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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、I can remember well the persons and som

2、e pictures_ I see.AwhichB/CthatDwho2、Xishuangbanna which _ its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.Ais known asBregards asCis famous forDconsiders as3、Ellen, I picked up a white pen under your chair. Is this yours?Oh, yes. Its _. Thank you, Lisa.AsheBhisCmineDyour4、_ our basketball team failed

3、 in the match, we did our bestAButBAlthoughCasDBecause5、Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ACreate.BRealize.CForward.6、Our parents always give us many useful suggestions, however, we sometimes cant understand them _ we get into trouble.AifBwhenCthoughDuntil7、Youd b

4、etter _ too much meat. You are much too fat.Anot eatBeat otherCnot to eatDdont eat8、Chinas first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _ the morning of April 26, 2017.Ain Bon Cat Dto9、-Have you found the information about the famous people _ you can use for the report? -Not yet.

5、Ill search some on the Internet.AwhoBwhatCwhomDwhich10、How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?_ about two monthsAInBForCAmongDDuring. 完形填空11、 How much time do you spend in front of a screen every day? If your answer is about one hour,then maybe you are one of the 1 teenagers in the wo

6、rldScientists did a 2 They asked students aged 13 to 18 how long it 3 them to have fun on phones and computers They also asked about 4 feelings of happiness They found that those who spend more time on their smart phones are unhappier Spend no more than two hours a day on digital media(电子产品), 5 try

7、to spend more time with friends and on exercise These two activities bring greater happiness Jean Twenge, the scientist who led the study ,said1AhappyBhappierChappiest2AsurveyBdiscoveryCtest3AtakesBspendsCcosts4AyourBourCtheir5AbutBandCor. 语法填空12、While 1 (travel) abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank spent almo

8、st all the money he took with him. So he wrote to his brother to send him $ 5000 by bank transfer(汇款) to the Fischer Bank. After a week he 2 (begin) calling at the Fischer Bank. He showed his passport. “Nothing has come for you,” he 3 told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very 4(worry)

9、. He sent an email to his brother, but there was no reply.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested(拘留) for not 5 (be) able to pay his hotel bill(账单). He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He stayed in prison(监狱) 6 sixty days.When he came out, he went immediately to the Fischer B

10、ank. The clerk he spoke 7 was a new man. “Have you received $ 5000 for me?” he asked. “My name is Jackson Frank.”The clerk checked his books. “Yes, Mr. Jackson, its here. It came by bank transfer more than two months ago. We wondered where you were. ” He showed Mr. Frank the order(汇票).The order read

11、, “Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $5000”“But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.” “Oh, thats all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter J, but it s your money.” The clerk laughed. “A human mistake, sir! Were all human beings, arent we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name

12、like Frank 8 (sound) strange to me.”Mr. Frank was in 9 (silent). He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, “A human mistake is that what you call it? I think some humans need 10 (kick).”. 阅读理解A13、Jehdi and Hassan were businessmen and good friends.One day they found themselves in a forest. T

13、hey were tired so they sat down and Jehdi fell asleep.As Jehdi slept, Hassan saw a wasp (黄蜂) coming from his friends nose. It flew toward a pine tree (松树), circled it three times, and then returned to Jehdis nose. When Jehdi woke he said, “Hassan, What a dream! Imagine a big pine tree, like that one

14、 there. A wasp flies around it and its buzz (嗡嗡叫) seems to say, You must dig here. I dig and I find a big box of gold.”“Yes, a strange dream,” replied Hassan. “Why dont you dig around that tree and see if its true?”“My friend, it was just a dream and anyway its too hot to dig.”Hassan said, “If you d

15、o not want to dig, I will. Sell your dream to me.”“How much will you pay?” asked Jehdi.Hassan agreed to pay 300 coins.“Never have I made such a business deal. How nave (天真的) you are, Hassan!”The two friends then went to the pine tree Jehdi had dreamed about. Jehdi stood there with a smile on his fac

16、e to see Hassan start digging. But he laughed on the other side of his face when Hassan dug up a huge box of gold. After this, Hassan had so much gold that he lived a rich life until his death.Jehdi often visited him. He would say, “Well, Hassan, how are you? I have come to see my dream.” They would

17、 pat(轻拍) each other on the back and laugh. But each time Jehdi went home sadly. He could never buy back his dream.1In Jehdis dream, he _.Ais attacked by a wasp Bdigs up a box of goldCtalks with a wasp Dbecomes a wasp himself2Jehdi is not willing to dig because_.Ahe doesnt believe his dream is true B

18、he is lazy and doesnt want to workChe is too rich to care about the gold Dhe cant find the tree from his dream3Jehdi thinks Hassan is _ to agree to the deal.Asmart Bwise Cstupid Dkind4The phrase “laughed on the other side of his face” probably means_.Awas unhappy about something one was once happy a

19、boutBwas excited at something one was once disappointed byClaughed so much that ones face changeDlaughed at other peoples mistakeB14、 You Can Make a Windsock(风筒)Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind? Well, you can make one of your own! This is a fun project that you can do with things yo

20、u may have. You just need to follow a few easy steps.You will need: one piece of heavy colored paper, five ribbons, strong tape, a string and a pencil.What to do:Step 1:Draw pictures on the paper. You can write your name on it. Do anything that will make it special to you.Step 2:Make the paper into

21、the shape of a tube. Hold one of the shorter edges(边缘) over the other. Then make them together with the tape at each end and in the middle.Step 3:Use a pencil to make a hole into both sides of the tube. The holes should be only on one end of the tube. Pull the string through both holes. Then tie the

22、 ends of the string together.Step 4:Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube. Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the ends. Make sure the knots are bigger than the holes.Now your windsock is ready to use, but how does it work? The shape of the tube plays an i

23、mportant part. Wind blows through the tube and makes it fly and dance around. Hold the windsock up in the air by its string and run around. It will fly behind you. You can also hang it outside and watch it dance around on its own!1You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock _.AfunBheavyCstro

24、ngDspecial2What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube?AMake holes in the tube.BTape the tube together.CTie knots in the ribbons.DPut a string through the hole.3What is probably the most important to make a windsock work?AIts shape.BIts size.CThe color of the paper.DThe number

25、 of the holes.4What is the main purpose of this article?ATo tell an interesting story.BTo explain how to do something.CTo teach an important lesson.DTo show what a windsock is like.C15、Bassanio looked at the three boxes, but he didnt read the writing on them. He looked at the gold and silver. “The w

26、orld is tricked by appearances,” he said. “People often hide ordinary things with beautiful gold, silver, and jewels. People always agree with those who speak well, even if they say foolish things. Many people who seem brave are cowards(懦夫). I dont want these beautiful boxes of gold and silver. I wi

27、ll choose the lead(铅) box with its ordinary colour. It speaks more to me than all the gold and silver in the world. Please give me the key to the lead box. Let happiness be mine.” When Bassanio opened the box and saw the picture of Portia inside it, he loved her even more because the picture was ver

28、y beautiful, but Portia herself was even more beautiful than the picture.The writing inside the box told him that he had chosen the right box. It said that he should go to Portia and look into her eyes. She would be his wife. Bassanio could not believe it.“Is it really true? Will you really be my wi

29、fe? I am afraid to believe it until you say so.” Bassanio asked Portia.“Look at me,” said Portia. “I am yours. Everything I am and everything I have is yours. Until now, I was the ruler(统治者) of this palace, master of my servants, and queen of myself. Now the palace, the servants and I are yours. I g

30、ive them to you with this ring. Let it always be the symbol(象征) of our love. If you lose this ring, or sell it, or give it away, it will mean that you no longer love me.1What kind of box did Bassanio choose?AGold. BSilver. CLead. DWood.2What did Bassanio see in the box?AA dead animal.BA picture of a

31、 fool.CA picture of Portia.DLots of jewels.3What did Portia give to Bassanio?AA ring. BA key.CA picture. DA box.4Why did Bassanio choose the lead box?ABecause he didnt like gold and silver.BBecause he knew that Portias picture was in the lead box.CBecause Portia told him to choose the lead box.DBeca

32、use he thought that the world is tricked by appearances and the lead box speaks more to him than all the gold and silver in the world.D16、Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in dangerous places or do difficult jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, the robot mail c

33、arrier, brings mail to a large office building in Washington, DCHe is one of 250 robot mail carriers in the United States. Mr Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, has some advantages as a teacher. One is that he does not forget details. He knows each childs pets and hobbies.

34、Mr Leachim does not make mistakes. Each child goes and tells him his or her name, then dials an identification(识别) number. His computer brain puts the childs voice and number together. He identifies the child with no mistake.Another advantage is that Mr Leachim is flexible. If the children need more

35、 time to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr Leachims lesson over and over again. When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr Leachim off.1The first paragraph of the pass

36、age tells us_Ahuman beings are not as smart as robotsBrobots will take the place of man to rule the earthCwe can only use robots to do some regular jobsDrobots can help people in many different ways2What is the most important thing Mr Leachim can do in his lessons?ATo meet the needs of each student.

37、BTo talk to the students in different languages.CTo keep everyones interest in his lessons.DTo introduce more hobbies to the children.3The underlined word flexible means _ in the passage.Anot strict Bnot hard Csuitable Dchangeable4Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AT

38、here are 250 robot teachers in the United States.BMr Leachim is run and controlled by electricity.CBobby works in a large office building in Washington, DCDThe lessons taught by Mr Leachim are given on a TV set.E17、Have you heard of “Kong Nao”? A new word appears on the Internet recently. In fact, i

39、t refers to some passengers who behave badly by plane and could endanger flight safety. On December 11, on the airline flight from Bangkok Thailand to Nanjing, two tourists conflicted with an_. The male tourist poured garbage in the aisle(过道) and said something bad to the flight attendant. The femal

40、e tourist threw a whole cup of hot water over the flight attendant. At last the plane was forced to turn back. On January 10, 2015, a passenger on Flight MU2036 opened an emergency exit without permission because of dissatisfaction with the flight delay. At last the plane was forced to turn back.The

41、se things not only affect the normal order of flight but also have a bad international influence.The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can take a plane. But many of them dont behave well in public. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the worlds sec

42、ond worst tourists after Americans.If you want to change those bad behaviors and become a civilized passenger, remember to avoid the followings:Dont spit in public or throw away trashes here and there.Never cut in line or snatch bus seats.Dont laugh or speak loudly.Dont take off shoes or smoke in pu

43、blic.Say something polite and do something civilized.Whenever and wherever you are, you need to respect others. In this way, youll win compliments(称赞) for yourself.1Why do more and more Chinese people take the plane?ABecause Chinese people want to see more of the world.BBecause taking the plane is m

44、ore and more popular around the world.CBecause of the growth in the industry and the improvement of living standards.DBecause Chinese people do better and better in public manners.2_ were reported the worst by Living Social website in March 2012.AChinese BThais CPhuketers DAmericans3What does the un

45、derlined phrases “air attendant” mean?A空姐 B护士 C船长 D经理4According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A“Kong Nao” refers to some passengers with good behaviors.BChinese travelers should stop such bad manners as speaking loudly.CFour pieces of advice are mentioned to become a civilized visit

46、or.DOn December 11, 2014, the airline flight had to return because of weather.F18、How to Send and Receive an E-mailDo you want to learn how to send and receive an e-mail? If you want to, please follow these directions.First, turn on your computer and connect to the Internet. Then open your e-mail pr

47、ogram. You can see a picture of an envelope on the screen. Click on that, and a boxwill appear on your screen. This is your e-mail “menu”.How do astronauts have meals?Eating in space is different from eating on the earth. The food that astronauts carry with them doesnt look like the food you eat on

48、the earth.Some food is carried in closed bags. It is cooked and frozen before the astronauts get it. All the water is removed from the food. In the space capsule(太空舱), the astronaut puts the water back. He “shoots” hot or cold water into the food bag with a special gun. He eats the food through a sm

49、all hole in the bag.Other foods come in bite sizes. The astronaut puts a whole piece in his mouth at a time. There can be no crumb(食物碎屑) floating around the capsule. Meat, cakes and cereal often come in bite-sized pieces.Astronauts cant drink water from open cups. The water would float in drops in t

50、he air. The water is put in the special gun. The astronaut shoots the water into his mouth.Eating in space is not easy. Astronauts must learn to eat this way.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What can you see on the screen when you open your e-mail program?Aa picture of a boxBa picture of an envelopeCa pic

51、ture of a menuDa picture of a computer2Where is some food carried in space?Abags.Bplastics.Ccloth bags.Dclosed bags.3How does the astronaut put hot or cold water into the food bag.AThey put hot or cold water into the food bag with a scoop.BThey put hot or cold water into the food bag with a bowl.CThey put hot or cold water into the food bag with a special gun.DThey put hot or cold water into the food


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