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1、.3A:This is Tina Lin from HTN news, and we are with Rachel Wu today, a student of Feminist Studies. Rachel, would you say that there is true equality in our society between men and women?B:Thats a good question. On the whole, in most areas, I believe we can speak about real equality between men and

2、women, and that is a very clear sign of social progress. However, the wage gap is still a significant problem: women still earn a lot less money than men who have the same jobsA:Can you give us a specific example of discriminatory wage practices based on sex?B:Most certainly. Research shows that mal

3、e health professionals, such as doctors and administrators, earn twice as much as female workers doing the same jobs full-time.A:Twice as much! That must be an extreme case.B:Yes, on average, the pay gap is just under 10%. An example of such a gap would be hotel management. Male hotel managers gener

4、ally earn 9.8% more than their female counterparts.A:Is there any reason to believe things will improve?B:Yes, there is. In fact, the situation is getting better as we speak. 10 years ago, the pay gap was 16.2%. So in the last decade, there has been an improvement of over 6% - this shows that our so

5、ciety is headed in the right direction.A:Rachel, thank you for speaking with us today.B:Youre very welcome.A:I am reading a compelling book right now. Its called Fire with Fire.Never heard of her.A:Naomi Wolf.B:Really? In what way?A:She is a feminist writer. Female empowerment is one of the major th

6、emes of the book.B:How about you: are you a feminist?A:She wants all women to have a voice that is heard. Like most feminists, she believes in gender equality and equal opportunities for women.B:Language discriminates?B:Whats wrong with that?A:It suggests that women cant do these jobs. Non-discrimin

7、atory language would be terms like: businessperson, police officer or sales representativeB:Yes, I see. That language is much more gender neutral.4A:I just had a tiff with my father.B:Cindy, Im sorry to hear that. What was it about?A:He was asking me about my career plans and I told him that I want

8、to be a housewife.B:A housewife? Im somewhat surprised to hear you say that. I meanwhy would you want to be a housewife?A:Because I value family more than anything else. I guess I just want to spend my adult life making a warm and loving family home.B:So what was your fathers reaction?A:He got angry

9、. He said he was wasting his money sending me to university if my intention is only to become a housewife.B:Do you think he has a point?A:No, not in the least! I mean, I am extremely grateful that he is paying for my studies, but knowledge is priceless its the key to understanding the world around u

10、s. Besides, if I have children, I want to help educate them and get involved with their schooling. And who knows, maybe one day, I might decide that I want to work outside the home and Ill need a degree to show that Im qualified.B:Well, if its worth anything, I support you in your decision. My feeli

11、ng is that people need to take on responsibilities that give meaning to their lives. Becoming a housewife will definitely give you this sense of purpose.A:Thanks Jane. That means a lot to me. Youre a good friend.A:Did you realize that there is a meeting scheduled for 3:30 this afternoon?B:That shoul

12、d be interesting. Our department is made up of seven men and eight women. My guess is that it will be hard for us to achieve a consensus because men and women define success very differently.A:Elsa wants to see what we can do to run a more successful department.B:Not according to an article I just r

13、ead. It says that women see being successful at work as being a good team player and collaborator.A:Isnt the idea of success more or less the same for everybody?B:Well, you are a woman!A:I would agree.B:Men, on the other hand, define being successful at work as being self-sufficient and achieving ta

14、rgets.5A:Julies asked me to go to her wedding I am so excited!B:Julie is getting married thats great news! Please congratulate her on my behalf. What will you wear?A:No idea I cant fit in to any of my fancy clothes. I need to lose weight immediately. Any suggestions?B:The recipe for weight loss is s

15、imple: exercise and a healthy diet.A:But I cant stand exercise! Whenever I go jogging I get bored after 5 minutes.B:Well, try to do fun things. There are many other ways to burn off fat. Get involved in team sports, like volleyball, or group exercise, like aerobics or even something like yoga.A:I su

16、ppose I could try.B:I guess it depends on how much you want to fit into a nice dress!A:Alright. Ill do some exercise, but a diet, no way! I need my chocolatChocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, chocolate brownies its all so scrumptious! The idea of a diet depresses me.B:You dont have to give up choco

17、late completely - just dont overdo it. When you get a craving, eat some fruit or have a salad. Youll feel refreshed!A:Easy for you to say. Youre not a chocoholic!A:Bob, youre looking good. Have you been working out?B:Yeah, Ive started this awesome exercise routine. I feel great!A:Well, you certainly

18、 look trim and fit. Whats the secret?B:Discipline and dedication. I make sure I stick to a routine.A:Can you walk me through it?B:Would love to. Every morning, before breakfast, I do some stretching to loosen up and make sure that I dont pull any muscles during the day. Then I go for a 30-minute jog

19、.A:I see what you mean by dedication.I cant do anything before breakfast.B:Then, before lunch, I hit the gym and do some weight training and cardio work. Its normally a 40-minute session.A:You must work up quite an appetite!B:I certainly do. Then, on my way home from work, I stop by the pool and go

20、for a 1000-meter swim. Swimming is truly the best exercise: it works every muscle, including the heart, and is not hard on the joints.A:Well, your routine is impressive. In fact, if you keep it up, you could probably complete a triathlon.B:Thats my goal!6A:Whats in that bag?B:A tent! I just bought i

21、t I am going camping next month!A:Wow, how exciting! Where to?B:The Amazon. Mark and I are planning a 6-day hike through the rainforest.Well sleep in this tent every night, with the sounds of the jungle as background music.、A:That has got to be the coolest camping trip ever: Ive always wanted to exp

22、lore the jungle! Youll see fascinating birds, reptiles and amphibians!B:I know. Im actually afraid of snakes so hopefully we wont come across too many of them! I am hoping well see river dolphins from the shores of the Amazon.A:Oh yes! Pink Amazon river dolphins those are incredible! Be sure to brin

23、g a camera.B:I will. Ive actually bought a tripod so that I can take good wildlife pictures.A:Great idea. Please do show me your shots when you get back.B:I will. Ill make a slideshow and invite you over for a viewing and, hopefully, some great storytelling!A:I look forward to it!A:What exactly is e

24、cotourism? It seems to be the latest travel buzzword.B:Well, let me begin with a question. In your view, what are some of the negative effects of tourism on travel destinations?A:So please tell me about it: Im all ears!A:Hmm. I guess there are two main drawbacks. The first thing is that tourism poll

25、utes: I recently went to the seaside for the weekend, and couldnt believe how much rubbish from travelers littered the beaches and sea. The second thing is that tourism sometimes disrupts the local cultures and practices.B:These two drawbacks are precisely what ecotourism wants to avoid. For example

26、, TIES The International Ecotourism Societypromotes responsible travel to tourist areas. TIES wants travel to be environmentally friendly and help improve the well-being of local people.A:How can these improvements be made?B:By providing financial benefits and empowerment for local people, and by ra

27、ising awareness on environmental and cultural issues that are important to them.A:I think thats commendable. From now on, I will be an ecotourist!7A:Dr. Wang, do you have a moment? I would like to ask you for some advice.B:Of course, Cindy, what can I do for you?A:I wanted to ask you about idioms. I

28、 have an IELTS test next month and the public IELTS descriptors show that I can get a higher score on the speaking test if I use idiomatic vocabulary.B:Well, using idioms isnt always easy. But I could give you one or two that might be helpful.A:Id appreciate that.B:Hmm, lets see If youre asked to de

29、scribe yourself, you could answer that youre a person who doesnt like to cause problems by saying you dont like to rock the boat.A:Sure, I can remember that. Thank you. Do you have some other suggestions?B:Well, let me think. If you find something to be easy to do, you can say: its a piece of cake.A

30、:Oh yeah, Ive heard that before. Ill try to use that idiom during my test. I could say: speaking English is a piece of cake! Ha, ha!B:Ha! Yes, thats fine. Do make sure that you use these idioms in the appropriate context or they will not make sense.A:I understand. Ill practice lots during the next f

31、ew weeks so that I get the hang of it!A:I am thinking of learning French.B:Ah French, the language of romance and poetry.A:Yes, it is a beautiful language indeed. But I dont want to become a French poet! I plan to learn French to increase my job prospects.B:I dont follow you.A:Well, I am very proud

32、to say that I am bilingual. I speak Chinese and English. But in todays world, to find a good job, its better to be trilingual.B:Trilingual? You mean, speak three languages.8A:Hey Dan, thanks for freeing up time to help me.B:Dont mention it Jane, its no problem at all. So whats up?A:My sister wants t

33、o study in America next year but doesnt know what admissions test to take: SAT or ACT. I thought maybe you could help because you started your university studies in Chicago.A:Yes.B:So why French then?A:It was a tough call: I was thinking French or Spanish, but decided on French because I am interest

34、ed in working in countries where it is spoken.B:Like Canada, Switzerland and Belgium?A:Yes, and also places in Africa, like Senegal or Cameroon, or in Latin America, like Haiti.B:Yeah, of course I can help. Both tests are very different and measure different skills so I think the best choice comes d

35、own to what your sister is good at. Basically, depending on her strengths and weaknesses, she may perform much better on one test than the other.A:Well, she is good at science and wants to study Biology, maybe even Medicine.B:Hmm, it sounds to me like she should take the ACT.A:Why is that?B:Its more

36、 geared towards science students: it includes a science-reasoning test whereas the SAT doesntB:Its more geared towards science students: it includes a science-reasoning test whereas the SAT doesntA:Thats good to know. Who is the SAT better for then?B:Its better for people interested in subjects that

37、 require good problem solving and critical thinking skills.A:Ah, I see; so its a test youd be good at because youre an expert at solving problems, especially mine!A:I am so nervous, Cindy! I have my IELTS test tomorrow.B:Nervous, you? You have nothing to be worried about.A:Youre just saying that to

38、lift my spirits.B:Jane, I am serious: youll be fine.A:What makes you so sure?B:Well, to begin with, your listening skills are terrific, and you have no problems with spelling and grammar. So your listening test should go very smoothly.A:I hope so!B:I also predict strong writing and reading scores. A

39、fter all, your vocabulary is good and you are a coherent, logical thinker.A:Its hard. I just get so stressed before tests. The IELTS interview terrifies me.B:I am just being honest. You need to believe in yourself.A:I sure hope youre right. If you are, lets celebrate by eating out!B:Jane, you are a

40、fluent speaker, who expresses opinions clearly and supports them with good evidence. You will ace the interview!B:Sure, its a deal!9A:Tina, I saw The Kings Speech yesterday. Its a marvelous film!B:I really want to see it. The critics are giving it excellent reviews. Come to think of it, I read somet

41、hing on it just yesterday, which described the film as richly enjoyable.A:I couldnt agree more. The director does a great job of shooting the true-life story of the relationship between King George VI, who was the King of England during World War 2, and his exuberant Australian speech therapist Lion

42、el Logue.B:King George VI needed a speech therapist?A:He sure did. He had a stammer.B:A stammer?A:Yes, he couldnt speak fluently. In fact, he couldnt even complete a sentence without making involuntary pauses or repetitions.B:Can you imagine being King and not being able to speak eloquently?A:No, I

43、cant. But thats whats amazing about this story. His speech therapist helped him become a good speaker. This was necessary during a time of war, when the country needed a clear voice of inspiration.B:Will the film win an Oscar?A:I predict it will. Many perhaps, including Best Actor in a Leading Role.

44、A:Cindy, what are you doing here?B:I just had class. In fact, it was the coolest class Ive ever had! In music, we are studying the history of rock & roll.A:The history of rock? Wow, that is pretty cool.B:Yeah, did you know that rock is already more than 70 years old?A:No way! Are you saying it origi

45、nated in the 1940s?B:Yes, it did. But the interesting thing is that it comes from a combination of other genres of music, like jazz, blues and gospel music.A:That makes sense, cause you can hear jazz and blues rhythms in a lot of rock & roll. Do you listen to music in class?B:Yes, it did. But the in

46、teresting thing is that it comes from a combination of other genres of music, like jazz, blues and gospel music.A:Id love to join the class, it sounds awesome. The only problem is that I cant play an instrument.B:Dont worry, Mark. You can sing.A:OK, Ill enroll today. Incredible Ill be in a rock band

47、!10It is natural for you to be faced with choices in life.My advice is to follow your blissIt means to follow a course in lifethat is most exciting and challenging for youand to follow a directionthat brings you the greatest personal satisfaction.Do you know the story of King Arthurs knights?When th

48、ey set out on their questfor the Holy Grail,each set out alone.Each entered the woodsat the deepest, darkest point,where there was no way or path.If there is a well-worn path,it is someone elses path, not yours.There was a manwho was determined to become a public servant.He ran for legislature and l

49、ost.He ran for Congress and lost.He ran for the Senate twiceand lost both times.After all these failures,he even tried for a political appointmentas a state land officer,something like a Justice of the Peace,and he was flatly rejected.Yet this guy held to his vision of public service,Yet this guy he

50、ld to his vision of public service,The man, of course, was Abraham Lincoln.Look at this guy.At 40, he tried to establish two car companies.Both went bankrupt,and he was flat broke.Yet the automobile was his bliss.By 50, he was the worlds leading automaker,and was well on his way to becoming the firs

51、t billionaire.That man was Henry Ford.Consider the baseball playerwho held the record for many yearsas having struck out more than any ball player in history.In his career, he struck out 1 330 times.Yet what we remember about Babe Ruthis not the 1 330 times he failed,but the 714 times he hit a home

52、run.A:Doctor, I dont feel quite like myself these days. I am under a lot of academic pressure and dont think I can cope with everything for much longer. I need help.B:Jane Im glad youre here. Many students struggle with the pressures of study and dont realize they have a problem until its too late T

53、ell me, why do you say that you dont quite feel like yourself?A:Im sleeping very badly I toss and turn all night long- and I get angry very easily.B:Hmmm, yes, indeed those are both signs of being under too much pressure.A:So what should I do?B:I would recommend the following 3 steps. First, plan go

54、od breaks everyday so that you can clear your mind and recollect yourself.A:How long should a break take?B:10 or 15 minutes is enough. The key is to fill your mind with fresh energy.A:And what are the other two steps?B:The second step is to reduce stress by simplifying the problems or tasks you are

55、dealing with. This will make your problems feel solvable.The third step is to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. This will develop your confidence.s definitely what I need: more self-confidence. Thanks doctor, Ill give your recommendations my best shot.Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Edga

56、r Allen Poe and Shellywere all expelled from school at one point.People are stumblingwhile following their bliss.Where you stumble, stop and smile,for there your treasure may lie.A:Dr. Wang, I am very concerned about my future. Its so difficult for university graduates to find jobs these days.B:Phil

57、, it doesnt have to be difficult. The key to finding a job the right job- is to search intelligently.A:Can you take me through the steps of an intelligent job hunt?B:Step two is to make a list of companies you would like to work for. This helps you establish specific targets. It will give you more f

58、ocus.A:should I do research on the companies on my list?B:That is step three. The more you know about a potential employer, the better. The Internet is your best tool for this. Phil, have you written your cover letter and resume?A:Not yet.B:Well, thats step four. You need to target these to each job

59、 you apply for. Be sure to connect your qualifications to the hiring criteria for the jobs you want. This will maximize your chances of being invited to an interview. The interview is step five.A:The hardest step!B:The easiest step, because by then you will have already done good research on the job

60、 and you will know the company well.A:Thank you, Dr. Wang. I appreciate the tips.11A:Cindy, can you give me your contact details? Last week, I wanted to see if you could attend a Student Union meeting, but didnt know how to reach you.B:Sure Mark. My home number is 253-7600A:253-7600. Thanks! Would y


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