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1、威廉和玛丽接受1The Period of Revolution and RestorationTHE 17TH CENTURY十七世纪资产阶级革命和王朝复辟时期21. Historical Background:The 17th century was one of the most tempestuous(动乱的 )periods in English history.Absolute monarchy impeded the further development of capitalism in England.I. Background:3The kings believed in

2、the theory of the divine right of kings(君权神授), the peoples parliament represented by the puritans believed in the divine right of the individual conscience(个人判断是非的神圣权利). 4There were long struggles mainly between the peoples parliament and the throne. 5The contradictions between the feudal system and

3、 the bourgeoisie(中产阶级 ) resulted in a great revolution which had a deep influence upon English literature at that time. 62. Literary Characteristics: a. The puritan influence in general tended to suppress literary art. (The puritans believed in simplicity of life and disapproved of the sonnets and l

4、ove poetry written in previous period.)b. The flourish of the metaphysical school(玄学派) endowed poetry new and startling forms.7c. Restoration(复辟时期)created a literature of its own that was often witty and clever, but on the whole immoral and cynical. d. The French influence is most marked in the dram

5、a.The rimed couplets took the place of blank verse.(押韵的对句取代了无韵诗)83. *Representative writers:John Donne(约翰邓恩): a poet of the metaphysical school John Milton(约翰弥尔顿) : a great poet and prose writer John Bunyan(约翰班扬 ) : a prose writer9II. John Donne (1573-1631)102) his father was a well-to-do ironmonger

6、3) at the age of 11, entered Hart Hall4) admitted to study law as a member of Lincolns Innborn in London to a prosperous Roman Catholic familyBack1. His Life115) in 1598, appointed private secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton6) reluctantly entered the ministry 7) appointed Dean of Saint Pauls in 1621, a

7、post until his death 8) in 1623, died at 5812邓恩是十七世纪英国玄学派诗人,为TS艾略特特别推崇,于其中布罗茨基和这位久远年代的异国诗人 . 年来,学者们对约翰 邓恩 (15721631)的兴趣大增,尤其是现代派诗人艾略特对他更是推崇备至。邓恩曾就读于牛津和剑桥两所学校,但未获任何学位。尽管他从其父处继承了一笔钱,但远远不能使他经济上获得自立。他不善经商,不得不以另一种途径在这个世界上立足。他只得依靠智慧、幽默、情趣、学识、勇敢以及别人的恩惠。他广泛阅读了神学、医学、法律和古典著作,因此在写作中,他有时显示出其不凡的学识、机智和幽默。 邓恩曾在欧洲大

8、陆游历。也曾是宫廷中潇洒倜傥、前途无量的绅士。1598年,他被任命为伊丽莎白宫廷中最重要的一位爵士的私人秘书。他的仕途似乎一片光明。邓恩也能够逢迎那些达官贵人。但是1601年,他的人生出现了重大转折。他与一位17岁少女秘密结婚,由此毁了自己的大好仕途。二人虽婚姻美满,但他上层的朋友们对他耿耿于怀,不肯原谅他。那们爵士解除了邓恩的职务,并命人逮捕、拘禁了他。获释后,邓恩不得不干各种差使,以供养妻儿。30多岁的邓恩已风光不再,他疾病缠身,穷困潦倒,郁郁不乐。 132. Literary position: the founder of the * Metaphysical School (It r

9、efers to the poets who appeared in England at about the beginning of the 17th century. The representative poets are John Donne and George Herbert )14- satires- elegies- lyrics- epistles3. His writing forms:15 - extraordinary frankness - penetrating realism - cynicism 4. *His writing features: 16- ex

10、travagant hyperboles- conceits: extravagant figures 5 His writing techniques:176. Close reading of “Song”a. a cynical love poemb. composed of 3 stanzasc. the rhyme of each stanza is *a b a b c c d d dd. the theme: the doubt of the existence of true love and sincere lover18III. John Milton (1608-1674

11、)191. His Life1) 1608,born in London2) educated at St Pauls School and then at Christs College, Cambridge 3) spent six years at leisure in his fathers home 5) traveled in France and Italy in the late 1630s 4) in 1635 the Miltons moved to Horton, Buckinghamshire 206) returned to London in 1639, and s

12、et up a school 7) served as the secretary for foreign languages in government 8) arrested as a noted defender of the Commonwealth 9) spent the remaining years of his life in Burnhill Row 10) died in 1674 in Chalfont, St. Giles, Buckinghamshire Back21Literary Career 1. Before the Revolution Hes son o

13、f the humanists and Elizabethans. Works of this period were the true offspring of Renaissance. 2. During the Revolution He began a long period of pamphleteering for the Puritan cause. 3. After the RestorationIts the greatest period in his literary life. Humanist and Puritan were fused into an entity

14、. 222. *Literary position:a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century a great master of blank verseHe towers over his age as Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan age and as Chaucer towers over the medieval period.233. Paradise Losthis masterpiecethe greatest English epic poemin 12 booksin blan

15、k versethe story: see textbook24254. The Plots of Paradise Lost 3. The creation of the Garden of Eden and the first man and woman2. Their defeat and expulsion from Heaven 1. The rebellion of Satan and his fellow angels 267. Upon his return to hell, Satan and his followers are turned into serpents6.

16、The exile of Adam and Eve from Paradise 5. Satans temptation of Eve4. The fallen angels in hell plotting against God4. The Plots of Paradise Lost 27将夏娃交给亚当站在云端的上帝同时拉着亚当和夏娃的手,将世界的第一个女人交给第一个男人2829the theme: the heroic revolt against Gods authority3. Theme of Paradise Lost“a revolt against God”, “to ju

17、stify the ways of Godto men”A Puritans revolt against the establishedDoctrine of the Catholics and the Anglican Church30Paradise Lost Book INine times the space that measures day and nightTo mortal men, he with his horrid crewLay vanished, rolling in the fiery gulfConfounded though immortal. But his

18、 doomReserved him to more wrath; for now the thoughtBoth of lost happiness and lasting painTorments him; round he throws his baleful eyesThat witnessed huge affliction and dismayMixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate.31 大约九天九夜,那是根据人间的计算, 他和他那一伙可怕的徒众, 虽属不死之身,却与死者无异, 沉沦辗转在烈火的深渊中; 这个刑罚却反激起他更深的愤怒,

19、 既失去了幸福,又饱受无尽痛苦的折磨。 当他抬起忧虑的双眼,环顾四周, 伴随他的是莫大的隐忧和烦恼, 交织着顽固的傲气和难消的仇恨。32* Image of Satan: a real hero, the mouthpiece of Milton He is the real hero with the unconquered will and couragenever to submit or yield.2. It is he who makes man revolt against God. 3. He is the spirit questioning the authority of

20、 God. 4. He represents the proud and sombre political passions of the persecuted Republicans after Restoration. 33 Importance the greatest English revolutionary poet of the 17th century 2) wrote the greatest epic in English literature, with Shakespeareregarded as two patterns of English verse 34 4)

21、a great stylist, famous for his grand style 3) a master of the blank verse, first used blank verse in non-dramatic works 35John Bunyan1628-168836JohnBunyanLike Milton, Bunyan is a remarkable figure in the 17th century English literature. While Milton voiced the Puritan ideals for the educated class,

22、 Bunyan spoke for the common people. 371.Life:(1) puritan age; (2) poor family; (3) parliamentary army; (4) Baptist (基督教)(主张全身浸水的)浸礼教徒) society, preacher; (5) prison, writing the book.38Bedford Jail392.John Bunyans Works1.(Grace Abounding , 1666) 功德无量2.(The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 1680) 败德先生传3.

23、(The Holy War,1687) 圣战4.(The Pilgrims Progress ) 天路历程40 41 Analysis: The Pilgrims Progressa man clothed with rags standing in a certain place ,with his face from own house ,a book in his hand and a great a burden upon his back .I looked ,and saw him open the book ,and read therein ;and as he read ,he wept and trembled ;and ,not being able longer to contain ,he brake out with a lamentable cry, saying ,”what shall I do”一个人穿着破烂的衣服,站在一个地方,背对着自己的房舍,手里拿着一本书,背上负着一个沉重的包袱。我正看着,只见他打开书本一边阅读,一边流泪,全身颤抖,后来情不自禁地伤心起来:我应该做点什么?42Analysis: The Pilgrims Progress1、The Pilg


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