1、Effective and Efficient English Education 张连仲全国基础外语教育研究培训中心 Effective and Efficient EnglisGoing global“The future of English lies in the hands of the Chinese and Indians.” English Next-David Gradoll -English as an international language, as a lingua Franca,the implication:more learners,more varietie
2、s,learning for international communication, not to become native;-information era has made English one of the basic skills for social and personal development;Going global“The future of Eng与时俱进的外语教学思想外语教育有成绩,要发展(历史、辨证地看待外语教学)外语教育的辩证法观点是外语教育,但要遵循语言学习规律外语学习的目标与过程,阶段性发展特点,外语学习的目的是语用能力和人的发展不能脱离语言谈语用,不能脱
3、离语用教语言与时俱进的外语教学思想外语教育有成绩,要发展(历史、辨证地看以人为本的外语教育改革是渐进的过程多样化是方向个性化是根本From E-learning to “I Learning”:Integration,Interaction,Internalization,Independence,Intelligence 以人为本的外语教育改革是渐进的过程外语教育是系统工程(政策设计、管理体制、教学实施、评价改革互相匹配)冷静、平和看待语言教学的发展中的问题多研究问题和解决的方法,“和而不同”还是“同而不和”?外语教育是系统工程(政策设计、管理体制、教学实施、评价改革互 Beliefs Le
4、arning foreign languages helps learners to know better of the other culture, to understand better of their ownLearning a foreign language can enable people to become more open minded and to overcome barriers of communicationEnglish is important for China to implement “opening door” policyEnglish can
5、 help to enhance, strengthen national “soft power” Beliefs Learning foreigKnowledge expands:Aristotle: knows 90% knowledge of his timeNewton: 60% knowledgeDe Vinci: 30% Darwin: 10%We in the 21st century?.Knowledge expands:Aristotle: k 0.002 to 0.004%,And the figure is decreasing, as the amount of kn
6、owledge is increasing at high speed. 0.002 to 0.004%,The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years.The amount of new technical inIts predicted to double every 72 hours by 2010.Its predicted to double everyIt is IMPORTANT TO LEARN AND BE ABLE TO USE AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE IN TH
7、E INFORMATION AGE It is IMPORTANT TO LEARN AND BFrom Knowledge to Knowledge “ Now”ledgeTo create your own knowledge From Knowledge to KnowledgeLearning English means more than knowing the rules and words, it means to learn to use the language TO GET INFORMATION AND FOR COMMUNICATION To think creativ
8、ely,develop your mind and intelligenceLearning English means more th英语教育改革发展方向适应信息社会发展对人才的需求综合语言应用能力-用语言获取信息、处理信息、整合加工信息的能力,英语思维的能力,与世界交往的能力人格塑造和人的可持续性全面发展Effectiveness, Efficiency英语教育改革发展方向高中学生英语能力发展重点根据高中学生认知发展水平和交际需求,高中英语教学特别注重从三个方面培养和发展学生的语用能力:人际交往中得体的使用英语用英语获取和处理信息用英语思维高中学生英语能力发展重点根据高中学生认知发展水平和
9、交Some interesting conceptsCommunicative competence1.grammatical competence (the use of appropriate grammar, vocab and pronun)2 sociolinguistic competence( the use of style,register and intonation in appropriate context and setting)3 discourse competence (cohesion in form and coherence in thought)4 s
10、trategic competence (the use of verbal and non-verbal communication stra)Some interesting conceptsCommuInput-INTAKE-outputInput processing; Patten(1993): 1. Present one thing at a time; 2. Keep meaning in focus; 3. Move form sentence to connected discourse 4. Use both oral and written input; 5. Have
11、 the learner “do” something with the input; 6. Keep the learners processing strategies in mind Input-INTAKE-outputInput proceGeneral Language abilitiesIn order to achieve the aim, students need to learn and develop:language knowledge and communicative functionslanguage skillslearning strategies(lear
12、ning how to learn)cultural awarenesspositive attitude to learning (affect)General Language abilitiesIn oEFFECTIVE,EFFICIENTWho is learning the language?What do they want to learn?Where are they learning it?How are they learning?( 内需与外部条件)EFFECTIVE,EFFICIENTWho is lear外语教育资源 Interesting 趣味Entertainin
13、g 愉悦 Informative 新信息Cross-cultural 跨文化Learners personal experience & requirement 学习者个人经历和发展需求Suitable lexical and Structural level 语言知识恰当Attractive layout 版面安排Suitable for exploitation 可拓展和利用的可能性外语教育资源 Interesting 趣味关于语音语音是一个体系,不止是单音;语音是用来表意的;语音不等于音标,音标是辅助工具;音标和汉语拼音不等值;汉语和英语两种语言的语音表意体系的异同;功能性的语音观点(音
14、位学/音系学)关于语音语音是一个体系,不止是单音;语音是用来表意的;ElisionSchwaSound stress; Word stress; Stress in sentencesIntonation in questions and exclamations; Intonation of mood and feeling; Intonation of question tags; Liaison; Linking sounds in connected SpeechSense groupsRhythmAccents Elision关于词汇记单词但不要记“单”词,也不要“单”记词;在语境、
15、语段中学单词,在体会、应用中掌握单词;单词学习与技能发展的关系;单词的量:记与用的辨证关系;翻译的作用与局限,汉语的单个字与英语的单词,对应?Day,day up?关于词汇记单词但不要记“单”词,也不要“单”记词;关于语法Descriptive or prescriptive grammar?Functional or structural grammar?From formal to functional to humanistic view on grammar learning- why bother to learn grammar?- to know English better;
16、- to express the ideas for communication - to communicate with other people;关于语法Descriptive or prescriptiv功能观的三维英语语法GRAMMAR DIMENSIONSFORMMEANINGUSE功能观的三维英语语法FORMMEANINGUSEDiscovery approach: a learning process of the students with the teachers helpTeacher:Supervisor HelperInformation providerSuppor
17、terPresentation in ReadingOutput(Internalizing)NoticingPracticing (Exercises)SummarizingGeneralizing the rulesFree use in other contextInteracting Student:LearnerDiscovery approach: a learning重视教学过程,提高教学效率有学生有学习过程有交流、互动有逻辑有效果重视教学过程,提高教学效率有学生教学流程设计所有的设计首先要考虑学生的程度和需要,从有利学生学习角度设计学习流程,考虑教学设计和实施的具体目标和逻辑联
18、接考虑学生与教师、学生与文本、学生之间的有效互动真正有效的教学是学生在学习活动中自然顺畅地完成认知和内化;教学流程设计所有的设计首先要考虑学生的程度和需要,Why study skills? Focus on skill developmentSkill(s) use with purpose (Why do I have to use a special skill for the activity?)Questions to check: Is it useful ? Did it work? Did the students behave as I expected?What can I
19、 do to make it more effective? Why study skills? Focus on ski困难与困惑课改目标与现实-发展性目标时间与课程内容量- 转变教学模式教学过程目标与评价目标- 对立统一地区、校际发展的差异性- 普遍存在新课程对教师要求- 提高与发展课改系统化不足- 逐渐推进困难与困惑课改目标与现实-发展性目标Something can be done Introduction and implementation of basic education reform demands study and active practice of the rati
20、onale, concepts and requirements coded in the National English Curriculum Standard; With all the challenges, it is better to adopt the more realistic and positive attitude: to do research to find a way out;Examination, verification, exemplification and integration of learning approaches and learning
21、 models;Something can be done IntroducResearch funding of China BFLE To encourage teachers to do work /job related researchTo support serious effort and attempt to improve language teaching in Chinese schoolsTo clarify on points and issues of relevance for ELT To develop scientific spirit and atmosp
22、here among teachers and researchersTo promote research ability and develop overall quality of the Chinese teachers of EnglishResearch funding of China BFLEAreas of research1 basic foreign language education-policy and decision making2 National English Curriculum - implementation issues3 syllabus and
23、 curriculum management4 learning psychology and learning strategyAreas of research1 basic forei5 Language assessment and testing 6 Teacher development7 Effectiveness of teaching methods and skills 8 Other languages5 Language assessment and testConditions for applicationRead the introductionCondition
24、s for applicationReadPriority listStudy on the practicality and suitability of the National English Curriculum StandardEffective and efficient classroom practiceLearners and learning variablesContext and creation of favourable learning situationValidity and practicality of task based approach Priori
25、ty listStudy on the pracProcess vs product oriented language learningActive and passive vocabulary Grammar and grammaring, a more functional viewTeacher development along with Implementation of new curriculumProcess vs product oriented laTesting and assessment: general designing principles and techniques More open and subjective test against multiple choice type of objective testProficiency vs achie
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