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1、12345Unit 1Language in Use41) harmonious 2) enrich 3) adopted4) intense 5) restraint6) dynamic 7) flexible 8) collapsed 9) exemplified10)6 diversify7851) equate with 2) at the expense of 3) at issue4) is compatible with 5) speak of 6) is embodied in7) be subordinate to 8) in action91011612 Tips13141

2、5161) are consistent with2) be familiar with 3) was confronted with4) annoyed with5) be identified with7) is popular with 8) are patient with6) are ?satisfied with717 Tips18 Explain to students that most synonyms are called relative119 synonyms, which means differences still lie between them.20 Give

3、 students examples such as fat/overweight, laugh/smile, and21 so/therefore to illustrate that synonyms could also be differentiated22 in emotion, intensity, and style.2324 Encourage them to use the dictionary and other resources. Help students to distinguish the synonyms in context.25 1) a) persistb

4、) stick262728292) a) conscious b) conscious; aware3) a) capableb) competent c) able4) a) live5) a) keepb) living c) aliveb) reservec) preserve30 6) a) value b) costc) worth31832 Tips33 Theparallelstructuremakesthetextcohesiveandlendsastrong34 persuasiveeffecttothewritingorspeech.Towriteparallelstruc

5、tures,35 students should use expressions of the same grammatical category. As36 shown in this exercise, prepositional phrases, adjective phrases, noun37 phrases, verbal phrases, clauses, etc. are all of the kind. Try to use38 parallel structures in your translation.2391) 美国人最大的愿望就是过上一种更像儒家式的生活:更重视教育

6、,更尊40 敬老人,个人需求更能服从集体利益,对家人更尽责,在生活中更有礼貌,在41 工作中更努力。422) 这种神圣随处可见,在餐桌前,与家人、朋友一同准备和享用正餐;在43 工作中,与同事和睦互敬;在客人来访时,做一个亲切殷勤的主人;在学习中,44 感恩学习天赋,视“教育”为人生最大馈赠。453) 这种和谐可闻、可见、可感,可闻于音乐之中,可见于餐桌上丰盛的食46 物之中,可感于人与人之间的互敬互重以及自然大道之中。474) 我们所说的和谐生机勃勃而非暮气沉沉,圆融通达而非一成不变,百花48 齐放而非千篇一律。495) 每当我们发现自己在生活中能尊重他人之时;每当我们与世界分享美好50 以

7、遂天意之时;每当我们选择简单而谦恭的生活方式,不在乎他人关注之时,51 我们就是在以自己的方式过上儒家生活。52953 Tips54 Similarly, when translating from Chinese into English, students55 can also keep the parallel structure as shown in this exercise. Pay56 attentiontothedifferencesbetweentheChineseparallelstructuresand57 the English ones.581) A loving

8、person is a person who is kind-hearted, loves himself,59 loves his family and all the other people.602) Harmonybutnotsamenessmeansthatagentleman keeps mutually361 respectful, harmonious and friendly relations with other people.623) The Chinese people observe the Spring Festival in much the same63 wa

9、ythattheWesternersdoChristmas,doingalotofshopping,exchanging64 presents, and having big meals.654) What we need to change is not necessarily our lifestyle, or our66 physical conditions, but rather our attitude toward life.675) ToliveinharmonywithNatureistheunderlyingprincipleofFeng68 Shui, which can

10、 be exemplified in building houses, in designing69 landscapes, and in laying out furniture.7047172 Unit 273 Language in Use74757677787980818283848541) traits2) constantly 3) exception 4) motivate5) more complicated6) proposed 7) convinced 8) executed9) be embraced/embrace10) productive51) associates

11、 with 2) off course 3) tends to 4) a slew of5) stick to 6) sort of7) running through 8) jot down61) runs summer courses2) run for president 3) run tests4) Running a hotel 5) run a washing machine6) run you home7) run a business 8) ran the hot tap786 Tips8788A. 1) local 2) mature 3) complicated4) fre

12、sh 5) downside6) fruitful 7) Optimism 8) static; fixed; diversified58990B. 1) left; wrong4) dark; heavy2) easy; soft 3) weak; faint5) low; deep (low) 6) married; round (return);91 double92939481) 企业家们只关注结果,而经理们却乐意等待,他们相信功到自然成。2) 企业家的短期注意力允许他,甚至可以说促使他进行横向思维。与之相95 反,经理们可以长时间专注于某一主题,他们能够实际上更愿意进行96 线性思维

13、。973) 横向思维对新创企业很有必要,企业家往往在计划执行不顺时改变既定98 方案;而较成熟的企业则要用线性思维,在这样的企业里,要完成任务,就完99 全有必要让成百上千的员工坚决执行计划。1004) 尽管多数A101 B等生确实每方面都能干得像模像样。1021035) 他总能得A等,而我花了两倍的时间还只得了B等。9104 Tips105 Topresentthecomparisonandcontrastrelations,connectivesor106 certain grammatical structures are more commonly used in English th

14、an107 in Chinese.1081) Everyone has ideas, however very few are able to execute them.109 Thats the difference between dreamers and entrepreneurs.61102) Research shows that boys tend to have a shorter interest span,111 while girls are more patient, hence, the former are able to make new112 friends wh

15、ile the latter stick to their lifelong friendships.1133) Tounderstandandappreciateeachotheriswithoutdoubtimportant,114 but still far from enough when it comes to marriage.1154) B-students, though unable to do one thing so perfectly as116 A-students, know much more than A-students and can do many thi

16、ngs well117 enough.1185) Typically, the quicker you adapt yourself to the working119 environment, the more promotion opportunities you may get. On the120 contrary, you get fewer if you complain all the time.1217122123 Unit 3124 Language in Use125 4126 1) available 2) utilize3) commute4) inhabits 5)

17、practically127 6) urban7) inadequately 8) mobility 9) awesome10) practicable128 5129 1) in sync with2) derive from 3) in awe of 4) have an impact on130 5) breaking down 6) caters to 7) was ?preoccupied with8) thanks131 to132 6133 1) popping up 2) heated up 3) pick up4) showed up134 5) dried up 6) sp

18、eed up 7) torn up8) lock up135 7136 vehicle137 train138 bus139 car8140 aircraft141 ship142 bicycle143 sports car144 SUV145 pick-up146 sedan1471481491) liquids 2) instruments3) furniture4) flowers 5) animals6) sobbing; weeping8150 Reference translation1511) 与帕克同龄的孩子还在热衷于看电视、玩电游时,帕克已经在工作了。152 对此,他深有感触

19、。1532) 不断发展的技术正在改变我们的生活方式,其速度之快超乎我们想象。154 3) 她经常改主意。我都不知道她下一刻想干什么。1551564) 中学很快就要结束了,同时,我的童年也就结束了。157 15899159 Reference translation160 1) Anynewtechnology,afterbeingputtouse,willgetoutdatedand161 replaced by newer ones.162 2) Smart technologies are going to be widely used in city163 construction, r

20、eshaping our lifestyle to a great extent.164 3) In the future, people are commuting by flying cars every day,165 leaving housework to robots.166 4) To dealwiththeexistinginadequateinfrastructures,one wayis167 to modify and digitize the municipal public utilities, and the other is168 to build entirel

21、y new smart cities.169 5) Solarenergyisabouttoprovideenergyforsmartcities,inwhich170 the residents use low energy appliances, thus saving on energy171 consumptionUnit 4175 Language in Use1764177 noun verb adjective178 mass mass massive179 contributor180contributioncontributecontributive

22、181 fertilizer182fertility fertilize fertile183 capture184 capturer capture185 thrillcaptive186thrillerthrill thrilling/thrilled187 immunity immunize immune188deliverydeliverdeliverable189 ignorance ignore ignorant190 exploiter11191exploitationexploitexploitive192 investment193 investor invest /194

23、innovator195innovation innovate innovative196 impact impact impacted1971981992002012022032042051) contribute 2) thrill 3) immune 4) deliver 5) fertile6) ignorance7) massive8) invest 9) captured 10) exploit51) putin(tospendalotoftimeormakealotofeffortdoingsth.)2) put off (to change sth. to a later ti

24、me or date)3) fill in (to complete a form, etc. by writing information on it)4) fill up (to make sth. completely full)5) leave off (to stop doing sth.)6) leavebehind(togoawayfromaplacewithouttakingsth./sb.with206 you)20720861) lose your shirt 2) lose your head3) are playing with fire122092102112124)

25、 losing face 5) play games with 6) lost himself in7) play her cards right 8) playing devils advocate7a. 1) 硬币的人头面 2) 领导3) 上座4) 水源5) 思想213 b. 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) c 5) c2148215 Tips216 Have students understand the different ways of expressing217 cause-and-effect relations:2182192202212221) Subordinate c

26、onjunctions: because, as, since, etc.2) Verb+ object(objectiveclause):explainthereason(why),etc.3) Coordinatingconjunctions:for,so,therefore,thus,hence,etc.4) given + noun, seeing (that), considering (that), etc.5) verbs: contribute to, lead to, result in, result from, account223 for, etc.2246) prep

27、osition (phrases): because of, owing to, due to, as a result225 of, thanks to, on account of, for the reason that, as a consequence of,226 etc.2277) adverbs: consequently, accordingly, etc.132288) nouns: reason, cause, factor, etc.229 Reference translation2301) 有大量的创新机遇,可市场却视而不见,因为这样的风险投资往往回报231 甚微。

28、2322) 这就说明了为什么尽管每年有一百万人死于疟疾,但疫苗却至今没有研233 制出来的原因。2342352363) 它能及市场所不能及,从而(为贫困人群)提供安全保障。4) 因担心政治对手紧盯着政府的失误不放,政府不愿冒险。5) 在亚利桑那州的梅萨市,由于改用了智能警务方法,警察部门将犯罪率237 降低了25%。2389239 Tips240 Reference translation2411) Theysearchonlineforthelatestinformationoftransportation,242 hotel, and tourist attractions, even t

29、hough it is not their first trip243 to Europe./Although its not their first trip to Europe, they search244 onlinefor thelatest informationoftransportation, hotel, andtourist245 attractions.2462) Whilewritingachecktoalocalnonprofitorganizationmayindeed247 help some poor people, Bill Gates believes th

30、at catalytic philanthropy248 can better meet human needs and bring positive impact on the market.142493) Hard as the government has tried to help the poor, many things250 are still beyond its reach.2514) In spite of their unique advantages, small businesses without252 innovative ideas and technologi

31、es will have to take greater risks in253 investment.2545) Given (that there have been) technical breakthroughs, it still255 doesnt mean that all the problems can be solved.25615257258 Unit 5259 Language in Use26026141) registration2) lured 3) overflowing4) lengthier5)262 locals2632642652662672682696

32、) paved7) arrays 8) panic 9) dairy 10) sipping51) turn ?against 2) turned down3) turn ?in 4) turned out5) turn over6) has turned up 7) turning on 8) turned off61) someone to take care of her baby2) the key to unlock the front door270 3) two more clients to call2712722732744) the first one to come an

33、d the last one to leave5) a revolver to defend himself6) The decision to increase taxes7) The conference to take place next month162752762777A. 1) down (sad) 2) up (happy) 3) up (more) 4) down (less)5) down (sick)6) up (healthy)7) down (motionless) 8)up278 (motion)2792802819) down (cold)10) up (warm

34、)B. 1) b 2) a 3) c 4) d 5) b 6) a 7) d 8) c8282 Reference translation283每次周日去市场,看到琳琅满目、鲜嫩诱人的瓜果蔬菜和应有尽有的乳制品,284 我都心情舒畅。每次和门厅里的人道声早安,我都倍感温暖。每次外出一天,285 在回家的路上看到窗外超越时间的城市风光,我都心绪宁静。生活在巴黎是那286 么的特别,你会慢慢发现那些游人体会不到的妙处。然而,你将发现你永远不287 可能真正地了解巴黎:这里有太多你从未见过甚至从未知晓的事物,不过,这288 个发现本身也足以让人雀跃不已。28929091) Before you go

35、 to the United Kingdom, you should figure out such291 issuesaswheretofindaccommodation,andhowtoregisterfortheonline292 courses.2932) Almost every day in Paris, I could find new neighborhoods to294 explore, new cafes to sit in, and new galleries to visit.2953) To read is to get to know about the worl

36、d, but to travel is to17296 experience the life.2974) Alwaysbeingregardedasanoutsiderisreallyuncomfortable,and298 she wished not to come back again after graduation.2995) While studying abroad, find a roommate to share the rent if you300 do not care to be disturbed.30118302 Unit 6303 Language in Use

37、3044305 Keys3063073081) isolates 2) more irritated3) remote 4) pulsing with5) creep up on 6) being confined7) vibrant8) broke off5309 Keys3103113121) billed 2) herded 3) framed 4) spot5) floor6) bill 7) frame 8) herd9) spotted10) floored6313 Keys3143153163171) adapted himself to 2) buried himself in 3) lost herself in4) confine yourself to5) has devoted himself to 6)foundmyselfin7) indulge herself in 8) expose


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