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1、新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍2以人为本, 以教学为中心, 以大纲修订版 为基础, 以教学手段的改革为思路, 以质量为保证, 以特色求发展, 以上一个新台阶为目标, 积极应对高教大发展, 教育国际化带来新挑战。新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍3一、新视野大学英语体现以人为本,以教学为中心,提供多种媒体为教学服务,为教师学生全方位服务。新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍4一、新视野大学英语体现以人为本,以教学为中心,提供多种媒体



4、课程,包括以本课程各知识点为单元的开放式网络课件库;建设若干既能为开展案例课程教学提供必需的教学资源,同时也为网络课程建设提供丰富的优秀教学素材的案例库;建设一批既能够满足网上测试需要,又能够用于校内教学诊断地试题库。新世纪网络课程建设工程的成果将用于若干所大学网络教育学院的现代远程教育试点,校内和校际之间的网上选课以及学分的承认,支持发达地区高等学校和西部地区高等学校通过网络教学进行对口支援。 教育部高等教育司二000年五月二十五日抄送:各有关省、直辖市教委、教育厅,国务院有关部委教育司(局)教高司【2000】29号新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍71

5、公共课类 使用对象:研究生、本科、专科 1.1 马克思主义哲学原理 1.2 马克思主义政治经济学原理 1.3 毛泽东思想概论 1.4 邓小平理论概论 1.5 法律基础 1.6 思想道德修养 1.7 英语 1.8 大学数学(微积分、线性代数、概率论与数理统计)新世纪网络课程建设工程部分项目附件一:1.7 英语新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍8现代远程教育资源建设技术规范(试 行)教育部现代远程教育资源建设委员会二000年五月新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍9关于“新世纪网络课程建设工程”第二次项目评审结果征求意见的紧急通

6、知上海交通大学: 根据教育部“关于新世纪网络课程建设工程第二次项目申请的通知”(教高司【2000】51号)文件的精神,教育部现代远程教育资源建设委员会办公室于2000年12月组织有关专家在北京进行了“新世纪网络课程建设工程”第二次申请项目的评审工作。评审专家组对申请项目的学科水平、已有工作基础、技术路线、开发队伍和项目经费及“样例”等内容进行了严格的评审。您校如下项目通过了本次评审,根据专家意见对项目做出调整,调整结果如下:教远委办【2001】2号序号项目名称申请人支持方式建议拨款(万元)要求完成时间1大学英语郑树棠经费支持252001.12至2002.22材料科学基础蔡 旬政策支持03计算机

7、通信网薛 质经费支持64工程热力学童钧耕政策支持05流体力学丁祖荣经费支持86生命科学导论张惟杰政策支持0新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍10新世纪网络课程建设工程项 目 合 同 书工 程 名 称:新世纪网络课程建设工程工程执行单位(甲方)执行单位法定代表人:项 目 名 称: 项目承担单位(乙方)项 目 负 责 人: 项 目 起 止 时 间: 九、共同条款第一条 新世纪网络课程建设工程是国务院批准的教育部面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划重点工程之一现代远程教育工程的重要内容,由教育部组织实施。合同编号:秘级:新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEn

8、glish总体介绍11各有关高等学校:根据“新世纪网络课程建设工程”项目管理办法和项目合同书要求,教育部现代远程教育资源建设委员会办公室研究决定于2001年10月下旬组织对“新世纪网络课程建设工程”第二批项目阶段检查。为保证这次阶段检查取得良好的效果,使项目保质、保量完成,本次阶段检查将严格按照项目合同书进行管理,加强工程化的意识。阶段检查的重点是对网络课程的进度、教学内容进行检查,对软件质量进行测试。教育部现代远程教育资源建设委员会办公室二一年 月 日附件二: “新世纪网络课程建设工程”第二批项目阶段检查顺序(第一会场)关于“新世纪网络课程建设工程”第二批项目阶段检查的通知教远委办【2001

9、】 号序号项目主持人主持人单位时间安排1法律基础吴红瑛浙江大学11月2日上:10:0010:25 2思想道德修养徐建军中南大学3大学英语郑树棠上海交通大学4军事理论张正明西安交通大学新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍12三、新视野大学英语完成项目单位参加单位(12所学校)上海交通大学、清华大学、东北大学、哈尔滨工业大学、同济大学、北京师范大学、华东理工大学、北京理工大学、北方交通大学、上海大学、上海师范大学、北京工业大学等新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍13三、新视野大学英语完成项目单位国外顾问:Dr. Frank Bo

10、rchart (美国)Dr. Joyce A. Wilkinson (加拿大)Ramesh Krishnamarthy (英国)国内顾问:胡文仲杨惠中汪榕培新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍14四、新视野大学英语新视野大学英语读写教程在选材上注重趣味性、信息性、可思性、时代性和前瞻性,题材广泛,内容丰富,主要涉及语言,文化,习俗,伦理,信息,科学,社会焦点等等。每一个单元侧重于讨论某一个话题,但三篇课文的体裁却不尽相同,体现文体的多样性。课文绝大部分选自20世纪80、90年代出版的英美报刊书籍,也有新世纪刚刚问世的作品。 1、选材新视野大学英语NewHori

11、zonCollegeEnglish总体介绍15四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book I)Book 1, Unit 1Topic: Online Learning, Language LearningA. Learning a Foreign Language学外语B. Keys to Successful Online Learning网络学习的成功秘诀C. Teaching Children at Home孩子在家就学 Book 1, Unit 2Topic: Generation GapA. A Busy Weekday Morning一个繁忙的早晨B. P

12、arent Talk父母的对话C. Teenage Talk青少年的对话Book 1, Unit 3Topic: Feeling Between PeopleA. A Good Heart to Lean On可依赖的 “好心” B. The Right Son at the Right Time 关键时刻的真儿子C. Love of Life热爱生命新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍16四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book I)Book 1, Unit 4Topic: Body Language A. How to Make

13、 a Good Impression如何给人留下好印象B. Body Language形体语言C. Gestures姿势Book 1, Unit 5Topic: About AIDSA. The Battle Against AIDS与艾滋病抗争B. The Last Dive at the Olympics在奥运会上最后一次跳水C. International Joint Efforts Against AIDS国际合作与艾滋病的斗争Book 1, Unit 6Topic: Understanding Between PeopleA. The Widow寡妇B. The Trashman垃圾

14、工C. My Moving Experience我的搬家体验Book 1, Unit 7Topic: Gun CrimesA. Face to Face with Guns在手枪胁迫之下B. Should I Have a Gun?我应持枪吗? C. A Bank Robbery一起银行抢劫案新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍17四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book I)Book 1, Unit 8Topic: Big IdeasA. Birth of Bright Ideas闪光思想的产生B. Ways of Increas

15、ing Creativity提高创造力的方法C. Great Ideas奇思妙想Book 1, Unit 9Topic: Looking into the FutureA. Looking to the 21st Century展望21世纪B. Trends for the 21st Century21世纪的趋势C. Lifestyles of the 21st Century 21世纪的生活方式Book 1, Unit 10Topic: Honesty and not CheatingA. Being Honest and Open做坦诚的人B. Web Site Resources: Th

16、e Best Aid for Cheating?网上资源:最佳的作弊辅助手段? C. How not to Cheat?怎样避免作弊? 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍18四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book II)Book 2, Unit 1Topic: Culture ShockA. Time-Conscious Americans时间观念强的美国人B. Culture Shock文化冲突C. Two Years in the United States在美国度过的两年Book 2, Unit 2Topic: Envir

17、onmentA. Environmental Protection Throughout the World世界各地的环境保护B. Green Spaces in Cities城市的绿色空间C. Earth a Living Planet地球 一个有生命的行星Book 2, Unit 3Topic: Mixed MarriageA. Marriage Across the Nations跨国婚姻B. Rich Meeting His Future-Mother-in-law里奇拜见未来的丈母娘C. Finding a Marriage Partner寻找婚姻伴侣Book 2, Unit 4To

18、pic: ImmigrationA. Studying Abroad 到国外求学B. Experiences in Exile流放的经历C. My First Day Abroad在海外的第一天新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍19四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book II)Book 2, Unit 5Topic: The Elder Generations Concern for the Young A. Weeping for my Smoking Daughter我为女儿抽烟哭泣B. Stop Spoiling your

19、 Children别再宠坏孩子C. What is in Lauries Mind? 劳里在想什么?Book 2, Unit 6Topic: How Do People Look at Me?A. As His Name Is, So Is He! 人如其名B. Judge by Appearances以貌取人C. The Pain in Wearing High Heels 穿高跟鞋的痛苦Book 2, Unit 7Topic: Coping with Life StressA. Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life减轻你的负担并拯救你的生命B. Are

20、You a Workaholic? 你是个工作狂吗?C. How Well Do You Handle Daily Stress? 日常压力你应付得怎样?新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍20四、新视野大学英语Reading and Writing (Book II)Book 2, Unit 8Topic: JobsA. Theres a Lot More to Life Than a Job人生的意义重于谋生B. What Youngsters Expect for Life?年轻人对人生期望什么?C. What Is Life to Be When ou

21、t of Work?失业之后人生的含义是什么? Book 2, Unit 9Topic: Brain DrainA. Brain Drain人才流失B. Borderline Insanity边境线上的荒唐事C. A Thread Through Time贯穿时间的长线Book 2, Unit 10Topic: WarA. Reports on Britain Under the Bombs英国挨炸的报道B. Forty-Three Seconds over Hiroshima广岛上空的43秒C. Narrow Escape死里逃生新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish

22、总体介绍21四、新视野大学英语大学英语教学大纲修订版明确规定“培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译的能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。”新视野大学英语全面贯彻了阅读为第一层次的要求,阅读是掌握语言知识,新视野大学英语以阅读为中心,全面提高听、说、写、译等能力的基础。2、以阅读能力为主,全面提高听、说、写、译的能力。 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍22四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1Topic: Online Learning, Language LearningA. Learning a Foreign Language学外

23、语“Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort.”“My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had

24、 a kind and patient teacher who often praised allof the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years.”阅 读新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍23四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1A

25、. Listening (在阅读课文中出现的内容、词组等均以听力练习的形式再现。)1 . Understanding Sentences1. My experience with a foreign language is both challenging and rewarding.2. This positive class environment makes me eager to answer the teachers questions.2. Understanding Passages In order to learn a foreign language well, it is

26、 necessary to get over the fear of making mistakes. If the major goal of language use is communication, the mistakes are second in importance and may be dealt with bit by bit as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner

27、may notice how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions are different from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Chinese speaker who has been saying “Ill do it” to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by communicating with native spea

28、kers, realize that native speakers actually say “Ill do it,” when they mean “right now.” The resulting gap can serve as a base for the student to change his way of using the present form in English. But a student who is unwilling to communicate in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn

29、 better.听 说新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍24四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1B. Speaking (充分利用阅读课文内的内容和语言素材,组织学生练习说的能力。练习形式有回答问题、讨论、做summary, speech等等。)Discussing the TextSpeaking Task 1 Think again about the text you have read in Passage A. Can you tell the class about its main idea? Please have a tr

30、y!C. Listening & Speaking (仍然围绕A篇课文的内容进行听、说综合练习。)Listening passage:男 Jackson: Im not too bad - still struggling to learn some Chinese. But thats why I have such a good friend like you, because you can help me女 Shen Li: Yeah, I suppose so. But do you know that I feel the same about my English classes

31、. I feel frustrated and intimidated by the teacher and the lessons.男 Jackson: The thing is to understand that a new language takes practice, patience and discipline.男 Jackson: Another thing. When you learn a foreign language, it is difficult but the rewards of knowing another language are unbelievab

32、le.女 Shen Li: Thanks. Youre such a good help. Now shall we order some beers or what? Then, the next would be something like note taking, questions, discussion, etc. 听 说新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍25四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1Translate the following sentences into English.1. 用英语与外国人交谈是非常有益的体验,

33、从中我们能获益不少。Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything. Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insights into another culture, and my

34、 mind was opened to new ways of seeing things. 翻 译新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍26四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1Succeed in Language LearningI am proud to say that I succeeded in learning a foreign language. I practiced all the time. I carried a little dictionary with me everywhere I went, as well

35、as a notebook in which I listed any new words I heard. I also took care to meet minimum standards set by the course and to finish assignments on time. Through years of hard work, I finally reaped the benefits of all that hard work.写 作新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍27四、新视野大学英语新视野大学英语所有栏目和练习的编写,均紧

36、扣着课文进行。语篇分析、写作、阅读技能、完形填空等素材全部取材于课文。我们认为课文是最佳的语篇分析的素材,写作的范本,也是阅读技能分析,进行操练的素材。 3、Text Structured Analysis, Reading Skills, Story/Essay Summary 等项目与课文阅读融为一体 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍28四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1课文素材Passage A (Paragraphs 1-3)Learning a foreign language was one of the most diff

37、icult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort. My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of th

38、e students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years. When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was

39、 very different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted, “No! No! No!” It didnt take me long to

40、 lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English.3.1 语篇分析与写作A Paragraph of Cause and Effect 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍29四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1Text Structure AnalysisPara. 3 Whe

41、n I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incor

42、rectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted, “No! No! No!” It didnt take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. 3.1 语篇分析与写作A Paragraph of

43、 Cause and Effect 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍30四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 13.1 语篇分析与写作: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect Para. 3The topic(话题) of the paragraph My learning experience in senior middle school is different from before.When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue st

44、udying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before.The causeWhile my former teacher had been patient with all students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking

45、it up and down, shouted, No! No! No! The effect:It didnt take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. The CauseThe Effect新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍31四、新视野大学英语实例:

46、 Unit 1, Book 1X. Now please read Paragraph 2 to find out the similar cause-and-effect relation there and fill in the chart(图表)below.Para. 2 My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all

47、 of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years.3.1 语篇分析与写作A Paragraph of Cause and Effect 新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍32四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 13.1 语篇分析与写

48、作: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect Para. 2The topic of the paragraph My learning experience in junior middle school.My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class.The causeThe effect:The CauseThe Effect新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍33四、新视

49、野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 13.1 语篇分析与写作: A Paragraph of Cause and Effect Key:Para. 2The topic of the paragraph My learning experience in junior middle school.My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class.The causeI had a kind and patient teacher w

50、ho often praised all of the students.The effect:Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years.The CauseThe Effect新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍34四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1XI.

51、Here are some topics for you to choose from to write your own paragraph showing a cause-and-effect relation. One has a few more details(细节)that you can follow if you choose.Topic: Succeed in Language LearningKey for reference(参考):I am proud to say that I succeeded in learning a foreign language. I p

52、racticed all the time. I carried a little dictionary with me everywhere I went, as well as a notebook in which I listed any new words I heard. I also took care to meet minimum standards set by the course and to finish assignments on time. Through years of hard work, I finally reaped the benefits of

53、all that hard work.写 作新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍35四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1XII. Now read the following sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words and expressions. Use context clues, word-formation clues, your knowledge of the subject and your knowledge of the wor

54、ld to decide which of the synonyms provided is the closest match. Do not count on the New Word List because these words have been purposely chosen outside of the list.1. Many different people find that the online method requires them to use their experiences and that online learning offers them a pl

55、ace to communicate with each other. This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that hinder some students in expressing themselves.A. the online method B. a place for online learningC. a place to exchange opinions D. the experience for online learning3.2 阅读技能Reading Skills (Section B) (

56、Section A)(Section C)Finding out Word Meanings新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍36四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1a) I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mis

57、takes. (Para. 2, Passage A, Unit 1)b) When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave

58、incorrect answers. (Para. 3, Passage A, Unit 1)3.2 阅读技能(Explanation, Teachers Book)Examples:新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍37四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book 1XVI: Use context clues, word-formation clues and your knowledge of the subject to guess at the underlined words. In the margins, write a brief t

59、ranslation, definition or synonym for each of the underlined words. When youve done, if you have any doubts, you can double check the meanings in a dictionary.The whole of Passage C is for the practice of reading skills. 3.2 阅读技能Section C新视野大学英语NewHorizonCollegeEnglish总体介绍38四、新视野大学英语实例: Unit 1, Book

60、 1The passage for cloze exercise is either a summary of the Reading Passage A:Learning a foreign language is not only a very difficult and rewarding experience/experiences and also/but also a frustrating and valuable one. When language teachers use positive methods, students feel encouraged to answe


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