



1、 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend ? Writing By Jiang YanhuaTeaching Objects:Write a passage about what students did last weekend.Teaching Methods:1. Communication Teaching Method.2. Marking Ladders Teaching Method.Teaching Steps:Step 1 Pre-writing Lead inT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet yo

2、u.Ss:T: First, lets watch a video.(The teacher plays the video)T: Whats the video about?Ss: weekend.T: Yes, its about what the bear did last me.Ss: Ss repeat the sentence.T: Well, what did you do last weekend ?Ss: T: I think youd better say like this: For example, on Saturday morning, I read English

3、. On Saturday afternoon, I did my homework and so on. Read after me.Ss:T: Well, please talk with you partner about what you did last weekend.Here you go.Ss:T: Whod like to share your weekend?S1/S2: the topicT:Well,we have talked so much about the activities last weekend. Now your English teacher Nan

4、cy wants to know what you did last weekend. Please write a passage to introduce it.T: Before writing, what should we think about? Please read the topic carefully. Finish the task by yourself.Ss:After three minutes:Do you need to discuss in groups?T: Its easy. Lets share your ideas. T: Which person s

5、hould we use? S1.T: What tense should we use? The simple present tense or the simple past tense?S2: The simple past tense. Eg: sb did sthT: How about the text? S3: T: Can you list some details?S4: word count/ time and some activitiesT: The last point. Structure . How many paragraphs should we write?

6、S5:T : Para1, what should we write? beginning: Para2? Body Para3? Ending Step 2 While-writing.T: Boys and girls, do you know how to write now? Its time for you to write! Please read the topic.Ss:T: How many minutes do you need?Ss: T: So eight minutes for you. Please go!Ss:Step 3 Post-writing:Check t

7、he compositionsT:Look at the Making Ladders. Check by yourselves.Ss:T:Secondly, lets have a peer check. Exchange your paper with your partners. When we check, remember to use some correction codes.Show some correction codes:Spelling and punctuation mistakes: O For example, Seturday.Wrong sentences:

8、?Beautiful sentences: Transitional sentences: Conjunction words: T: If you have any problem, please put up your hands.Ss:Evaluate the compositionsT: Now please share your compositions in your should focus on structure, handwriting, points, grammar, punctuation, language and fluency. (Before that, I

9、will give them an example. T: 1. How many paragraph are there in the passage? the handwriting beautiful? she finish all points? Lets see together. she make any mistake? Lets read the passage. 5. Is the punctuation right? 6. Are there any beautiful sentences in the passage? 7. Are there any transitio

10、nal sentences in the passage? How about conjunction words? )Ss: Show the compositionsT: Times up! Now its show time! Ss:Choose one or two compositions and ask the students to show it to class. T: You did a good job! Thank you, big hands.Summarize (play light music)T:Today we learned how to write a c

11、omposition to introduce what you did last weekend. If you write a composition to introduce what you did last weekend , before writing you should focus on person, tense, text, details and structure.After writing, you should evaluate the composition. You should focus on structure, handwriting, points, grammar, punctuation, language and fluency Ss:T: Wonderful. Do you know how to evaluate a composition?Ss: Str


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