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1、Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys some pop singers groups in western countries.Backstreet Boys (As long as you love me)后街男孩 some pop singers groups in weWestlife (Seasons in the sun)西城男孩Westlife (Seasons in the sun)The Beatles Rock Band 甲壳虫乐队,是二十世纪英国一支四重奏爵士乐队,它首次出现在年英国的利物

2、浦,次年就成为英国最受欢迎的流行乐队,并吸引了西方成百上千万的乐迷他们形成了自己的演唱风格,乐队只持续了八年时间,但对现代摇滚音乐的发展影响深远,至今他们所演奏的许多歌曲仍在世界各地流行比如说”Yesterday” et it be”等The Beatles Rock Band 甲壳虫乐队4成员介绍 约翰列侬(Jhon Lennon) 保罗麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney) 乔治哈里森(George Harrison) 林戈斯塔尔(Ringo Starr) 4成员介绍 约翰列侬(Jhon Lennon) 保罗新概念英语2第13课课件New words and expressions gr

3、oup: n. 小组,团体,队 a group of: 一群,一组,一个小团体a group of peoplea group of treeseg: A group of little girls are playing in the park. pop singers: popular singers pop music:流行音乐pop culture:通俗文化New words and expressions New words and expressionsclub n. 俱乐部足球俱乐部,高尔夫俱乐部,百万富翁俱乐部football club, golf club, milliona

4、ire clubperformance: n. c表演,演出eg. give a performanceperform: v. 1)表演,行为表现eg. They are performing on the stage. 2) 做,完成,履行(约定、诺言、命令等)eg. perform ones promise New words and expressionsclub New words and expressionsoccasion:c(特别的)场合,时刻on thisthatoccasion: 在这种那种场合on many occasions:在许多场合on one occasion:

5、有一次eg. I met the famous singer on several occasions.我在几次不同的场合见过那位著名的歌手。This is not an occasion for laughter/laughing.现在不是该笑的时候。New words and expressionsoccasThe Greenwood BoysThe Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving

6、here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the pol

7、ice will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.The Greenwood BoysThe GreenwooThe Greenwood Boys1. Are the Greenwood Boys singers, or are they dancers?- Yes, they are pop singers.2. What are they doing at present?- They are visiting all par

8、ts of the country at present.3. When will they be coming here?- They will be arriving here tomorrow.4. Who will be meeting them at the station?- Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.The Greenwood Boys1. Are the GThe Greenwood BoysThe Greenwood Boys are a group of

9、pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.at present:目前,现在eg. Im free at present.visit: v. (根据上下文译为)巡回演出part: n. 地区 an areaeg. Which part of the town do you live in?你住在镇上的哪一个地区?The Greenwood BoysThe GreenwooThe Greenwood BoysTomorrow evening they will be singing at the Work

10、ers Club.During this time, they will give five performances.performance 演出recital 音乐演奏会execution (乐曲)的演奏The Greenwood BoysTomorrow eveThe Greenwood BoysAs usual, the police will have a difficult time.as usual: 照常,照例,仍然eg. He works hard as usual.have a difficult time: have a hard time: 日子不好过have a go

11、od time: 过的愉快difficult: 难以应付的eg. He is a difficult child. 他是个不好管的孩子。time: 一段时间,时期The Greenwood BoysAs usual, thThe Greenwood BoysThey will be trying to keep order.keep order: 维持秩序(order:秩序,规律,治安)It is always the same on these occasions.occasion = time : 时候this occasion; on the(this)occasion.occasion

12、ally adv.sometimes 有时候, 偶尔The Greenwood BoysThey will beKey structures 将来进行时They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club. The Greenwood Boys wi

13、ll be staying for five days. They will be trying to keep order. Key structures 将来进行时They will will/shall be doing1.表示将来某时间正在进行的动作eg. What will you be doing on Saturday? 星期六你会在干什么?2.表示对将来的动作或状态的一种判断和推测eg. The police will be trying to keep order. Ill be seeing you tomorrow.3.用将来进行时提问,显的语气更加客气,礼貌,有诚意eg. Will you be teaching us next term? What will you be doing this Sunday?will/shall be doing1.表示将来某时间正在名词所有格在英语中,特别是表示有生命的名词,可以加s表示所属关系,名词的这种形式我们称之为名词的所有格。 -s所有格的构成方法1.一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加 -s。如:the childs bag 这个孩子的书包 child


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