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1、2023语文局部(90 分)10330在每题给出的四个备选项中,只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求的,请将其选出。未选、错选或多项选择均不得分。以下各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是。A.(ni)(q)长(si)顿开B.(n)(zhu)(yn)身不恤C.(n)水(png)沱D.(mi)(p)漏(nn)解纷辗转心仪精捍萧瑟依次填入以下各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是。劳动合同是劳动人民与用人单位之间劳动关系,明确双方权利和义务的协议。着轻快的翅膀。坏习惯就应当有意识地抑制掉。煽动可是煽动而扇动可是扇动而夜晚,天安门城楼的灯光灿辉煌,更显得雄伟壮丽。这件产品深受宽阔消费者所欢送,由于它确实是质优价

2、廉。纪念先生诞辰 150 周年图片展在首义博物馆盛大举办。登临黄鹤楼远眺长江对岸,我高声朗读了古人诗句:“晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲”!教师亲切地问董晶晶:“你妈妈的病好了没有,你的作业做完了没有?”A.四周静极了,只有山泉在弹奏着叮咚的琴声。C.一群天真活泼的红领巾唱着校歌走在绿色的田野上。D.观看不如他的人,他总是把尾巴翘的很高。下面的文学、文体常识表述不正确的一项为哪一项。 白话写的自由体诗,旧体诗是指诗消灭前封建文人创作的诗。等是现实主义的代表,屈原、白等是浪漫主义的代表。由于的词的句子长短不一,所以也称为“长短句”。中颔联和颈联都要求对仗。阅读下面的文言短文,完成 810 题。太

3、后曰:“朕之知卿,师德所荐也,亦可谓知人矣。”仁杰出,叹曰:“娄公盛德,我为其所包涵久矣,吾不得窥其际也。”对以下语句中加点词语的解释,不正确的一项为哪一项 颇轻师德问仁杰曰D. 仁杰出乃:是既:已经,之后以下语句中加点“之”的用法不同于其他三项的一项为哪一项 狄仁杰入相也C. 数挤于外B. 师德实荐D. 太后觉以下对娄师德的评价,不符合原文的一项为哪一项 虚心勤勉B.为人宽厚C.举贤荐能前嫌二、综合题本大题共7小题,共30分4为将能谨守边陲,贤则臣不知。请将下面的句子改成被动句。4 分13.仿写下面一句话。4不经过敲打,燧石不会闪出火花。14.阅读下面的诗歌,然后答复以下问题。6于长安归还九

4、月九日行薇山亭赋韵江总 (北)注南朝诗人。亡,入长安,仕于隋。后辞官南归,此诗写于南归途中。这首诗抒发了诗人什么样的感情?3 分31517 题。对才华盖世的东坡来说,这算是他最简洁的诗,一点也不稀奇,但是读到这首诗时,我的心深深抖动,由于隐在这简洁诗句背后的是一颗宏大而细致的心灵。蛾的生命呀!情。比起这首诗,我们是多么粗俗呀!过着平凡单调的日子,而无法在生命中找到一些非凡之美。我想起一首杜牧的诗,可以和轼这首诗相配:15.文中“微细的爱”是什么样的爱?请简要概括。416、作者为什么看重这种“微细的爱”?4A.引用轼诗作开头,印证题目,引出下文。运用反衬手法,以爱的微细衬托轼的宏大。用一些人的粗

5、俗与轼的心境比照,突出微细的爱的贵重。三、写作题1,3045030数学局部90分四、选择题本大题共6小题,每题5分,共30分在每题给出的四个备选项中,只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求的,请将其选出。未选,错选UU1假设全集为U x| 2 x 4A x|1 x 2,则空集是任何一个集合的真子集;集合A与B,则A B是AB A的充要条件.2 x4;A2B3C12D13不等式|1x3|1的解集用区间表示为2A1,3B4,88,)3,)C(,18,)3,)以下三个结论中正确结论的个数是假设sin 0,且tan 0,则角 在第四象限; 2y 10的倾斜角为135;2;终边一样角的同名三角函数值一样.A3B2

6、C122以下四个函数中在定义域为非奇非偶函数的个数是1f (x) x22f (x) x-23f (x) x(x2 1)4f (x) x3 1A0B1C223假设向量a (2,1与b (2,3),(a b)(a =A-8B-6C6D8x+3y+3=0P(2)的直线方程为A3x y-50C3x-y 10B3x+y-7 0D3x y 503 (8)263 (8)210.064312023)0 lg0.01ln 1 2023e21的定义域用区间表示为ln(5x 9)5假设向量ab与向量 a25,则b=.在等比数列a中,假设a a 5,且前四项的和S15 ,则a =.n13451236应写出文字说明,证

7、明过程或演算步骤。解答以下问题:设 为第四象限的角,且cos( ) 1 ,求tan 的值;53化简:sin(-)cos()tan(2) cos1sin7sin()tan( 2)1sincos解答以下问题:在等差数列ana=-5, 且a242a 6 0.6求a 与公差d ;4110S10;4nS0n的最小值 .( 4n解答以下问题:l1:2x-y+1 0,l2:2x+3y 3 0,l33x-4y 7 0lP.21P的坐标;21ll3平行且经过点 P,求直线 l的一般式方程;4 分推断lC:x2 y2 2x4y 1 0的位置关系.6英语局部30 分七、选择题10220多项选择均不得分。I pref

8、er to let people makeown decisions .A. themB. theyC. their D. theirsItisagoodideatosendtheseclothesandbookspoor areas .A. toB. byC. atD. forthe children inIt is reported that this winter isin resent years .A. warmB. warmerC. much warmD. the warmestMum ,a big hole in my trousers , Could you mend it f

9、or me ?A. it is B. there isC. where isD. which isLastsummerwewentonatriptoBeijing.Amongwere the Great Wall and the Summer Palace .A. aB. theC. anD. /placeswevisitedThese clothesfor daily use , so you can wear them wherever you go.willdesignare designedD. designed Can you repair the computer accordin

10、g to the? No problem .A. interviewsB. inventionsC. invitationsD. instructionsVirginia ,people .A. thatB. whatThecupboardwasit into pieces first .issaidtobequitebeautiful,isthehomeofmanyfamousC. which D. whobigfitthroughthedoor,sowehadtotakeA. too toB. so asC. as asD. so thatWeallthinkthatMariaisanin

11、terestingpersonasweher so far .A. will hear B. heardC. hearD. have heard八、阅读理解5210a lot about未选、错选或多项选择均不得分。People already know that regular exercise is important for controlling weight and avoiding a variety of health conditions . But it can also improve your academic(学术的) performance . Its well wo

12、rth the effort to schedule exercise into your daily life .So how does exercise improve academic performance ?Researchers have discovered that the students who exercise regularly at least increases the ability of students to pay attention , and improves their academic performance .Exercise causes thr

13、ee human changes in what people think and do .Exercise requires time management .Researchersbelievethatstudentswhodontscheduleatimetoexercisetendtobeunstructuredandalsodontscheduletimetostudy.Thatiswhygymclassin high school was so important ; it was practice for the real world .Exercise relaxes stre

14、ss .Several studies have proven the link between exercise and stress . Exercise afewtimesaweekreducesthestresslevelsResearchersexplainthatthesereductions are very important to college students . Stress hormoneshold back memoryproductionandyourabilitytosleeptwokeythingsneededtoscorehighonexamsExercis

15、e makes you have a better sleep .Exercise leads to a better quality of sleep . Better sleep means moving your studies from short term to long term memory . That way , on test day you rememberthat tiny fact that gets you those scoresyou need .For a learner 5 or 10 minutes to de exercise during the da

16、y could make a bigdifference in your academic performance .According to the passage , people realize that regular exercise can help us.A. control our weightB. reduce daily aelivitiesC. keep living conditionsD. avoid all kinds of illnessesThe passage tells us that students who exercise regularly.A. grow tallB. become richC. jump highD. score highWhat is a bad result of stress hormones ?A. Poor memoryB. Low stress levelsC. Unsulfured gym classD. Little link between exercise and stressAccordingto the passage , a good sleep can help students.remember their studies clea


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