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1、Konka Research In stitute康佳研究院Product versi on产品版本Con fide ntiality level 密级Project ID 项目 IDTotal pages :共 12页XX Low Level DesignSpecificationXX详细设计说明书Prepared by 拟制Date日期yyyy-mm-ddReviewed byDateyyyy-mm-dd评审人日期Approved byDateyyyy-mm-dd批准日期Authorized byDateyyyy-mm-dd签发日期Konka Research Institute康佳研究院

2、All rights reserved 版权所有 侵权必究Revisio n record修订记录Date日期Revisi on versio n 修订版本Descripti on描述Author作者2001-06-081.00initial初稿兀成name作者名yyyy-mm-dd1.01revised xxx 修改 XXXname作者名yyyy-mm-dd1.02revised xxx 修改 XXXn ame作者名yyyy-mm-dd2.00revised xxx 修改 XXXname作者名Distributio n LIST分发记录CopyHolders Name & RoleIssue

3、 DateNo.持有者和角色分发日期1yyyy-mm-dd2yyyy-mm-dd3yyyy-mm-dd4yyyy-mm-dd5yyyy-mm-ddCatalog 目 录 TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark12 o Current Document 11 ntroduction 简介6 HYPERLINK l bookmark14 o Current Document Purpose 目的6 HYPERLINK l bookmark18 o Current Document Scope 范围6 HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current D

4、ocument 2D etailed Design 详纟田设计6 HYPERLINK l bookmark26 o Current Document Module 1 Detail Design 模块 1 详细设计 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark34 o Current Document Data Description 数据描述 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark40 o Current Document Simple Data Description 简单数据描述; 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark44 o Current Document Struct

5、ure 1or Class1结构1 或类1 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark48 o Current Document Structure 2or Class2结构2或类2 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark50 o Current Document Function Description 函数描述 8 HYPERLINK l bookmark54 o Current Document Fun cti on 1函数 1 8 HYPERLINK l bookmark72 o Current Document Function 2函数 2 9表目录表目录6图目录7Table

6、 of contents for the tableTable 1 XX 表 1 XXTable of contents for the figureFigure 1 XX 图 1 XXKeywords关键词:XX Low Level Desig n Specificati onXX详细设计说明书能够体现文档扌田述内谷主要方面的词汇。Words that will reflect maincontents of the docume nt.Abstract 摘要:List of abbreviations缩略语清单:对本文所用缩略语进行说明,要求提供每个缩略语的英文全名和 中文解释。 Desc

7、ribe abbreviations in this document, full spelling of the abbreviati on and Chin ese expla nati on should be provided.In troduct ion简介Purpose 目的To descript the purpose of this document. In general, LLD specification can be used to guide the cod ing activities directly.描述本文的目的,一般详细设计必须能够直接指导编码活动。Scop

8、e 范围This section should address areas which this document includes and that are specifically excludes.本节应描述文档所包括和不包括的内容。Detailed Design详细设计This sect ion should focus on the descripti on of the detailed desig n of the software en tities that are a part of the software being described by the HLD Speci

9、fication 。.对于在概要设计说明书中给出的软件实体,本节集中描述它们的详细描述 部分。Module 1 Detail Design 模块 1 详细设计Describe data that defined or used in the module, including: simple data i.e. global variable or constant within the module; complex data i.e. class or structure 描述模块中定义和使用的数据,包括:简单数据,如模块级的全局变量、常量;复合数据,如模块内部的类、结构,.;Data D

10、escription 数据描述describe simple variables and con sta nt of the module in sect ion;describe complex data from section, such as class、structure;在2.1.1.1中描述本模块中的简单变量、常量;从2.1.1.2起描述本模块中的复合数据,如类、结构等;Simple Data Description 简单数据描述;describe simple variables、 constant used or defined in this

11、 module;描述在本模块中定义和使用的简单变量、常量;Structure 1 or Class 1 结构 1 或类 1defi ne and describe the Data structure;定义和说明该数据结构;Structure 2 or Class 2 结构 2或类22.1.2 Funotion Description 函数描述Describe the relati on ships of the fun cti ons with in Module描述模块内函数的调用关系Fun ction 1 函数 1Descript the fun cti on as follows;Fu

12、n cti on:/ n ame of fun cti onDescripti on: / fun ctio nality of the fun ctio nCalls:/ function lists which called by this functionCalled By:/ fun cti on lists which call this fun cit onTable Accessed: / tables to be visited/ (on ly for programm which in volved with operati on about database)Table U

13、pdated: / tables to be modified/ (on ly for programm which in volved with operati on about database)In put:/ descripti on of each in put parameter ,/including function description 、 value description ,/ and relati on ships of the parametersOutput:/ descripti on of output parameterRetur n:/ descripti

14、 on of retur n valueOthers:/ other descriptio nsImpleme nt:pseudocode or flow chart can be used here用以下格式描述函数Function:/函数名称Description: /函数功能、性能等的描述Calls:/被本函数调用的函数清单Called By: /调用本函数的函数清单Table Accessed: /被访问的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序)Table Updated: /被修改的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序)In put:/输入参数说明,包括每个参数的作用、取值说明及参数间关系。Output:/对输出参数的说明。Return:/函数返回值的说明Return:Others:/其它说明实现:这里可以使用伪码或流程图2.122 Function 2 函数 2参考资料清单:请罗列本文档所参考的有关参考文献和相关文档,格式如下:作者+书名(或杂志、文献、文档)+出版社(或期号、卷号、公司文档 编号)+出版日期+起止页码例如:D. B. Lees on,A Simple Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum,” Proc. IEEE,pp329-330,


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