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1、中英文资料外文翻译AC Voltageand Current Sensorless Control of-Three Phase PWM Rectifiers-1 THREE PHASE PWM RECTIFIERSASystemModelingFig 1 shows the power circuit of the three phase PWM rectifier The.-.voltageequationsaregivenbyei v R 0R 000 aaae i v0 b b be0 i vR 1( )ccc where ,and arethe source voltage,the

2、line current, and the rectifierinputvoltage, respectively and are the input resistance and the input inductance,respectively Whenthepeaklinevoltage,angularfrequency,andinitialphase.angle are given, assuming a balanced three phase system, the source phase-voltageisexpressedas1cose 2ae E cos( ) 3 be 2

3、cos( )c2( )3 Where t3( )0A transformation matrix based on the estimated phase angle ,whichtransformsthree phasevariablesintoasynchronous d qreferenceframe,is-2 coscos( ) cos( )23323MMMC sinsin( ) sin( )23234( )MMMTransforming 1 intothe referenceframeusing 4( )( )e R L i v ML R ie v 5( )Mwherepisadif

4、ferentialoperatorand. MMExpressing 5 inavectornotation( )e Ri LJi pLiv6( )Mwhere,e i v 0 1e i v Jeiv1 0 , , ,7( )Takingatransformationof 2 byusing 4( )( )EcoseEsin 8( )Where 9( )MExpressing 6 and 8 in a discrete domain, by approximating the( )( )derivativetermin 6 byaforwarddifference 9 ,respectivel

5、y,( ) 2e(k1) Ri(k 1) LJi(k MLT i(k)i(k1) v(k1)10( )cos ( 1) k Ee(k 1)E ksin ( 1)11( )WhereTisthesamplingperiod. BSystemControlThe PI controllers are used to regulate the dc output voltage and the acinput current For decoupling current control, the cross coupling terms are.-compensatedinafeedforward

6、type-and the source voltage is also compensated as a disturbance For transient.responses without overshoot, the anti windup technique is employed 10 The- .overall control block diagram eliminating the source voltage and line currentsensorsisshowninFig 2 Theestimationalgorithmofsourcevoltagesandline.

7、 .currentsisdescribedinthefollowingsections.2 PREDICTIVECURRENT ESTIMATIONThe currents ofandcan not be calculated instantly since theI (k)I (k)accalculation time of the DSP is required To eliminate the delay effect, a state.observer can be used In addition, the state observer provides the filtering.

8、effectsfortheestimatedvariable.3Expressing 5 inastate spaceform,( )-12( )x AxBuy 13( )where,1 R01LLA B1 00 1R0CL,L,i e v x u ie v , Andyistheoutput.Transforming 12 and 13 intoadiscretedomain,respectively,( )( )14( )X(k (k)(k)Y(k) (k)15( )where, RT1 T 1T0LLF GR 1T 1 TT 0L ,LThen,theobserverequationad

9、dinganerrorcorrectiontermtoisgivenby16( )X(k FX(k)GU(k)KY(k)Y(k)Where K is the observer gain matrix andmeans the estimated“ ”quantity,andisthestatevariableestimatedaheadonesamplingperiod.X(kSubtracting 15 from 16 , the error dynamic equation of the observer is( )( )expressedas17( )e (k1)F KCe (k)rrr

10、rwhereHere,itisassumedthatthemodelparametersmatche (k) X(k)X(k) .rrwellwiththerealones Fig 3showstheblockdiagramoftheclosed loopstate.-observer.The state variable error depends only on the initial error and isindependentoftheinput For 17 toconvergetothezerostate,therootsofthe.( )characteristicequati

11、onof 17 shouldbelocatedwithintheunitcircle.( )4 4 EXPERIMENTSAND DISCUSSIONSA SystemHardwareConfiguration.Fig 5showsthesystemhardwareconfiguration Thesourcevoltageis.a three phase, 110 V The input resistance and inductance are 006 and 33- . .mH, respectively The dc link capacitance is 2350F and the

12、switching.frequencyofthePWMrectifieris35kHz.5 V.The TMS320C31 DSP chip operating at 333 MHz is used as a cessor and two 12 b AD converters are used One of them is dedicated for-/.detecting the dc link current and the other is used for measuring the dc output6voltage and the source voltages a

13、nd currents, where ac side quantities are justmeasuredforperformancecomparison.One of two internal timers in the DSP is employed to decide the PWMcontrol period and the other is used to determine the dc link current interrupt.Considering the rectifier blanking time of 35 s, AD conversion time of 26

14、s,./.andtheothersignaldelaytime,theminimumpulsewidthissetto10s.ExperimentalResultsA.Fig 6showsmeasureddclinkcurrentsandphasecurrents Incaseofsector.V of the space vector diagram, the dc link current corresponds to for theswitching state of and for that of Fig 7 a shows the raw dc link current. ( )be

15、fore filtering It has a lot of ringing components due to the resonance of the.leakage inductance and the snubber capacitor When the dc current is sampled.at the end point of the active voltage vectors as shown in the figure, themeasuringerrorcanbereduced. 7 To reduce this error further, the low pass

16、 filter should be employed, ofwhich result is shown in Fig 7 b The cut off frequency of the Butterworth s. ( ).-second order filter is 112 kHz and its delay time is about 2 sec Since the-.ringing frequency is 258 kHz and the switching frequency is 35 kHz , the. filteredsignalwithoutsignificantdelayi

17、sacquired.Fig 8 shows the estimated source voltage and current at starting Wposed initial estimation strategy, the starting operation is well performed.Fig 9showsthephaseangle,magnitude,andwaveformoftheestimatedsource.voltage,whichcoincidewellwithmeasuredones.Fig 10 shows the source voltag

18、e and current waveform at unity power factor.Figs With the estimated quantities for the feedback control, the control.performance is satisfactory The dc voltage variation for load changes will be.remarkably decreased if a feedforward control for theload current is added,whichispossiblewithoutadditio

19、nalcur rent sensor when the PWM rectifier is-combined with the PWM inverter for ac motor drives.8 ) )4 CONCLUSIONSThis paper proposed a novel control scheme of the PWM rectifierswithout employing any ac input voltage and current sensors and with using dcvoltage and current sensors only Reducing the

20、number of the sensors used.decreasesthesystemcostaswellasimprovesthesystemreliability Thephase.angle and the magnitude of the source voltage have been estimated bycontrolling the deviation between the rectifier current and its model current to9be zero For line current reconstruction, switching state

21、s and measured dc link.currents were used Toeliminate the effectof the calculation time delay of the.microprocessor, the predictive state observer was used It was shown that the.estimationalgorithmis robustto theparametervariation Thewhole algorithm.has been implemented for a proto type 15 PWM recti

22、fier system-. controlled by TMS320C31 DSP The experimental results have verified that.theproposedacsensoreliminationmethodisfeasible.无交流电动势、电流传感器的三相 PWM整流器控制1 三相 PWM 整流器10A 系统模型PWM图一所示为三相整流器的主电路,电压等式给出如下:ei v R 0R 000 aaae i v0 b b be0R i v 1( )ccc图1 e i vR L其中 , 和 分别是源电压,线电流和整流器的输入电压, 和 分别是输入E电阻和输入

23、电感。当已知线电压峰值 ,角频率 和初始相位角 时,假定三相系统是平衡的,则源相位电压可以表达为cose 2ae E cos( ) 3 be 2cos( )c2( )3 其中 t3( )0一种基于估计相位角 的变换矩阵,将三相变量变换成一个同步的,d q坐标m系,这个矩阵是2 coscos( ) cos( )23323MMMMC sinsin( ) sin( )23234( )MM14将( )式变为d q坐标系使用式( )e R L i v ML R i ev 5( )Mp其中 是一个微分算子且 MM115将( )式写成矢量形式e R LJi pi v6( )M其中e i v 0 1e i v

24、 Jeiv1 0 , , ,7( )42用式( )对( )式进行变换EcoseEsin 8( )其中 9( )M68通过前向差分来接近微分的限幅,分别将( )式和( )式用离散域表示e(k Ri(k 1) LJi(k MLT i(k)i(k v(k10( )Ecos(k1)e(k1)( Esin k11( )T 图2 B 系统控制PI控制器是用来调节直流输出电压和交流输入电流的。对于解耦电流控制,交叉耦合项用前馈式补偿,同时,源电压作为扰动的补偿。对于没有过调的暂态响应,anti windup 2 所示。引入-源电压和线电流的估计算法在以后的章节中介绍。122 预测电流估计DSP由于存在计算时

25、间,所以I (k)和I (k)不能立即计算。为了消除延迟的影ac响,可以使用状态监测器。另外,状态监测器可以对估计变量起到滤波作用。5将式( )用状态空间形式表达为12( )x AxBuy 13( )其中1 R01LLA B1 00 1R0CL,L,i e v x u ie v , Y是输出。1213分别将式( )和式( )分别变换成离散领域X(k (k)(k)14( )Y(k) (k)15( )其中 RT1 T 1T0LLF GR 1T 1 TT 0L ,L则加入了误差调整的监测器等式为X(k FX(k)GU(k)KY(k)Y(k)16( )k其中, 是监测器增益矩阵,“ ”是指估计量,X(k1


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