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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、_ your sunglasses, Sally. The sun is so bright.APut down BPut off CPut away DPut on2、Mary with her parents to Hong Kong. Theyll stay the

2、re for two weeks.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone3、Sandy is used to looking for a while at in the mirror before going out.Ashe Bher Chers Dherself4、Linda, you need to talk to my grandma loudly, she is a bit _.Adeaf B blind C clever D kind5、A beautiful Rainbow Bridge _in Zhangzhou last year.Abu

3、ilt Bis built Cwas built6、Dont ride too fast, David. _ the risk of an accident.ATake awayBWrite downCThink aboutDTry out7、Is this restaurant a good place to eat at?_.AI hope notBThats all rightCI hope soDNever mind8、The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close toeach other.AwhoB

4、thatCwhatDThey9、 What should we do to save electricity?We should_ the light when we leave the room.Aput onBswitch offCtake off10、Could you tell me what he said just now?Sorry, I _ what was happening outside.Ahave thoughtBwas thinkingCthoughtDthink. 完形填空11、阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Each of us

5、 makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can 1 a lot from our mistakes. Donnie was a 2 student and he never answered questions in class. He was afraid of making 3 . He never finished his homework 4 he didnt want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed 5 Mary, a teacher, came to our 6 . One morni

6、ng, Donnie was asked to 7 some questions. After a while, he was in tears because he made a mistake. When Mary saw this, she got a box 8 with erasers from her desk and came up to Donnie. “Look, Donnie,” she said, standing beside 9 . “I have something to show you.” She 10 the erasers, one at a time, a

7、nd put them on the desk. “See these erasers, Donnie,” she continued. “Do you know 11 these erasers become smaller and smaller? Thats because we make mistakes. But we should erase(擦掉) the mistakes and try 12 . Thats what you must learn.” “Here,” she said, “Ill 13 one eraser on your desk, so youll rem

8、ember that 14 may make mistakes.” Donnie looked at Mary and smiled. Donnie changed a lot from then on. He knew that everyone 15 make mistakes. He should learn from them and try again.1AtakeBmakeCgetDbring2AhappyBshyCsmallDlazy3AfacesBvideosCpointsDmistakes4AbecauseBorCsoDbut5AafterBifCuntilDwhen6Ate

9、amBclassCschoolDfamily7AanswerBaskCgiveDhave8AfullBcoveredCfilledDbusy9AherByouCmeDhim10Aput onBput intoCtook outDtook off11AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy12AeverBagainCevenDonly13AforgetBdeleteCleaveDtouch14AnobodyBsomebodyCanythingDeveryone15AmightBhad toCshouldDmust. 语法填空12、短文填空Some people think that they 1

10、(get) ill if they use their brains(大脑)too much. It is not true. Through many researches, scientists 2(show) us that the more you use your brains, the better they 3(be), and the wiser you will become.Of course, if you want to keep your mind clear and be energetic(充满活力的), you 4(take) a proper rest and

11、 study properly. To the teenagers 5(use) their brains in the morning is good for their health.There are many ways 6(rest). One is a peaceful rest. Sleep is a peaceful rest. Another is an active rest. For example, 7(take) a walk outdoors, do morning exercises every day. 8(change) the way of the brain

12、s activities(活动)is also a good way to rest. In everyday life, 9(eat) some eggs, meat, fresh vegetable and fruit is also good for the brains. 10(wish) you a wise man and a happy life. 阅读理解A13、“Earworms”, some people call them. Songs that get stuck in your head go round and round, sometimes for days,

13、sometimes for months. For no clear reason you cannot help yourself from humming or singing a tune by Lady Gaga.To a psychologist, the most interesting thing about earworms is that they show a part of our mind that is clearly outside of our control. Earworms arrive without permission and refuse to le

14、ave when we tell them to. They are parasites(寄生虫), living in a part of our minds.If you have got a earworm you can suffer an attack of it simply by someone mentioning the tune, without having to hear it. This proves that earworms are a part of long-term memory. Human have an “inner ear”, for remembe

15、ring phone numbers, for instance. When it gets infected with earworms, rather than review our plans for the day, or lists of things to remember, the inner ear gets stuck on a few short bars of music or a couple of phrases from a song. A part of us that we normally do not have to think about, that sh

16、ould just do what we ask, has been turned against us, upsetting us with a request that we never asked for. The mind is an inner world which we do not have complete knowledge of, or have control over.Fortunately psychology can provide some advice on how to deal with an uncontrollable mind. Consider t

17、he famous “dont think of a white bear” problem, which tell you to try not to think about white bears or to do something else, to avoid both thinking of the white bear and not thinking of the white bear. For earworms, the solution may be the same. Our inner ear has become infected with an earworm. Th

18、is is a part not under our control, so just sending in instructions to “shut up” is unlikely to be of much help (and has been shown to make it worse). Much better is to employ the inner ear in another task. If your mind is poisoned by Brittany Spears Toxic, for instance, then try singing Kylie Minog

19、ues Cant Get You Out Of My Head. Let me know if it works!1According to the passage, earworms are _.Asongs that keep going round in our mindBtunes by pop singers like Lady GagaCparasites clearly under our controlDworms that live in a part of our brain2Which of the following statement is TRUE?ASinging

20、 songs may get earworms out of your head.BEarworms are used for keeping long-term memory.CHumans do not have complete control over their mind.DYou wont suffer from earworms unless you hear the song.3What does “it” in the last paragraph refer to?AThe instruction to shut up your mind.B“Dont think of t

21、he white bear” problem.CKylie Minogues Cant Get You out Of My head.DThe relation between earworms and popular songs.4What is the passage mainly about?AThe causes and influences of earworms.BWhat earworms are and how to deal with them.CHow to clear earworms from your head.DThe relation between earwor

22、ms and popular songs.B14、A garden of inventionsVisitors of all ages are welcomed to Port Discovery to see the new exhibit a garden of small inventions. There will also be many activities and gadgets (小器械)for the environmental protection. The exhibit will be on Saturday, July 8. It is $10.75 for each

23、 person and its free for kids under the age of two. Call 410-727-8120 if you want to know more information.The rain-barrel (雨水桶) meetingThe Parks and People Foundation will- hold a meeting on building rain-barrels for houses between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the foundations Stieff Silver Bui

24、lding. It will cost each person $50 and it includes the barrel and all materials. Call 410-448-5663 to learn more information.Priming (修剪) plantsVisitors can attend a meeting on pruning plants between 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Tuesday at Ladew Topiary Gardens. They should meet at the Visitors Center

25、at Ladew, Jarrettsville Pike, Monkton. The price of the ticket is $10 which includes the money of visiting the gardens and Ladew members are free to go. Call 410-557-9570 or visit the website to get more information.ExhibitionPhotographs, paintings and drawings will be shown on July 9 at the Univers

26、ity of Maryland. The show will be from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Call 301-985-7937 to know more information.1What may Port Discovery be?AA cinema.BA school.CA museum.DA store.2People can know more things about the rain-barrel meeting by_.Acalling 410-727-8120Bcalling 410-448-5663Cvisiting a websiteDcallin

27、g 301-985-79373If Mrs White likes growing flowers, she will probably be interested in_.Avisiting Port DiscoveryBattending the rain-barrel meetingCthe meeting at Ladew Topiary GardensDseeing the exhibition at the University of Maryland4Which of the information is NOT true?AIt will cost a couple with

28、their one-year-old daughter $21.5 to visit Port Discovery.BThe rain-barrel meeting will last two hours in the evening.CNot all the people need to pay for the meeting at Ladew Topiary Gardens.DThe exhibition at the University of Maryland will be on Saturday.C15、Sir Steven RedgraveWinner of 5 Olympic

29、Gold Medals“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病), believing the profession(职业) trained for the whole of my life ended, I felt very sorry. Then one of my friends said there was no reason why I should stop training. That was itthe encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I

30、believed in myself. I am not saying that it isnt difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasnt finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”Karen PickeringSwimming World Champion (冠军)“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that amount(总数) of work by putting it on top of my

31、 diary. This is the key to successyou cant follow a profession in any field without being well-organized. Make a list of what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and youll be a step closer to achieving them.”Kristen StewartActress“W

32、hen things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I cant achieve anything. Then, there are otherdistractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to give most of your attention to one thing. When I feel nervous, it helps a lot to repeat words such as calm, peace, either out loud or

33、 silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and improves my confidence. This is a habit and is a powerful psychological(心理学的) tool.”1The underlined word “distractions”probably means _.Agood habitsBthings that make one tiredCwords to enjoyDthings that turn ones attention away2The same char

34、acter of the three people is_.Ahumour BhappinessCself-confidence Dwisdom3The best title for the passage is _.AHealth and FoodBHow to Be a WinnerCDifficulties and HabitsDBe a SportsmaD16、We interviewed 300 people on what they like to do at weekends.One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one h

35、undred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:1How many people en)oy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A20. B50. C60. D75.2According to the chart, which two activities do most people enjoy doing?APlaying computer games and watching TV.BPlaying computer games and takin

36、g a walk.CWatching TV and going to the movies.DGoing to the movies and taking a walk.3From the chart above, we can see the older people are, the more they likeAwatching TV Btaking a walkCgoing to the movies Dplaying computer games4Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?AFewest people

37、like taking a walk.BThe people of 11 18 like taking a walk most.C90 people like going to the movies in the 19-26 group.DThe people of 27-35 like playing computer games most.E17、Dear doctor,First Aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly ill, including self-help and

38、 home care if medical help cant be given in time. First aid knowledge means life or death during an emergent(紧急的)situation. So I want to learn something important about general treatment to burns and heatstroke(中暑). Can you help me? JackDear Jack,Thank you for asking me some questions about first ai

39、d. I hope I can give you a hand.General Treatment to Burns: Move the injured away from the heat. Check the breathing as well as the size and depth of burns. Wash the burnt area with water to reduce pain. Cover the wound with a sterilized(消毒的)dressing For burns on the face, use sheet or something els

40、e to cover the burnt area.Heatstroke:To avoid heatstroke, you should stop tiring activities in hot weather. If you still go outdoors, you should: wear light loose-fitting(宽松的)clothing. rest in a cool place as often as possible; drink boiled water or fruit juice; avoid drinks such as milk, wine and b

41、eer. Doctor1First Aid is given .Awhen doctors arriveBbefore doctors arriveCafter doctors arriveDto patients in hospital2If someones arm is burnt by a fire, you should .Acover his arms with some sheetBcut his arm off to get it away from the fireCcheck the size of his arm firstDput his arm under some

42、running water3What should you do if you must go outdoors in hot weather?AWear close clothesBRest outdoors as often as possible,CDrink boiled water or fruit juice.DDrink milk, wine and beer.F18、If you ask your parents: “Did you buy salt recently?” They might either say: “Yes, we bought more salt than

43、 usual”, or “No, we couldnt find any in the market.”This is because of the recent craze(狂热) of salt buying in China. In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, salt almost sold out in only one night.After the big earthquake in Japan on March 11, there was a nuclear leak(核泄漏). And rumors(传言)

44、about whether it will affect our daily life appeared: first, iodized(含碘的) salt can keep us from the dangers of radiation(辐射);second, there will be less sea-salt in the ocean because of the nuclear pollution.Both the government and experts said the rumors were not true, but people still bought as muc

45、h salt as possible. Why? Many salt-buyers didnt really care or know what experts or the government were saying. That was the real reason behind the craze of salt buying.On March 20, the government said the salt market is back to normal. And most of Chinas salt is from lakes, not the ocean.Now, many

46、people want to return the salt they bought. “There is no reason why those people should get their money back,” an article in Xinhua Daily Telegraph said. “They made the craze in the first place.”Perhaps people should learn a lesson from the salt: dont believe everything you hear.1The recent craze of salt buying in China happened because of _.Athe earthquakeBthe rumorsCthe shortage(缺乏) of salt2When did the rumors start?AOn March 11.BAfter March 11.COn March 20.3According to the passage most of Chinas salt is from _.Alakes Bthe ocean Crivers4Which of the following stateme


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