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1、专四语法 名词的数和格 湖南科技学院外语系专四语法 名词分类按构词法 简单名词 (Simple Noun) 复合名词(Compound Noun) 派生名词(Derivative Noun)按词汇意义 普通名词(Common Noun): 个体名词、集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词 专有名词(Proper Noun)按语法特征 可数名词(Count/Countable Noun) 不可数名词(Non-count/Uncountable Noun)名词分类按构词法名词词组的句法功能名词词组的结构模式 (限定词)+(前置修饰语)+名词 +(后置修饰语) a most lovely little boy

2、 whose mother is a doctor some crisp, tasty, red apples I just bought for Christmas名词词组的句法功能名词词组的结构模式名词词组的用法(除谓语外的各种成分)Children at play seldom remember what time it is.My grandfather died a martyr to his revolutionary ideal.They selected him chairman of the board.Mr Brown, director of the coal mine,

3、 should be responsible for the accident.Within the house nothing stirs. In the garden I can hear the singing of birds. I can hear the rustle of their wings.He returned last night.A photo is taken each time (= whenever) this button is pushed.名词词组的用法(除谓语外的各种成分)Children at 名词的数(Singular Number, Plural

4、Number)规则复数与不规则复数 规则复数:在单数名词后加-s/-es 不规则复数:通过内部元音变换或其他方式(少数名词和外来词) 集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数 名词的数(Singular Number, Plural规则复数大部分名词:加词尾-s以-s, -x, -sh, -ch, -z结尾的名词:加词尾-es以-y 结尾的名词: 加词尾-s/-es以o结尾的名词: 加词尾-s/-es以-f/-fe结尾的名词: 加词尾-s/-es规则复数大部分名词:加词尾-s大部分名词:加词尾-s在/p/, /t/, /k/, /f/ 等轻辅音后读/s/: maps, books, boat

5、s, roofs在/b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /l/, /m/ 等浊辅音和元音后读/z/: verbs, birds, dogs, boys, seas, hills在/s/, /z/, /, /d /, /t / 等辅音后读/iz/: roses, places, houses, bridges, colleges, faces以-th结尾的名词加词尾-s: 长元音之后读/z /: baths, mouths, paths, laths 短元音或辅音之后(包括-rth)读/s /: months, moths, berths 少数/z / 或/s /皆可:youths, oath

6、s, sheaths, truths大部分名词:加词尾-s在/p/, /t/, /k/, /f/以-s, -x, -sh, -ch, -z结尾的名词:加词尾-es, 读作/iz/: gases classesboxesbuzzeschurches benches以-s, -x, -sh, -ch, -z结尾的名词:加词尾以-y 结尾的名词:以辅音+ y 结尾的:变-y为-i, 再加-es, 读/iz/: parties, ladies, universities, spies, skies, factories以-quy 结尾的名词:变-y为-i, 再加-es , 读/z/: soliloqu

7、y-soliloquies以- y 结尾的专有名词:加词尾-s, 读/z/: Marys, Germanys以元音+ y 结尾的名词:加词尾-s, 读/z/: rays, boys, days, joys, plays, toys以-y 结尾的名词:以辅音+ y 结尾的:变-y为-i, 再以o结尾的名词:以元音/元音字母+o(包括oo)结尾的名词:加词尾-s, 读/z/: radios, portfolios, studios, embryos, bamboos, kangaroos, zoos, cuckoos某些以辅音+o结尾的名词:加词尾-es , 读/z/: negroes, hero

8、es, tomatoes, potatoes, echoes, torpedoes, vetoes, embargoes某些以辅音+o结尾的名词:加词尾-s , 读/z/: pianos, kilos, memos, autos, quartos(四开本), solos(独奏), cellos(大提琴), sopranos(女高音), altos(女低音)少数以o结尾的名词:加词尾-s或-es均可, 读/z/: 某些以- o 结尾的专有名词:加词尾-s , 读/z/: Filipinos, Romeos以o结尾的名词:以元音/元音字母+o(包括oo)结尾的名词:以-f/-fe结尾的名词:多数加

9、词尾-s,读/s/: serfs, gulfs, beliefs, chiefs, cliffs, griefs, roofs, safes小故事串记: 一个悲伤(grief) 的首领(chief)带着一个信任(belief) 他的农奴(serf)在海湾(gulf)的悬崖(cliff)上突然发现一个屋顶(roof),上面有个保险箱(safe)。以-f/-fe结尾的名词:多数加词尾-s,读/s/: 少数变-f/-fe为-v,再加-es, 读/vz/: knives, halves, lives, shelves, thieves, selves, leaves, wolves, calves,

10、loaves 小故事串记: 小偷(thief)自己(self)和妻子(wife)冒着生命(life)危险偷了半(half)条面包(loaf),然后用树叶(leaf)做了一把小刀(knife),杀了一只母狼(wolf),宰了一头小牛(calf),把它们藏在柜子(shelf)里。少数变-f/-fe为-v,再加-es, 读/vz/:极少数两者都行, 读/s/或/vz/: dwarfs, dwarves, handkerchiefs, handkerchieves, hoofs, hooves scarfs, scarves,极少数两者都行, 读/s/或/vz/:不规则复数通过内部元音变换 footf

11、eet; goosegeese; toothteeth mousemice; louselice manmen; womanwomen childchildren ox-oxen不规则复数通过内部元音变换外来词的复数(1) stratumstrata(阶层); datumdata; agendumagenda (现代英语中作单数) alumnusalumni; alumnaalumnae basisbases; thesistheses; crisiscrises parenthesisparentheses; hypothesishypotheses 外来词的复数(1) stratumstr

12、ata(阶层外来词的复数(2)memorandummemorandamemorandums(备忘录)curriculumcurriculacurriculums (课程)sanatoriumsanatoriasanatoriums (疗养院)mediummedia-mediums(媒体)formulaformulaeformulas (公式)antennaantennaeantennas (天线)indexindicesindexes(索引)appendixappendices-appendixes(附录)plateauplateauxplateaus(高原)cactuscacticactus

13、es (仙人掌)focusfoci-focuses(焦点)nucleusnuclei-nucleuses(核心)radiusradii-radiuses(辐射线)terminustermini-terminuses(终点)外来词的复数(2)memorandummemorandapennypence: sixpence, tenpence (表钱数,几便士)pennies: 若干个一便士的硬币 (几个便士) If the price of a reel of cotton is fourpence, you hand over four pennies for it.pennypence: si

14、xpence, tenpence单复同形的名词deer, sheep, fish, trout (鲑鱼)Swiss, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese craft, aircraft, hovercraft(气垫船),spacecraftbarracks, headquarters, means, works, series, species单复同形的名词deer, sheep, fish, trou本身是复数的名词(谓语动词也用复数)由两部分组成的服装用复数: pants ,pajamas, trousers裤子由两部分组成的工具和仪器用复数: binoculars

15、, glasses, scales, scissors, spectacles其他一些词用复数: arms, damages(损害赔偿、赔偿费) earnings(收入), goods/wares(货物、商品), greens(青菜), grounds(木砖), outskirts(郊区), pains, riches(财富、财产), savings, spirits(精力、情绪、烈酒), stairs(楼梯), surroundings(环境), valuables(贵重物品)本身是复数的名词(谓语动词也用复数)由两部分组成的服装用复数集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数集体名词的数(

16、三种情况)poetrypoem machinerymachineclothinggarment, coat furnituretable, chaircutleryknife equipmenttoolweaponrygun, pistol foliageleafcorrespondenceletter luggagetrunk, bagpolicepoliceman clergy-clergyman集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数集体名词的数(三种物质名词的数sand, sands(大面积的沙滩)water, waters (大面积的水域)food, foods (多种食品)cof

17、fee, two coffees (作个体名词,表两杯咖啡)rubber (橡胶)-rubbers (胶鞋)stone(石料)-stones(石头)egg(蛋渍/蛋白)-eggs(一个个的蛋)lamb(羔羊肉)-lambs(羔羊)onion(洋葱味)-onions(洋葱头)物质名词的数sand, sands(大面积的沙滩)抽象名词的数有些抽象名词可数:a victory/two victories; a conference/two conferences有些抽象名词有复数形式,但不能计数: difficulties; opinions; sympathies (同情、怜悯、慰问)有些抽象名词

18、有复数与非复数形式,其义不同:experience/experiences; relation/relations; youth/youths(男青年); worry/worries(烦恼事); distraction/distractions; business/businesses(商店/商行)抽象名词的数有些抽象名词可数:a victory/two v有些抽象名词本身没有复数形式,可用语义对应的个体名词来计数:laughterlaugh; workjob; correspondenceletter/note photographphoto; permissionpermit; music

19、song; funjoy; homework-exercise有些抽象名词本身没有复数形式,可用语义对应的个体名词来计数:表示该名词相关的抽象意义有些可数名词不可数化: to have too much family=too heavy family burden to have too much winter=a too long spell of cold weather to have too much mouth=to talk too much to have too little ear=to be not inclined to listen to others to have

20、room for= to have a need for to feel the patriot rise= to feel the patriotic feelings rise 表示该名词相关的抽象意义有些可数名词不可数化: 表示人的特质等抽象意义 to be fool enough=to be foolish enough more of a fool than= more foolish than less of a fool than = less foolish than as much of a fool as= as foolish as too much of a fool

21、= too foolish He was enough of a man to tell the truth. (他光明磊落,讲了实话。) man, coward, coquette, politician, sportsman, scholar, poet 表示人的特质等抽象意义 to be fool en专有名词的数Have you invited the Browns?There are two Miss Smiths/Misses Smith in the class.专有名词的数Have you invited the Bro单位词表个数 piece, bit, item(项目,条款

22、), article(一件商品/物品) a piece of advice/armour/ bacon/bread/cake/chalk/ cloth/ coal/ evidence/folly/ furniture/ice/information/land/meat/music/news/paper/research/sugar/work a bit of advice/bread/grass/news/trouble/wood单位词表个数表形状a cake of soapa bar of chocolatea drop of wateran ear of corna flight of s

23、tairsa grain of sanda bundle of firewooda loaf of bread a lump of sugar a slice of meata spiral of incense表形状a cake of soap表容积a pail of watera handful of claya bucket of milka spoonful of hot watera truckload of steelfour lorryloads of sand表容积a pail of water表动作a fit of anger/coughing/laughter/fevera

24、 peal of applause/laughter/thundera flash of hope/light/lightinga display of courage/force/power/skill/fireworks表动作a fit of anger/coughing/lau表成双、成组、成群a pair of shoesa flock of birdsa herd of elephantsa litter of kittensa swarm of beesa shoal of fish表成双、成组、成群a pair of shoes复合名词的复数形式(中心词变复数)1 通常是把最后一

25、个词变成复数形式: boy-friends breakins travel agents man和woman位于复合名词的第一部分,两部分都要变成复数: men drivers women drivers2 由动词+er构成的名词+副词组成的复合名词,把第一个词变为复数: hangers-on lookerson 另外,由名词+介词+名词构成的复合名词变为复数时,也同样只需将第一个词变为复数: ladies-inwaiting sisters-in-law brides-to-be 3 首字母缩写词也可有复数形式: VIPs(very important persons)OAPs(old ag

26、e pensioners)UFOs(unidentified flying objects)复合名词的复数形式(中心词变复数)名词的属格1)名词属格的构成 A -s 属格 (人名、有生命物、视为有生命物的名词;也可用于地理名称、天体名称、时间、度量、价值等名词,如todays newspaper,ten minutes walk,China s industry.单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词,在名词后加 s: the boy s house, the womens clothes; Miltons poems 以-s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加 : the two boys mother; a

27、 teachers college; the girls dormitory 名词的属格1)名词属格的构成 以咝音/z/ 结尾的人名,其属格可用 -s 或 - 两种: Dickens/Dickenss; Jones/Joness 但以其他 咝音/z/ 结尾的人名,其属格用-s : Marxs; Rosss 以咝音/z/ 结尾的人名,其属格可用 -s 或 - 两 并列名词作为一个单位表共有关系时,只在最后一个词末尾加-s: an hour and a half s walk; everyone elses opinion 并列名词表示各自的所有关系时,各名词末尾均应加 s Johns and S

28、usans desks Tom and Mary s desk v.s.Tom s and Mary s desks 当名词后有另一名词作同位语,放在同位语的名词后 Your teacher Miss Greens office is over there. his schoolmate Johnsons book; Basel the booksellers carB of 属格: of + 名词 the front gate of the palace 并列名词作为一个单位表共有关系时,只在最后一个词末尾加-2、名词属格的用法A、作限定词和前置修饰语 the boys father; th

29、e womans husband the students essays; my roommates belongings the cats paw the childrens book another three days journey 2、名词属格的用法B、名词属格和of-词组表所有关系 the trunk of an elephant=an elephants trunk the foreign policy of China=Chinas foreign policy表主谓关系 the arrival of the prime minister (the prime minister

30、 arrived) the claim of the buyers (the buyers claimed) 表动宾关系 the occupation of the island (occupied the island) our hatred of (for, against) the enemy (we hate the enemy)表来源 the law of Newton (the law developed by Newton)B、名词属格和of-词组表所有关系名词属格可表事物类别或属性;of-词组不可以mens clothing; a doctors degree名词后有较长修饰语

31、时,只能用of-词组而不用名词属格。 the suggestions of those present at the meeting; the opinion of the chairman appointed a month ago名词词组由“定冠词+形容词”构成,或者of-词组表同位关系,不可用名词属格替换。 the income of the rich; the struggle of the exploited; the city of Yongzhou; the town of Yangzitang 名词属格可表事物类别或属性;of-词组不可以mens c3) 独立属格( - s属格的省略) A 名词中心词上文已提到: This notebook is not mine, nor Johns , nor Peters B 被省略的名词中心词表家、住宅、教堂、学校、店铺或公司: I think Sallys is the best place for a get-together.


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