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1、Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head. 教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 三年级上册章 节Module 10课 名Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head.学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用五个身体部位单词head, leg, foot, arm, hand;在情景中听懂、会说his, on 等单词。2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型This is , 并能在实际情境中灵活运用;能够描述身体部位。重难点能够听懂、会说、并初步运用五个身体部位单词head, leg, foot, arm, hand;在情景中听懂、会说his,

2、 on 等单词教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身进入2Ss review the words learnt in Module 9.Ss look at pictures and say their jobs.Ss listen and answer T questions.Ss: “shes a nurse.”Ss: “hes a policeman.”Ss look at a circle and guess what it is. Revision activity: Look and read(T helps Ss to review the new words learnt

3、in the last lesson.)T: Good morning everyone. Do you remember items learnt in Module 9? Its “doctor”, “nurse”. Lets look at the picture and read after the tape. T: “Everyone did a very good job. Lets play a game. Guess what it is. This is head. And this is the body of a boy. This is his foot. This i

4、s his arm.This is what were learning today: body parts.”To review Module 9 and lead into the new lesson.新知呈现Ss watch Video 1 and get the main idea.Ss answer the body parts: head, foot, leg.Ss repeat the body parts.Ss role-play the passage.Ss watch Video 2, and learn: “This is his ”.Ss: learn: This i

5、s his head.Ss learn: This is his arm.Ss learn: This is his hand.Ss look at the picture and answer What does Daming say?Ss answer the whole sentence: “Point to your arm and leg. Point to your hand and foot.”Two children are playing a game at home. Watch the video and tell me “What body parts do they

6、point to?” 2. T takes word-cards “head, foot and leg” one by one, guides Ss to repeat. At the same time, T sticks the words on the BB. T: “Now read after me: Look, look, head!.”Role-playT: “Now lets role play the dialogue. Who would like to be the boy? Who would like to be the girl?”T plays Video 2.

7、T: “Now Daming is pointing Panpans body parts to the visitors in the zoo. What body parts is he saying? Lets watch and listen.”T: What is it?Ss: This is his head.T: What is it? Ss: This is his arm./ hand/leg/ footT: What colour are the trees?T: “Now Panpan is coming. What does Daming say?”T guides S

8、s to learn “Point to your arm and leg”.T guides Ss to predict “Point to your hand and foot”.T: Shows the video the second time. Ss listen and repeat the dialogue.通过情景展现,学生学说三个身体部位词汇head,leg,foot。分步训练3Look at the snowman. Point and say with their partners.Play the game “Say and do” with their partner

9、s.T: Lets review the body parts that we have learnt.Show a snowman on the PPT. Review and demos to Ss.T: Whats this? T: There is a snowman. This is his head. This is his arm. Now its your turn. T demos the game “Say and do.”T: Now lets play a game. I say you do. Point to your head. (Ss do the action

10、)尝试应用31Ss look at the pictures and says the body parts. Point to the partners.2. Review all the body parts and set homework.T: “Now, take out your Worksheet. Lets point to this boys body part.”T demos to Ss. T says: “This is his” and show the photo on PPT.T: Tell your partner: What body parts are they? T: Points to photos and says: This is his Lets do a pair work.T sums up the lesson. “We have learnt five body parts today. What are they? You did a very good job. When you go back home, please draw a boy and write down the words under the pictures. Look forward to


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