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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、-Daniel, you _ spread the books all over the floor. It is a rule. -Sorry, I wont.AcouldntBneedntCwouldntDmustnt2、Mr. Green is very strict with his children, and h

2、e _ allows them to watch TV on school days.AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever3、The speech contest, _ is “Man and Nature”, will be held in Room 10 from 2:00 to 5:00 _ the afternoon of May the tenth.Awhich topic; onBwhose topic; onCthat topic; inDthe topic of that; in4、Who is _ young man with long hair?

3、Hes a friend of mine.Aa Ban Cthe D5、I called you several times last night, but there was no answer.Oh, Im really sorry. I _ my mobile phone at the office yesterday.Ahave leftBwas leavingCleft6、He was almost chosen as the chairperson. Its a pity a small mistake cost him the great chance. _.APractice

4、makes perfectBA miss is as good as a mileCNever say bad words about others behindDNo pains, no gains7、-Whats your hobby ? -_collecting balls, I also like different kinds of CDs.ABesidesBExceptCBesideDAbout8、Must I send the email now?No, you. You can do it tomorrow.AcantBmustntCneedntDshouldnt9、Jack

5、is a good friend , and he often comes to our home for a visit.Aof my fatherBof my fathersCfor my fatherDwith my father10、Can you take a _ for Jenny, please?Anote Binformation Cnews Dmessage. 完形填空11、 Last weekend, we had an excellent school trip. We visited a 1 . When (当时) we arrived there, some farm

6、ers 2 us and showed us around the farm. It was really a 3 farm! We spent a long time visiting it. “On our farm, we keep (饲养) animals and 4 fruit trees,” the farmers told us. They also talked a lot 5 farming with us. Then, we did some 6 things. Tom likes horses, 7 he rode a horse. I 8 the chickens be

7、cause I thought the chickens were cute. Alice milked a cow. She said the 9 had the same color as (和一样的) tofu. 10 thought everything on the farm was very interesting. We want to visit it again.1AtownBhotelCparkDfarm2AthankedBwelcomedCtaughtDjoined3AbigBsmallCcleanDdirty4AcutBsellCgrowDbrush5AatBabout

8、CfromDfor6AinterestingBboringChardDeasy7AifBbecauseCsoDbut8AkilledBleftCorderedDfed9AjuiceBsoupCmilkDwater10AHeBWeCYouDShe. 语法填空12、语法填空One sheep, two sheep. 632 sheep. still awake.People always believe that counting sheep1(be) helpful to their sleep. But does it2(real) work?Scientists at Oxford Univ

9、ersity tested it. Two sleep researchers looked at the people who had3(difficult) in sleeping. They divided them4different groups. Then they asked them to try all kinds of ways to help5(they) fall asleep quickly.Surprisingly, it6(take) those who were asked to count sheep more time to fall asleep than

10、 those who werent. But when they were asked to imagine a relaxing picture- a beach, for e7, they fell asleep about twenty minutes8(soon) than before, according to a report in The New York Times.“Sometimes, counting tasks are OK, b9they are thought as stressful by many people,” Dr. Richards told ABC

11、News.“As10result, it may be a good way to try imagining colored fish slowly swimming in a river to help you sleep at night,” suggested Richards. 阅读理解A13、Rock singer Wu Tong says mixing musical styles is not only creative, it also shows that people can live together harmoniously. The track Linglong T

12、ower was Wus most popular piece when he performed in Tianjin, a city with a long tradition of quyi or narrative music.Honored as the Shakespeare of the Asian, Cao Yu was one of the greatest playwrights of 20th-Century China. Sunrise, Cao Yus second play, was published in 1936. Following his first wo

13、rk Thunderstorm, In 1937, the young playwrights third play, The Wilderness, was released. In 1940, Cao Yu completed the writing of his fifth play, Peking Man,A winner of the 2011 LOreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Reng Yonghua says she could not have done it without the backing of

14、her family. As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Reng said she is lucky to have been supported by her family.Joan Chen, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi - whos the next of their ilk? Most agree 24-year-old Liu Yifei is the likely contender to become an internationally Chinese actress.Born to a French-languag

15、e professor and a dancer, Liu received training in dancing, singing and piano as a little girl. She moved to the United States at 10 and spent four years in New York Citys Long Island.Wang Zhiming grew up in a family of instrument makers, but he is the only one who could actually play a violin.Wang,

16、 51, has been making violins for more than 30 years. He grew up around violins and musical instruments. He is the third generation of instrument makers in his family, following his grandfather and father.根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What does Wu Tong do?AA writer BAn actorCA scientist DA singer2Cao Y

17、us second play_was published in1936.ASunrise. BPeking ManCThunderstorm DWilderness3Liu Yifei didnt receive training in _.Adancing, BsingingCviolin. Dpiano4Wang Zhiming has been making violins for more than _years.A30 B51 C24 D145We can see that _.AProfessor Reng Yonghua has two daughters and a sonBZ

18、hang Ziyi is an internationally Chinese actress.CWang Zhimings grandmother and father can make violinsDTianjin is a city with a long tradition of rock.B14、A group of old classmates, who have succeeded in their work, got together to visit their teacher. The conversation soon turned to complaining abo

19、ut the stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the teacher went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and many cups-china(瓷),plastic and glass, some plain(朴素的)looking,some expensive and some lovely.The teacher told them to help themselves to the coffee.When all the stud

20、ents had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said,“Can you notice all the nice looking expensive cups were taken,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source(根源)of your problems and stress.”“What all of you really wante

21、d was coffee, not the cup, but you went for the best cups and were eyeing(注视)each others cups.”“Now think about this:life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position are the cups. They are just tools to hold life, and do not change the quality of life. Sometimes, we just care about the cups, and

22、 we fail to enjoy the coffee. So dont let the cups drive you, enjoy the coffee instead.1What did the group of old classmates get together for?AVisiting their teacher. BSeeing each other.CComplaining about their stress in work and life.2What cups did the teacher give to his students?AAll china cups.

23、BPlastic and glass cups.CCups which are different in price, material and appearance.3According to the teacher, why did they have so much stress?ABecause they paid too much attention on things that were not important.BBecause they caught the main point of the meaning of life.CBecause they concentrate

24、d on (专心)life and enjoyed it.4What is the best title of this passage?ALife Is the Coffee. BCoffee and Coffee Cups. CStress in Your Life.5What can we learn from the teachers words?AWe should learn how to work out problems in our work and life.BWe should concentrate on the appearance of cups.CWe shoul

25、d concentrate on life itself but not other unimportant thingsC15、It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better jobsIn other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education dontIt seems that the purpose of education is to make

26、people get jobsBut this isnt accepted by all peopleSome people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life getting education only for a way of livingThis was probably one of the earliest reasons of educationIn fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people dont need

27、to spend so much time in schoolPeople can get education for a living in a short timeSubjects like History and Geography need not be taught to everyoneEven Language and Mathematics need not be taught in detail, eitherHere it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of liv

28、ingEducation is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a manIt is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilitiesAfter that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of humanEducation is to make a man lead a

29、 better life Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all take an interest in the worldI would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the main reason1People with li

30、ttle education usually _Aspend a long time in schoolBhave a good chance to get a jobCspend the best years choosing jobsDhave fewer chances to get a good job2The earliest education was probably to _Amake a man lead a better lifeBteach a man to write and thinkCmake people get a way of livingDteach peo

31、ple to read good books3It is expected that educated people will be able to _Aaccept education as a way of livingBtake an interest in the whole worldCdevelop their abilities to make playsDlearn subjects like Language and Maths4The passage mainly tells us that _Aeducation should make a man improveBpeo

32、ple can get education in a short timeCpeople should be able to get better jobsDall subjects are so important for a way of livingD16、Helen loved small animals. One morning while she was walking in the forest, she found two weak birds in the grass. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She

33、looked after them with love and the birds both grew well. They thanked her with a wonderful song every morning.But something happened one day. Helen left the door of the cage open. The larger bird flew from the cage. She thought that it would fly away, so she_it. She was very excited to catch it. Su

34、ddenly she felt strange. She opened her hand and looked sadly at the dead bird. Her great love had killed the bird!The other bird was moving back and forth (来回地) in the cage. Helen could feel the bird want to go out. It wanted to fly into the blue sky. At once, Helen took the bird out of the cage an

35、d let it fly away. The bird circled, twice, three timesHelen enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing happily. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her head. It sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard.The easiest way to lose love is to hold too tight. The best way to keep lo

36、ve is to give it freedom.1What was Helen doing when she found two weak birds?ASinging BWalkingCDancing DPlaying2The underlined word “grasped” in the second paragraph means _.A抓住 B控制C保护 D击打3Something happened one day, _ .Athe larger bird was moving back and forth in the cageBthe smaller bird was dead

37、 in Helens handCHelen left the door of the cage open. The larger bird flew from the cageDthe other bird thanked Helen with a wonderful song every morning4Why did Helen let the second bird fly away?ABecause Helen hated the bird.BBecause Helen could call the bird back again.CBecause Helen thought the

38、bird could fly back itself.DBecause Helen realized the bird wanted freedom very much.5What is the best title for this passage?AHow to feed birds. BHelens favorite birds.CHow to keep love. DThe story of the two birds.E17、1The book is suitable for_ATom, 5 years oldBNick, 10 years oldCSue, 7 years old2

39、_ customers like the book very much.A32B2C83Which of the following is NOT true?AIf we want to get the book, we should pay for12 .BThe book was written in English and French.CThere are more than 60 simple recipes show us how to make nice food.F18、阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。Asher Angel, an Americ

40、an child actor, was born on September 6, 2002. He has performed in more than 10 theater Productions in more than 10 theater productions. Most of the time, he is occupied. His workday is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.during the week. “ I go to sleep when I get home, with weekends off,” Asher said. However, he

41、 loves animals and always finds time to help them.Asher and his family became interested in animal rescue( 救援) after their beloved dog, Avery, died from illness. They volunteer at a local animal rescue center called Home Fur Good.Asher walks, feeds and plays with the dogs at the rescue center.In his

42、 home, Asher has three dogs, one cat and two hamsters, and they are mostly rescued pets. He loves all his pets and could not imagine his life without them. His acting work keeps him away a lot, but he loves to play with his dogs(Monet Belle, Harper Belle and Cleo Belle) as soon as he gets home. They

43、 are super excited to see him every time. Asher has a special relationship with Monet Belle. He says, “ Her eyes look like a humans, and I can talk to her. She comforts me when I need her.”Asher showed an interest in acting at an early age and he has a dream of becoming a professional full-time actor in the future.1The underlined word“occupied”is closest in meaning to “_”.AbusyBboredClonely2Avery is the name of Ashers _.AFriendBbrotherCdog3What can we know about Ashers pets?AThey are cats and dogs.BHe has six


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