver, finding a balance between team efforts and individual projects that give you independent recognition is important for making a name for yourself and providing opportunities for advancement.Be selective in who you work with. This will maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides of being a t

25、eam player. Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise. Select projects where theres potential for mutual benefit. Perhaps youre bringing your unique knowledge and gaining access to someone elses professional network. Or maybe youre able to learn a new skill by working with someone. Se

26、ek out your teammates purposefully rather than jumping on every new group project opportunity.When were too collaborative, we want everyone to agree with a decision before we proceed. 25 This can create unnecessary delays as you hold meetings trying to achieve consensus. Its fine to be collaborative

27、 when seeking input, but put a deadline on the input stage and arrive at a decision, even if its a decision that doesnt have consensus.22. What does the speaker say about being over collaborative?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问的是录音中给出的关于过度合作的信息。录音开头提到过于强调成为一个好的团队成员会对职业发展产生负面影响,这里placing too much emphasis on being

28、a good team player即问题中所说的being over collaborative, 因此C选项“可能阻碍个人职业发展”符合原文。A选项“它可能给团队成员带来太大压力”;B选项“它可能会损害当今的职场文化”和D选项“它可能会导致人们不愿意冒险”在录音中均未提及。23. What does the speaker say about people engaged in collaborative projects?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于参与合作项目的人,说话者说了什么?录音提到,合作会使个人能力和个人贡献更难被外人发现(makes your individual c

29、ompetencies and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify)。D选项“他们可能会发现自己的贡献很难被识别出来”与之表述相符,因此正确。A选项“他们几乎不能表达他们原来的观点”,录音说的是“他们太过隐藏自己的观点”(too silent about their own point of view),因此A选项不正确;录音中只是提到了underconfident(信心不足),并没有提到“合作”对创造力和动力的影响,因此B选项“他们最终可能会失去信心和创造力”和C选项“他们会变得更没有动力去做自己的项目”均不正确。24

30、. How do people benefit from working in a team?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问人们从团队合作中得到什么益处?录音提到,在团队中工作有很大的好处团队也许会多次获得成功,并经常获得认可,团队成员便有更多的机会来扩大其职业关系网(expand your professional network),因此B选项“他们可以扩大自己的职业圈子”与之表述相符。A选项“他们可能有机会从事研究工作”这一信息在录音中并未提及;C选项“他们可以更容易地完成项目”,录音中没有对比个人项目和团队项目哪个更容易完成,因此可排除;D选项“他们可以充分利用自己的专业知识”,利用录

31、音中的expertise设置干扰,录音中指的是与专业知识互补的人合作(Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise),而不是利用自己的专业知识,因此D选项也不正确。25. Why is it undesirable to spend too much time trying to reach consensus?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为什么花太多时间以求达成共识会令人讨厌?录音最后提到,当我们过度合作时,会希望每个人都同意某个决定,而这会造成不必要的延误(create unnecessary delays),也就是说

32、“可能会妨碍我们及时做出决定”,因此A选项正确。B选项“可能会在团队中引起很多争论”在录音中未提及;C选项“可能剥夺团队的商业机会”,主要是利用录音中的opportunities for advancement(晋升机会)和group project opportunity(团队项目机会)设干扰,但这些不等同于C选项中的business opportunities(商业机会),因此C选项不能选;D选项“可能会产生很多不必要的费用”在录音中也没有信息提及。6.单选题Although (worn out)by years of service to his country, Washington

33、reluctantly accepted the presidency of the United States.问题1选项A.favoredB.exhaustedC.honoredD.weakened【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。worn out表示“筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪”;A项favor“较喜欢,偏袒,有利于”,B项exhaust“使精疲力尽,耗尽”,C项honor“尊敬”,D项weaken“减少,使变弱,使变淡”。句意:尽管由于多年为国家服务而疲惫不堪,华盛顿还是不情愿地接受了美国总统的职位。因此,根据句意可知B选项正确。7.单选题The boy has learned from fai

34、ry stories that what at first seems a( ), threatening figure can magically change into a most helpful friend.问题1选项A.benevolentB.repulsiveC.compulsiveD.imperative【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。benevolent “仁慈的,慈善的”;repulsive “令人厌恶的,冷淡的”;compulsive “强制的,强迫的”;imperative “必要的,紧要的”。句意:男孩从童话故事里知道那些第一眼看起来令人厌恶的并且危险的人物会魔法般

35、地变成一个最有用的朋友。选项B符合题意。8.单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.Consumers visualize their activities in different weather.B.Good weather triggers consumers desire to go shopping.C.Weather conditions influence consumers buying behavior.D.Consumers mental states change w

36、ith the prices of goods.问题2选项A.Direct correlation.B.Mental visualization.C.Individual association.D.Active consumption.问题3选项A.Helping them advertise a greater variety of products.B.Enabling them to sell their products at a higher price.C.Enabling them to simplify their mathematical formulas.D.Helpin

37、g them determine what to sell and at what price.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D【解析】Passage OneWeather is a constant force in our lives, but theres little marketing research on how it affects businesses. 9 Now, a new study reveals how sunny and snowy conditions influence consumer behavior. 10 Those weather condi

38、tions trigger consumers to mentally visualize using products associated with the respective weather. This leads to consumers placing a higher value on those products, that is, theyre willing to pay more money for them. But the correlation is only found with products related to being outside. How doe

39、s this work? Researchers give the example of a beach towel. On a sunny day, consumers who see that product are not just looking at the towel itself. They are likely imagining themselves lying on the towel in the sun. 10 This mental picture of using the towel increases the value of the product in the

40、 consumers mind. Researchers put forward the following hypothesis to explain their findings. They think the mental picture works in sunshine and snow because these weather conditions have a positive association with outside activities. The effect is not seen with rainy weather. Researchers assert th

41、is is because there arent many activities that are enabled by rain. Most products associated with rain like umbrellas are only used for protection from the weather and not for any activities. Researchers believe that companies that sell a wide array of products online can benefit most from the insig

42、hts this study provides. 11 Online sellers often use complex mathematical formulas to determine what products to feature and how to price these products. Incorporating more data about weather would allow them to make better decisions. This could bolster sales.9. What do we learn about the findings o

43、f the new study?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于这项新研究的发现,我们可以知道什么?录音开始不久便提到,一项新的研究揭示了晴雪天气对消费者行为的影响,C选项“天气条件影响消费者的购买行为”与录音原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“消费者想象他们在不同天气下的活动”和D选项“消费者的心理状态随着商品价格的变化而变化”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。B选项“好的天气引发消费者购物的欲望”,录音中只是表明晴雪天气会触发消费者将这些天气与产品的使用联想在一起,而这样的联想会增加产品在消费者心目中的价值,也就是说,他们愿意为这些产品支付更多的钱。这表明他们愿意花更高的价格来购买东西,并

44、不是说好天气引发购物欲,因此B选项不正确。10. What does the passage say may increase the value of products for consumers?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问对消费者来说,什么可以增加产品的价值。录音中提及晴雪天气会促使消费者想象与这些天气相关的商品使用情景,从而增加商品在消费者心目中的价值,并以沙滩毛巾为例具体说明。因此,B选项“大脑想象”正确。A选项“直接关联”利用correlation作干扰,消费者通过天气联想商品使用的场景,然后想象的画面使得商品增值,这是间接的关联,因此A选项不正确;C选项“个人关联”,新研究揭

45、示的是一般消费者的普遍行为,并没有针对个人进行研究,因此不正确;D选项“主动消费”,录音中并没有表明消费是主动还是被动,因此D选项也不正确。11. How can the findings of the new study benefit online sellers, according to the researchers?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问研究人员认为这项新研究的发现可以怎样使网上卖家受益?录音结尾处提及,研究人员认为网上卖家在决定卖什么和定什么价格时,如果能把更多的天气信息纳入考虑,会有助于做出更明智的决定,从而促进销售。因此,D选项“帮助他们决定卖什么和定什么价格”正确

46、。A选项“帮助他们宣传更多种类的产品”,录音中并没有提及“advertise(宣传)”这一信息,因此不正确;B选项“使他们能以更高的价格销售产品”,新研究发现跟某些天气条件有正相关的产品可以在消费者心中增值,从而使他们愿意支付更多的钱,但并非所有商品都有这些效应,因此可排除B选项;C选项“使他们能够简化数学公式”利用mathematical formulas设置干扰,录音只提及网上卖家用复杂的数学公式去帮助做销售决策,新研究的发现可以帮助他们更好地做决策,但没说简化数学公式,因此C选项也不正确。9.单选题All programs celebrating the Spring Festival

47、in the CCTV have been (relayed) to even part of the world through satellites.问题1选项A.receivedB.reservedC.rebroadcastD.enjoyed【答案】C【解析】句意:央视所有庆祝春节的节目都通过卫星转播到世界各地。划线词的前缀是re-,选项A和B不符合句意,所以选项C正确。10.单选题For reasons of personal safety, the man told the police that he wished to remain( ).问题1选项A.anonymousB.su

48、spiciousC.conspicuousD.rigorous【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。anonymous “匿名的,无名的”;suspicious “可疑的;多疑的”;conspicuous “显著的,显而易见的”;rigorous “严格的;严密的;严酷的”。句意:考虑到人身安全,这个男人告诉警察他希望能够保持匿名。选项A符合题意。11.单选题Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ( ) from school.问题1选项A.induced

49、B.disobeyedC.expelledD.forbidden【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。选项A, B, D都不能与介词from搭配应用。be expelled from school意为被学校开除, 符合句意。句意:酗酒、吸烟、经常旷课的青少年更有可能被学校开除。12.单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.She can devote all her life to pursuing her passion.B.Her accumulated expertise help

50、s her to achieve her goals.C.She can spread her academic ideas on a weekly TV show.D.Her research findings are widely acclaimed in the world.问题2选项A.Provision of guidance for nuclear labs in Europe.B.Touring the globe to attend science TV shows.C.Overseeing two research groups at Oxford.D.Science edu

51、cation and scientific research.问题3选项A.A better understanding of a subject.B.A stronger will to meet challenges.C.A broader knowledge of related fields.D.A closer relationship with young people.问题4选项A.By applying the latest research methods.B.By making full use of the existing data.C.By building upon

52、 previous discoveries.D.By utilizing more powerful computers.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】Conversation OneM: You are a professor of physics at the University of Oxford, youre a senior adviser at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, you also seem to tour the globe tirelessly giving talks. A

53、nd, in addition, you have your own weekly TV show on science. Where do you get the energy?W: 1 Oh, well, I just love what I do. Im extremely fortunate to have this life, doing what I love doing.M: Professor, what exactly is your goal? Why do you do all of this?W: Well, as you said, I do have differe

54、nt things going on, but these I think, can be divided into two groups: 2 the education of science and the further understanding of science.M: Dont these two things get in the way of each other? What I mean is, doesnt giving lectures take time away from the lab?W: Not really. No. I love teaching, and

55、 I dont mind spending more time doing that, now than in the past. Also, what I will say is that 3 teaching a subject helps me comprehend it better myself. I find that it furthers my own knowledge when I have to explain something clearly, when I have to aid others in understanding it, and when I have

56、 to answer questions about it. Teaching at a high level can be very stimulating for anyone, no matter how much expertise they may already have in the field they are instructing.M: Other any scientific breakthroughs that you see on the near horizon? A significant discovery or invention we can expect

57、soon.W: The world is always conducting science and there are constantly new things being discovered. In fact, right now 4 we have too much data sitting in computers. For example, we have thousands of photos of planet Mars taken by telescopes that nobody has ever seen. We have them, yet nobody has ha

58、d time to look at them with their own eyes, let alone analyze them.1. Why does the woman say she can be so energetic?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为什么这位女士说她能如此精力充沛?男士问女士那么多的精力从何而来,女士回答说她就是热爱自己所从事的事业,并且感到非常幸运能够拥有这样充实的生活,做自己喜欢的事情,A选项“她可以奉献一生去追求她所热爱的事情”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“她积累的专业知识帮助她实现了自己的目标”在录音中没有提及;C选项“她可以在每周的电视节目上

59、传播她的学术思想”,利用录音中的weekly TV show设干扰,录音中并没有提及“传播她的学术思想”,因此不正确;D选项“她的研究成果在世界上广受赞誉”属于过度推断,录音内容并未涉及到这一点。2. What has the woman been engaged in?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问的是女士从事的工作。录音中女士明确说到她同时做着不同的事情,但这些事情总的可以分为两大类:科学教育和对科学的进一步理解。D选项“科学教育和科学研究”中的science education是录音中the education of science的同义表达,而scientific research则

60、是录音原文the further understanding of science的抽象概括,要进一步理解科学必然离不开科学研究。因此D选项正确。A选项“为欧洲核实验室提供指导”,录音中提到女士是牛津大学的物理学教授和欧洲核研究组织的高级顾问,前者属于科学教育,后者属于科学研究,A选项只涉及其中一个是不全面的,因此不正确;B选项“到世界各地参加科学类的电视节目”,这里是将录音中提到的女士会去世界各地演讲和她每周都会上科学电视节目这两个信息杂糅在一起从而产生干扰,因此不正确;C选项“监督牛津大学的两个研究小组”在录音中没有信息提及,因此排除。3. What does the woman say


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