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1、高二英语试卷讲评教案高二英语综合检测一(1卷)试卷讲评2015.1.6李炳花Teaching objectives:Knowledge objectives: To master some important words, pluases and sentencesAbility objectives: To stiengthen the leadmg skills andEmotion objectives: To arouse uiteiest and build confidence in English study.Teaching key points: the difficult

2、questions in the text paperTeaching difficult points: the tips of reading and clozeTeaching Procedures:Stepl. Warming up -一 key words in the test paperpositionpiiinaiypreviousxaieoppositeastonishingappreciatevirtuetecluuqueplainbe beneficial to职位;位置主要的稀有的相反的稀有的相反的令人震惊的欣赏,感激美德技巧极普通的对有益Step 2. Reading

3、:Task 1: Discuss the following questionsNo.typereasons21the title question23the fact question24the fact question31the judgment questionTask 2 : Tips of reading:A篇21-主旨大意The text is meant to.A. leave a noteB. send an invitationC. present a document D. cany an adPosition: Volunteei Social Care Assista

4、ntPlace: Mancliestef Hours: Part TimeRole: You will provide.Skills and Experience Required:Tip: Pay attention to subtitles (小标题)23 .一事实细节The volunteers1 primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities.to get some financial supportto propeily protect themselvesto learn some new li

5、ving skillsto realize then own impoitanceBut your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.Tip: Locate the relative information and deal with it properly.A篇广告等应用类文章.先看问题再读文章,带着问题阅读,多注意细节。.一般采取跳读、略读等快速阅读法,快速浏览信息,搜索对比。.关注小标题或者黑体词快速获取大意。Enjoy beautiful sentences in reading ADo you want to ge

6、t home from work knowing you have made a leal diffbcence in someones life?We arc now lookuig for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives!C篇3L-推理判断31. VVhafs the authors attitude towards he scientists1 idea?Tips : 1.判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文。2.善于揣摩作者思路。Translate:A feeling of

7、 being bored, angei; anxiety, tenseness, woiiy, a feelmg of not being appreciated-those are the emotions that tire sitting woikeis.Step 3.Reading七选五Task 1 : Calin yourself. 37 You can take a couple of breaths and think of sometliuig that gives you pleasure: .F. To make your anger die away, tiy a sim

8、ple stress-management teclmique.Task 2: Tips and introduction主要考查:对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。(考试说明)设空位置:.段首(主旨;过渡).段中(分析段中句子之间的关系).段尾(结论;过渡)解题步骤:1)跳读了解大意。一362)快速阅读七个选项,排除不可能的选项。3)先易后难(代入法和排除法;把有把握的划掉)4)重新阅读复查,及时修改。七选五解题方法:.逻辑关系(并列;转折;因果;递进等).提示词语(原词复现、近义、反义词等).句型结构Task 3:现场练兵:Busmess management is a

9、 term used to describe the teclunques of plamiing, diiection, and contiol of the opeiations of a business. Duection is concenied.Planning m business management has three main aspects.Control includes the use of lecoids and reports to compare actual work with the set standards fbi work.2 .There are m

10、any ways to express thoughts and ideas-music, acting,.Being able to conununicate ideas in a meaningfiil way is a valuable skill.We can give kids to think about mateiials.You wont love eveiy subject that you study.And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time your tiy.You will find it

11、 haid to get along with others.You wont get along well with eveiy teacher that you have.Step 4. ClozeTask l:Skim for some key information about the storyWhoWhere she lived/ where she desired to liveHow she feltTask 2: The clue (线索)-Her emotional changes:desired dreamedt wondeifiil and excitingdisapp

12、ouited .so sad and heart-broken .plain and rather dirtyshe realized that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care.7.定居7.定居would do sth desne to do beg sb. for sth. msist on sbs domg turn aiound cheer sb. up settle downNo.考点分析41情态动词would意思44it用法?46动词辨析48动词短语辨析56形容词辨析58动词短语辨析Task 4. Useful expressions in cloze.过去通常做.渴望做某事.向某人恳求某物.坚持让某人做某事.转过头.使高兴Task 5.What message (寓意)can you learn from the passa


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