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1、New Horizon English Course Book 1(新 视 野 英 语 教 程)Unit 10英语精品课程设计Unit 10Table of Contents Section AWhy Do Girls and Boys Learn DifferentlySection B Different Ways of TalkingSection C Practical Writing: SignsUnit 10Topic Discussion: Gender Difference1. Who do you think are smarterboys or girls?2. Whats

2、 the difference between boys and girls?3. Discuss the chart in the book that list different objects and activities between boys and girls.Section A Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently? Do you believe that only boys do well in science? Does it seem to you t

3、hat girls have better vocabularies than boys? If your answers are yes, you may be right, according to an article in Current Science. While it is important to read things with an open mind, here are some of the articles findings. On average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reaso

4、ning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills. Females, on the other hand, do better on tests measuring vocabulary, spelling, and memory. According to the article, by the time they start school, little girls have an advantage that boys do not have: girls are physically more ready to remember

5、facts, to spell, and to read. These, of course, are skills that are very important as children first begin school. What, then, is happening with boys during their years before starting school? Some people say that society is teaching them to be more forceful than girls. A forceful person is said to

6、be unafraid of questioning others, and to be an independent thinker. What produces such force in little boys? It has long been assumed that it is the result of chemistry in the male body. Scientists today, however, believe that there are other, outside, factors too. They say such force is learned fr

7、om parents. A team of researchers discovered that there are strong differences between how boys and girls are raised: while daughters in their study were often kept close to their parents, sons were encouraged to move on their own and to develop independence. While boys are taught in society to be m

8、ore forceful, and to solve problems themselves, girls, on the other hand, are not encouraged to be this way. Girls, therefore, are often limited to getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys. In todays worl

9、d, most people believe that this situation is wrong, and that there is a solution: if men and women were both encouraged to learn and to solve problems in the same ways, more room would be available in society for new ideas from everyone. Words and Expressions1.do well / badly: advance or perform su

10、ccessfully or unsuccessfully 干得很好/糟糕 e.g. I hope youll do better in the future. 我希望你将来会干的好些。 The company always does badly at this time of year. 公司每年这个时候生意总是很不景气。2.solve: vt. find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解答,解决e.g. Can you solve this riddle? 你能解开这个谜吗? Th

11、e teacher required the students to solve some problems by themselves. 老师要求学生们自己解决一些简单的问题。3. average: n. C the middle value of a set of numbers 平均数,平均 e.g. Every year, an average of 85%of the graduates from our college find jobs as soon as they graduates. 每年,我们学院平均有85% 的毕业生一毕业就能找到工作。adj. 1)mean; midd

12、le 平均的 e.g. The average age of the boys in this class is twelve. 这个班学生的平均年龄为十二岁。2) ordinary; usual 普通的;平常的 e.g. The average man is not interested in this subject. 普通人一般对这题目不感兴趣。 on ( the /an ) average: 平均;通常 e.g. On the average, their school holds an English evening every month. 他们学校平均每月举办一次英语晚会。4.

13、score: v. gain or give a certain number of points in a sport, game, or competition (在运动、游戏、竞赛等中) 得(分),进(球) e.g. He was pleased to have scored the first goal in the game. 他很高兴踢进了比赛中的第一个球。 n. c the number of points, runs, marks, etc. made in a game, competition, sports, etc.(运动,游戏,竞赛等中的)得分,分数,进球数 e.g.

14、 Mary felt ashamed of her final score on the Chinese test. 玛丽为她期末中的中文考试成绩感到羞愧。6.by the time: when; not later than 当时候;在之前 e.g. By the time she came, the class was over. 当她到达时,课已经结束了。 By the time he got there, she had already left. 当他到达那里时,她已经走了。 5. nerve: n. 1) c thing that carries feelings and mess

15、ages through the body 神经 e.g. Caffeine is a substance that stimulates the nerves of the body. 咖啡因是种能刺激身体神经的物质。 2)u courage, determination and self-control 勇气,意志力 e.g. She meant to do it, but she lost her nerve in the end. 她打算就这么干,但最终却失却了勇气。7. advantage: n. C something that may help one to be success

16、ful or to gain a favorite result 有利条件,优势, 优点 e.g. This plan has the advantages of simplicity and ease of control. 这个计划具有简单和容易控制的优点。 e.g. This method has the advantage of saving a lot of fuel. 这个方法具有节约大量燃料的优点。8. assume: vt. 1) believe something to be true without actually having proof that it is; sup

17、pose 假定,假设 e.g. Most people assume that actions speak louder than words. 大部分人认为行动胜于空谈(行动比言谈更重要) Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? 假如明天下雨的话,我们该怎么办? 2) take or claim for oneself; begin to have or use 承担;担任 e.g. You will assume your new duties tomorrow.明天你就要担任新任务。 Sentence Structure: Cleft

18、Sentence “It + be+ 被强调部分+ that / who 分句” e.g. 1. She lost her key on the way to the station. It was on the way to the station that she lost her key. 2. John enjoys playing football. It is John who enjoys playing football.Exercise Rewrite the following sentences, using a cleft sentence to emphasize t

19、he underlined part of a sentence. 1.I didnt get your letter until yesterday. 2. She has bought two tickets for the 7:30 show. 3. Mary enjoys classical music.B. Translate the following into ChineseOn average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and pro

20、blem-solving skills.2. It is the left side of the brain that strongly influences a persons ability to use words, to spell, and to remember.3. As a result, it is easy to understand why little girls often perform school tasks better than boys, especially if the task requires sitting still, obeying ord

21、ers, and accepting the teachers ideas.4. Girls, therefore, are often limited to getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys.Section B Different Ways of Talking Section B (1) Topic Discussion (2) Text &Detail

22、ed Study (3) ExercisesTopic Discussion1. What gifts did you usually get when you were a little girl (or a little boy)?2. Who gave you these gifts?3. Did you like them or not? And why?4. What games did you like when you were a little girl (or a little boy)?5. What did your parents expect you to be wh

23、en you were a little child?Getting the messageChoose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. When Tommy was born, the gifts he got showed that people expected him to be_. A. quiet B. forceful C. cheerful D. weak2. What kind of game does Joy love? She loves to_. A. jump rope B. play bas

24、ketball C. play football D. play table tennis3. What does “every boy knows his place” in Paragraph 5 mean?_ A. every boy knows his ability B. every boy knows his position C. every boy knows his authority D. every boy knows his advantage4. We can find out from Paragraph 6 that girls like to play_ A.

25、in a large group B. in a small group C. with strangers D. with boys5. Tommy becomes popular through_. A. his friends help B. his parents help C. his own ability D. his sisters helpBABBCWords and Expressions1. gift: n. !) C a present 礼物,赠品 e.g. This is a very special birthday gift for me! 2) C a natu

26、ral ability to do something; talent 天赋;才能 e.g. He has the gift of speaking well.他天生能说会道。2. take care of: 1) look after 照顾;看护 e.g. Her grandfather is very old and she is always taking care of him. 她的祖父年纪很大了,她一直都在照顾他。 2) deal with all the work, arrangements, etc. 处理 e.g. Dont worry about your accommod

27、ation-its all taken care of. 别担心你的住宿,已经解决了。 3. bear: vt. (bore, borne/born)1) give birth to 生(孩子)e.g. She has borne ten children in her life, but only two have grown up. I was born in 1979 in the United States. 我于1979年出生在美国。 2) suffer or accept (something unpleasant) without complaining; endure忍受;容忍

28、e.g. I cant bear being kept waiting for a long time. 我真受不了让我等这么长时间。n. C big wild animal with thick fur 熊 e.g. Her little son has a teddy bear. 她的小儿子有一只玩具熊。4. reflect: vt. 1) make clear; be a sign of; show 反映;表现e.g. His behavior reflects his lazy attitude to work. 他的行为反映了他对待工作的懒惰态度。 2) throw back (反射

29、热、光、声等)e.g. The mirror reflected his angry face. 镜子照出他生气的脸。5. compete: v. try to win; try to do better than other people 竞争;比赛;争夺 compete withfor: 为而与竟争;比赛e.g. He is good enough to compete with professional players for the medal. 他技术好,足以与专业球员竞争奖牌。 Mikes company is competing with mine for the market

30、share. 迈克的公司正在和我的公司竞争市场配额。6. take turns: do (sth.) one after another; alternate in 轮流;依次e.g. The children took turns on the little horse. You cant all do it together; you will have to take turns.7. depend on: be supported by, especially with money 依靠;依赖;取决(于)e.g. Mary didnt want to depend totally on

31、 her parents for tuition. 玛丽不想完全靠父母来支持学费。 In a sense what job you will get depends on what education you have. 从某种意义上说,你将得到什么工作 取决于你所受的教育。8. communicate with: share or exchange feelings, information, etc. with 与交流;沟通e.g. To communicate with native speakers is often a good way to learn a foreign lang

32、uage well.9. be concerned with: 1) be interested in; give attention to 关心;关注e.g. Im not concerned with the program at all. 我对这计划一点也不关心。2) be about; cover 关于;涉及e.g. This novel is concerned with a Chinese family in the 19th century. 这部小说是关于19世纪一个华人家族的故事。 10. at birth: at the time when one was borne.g.

33、 I weighed 3,200 grams at birth. 我出生时重3200克。 He was present at the birth of his son. 他的儿子出生时他在场。Using the Right WordFill in the blanks with the words given below. enter complete position circle taste command share bear prove stage1. In 2008, the worlds finest runners will_ Beijings Olympic Games.2.

34、The plan is still in its early _.3. Ive always had a _for the 19th century American literature.4. The captain of a ship _ a heavy responsibility.5. Mary is sociable and has a large_ of friends.6. Janet took _of the situation and got everyone out of building.7. In order to _ her point, she showed them the


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