新课程中考复习指导英语 第二部分 话题综合运用 话题三 居住环境、世界与环境_第1页
新课程中考复习指导英语 第二部分 话题综合运用 话题三 居住环境、世界与环境_第2页
新课程中考复习指导英语 第二部分 话题综合运用 话题三 居住环境、世界与环境_第3页
新课程中考复习指导英语 第二部分 话题综合运用 话题三 居住环境、世界与环境_第4页
新课程中考复习指导英语 第二部分 话题综合运用 话题三 居住环境、世界与环境_第5页
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1、英语新课程XIN KECHENG中考复习指导-ZHONGKAO FUXI ZHIDAO- 第二部分话题综合运用话题三 居住环境、世界与环境词语风暴来袭名词1. 家2. 家乡 3. 房子4. 地址5. 公寓 6. 院子7. 房间8. 浴室,洗手间9. 卧室10. 厨房11. 大厅 12. 花园13. 大门14. 门 15. 地面16. 窗户17. 玻璃 18. 楼梯19. 墙 20. 楼上 21. 楼下(一)居住环境房屋与住所homehometownhouseaddressflatyardroombathroombedroomkitchenhallgardengatedoorfloorwindo

2、wglassstairswallupstairsdownstairs形容词22. 舒服的23. 干净的 24. 整洁的25. 脏的26. 安静的 27. 吵闹的28. 现代的29. 传统的 30. 大的31. 小的32. 明亮的 33. 简单的(一)居住环境房屋与住所comfortablecleantidydirtyquietnoisymoderntraditionalbig/largesmall/littlebrightsimple名词1. (总称)家具 2. 床 3. 椅子4. 书桌 5. 桌子 6. (长)沙发7. 照相机 8. 时钟 9. 冰箱10. 电风扇 11. 电灯 12. 电梯

3、13. 录音机 14. 电话 15. 电视16. 录像 17. 日历 18. 篮子19. 刷子 20. 蜡烛 21. 炊具22. 杯子 23. 眼镜 24. 手提包(一)居住环境家庭和家具用品furniturebedchairdesktablesofacameraclockfridge(refrigerator)fanlightliftrecordertelephoneTV(television)videocalendarbasketbrushcandlecookercupglasseshandbag名词25. 锁26. 钥匙27. 火柴28. 镜子29. 照片30. 绳,绳索31. 剪刀32

4、. 肥皂33. 工具34. 玩具35. 牙刷36. 牙膏37. 毛巾38. 雨伞39. 手表40. 钱夹(一)居住环境家庭和家具用品lockkeymatchmirrorphoto(photograph)ropescissorssoaptooltoytoothbrushtoothpastetowelumbrellawatchwallet名词1. 建筑物 2. 城镇,城3. 社区4. 物体;物品 5. 项目;工程6. 街区7. 银行 8. 公司9. 教堂10. 电影院 11. 俱乐部12. 农场13. 工厂 14. 医院15. 旅馆16. 市场17. 博物馆18. 公园19. 饭店20. 超市21

5、. 商店22. 剧场23. 桥24. 拐角,角落(一)居住环境城市设施与环境buildingtowncommunityobjectprojectblockbankcompanychurchcinemaclubfarmfactoryhospitalhotelmarketmuseumparkrestaurantsupermarketstore/shoptheatre (美theater)bridgecorner名词25. 中心26. 路;道路27. 街道28. 塔29. 厕所30. (一)排31. 杂乱32. 噪音33. 污染 浪费;垃圾动词35. 建造36. 采;摘37. 种植 污染39. 保护

6、40. 浪费;滥用形容词41. 中心的42. 清新的43. 塑料的(一)居住环境城市设施与环境centre (美center)roadstreettowertoiletrowmessnoisepollutionwastebuildpickplantpolluteprotectwastecentralclearplastic名词1. 世界2. 亚洲3. 非洲4. 美洲;美国 5. 澳洲;澳大利亚6. 欧洲7. 国家8. 英国 9. 加拿大10. 中国11. 法国12. 德国13. 印度14. 日本15. 俄国 英国;联合王国17. 首都;省会18. 城市19. 农村;乡下20. 村庄(二)世界与

7、环境洲、国家和地域级别worldAsiaAfricaAmericaAustraliaEuropecountryBritainCanadaChinaFranceGermanyIndiaJapanRussiaUK(the United Kingdom)capitalcitycountrysidevillage形容词21. 外国的22. 亚洲的 23. 非洲的24. 美国的25. 澳洲的 26. 英国的27. 中国的28. 加拿大的 29. 英国的30. 欧洲的31. 法国的 32. 德国的33. 印度的34. 日本的 35. 俄国的 国家的37. 国际的38. 当地的,本地的(二)世界与环境洲、国

8、家和地域级别foreignAsianAfricanAmericanAustralianBritishChineseCanadianEnglishEuropeanFrenchGermanIndianJapaneseRussiannationalinternationallocal名词1. 地球 2. 自然 3. 环境4. 地域;地区 5. 田地 6. 森林7. 木;木头 8. 高山 9. 小山10. 岩石 11. 洞 12. 地面13. 陆地 14. 石头 15. 河16. 湖 17. 池;水塘 18. 岛19. 海岸 20. 海洋 21. 大海22. 沙滩 23. 冰 24. 沙子25. 水

9、26. 空气 27. 煤28. 油(二)世界与环境自然环境earthnatureenvironmentareafieldforestwoodmountainhillrockholegroundlandstoneriverlakepoolislandcoastoceanseabeachicesandwateraircoaloil动词29. 出现30. 避免31. 着火,燃烧32. 引起33. 改变34. 遮盖,覆盖35. 扔掉36. 死 37. 掘(地)38. 种植;生长39. 伤害40. 冒烟 节省形容词42. 自然的43. 高的44. 巨大的45. 严重的(二)世界与环境自然环境appear

10、avoidburncausechangecoverthrowdiediggrowhurtsmokesavenaturalhighlargeserious短语 到处47. 砍倒48. 爆发 49. 消失,灭亡50. 扑灭,熄灭51. 用完 52. 需要;缺少53. 名胜古迹(二)世界与环境自然环境all overcut downbreak outdie output outrun out ofin need ofplace of interest(三)写作金句我们的行动可以起作用,引领更加美好的未来。 (make a difference,lead to)2. 许多人忘记了拯救地球要从小事做起。

11、(begin with)3. 你离开房间时,可以通过关灯来节省电。(by turning off) Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.Many people forget that saving the earth begins with small things.You can save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room.(三)写作金句4. 你可以骑自行车或者步行,而不是开车上学或工作。(instead of)5. 如

12、果每个人都能为保护环境做贡献,我们将会生活在一个更美好的世界。(make a contribution to sth. /doing sth. ) You can ride your bike or walk instead of driving to school or to work.If everyone can make a contribution to protecting the environment, we will live in a better world.2021备考精练 Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to re

13、ad and learn. They can gain much knowledge by reading books in the libraries. For over 100 years,libraries 1 an important role in Americans education. But how are these book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised to find out. Benjamin Franklin famously founded Americas first

14、lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its 2 development in the American history in the late 1800s. Businessman Andrew Carnegie donated 3 dollars to help build free public libraries across the country. 4 1886 and 1919,Carnegies donations helped build 1679 new libraries. ( )1. A.

15、plays B. is playing C. have playedD. will play( )2. A. big B. the bigger C. biggestD. the biggest( )3. A. million B. millions C. million ofD. millions of( )4. A. Between B. Among C. From D. In语法选择CCDA Carnegie believed that libraries 5 offer the chances to Americans,young and old. He knew that 6 mor

16、e libraries there were,the more people would have opportunities to borrow and read books,speeches and news. If you can easily find a public library in your community,youll get more chances. After all,the United States has 9,225 public libraries. Today,libraries keep 7 . Seven tenths of the libraries

17、 have free Internet access. It provides much more information and chances 8 for jobs online. ( )5. A. needB. couldC. shouldntD. mustnt( )6. A. aB. an C. /D. the( )7. A. growB. growingC. to growD. grew( )8. A. lookB. lookingC. to lookD. lookedBDBC Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of rea

18、ding. The new program “Read! Build! Play!” adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book which is 9 aloud,they use Legos to build images from the story happily. Todays libraries are always looking for creative programs 10 can bring people into the library. Benjamin Franklin once said,“The doo

19、rs of wisdom are never shut. ” As long as the doors of public libraries are open,what he said is most certainly correct!( )9. A. readB. readingC. being readD. been read( )10. A. whoseB. whatC. whoD. thatCD A couple has spent the last 25 years buying 300 acres of deserted farmland and changed it into

20、 wildlife forest. Up to now,the farmland has 1 many kinds of animals and birds. However,this was not the image in 1991 when they came to this part of the country. “When we came here,it was a 2 . The owner could not grow coffee beans(咖啡豆) or anything else here,so he wanted to sell it 3 ,”said Anil. “

21、But for me and my wife,this was what we were 4 in our life.”( )1. A. attractedB. stopped C. soldD. hidden( )2. A. dreamlandB. wastelandC. playgroundD. park( )3. A. carefullyB. secretly C. quicklyD. suddenly( )4. A. talking ofB. thinking ofC. dreaming ofD. hearing of完形填空ABCC The couple had a special

22、love for nature from their childhood. When they came to India,the pollution was 5 and shocked them greatly. “At that moment,we 6 to do something to explore the forests in India. ” said Anil. They sold their property (财产),bought the first 55 acres and began to grow the first forest. Soon,they got the

23、 land nearby as well. “Many of the local farmers considered it 7 to get money from the wasteland,”said Anil. ( )5. A. regularB. unnecessaryC. serious D. unimportant( )6. A. beggedB. hatedC. failed D. decided( )7. A. difficultB. easy C. meaningfulD. excitedCDA A big challenge for them was to stop hun

24、ting and often the locals did not 8 what this couple was doing. Therefore,it required a lot of talking to 9 the idea of protection. They worked with the forest department to keep hunters away. “There are times when we have to fight with hunters. We were even in great danger once,”said Anil. “We hope

25、 what we are doing now will be 10 to animals. ”( )8. A. experienceB. punishC. understandD. promise( )9. A. give outB. put outC. put upD. build up( )10. A. simpleB. helpfulC. honestD. braveCDB阅读理解 Youve probably heard the words “go outside and get some fresh air” before. Breathing fresh air can make

26、us feel more comfortable. However, not everyone in the world has the chance to enjoy it. According to a new study from the World Health Organization(WHO), nine out of every 10 people on the planet breathe polluted air. Polluted air can get deep inside your lungs when you breathe, causing illness, CN

27、N reported. Around 7 million people die every year from breathing polluted air.阅读理解 More than 90 percent of these deaths happen in low-and middle-income countries, mainly in Asia and Africa. Among the worlds 20 most polluted cities, 14 are in India. Some of the biggest sources of air pollution inclu

28、de factories and cars. In some areas, sand and desert, as well as the burning of waste, also cause air pollution. Another large source of air pollution can be found in some peoples homes. More than 40 percent of the worlds population are still using wood stoves or open fires to make meals and heat t

29、heir homes. This creates harmful gases indoors, WHO says. Although this problem is serious, the good news is that the countries are taking action to fight it. India has provided 37 million poor women with clean energy, while Mexico City has created cleaner car standards, The Guardian reported. Maria

30、 Neira, WHOs head of Public Health, said, “China has set a good example to the world in dealing with air pollution. We should learn from China.”( )1.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that .A. the WHO will make a new study about air pollutionB. more and more people have died because of air pollutionC. ai

31、r pollution now is so serious that it harms peoples health D. a great number of people have realized air pollution is seriousD. She wanted to live up to her mothers expectations. ( )2. More than 6.3 million people dying from breathing polluted air might be from .A. AmericaB. MexicoC. Canada D. India

32、( )3. What does the underlined word “sources” mean in Paragraph 5?A.来源B.资源C.浪费D.信息CDA( )4. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Wood burning. B. Low income.C. Air pollution. D. Lung illness.( )5. Whats the writers purpose of writing the text?A. To ask the government to close all the factor

33、ies.B. To advise people to move out of polluted cities.C. To encourage people to use wood stoves to heat homes.D. To call on people to take action to deal with air pollution.CD短文填空 My name is Peter. I live 1. to a forest. I used to love going there to play with my 2. ,but one day there was so much 3

34、. there that I became very unhappy. I decided to 4. the forest. I made my first trip that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes later,my bag was 5. with rubbish. Since that trip three years ago,Ive been to the forest four times a year to 6. up litter. It is certainly everyon

35、es duty to protect the 7. .短文填空closedogrubbish/littercleanfilledpickenvironment As is known to all,nowadays,the green lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. There are many ways to lead a low carbon life. As a student,we can spend more time 8. family and friends,plant more trees,use cloth bags

36、9. of plastic bags and so on. Dont you think its easy to do those things? If everyone10. more about “Mother Earth” and keeps doing those things as a habit in our daily life,the earth will become a safer planet for us to live on短文填空withinsteadcares读写综合 A. 回答问题:请阅读下面每日邮报中有关宠物豪华酒店的文章,根据所提供的信息,回答下列问题。Lu

37、xury Hotel for Dogs There is a newly-opened Bath Country Pets Hotel in Wiltshire,England. It offers five-star accommodation for its four-legged guests. And the owner needs to pay 46 a night for each dog There are underfloor heating(地暖)and dreamy beds. It also has cozy and comfortable rooms with no b

38、ars or wire cages. Whats more,to help the dogs get a good nights sleep,the hotel workers play classical music for them. And if dog owners feel their dogs are a little fat,the hotel can offer weight loss programs. The dogs can also enjoy lots of exercise and games to challenge (挑战)their noses and bra

39、ins in the daytime The Bath Country Pets Hotel was set up by Neil and Emma Edwards. They said,“We have always thought of pet dogs as part of our family. They have been the inspiration (灵感) for us to start our new business. We felt that there was a clear gap in the market (市场空白) for families,like us

40、who have pets. So,we set about creating the perfect place for them to stay. We are trying to make each day for our guests different and fun.”1.What was the name of the hotel?2.How much does the owner need to pay two nights for a dog?3.What can the dogs do in the daytime if dog owners feel their dogs

41、 are a little fat?4.Why do the hotel workers play classical music for dogs?5.Who set up the Bath Country Pets Hotel?The name of the hotel was Bath Country Pets Hotel.The owner needs to pay 92.They can enjoy lots of exercise and games.The hotel workers play classical music for dogs to help the dogs get a good nights sleep.Neil and Emma Edwards set up the Bath Country Pets Hotel.读写综合B. 书面表达:请根据要求完成短文写作。 现代社会,狗狗们都能入住豪华酒店,高品质的入住环境更成了人们的生活追求。假设你是李华,住在季华社区, 请你根据提示以“My Community”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿向大家介绍你所生活的小区。内容包括: 1.


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