



1、 4/4一般的自我效能感 一般自我效能感 1. 我对英语非常感兴趣,很有信心能学好英语 (I am confident that I can learn English well.) 6. 我相信自己能够在英语课堂上表现出色。 (I believe I can perform well in the English class.) 13. 偶尔英语成绩的下降不会影响我对自己的英语学习的信心。 (Occasional low scores will not undermine my confidence in English learning.) 18. 在英语考试中,我相信自己能把遇到的难题做

2、出来。 (I am convinced that I can effectively tackle most of the problems in English exams.) 22.我具备了学好英语的各项能力。 (I believe I have the capability to learn English well.) 听自我效能感 2.在课堂上听录音材料时,我相信自己能听出细节内容。 (When doing listening exercise, I believe I can figure out the details.) 7. 听力练习中遇到生词或短语,我自己会积极想办法(如反

3、复听或查阅字典)解决疑难。 (If I meet new words or phrases in English listening practice, I believe I will make use of various kinds of strategies to solve the problems, for example,I will refer to the dictionary or listen again and again.) 11. 我相信自己能轻松听懂英语老师用英语授课的主要内容。 (I believe I can understand foreign teache

4、rs standard and fluent English in conversations.) 16. 我相信自己能听懂水平相当的英语听力材料 (I believe I can understand the English listening materials which are equal to my English level.) 20. 我对自己的听力很有信心。 (I am confident about my ability of English listening.) 说自我效能感 3. 在英语会话中,我能轻松自如地表达自己的观点。 (I believe I can easil

5、y and accurately express myself in conversations.) 8. 我对提高自己的英语口语有信心。 (I am confident about improving my oral English.) 14.在课堂上,我积极参与英语口语活动,不怕自己说错。 (In class, I can take part in oral English activities with no fear of making mistakes.) 19. 在不同的场合,我有信心能正确使用英语与人们交流 (I believe I can properly communicat

6、e with people in English on different occasions.) 25.我积极参与课外的英语活动,相信自己的口语水平会有很大地提高。 (I take active part in English extracurricular activities like English corner for I think it helps to improve my oral English.) 读自我效能感 4. 我对自己的阅读能力很有信心。 (I am confident about my ability of English reading.) 9.我相信自己能运

7、用阅读技巧完成阅读任务。 (Without the help of the reading skills,I believe I can accomplish the reading tasks.) 12.我相信自己能读懂英文报纸的主要内容。 (I believe I can effectively read English newspapers and catch the main ideas.) 17. 阅读时,我能够把阅读内容与自己所掌握的知识联系起来理解。 (I can connect reading content with the existing knowledge for be

8、tter understanding during reading.) 23. 以我现在的英语水平,我觉得读懂英文原著并不难。 (I think its not so difficult for me to read the English literature at my present English level.) 写自我效能感 5我对自己的英语写作能力很有信心。 (I am confident about my English writing.) 10.写作时,我相信自己能把学过的英语知识运用到英语写作中。 (I believe I can apply the learned know

9、ledge to the English writing.) 15. 我相信自己写英语文章时能够合理地把材料组织在一起 (I believe I can reasonably organize materials for English writing.) 21. 在英语写作时,我能恰当地安排文章的框架。 (I am able to arrange the article structure properly in English writing.) 24.我在英语写作中能清楚表达自己的观点和论据。 (I think I am capable of expressing the topic a

10、nd arguments clearly in my English composition.) 任清英英语学习自我效能与自主性英语学习能力的实证研究 王豆娥从自我效能角度探究学习者自主 自主学习 C 1= 对英语学习的态度和积极性 (Students motivation and attitudes towards learning English ) 1我了解英语老师的教学目的和要求。 (I understand English teachers teaching purposes and demands) 6我能把老师的教学目的转化为自己的学习目的。 (I can transfer th

11、e teachers teaching purposes into my own learning purposes.) 13我能积极参与英语课堂上的教学活动。 (I can actively take part in teaching activities in class.) 19英语课上,我能跟上老师的教学进度。 (In English class, I can keep pace with the teachers teaching progress.) 25.我每天课后学习英语时间超过小时。 (Every day I have time for extracurricular Eng

12、lish learning more than 2 hours.) C 2= 对学习目标的制定与规划(studentsgoal setting and plans making.) 3我能根据自身实际制定英语学习目标。 (I can set English learning goals according to my own situation.) 4我能合理规划自己的英语学习时间。 (I can reasonably plan time for learning English.) 5我对提高自己的英语学习有明确的要求。 (I have clear requirements to impro

13、ve my English learning.) 9我明确制定了自己的英语学习计划。 (I can clearly make an English study plan.) 16我主动地根据学习情况调整学习计划。 (I can adjust learning plan according to my learning situation.) C 3=学习策略的使用(Using English learning strategies Effectively.) 2. 在会话练习中,我能有意识地使用交际策略。 (I can consciously monitor the use of commun

14、icative strategies in conversation practice.) 7. 在写作练习中,我能有意识地使用写作策略。 (In the writing practice, I can consciously monitor the application of writing strategies) 12.在阅读练习中,我能有意识地使用阅读策略。 (In the reading practice, I can consciously monitor the application of reading strategies) 14我对学习策略了解比较全面,能合理选择及使用。

15、 (I know learning strategies quite well, and can properly select and implement them.) 15.在听力练习中,我能有意识地使用听力策略。 (In the listening practice, I can consciously monitor the application of listening strategies) C 4=自我监控(Students Self-Monitoring) 8.我能合理地掌控自己的学习时间和进度。 (I can control my own learning time and

16、 progress.) 11.我能自己检查学习计划完成情况。 (I can check the completion of learning.) 17.我能及时纠正学习上所犯的错误。 (I can promptly correct my learning mistakes and 21.我能有意识地对英语学习策略使用情况进行监控。 (I can consciously monitor the use of English learning strategies.) 23.我能克服有碍学习的消极情感。 (I can overcome the negative emotional factors that impede the learning .) C 5 自我评价和调节(Students Self-evaluation and Adjustment) 10我经常对某个阶段的英语学习情况作总结。 (I often make the summary to the English study situation after certain period of study.) 18每次考试后,我会自觉地找差距。 Every time after the English examination, I always ask for disparity consciously.


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