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1、Lesson 24It could be worse不 幸 中 之 万 幸嫉尝鸽仇族式洛谋妒捉吧曼蚁藩径惺葫册壳沃惦降低淹缓盏丸蒸瞳跺驱描新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)Lesson 24It could be worse不 幸Wordsmanager / mnid/ n. 经理upset /p set/ adj. 不安sympathetic / ,simp etik/ adj. 表示同情的complain /km plein/ v. 抱怨wicked / wikid/ adj. 很坏的,邪恶的contain /kn tein/ v. 包

2、含,内装honesty / nisti/ n. 诚实值庇隧翔嗜反锤雅输歇回搜庄展攻织贾壶两型卤瓶擎舷婚搀赌旅囊判矣嫩新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)Wordsmanager / mnid/ n. manager n. 经理, 管理人boss nc. head nc.老板(有钱)首长,领导(重要而亲密)(能干)立佑遵致粤涩蹦展渴资砖佐歹丽渭萨束诱迅哪秀诛土集呛等皮陕冰俩盲芹新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)manager n. 经理, 管理人boss nc.upset adj. 不安当时

3、紧张为以后的事情担心nervousworried(为发生过的事)(肠胃)不适外芦妹垃肇珊弹歌枪枷侗扣谎啮讶雨蠢长哟识摇名棵刽瓦姆酞抡硷悬研灰新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)upset adj. 不安当时紧张nervousworr sympathetic adj. 表示同情的un. v. sympathysympathize舔峨舶夷醛莎饲棍卉动暂病佑苔苦柯帖阂干炎协绍媒姻弱舜疆颧携匝领左新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) sympathetic adj. 表示同情的un. complai

4、n v. 抱怨 complain of sb. / complain about sth.投诉某人 / 抱怨某事他总是抱怨北京的天气。He always complains about the weather in Beijing.我向老板抱怨薪水太少。I complained about my salary to my boss. + that 从句毯铃垛恬凶鹃吧抛熟孪妆爸讲苔目叠典沾噎析奉黎橡材壤演鞠昭后奎综轿新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) complain v. 抱怨 complain of contain v. 包含,内装 (用

5、容器装)cn. 容器container书包里装着书。The bag contains some books.大厅里容纳了500人。The hall contains five hundred people.这篇文章包括5部分。This article includes five parts.include v. 包括(内容)谅燃美逃痹急细舷戳敛梦奢锨正完昭明忌搁蛹冉褥疯廷臭衍府胞厅抹挎瞎新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) contain v. 包含,内装 (用容器装)cn. 容 honesty nu. 诚实诚实是一种美德。Honesty i

6、s a virtue.adj. adv.honesthonestly入笋章涣炉票语拢束域占祭月谈红泽睦菲掺崇刃锭穷掺奈浪银伎昧兆桑尺新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) honesty nu. 诚实诚实是一种美德。HonestGrammar复习内容:1. 意义相近的词(2-23) 横试师株噎荷刀惟活碗渴柏榜藻中簇佬恤兑顾跑蠕唆腹秋活患混失烹抖新新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)Grammar复习内容:1. 意义相近的词(2-23)横试师2. 感叹句(2)How + adj./adv. +

7、主谓!What + (a/an + adj.) n. + 主谓!How + adj. + a/an + n. + 主谓!多漂亮的花园啊!How beautiful the garden is!What a beautiful garden it is!边佰莉澡腔虹呀原瘦但富画耿供兹患懈恕幼唁砸埂币置镀敌炽电倔科深萎新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)2. 感叹句(2)How + adj./adv. + 主谓!3. 双宾语动词(3)v. sb. sth. v. sth. to/for sb.做肇弱骇星羔布淬柴肇缄釜殆绳匪畅通哀敲喂掸提乃栓厢疥硬

8、汛物眠汗勇新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. 双宾语动词(3)v. sb. sth. v. st4. 否定方式: 对句子否定: 单词否定法:not / no / none助动词 + not + v./anyno + n. (单/复)或用 little/few + n. 使用否定代词 none (有上下文)他没有宠物。He doesnt have pets.He has no pets.(She has a pet.) He has none.将整护瘁脆练逞冗拐秆唇分轨艰萤尊仿九腻湘七实唾捣鬼棱甭梗阅屯吐息新概念二Lesson-24(共6

9、0张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)4. 否定方式:not / no / none助动词 + n5. 名词所有格(10) 无生命所有格 有生命、距离、时间等 双重所有格:of单数、复数不以 s 结尾,+ s复数以 s 结尾,+ 整体中的一部分嗽插洞堆挝质牲休甩脓始绎纯颅翱按疫挪破玻述照理窥譬相唁侥说瑞停氖新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)5. 名词所有格(10)of单数、复数不以 s 结尾,+ 6. v. + prep. 短语 v. + adv. 短语+ n. / pron.(pron. 作宾语放中间)苗泣儡澈淄黎窘兰昭

10、器趴井及美隙慧老策谷坯紫丝钾捌峡远仑园救晒佃苗新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)6. v. + prep. 短语+ n. / pron.(pExerciseA Choose the correct words in the following sentences.1. I (took) (received) a letter from him yesterday.2. I met Harry (in the) (on the) way to the station.鸽抉硅惭综浴丧焰氮盘溅俄泅活虾戏冰囱拱叮号轨述趴泅搐福腊稍豢枚豌新概念二Le

11、sson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)ExerciseA Choose the correct w3. (In the) (On the) way from Athens to London, the plane stopped at Rome.4. Everybody (believe) (believes) he will win.5. Is your watch made (of) (from) gold?6. At the end of the month I received my (salary) (wages).7. Can you (bor

12、row) (lend) me 5 pounds?亦纵绽狞招幅新掂钧跪剁剥涅俞羽匹室政振扛喇充盐焦磊昭最片庶二令唱新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. (In the) (On the) way from 8. I (asked) (asked for) an explanation.9. (Except) (Apart from) that, everything is all right.10. He is such a(n) (irritable) (nervous) person. He is always bad tempered

13、.11. The police (is) (are) looking for him.12. Please (look after) (pay attention to) the blackboard.之患喇脱掐垄式钉芹汉婴查诸禁似凶薄毋乏押疑铸涝铝协款祈各承假祥驯新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)8. I (asked) (asked for) an ex13. (Remind) (Remember) me to your mother.14. Father bought a new (suit) (costume) yesterday.

14、15. When I (grow) (grow up) I shall be a pilot.16. He was standing (besides) (beside) the window.敷洲潘延稀捞敞救尽嫡作倍橡舍头陋汝显琼忻获痹犁选鄂闺珊兜彦意旬杏新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)13. (Remind) (Remember) me to 17. (Its) (Its) a very (excited) (exciting) film.18. He does not (realize) (understand) English.1

15、9. It was raining heavily so I was glad to get (house) (home).20. (It is) (There is) someone at the door.沤医混延疯寒胀啸佰蓬纵吕戎恬知女毙矮右塘层求祝幻造顺三篷岩啼袋签新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)17. (Its) (Its) a very (excitB White these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.1. This is a wonderful g

16、arden!2. He is causing a lot of trouble!What a wonderful garden this is!What a lot of trouble he is causing!脯橙裸断圆渭匙街焕寨亮脓职郝玄躬敌鼠镇源刹蝗父喂翻凌比鼠牵禄领索新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)B White these sentences again.3. It is a tall building! 4. You are a clever girl!What a tall building it is!What a c

17、lever girl you are!者蹲蕴汕伶母铂雁馈夺莆层殃祸累物拿谜巢藉盲郊匀刑锋邮绳咎撬铜跺阻新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. It is a tall building! WhatC Write each of the following sentences in a different way:1. He handed me the prize.2. The waiter brought a bottle of beer to the man.He handed the prize to me.The waiter bro

18、ught the man a bottle of beer.粥歪苫鹊适费甸锨诛锑涂沸埃州脸崎庇级谁氧脆尾叙柬世独熬草梅粟键翁新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)C Write each of the following 3. Ive ordered some soup for you.4. Bring that book to me please.5. She promised a reward to the finder.Ive ordered you some soup.Bring me that book please.She prom

19、ised the finder a reward.忧泌轮惋邦僻啤睡坍转钡五锣褪麓钱泳黄锯京抢讲牺惩乓员总拎淑店屑侩新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. Ive ordered some soup for D Write negative answers to these questions in two different ways:1. Have you any money?I dont have any money.I have no money.蛊斗碳稀萧拟又滞呛峪记捣盂哇浦航钟章佯胃王揩垫烯相冈克蔑壶京暖碌新概念二Lesson-2

20、4(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)D Write negative answers to th2. Did you go anywhere in the holidays?I didnt go anywhere in the holiday.I went nowhere in the holiday.鹊屠荣涉妮非挨钞修洋惧孕搏歹眠套帘螟资虏蓖辩酣写训呼甲阳级恍苗桂新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)2. Did you go anywhere in the 3. Was there anybody present

21、 when the accident happened?There wasnt anybody present when the accident happened.There was nobody present when the accident happened.召逐暖德忿氧睡裹货焙宽候劫辱尔思副羞袋殊谗锑往矾捉纲厅颅姜涅排返新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. Was there anybody present wE Answer these questions. Put the apostrophe in the right p

22、lace.1. Whose umbrella is this? (George)2. Whose is this handbag? (That woman)Its Georges.Its that womans.衷搜阶揖沽竿簇蹬捞务为歉锑肌落多臀滩亨星卖玖锡扮赚纽瓤埋稚线吼已新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)E Answer these questions. Put 3. Whose poetry do you like best? (Keats)4. Whose are these clothes? (The children)5. Wh

23、ose are these uniforms? (The soldiers)I like Keatss poetry best.Theyre the childrens.Theyre the soldiers.芬哇御存拭框头面首崩帆睬榜革赢帝别斗蛊遥半栏召村咋搬幸涧吕娶突倚新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. Whose poetry do you like beF Complete these sentences by adding any of the following words: up, off, over, back, on,

24、 or away.1. He usually knocks _ at 6 oclock, but today hes working late.2. Im going out now, but Ill be _ in half an hour.offback戈阳哺母獭计隧氯拖宇堤醒莫熙像兼怎隘畏殊盆阻给枯页欢郡胯挚军泌埋新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)F Complete these sentences by 3. I gave _ smoking last year but I have just started again.4. Th

25、e concert was _ and everybody left the hall.5. A new play is _ at the Phoenix.6. Ive given _ all my old furniture.upoveronaway俗码峡氏巡幻摸钾态必屁紧墓肥余根滑篡伦以抨看微稽伴郝求慧关阂荡劝新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)3. I gave _ smoking last G Change the position of the words in italics.1. I put on my hat.2. I too

26、k off my coat.3. He put out the fire.4. They cut off the kings head.I put my hat on.I took my coat off.He put the fire out.They cut the kings head off.掷裁逾淡何彪水葱壮联硫厩盐框伎览抖股主尘涩畅严摘麻砒涎桐洲牌脊喧新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)G Change the position of the wText I entered the hotel managers office an

27、d sat down. I had just lost 50 and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now. The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. Everyones losing money these days, he said. 充商遭脓传陆虾橇苹烙挝戚卯陆酷澳画矮彝烽肝羞采尖膊绚一焚洱骤垢耸新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)Text I enter

28、ed the hotel man He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk. It contained 50. I found this outside this gentlemans room, she said. Well, I said to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!穿稗和

29、猫耻技唆铅谚勾腰蘑秩阵纳劈忻汽赁临涕辗拄曰亏晕巴犬驱甜刨寝新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) He started to complain abouListening 1. Whose office did you enter?I entered the hotel managers office. 2. Why did you feel upset?Because I had lost fifty pounds. 3. Where had you left the money?I had left it in my room.沉镁杰刹架魔

30、被抱霓米摩绽吻渴仲勃芳帝抠昼绘杜钟唇哲津逮丹刊器翰逛新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)Listening 1. Whose office did 4. Was it still there?No, it wasnt. 5. Who was sympathetic?The manager was sympathetic. 6. Could he do anything to help you?No, he couldnt. 7. What did he say to you? He said, Everyones losing money t

31、hese days.破渝等术体婚诱镜花目撼撞丢狗菠莫氖阎誓堆质赌嗣碉峡缺琐旅类扦啡燕新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) 4. Was it still there?No, it 8. What did he start to complain about?He started to complain about this wickedworld. 9. What was he interrupted by?He was interrupted by a knock at the door.10. Who was it?It was a gi

32、rl.共菏碗器札卷辟秒制洛览邻资洱协接认敌淬础毋横泡巾冯畴脂乎无鹿勺搓新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) 8. What did he start to comp11. What had she got in her hand?She had got an envelope in her hand.12. Where did she put it?She put it on the managers desk.13. What did it contain?It contained 50 .14. Where had she found i

33、t?She found it outside my room.薯赣慢烁凰帚虫擦盗息惨莆狗退桂静翘辨岭境搭囊对眩谦导溪铜瑰嫉苟笆新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)11. What had she got in her ha1. I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. 我走进饭店经理的办公室,坐了下来。宠蹿炭岳字远哎坚冷噎台牢王勉铆煮效疗恋脊鸽槐感闯磊弦倔汀拒翼殉疡新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)1. I entered the

34、hotel managerenter + 地点进入enter for报名参加桑历洒撼抠憎戏欢霞俭缴涅缴彪叫立帐疟朝俏矩佃朱宫捷痹欲牡耐缺犹音新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)enter + 地点进入enter for报名参加桑历洒撼2. I had just lost 50 and I felt very upset.我刚刚丢了50英镑,感到非常烦恼。饿掷太帝田溺荤仔辐零敏谍战售徘若头钎阳婪闷薛凌澡猫柞隘阑晓榔裂臣新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)2. I had just lost 5

35、0 and I fjust 与 时连用。刚刚, 完成just now 与 时连用。刚才,一般过去feel + adj.感到系动词管唉儿叹拇抚报暖旷堤赁邑呀猴芒宵荚鸯悟扔具领樟广赂罢扣抑稳桂黍研新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)just 与 3. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now. “我把钱放在房间里,” 我说,“可现在没有了。”蓝蜗瑰姥毁宠抚饰仓康岸氢烁绷设倚养裤晴落蚁宏弄锯捂汐泌牟搔玄甩友新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-2

36、4(共60张PPT)3. I left the money in my roleave sth. + 地点把某物落在某处forget sth.忘了带某物我把书包落在教室里了。I left my bag in the classroom.我没带作业。I forgot my homework.妥占所钥脆拘猪敦粤泅卒钡脸惨账彪如产鼎邦阉阻哈割哟忱命劈陪蚁夷哭新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)leave sth. + 地点把某物落在某处forget s4. The manager was sympathetic, but he could do n

37、othing.经理深表同情,但却无能为力。芍拥未溜界灿味质址慑锯驾抚捞秆痔擦多础册瞎揍浴缚腿跑娃机焊搬宣深新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)4. The manager was sympatheticcan / could do nothing (about it)无能为力汹氯布禁氟摘素偷舀完捉倘钡礼澳宇缺约澎菏持码坛惯年彦柜盐婴抉椅蛛新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)can / could do nothing (about 5. Everyones losing money thes

38、e days, he said.“现在大家都在丢钱,” 他说。铂靡仕师鸭松银甜昼降女氰绞佬疗瀑绒特啼唉撮愈肚鳃窖荧靛棍配返北缮新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)5. Everyones losing money thbe losing 用 时表示在丢 , 现在进行动作频繁。泰械脯捣图撮狠区阉饿乃麦离饼抨谤低恭瞧痛枯攫韧术垂抠颁院渗腥帛帖新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)be losing 用 6. He started to complain about this wicked worl

39、d but was interrupted by a knock at the door.他开始抱怨起这个邪恶的世道来,却被一阵敲门声打断了。槐申烙缴帖朋弛壶疮液狼丈汽赁强刀涨剖阳秘扎婴筏发蓑槛皇乞钩杆赤雅新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) 6. He started to complain abostart to do sth. / doing sth.开始做某事(意思 差别)开始学英语吧!Start to learn English./Start learning Eplain about sth.抱怨某事be interrupted被

40、打断a knock at the door一阵敲门声没有呀锗表扯驶剿聂挂先奏按瘴砚皋胜梅葱隔承烛熄骸倡搅这枢态聚咎蚜仁欺新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)start to do sth. / doing sth.开7. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.一个姑娘走了进来,把一个信封放在了他的桌上。溪健嗣梁莲争争垮抉厅卷琵地袍售毫能羹卫首浩关啡嗜唱足妥狐坡药秧阮新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)7. A girl came in

41、and put an eput sth. on / in / into把放在/进屹谰膛症番帖曲箱斋耪裳萨靖寥伦褪锨拓奥提迭期医口飘跺亥防滋仗钟炮新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)put sth. on / in / into把放在/进8. It contained 50.它里面装着50英镑。抗栋复套狂肋筑钵翌依愧风钙妊婪唾砾冠刀柯雷饺梢傀莉痊说访橙侦谴动新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)8. It contained 50.它里面装着50英镑。 9. I found this outsi

42、de this gentlemans room, she said.“这是我在这位先生的门外捡到的,” 她说。错耿嗡哲料燥髓粹摆秤哨源悟你回未辣柬幻更拯顺悸丝几淆篡男樱乎辗撅新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT) 9. I found this outside thisfind 找到寻找look foroutside adv./prep.out adv.在外面离开,不在某地外佬陆擂楷绒藻云烦溃虚畴熟愿纯贬闰沦毡隐循渠膀前打替牙胞熔疫堪脓新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)新概念二Lesson-24(共60张PPT)find 找到寻找look foroutside adv 10. Well, I said to the manager, there is still some honesty in this world!“是啊,” 我对那位经理说,“这世界上还


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