1、 1.第三大州2.人口最多3.有的特征4.多元文化的5.继续存在6.文化的多样性the third largest statehave the largest population multicultralhave the distinction oflive onthe diversity of culture Useful expressions:【paragraph 1】1a1. diversity = variety 多样性、变化a diversity of vegetablesdiverse adj. 各种各样的=variousdiverse vegetablesLanguage p
2、oints2a2. California is the third largest state in the 序数词可以修饰形容词的最高级 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 可以修饰形容词最高级或比较级的词: far / by far /much/no / a little / a bit / any / slightly/even/still Youre standing too close to the camera. Can you move _? A. a bit far B. a little farther
3、 C. a bit of farther D. a little far B 3a3. multi- “多、多方面、多方向”multi-coloredmulti-mediamulti-racialmultiparty多色的多媒体多民族的多党制的4a4. distinction n. 杰出,区分,特点We must draw a clear distinction between right and wrong.Shakespeare is a writer of distinction.California has the distinction of being the most multi
4、cultural state in the USA.distinctive adj. 出色的,有特色的明确区分对与错一个杰出的作家有的特征5a5. population 人口 The population of China_ large. And 70% of the population of China_ peasants. 表示整体人口时谓语动词用单数, 表示部分人口时谓语动词用复数。 形容人口的多少通常用 large / small。 Whats the population of China? China has a large population. China has a pop
5、ulation of 1.3 billion. an increase / growth in population 人口增长 a decrease in population 人口减少isare6a 【paragraph 2】1.好像2.穿越北极的白令海峡3.借助大陆桥It is likely that cross the Bering Strait in the Arctic by means of a land bridge Useful expressions:4.在史前时期5.受了很多苦6.被迫成为奴隶7.此外8.艰难度过这些恐怖时期 in prehistoric timessuff
6、er greatlybe forced into slavery survive these terrible times in addition7a6. When the first people arrived in what we now know as California, 宾语从句= the place that we now know as California. 定语从句George Washington was born in _ is now the state of Virginia. which B. where C. that D. what = George Was
7、hington was born in the place that is now the state of Virginia. D8a7. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.It is likely/possible/probable that sb/sth is likely to do sth某人/物有可能做某事辨析: likely, possible, probablelikely的主语可以是人, 但 poss
8、ible, probable 却只能用形式主语 it.9ae.g. She is _ to succeed. 她有可能会成功. = It is likely that she will succeed.likelyThis is a _ story.这是一个有可能发生的故事.likely10a8. by means of: by using 用办法, 借助 He crossed the river by means of a raft. We express out feelings by means of words. means 单复数同形 All possible means have
9、been tried. The quickest means of travel is by plane. by this means 用这种方法 by no means 决不, 一点也不 Its nothing unusual to experience failure, and by no means ought we lose heart.11aby any means 无论如何by all means: 尽一切办法 anyway 无论如何/务必 Surely/ Of course 当然可以12a1) We express our thoughts _ words. A. by this
10、 means B. by all means C. by no means D. by means of2) -May I have a look at your book? - _. A. By this means B. By all means C. By this way D. By any means3) Every means _ been tried, and all means _ well now. A. have; go B. has; go C. have; goes D. has; goesmeansD B B 13a4)By no means _ give in to
11、 the terrible circumstances at that time although faced with great difficulty.A. they will B. will they C. they would D. would they注意放在句首时主句使用部分倒装。means 方法、手段、工具, 单复数同形, 多和介词by 搭配。way 方法, 普通用语。可用于任何处理事物的方式。多于介词in搭配。 method 方法, 理论, 指合乎逻辑或系统的方法。多和介词with 搭配。D14ae.g. teaching method 教学方法Only _ this meth
12、od can you get much benefit from it when reading.A. in B. on C. with D. byWe look forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous_ of transport.A. means B. methods C. ways D. mannersCA15a9. In addition, many died from the disease brought by Europeans.1) in addition to+
13、n. 除了e.g. I met my past teacher and some former classmates _ in the supermarket. 我在超市里遇见了我以前的老师, 还有些 同班同学. _cakes and candies, guests were also provided with fruits. 除了有蛋糕和糖果, 还给客人们准备了水果.in additionIn addition to 16a2) brought by Europeans 为过去分词作定语, 相当于which were brought by Europeans, 注意单个分词作定语放在所修饰
14、的词前面, 分词短语作定语需放在所修饰的词之后。 English is a _ language. 英语是一种被广泛使用的语言。 This is one of the schools _ in 1980s. 这是八十年代所建的学校之一。widely usedbuilt17a10. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state.幸免, 幸免于难 Only 12 of the 140
15、 passengers _. 在140名乘客中只有12人幸免于难。1) survivesurvived挺过来, 挣扎过下去e.g. I dont think I _ another Year as a teacher; just too stressful.could survive比 (某人) 长寿, 比 (通常指亲人) 活的更长e.g. Harry _ his wife by three months. 哈里比他妻子多活了三个月。survived18a2) living in California 为现在分词短语作定语, 相当于 定语从句 who live in California。现在
16、分词一般表示 经常性的动作或现在的状态,也可以表示动作现在 正在发生或者与谓语动词所表示的的动作同时发生。e.g. There are three types of tiger living in China (that live in China). 目前中国有三种虎。 The picture hanging (that is hanging) on the wall is painted by my nephew. 墙上挂着的那幅画是我侄儿画的.19a 【paragraph 3】1 和打仗2 大部分人3 (牧师的)职责4. 传授天主教5.向墨西哥宣战 fight against the m
17、ajority ministry teach the Catholic religion declare war on Mexico Useful expressions:A Spanish monk= Missionary 传教士20a11. majority n. 大多数The majority of students _ hard-working. The majority of the damage _ easy to repair.areis1) the majority of + n. 后可用不可数名词, 也可用 可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。2) be in (the
18、 /a) majority 占多数、过半数e.g. At the meeting, young people were in the majority.minority 少数21a The number of students in our class _63 and the majority of them _ clever and work hard.is; is B. are; are C. is ; are D. are; isC22a11. declare vt. 1) to make known publicly or officially 宣布, 宣告The chairman d
19、eclared the results of the election.主席宣布了选举结果。The police have declared war on drug dealers in this area.警方现在已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。The judge declared the thief guilty.法官宣判这个窃贼有罪。 23aShe declared herself to be innocent. 她声称自己无罪。 He declared that it was true.他声明此事属实。announce 把大家所关心的事情, 特别是有新闻价值的, 做一般或正式的宣布。24a
20、【paragraph 5】1 第一批到达的人2 实现他们的梦想3 谋生4. 尽管很艰苦5.选择成为第31个联邦政府的州 the first to arrive achieve their dream of doing make a life despite the hardship elect to become the thirty-first federal state25a12.remain vi.“剩下、留下、呆在”, 相当于stay1)Whentheothershadgone,Joanremained(=stayed)tocleantheroom. 别人走了, 琼留下来清扫房间。2)
21、Onlyafewleavesremained(=werestill)onthetree. 树上只剩下几片叶子了。26a2.)remain作系动词, 意为 “一直保持, 仍然处于某种状态中”,后可接多种成分作表语。a.PeterbecameamanagerbutJohn remainedaworker. 彼得当上了经理, 但约翰仍然是工人。名词b.Theshopremainsopenuntil11atnight. 这个商店一直营业到晚上十一点。形容词c.Theyremainedlockedintheroom. 他们仍然被锁在房子里。过去分词27ad.Theguestscamein,butsher
22、emainedsittingatthedeskreading. 客人进来了, 但她仍然坐在桌旁看书。现在分词e.Thisremainstobeproved. 这有待证实。不定式f.IhaveremainedintouchwiththeGreensformorethan10years. 我和格林一家保持了十多年的联系。介词短语28a3).remain作名词时, 表示“剩余物”, 一般用其复数形式。如: Theremainsofamealcanbegiventoapig.残汤剩饭可以喂猪。 TheyfoundsomeremainsoftheTangDynasty. 他们发现一些唐代遗物。29a4)
23、remaining是形容词, 意为“剩余的”, 常作前置定语; 而left则只能作后置定语。如: Thereareonly5booksleft. 只剩下五本书了。 Heboughtmeagiftwiththeremainingmoney. 他用剩余的钱给我买了一件礼物。 30a Havingatripabroadiscertainlygoodfortheoldcouple,butitremains_ whethertheywillenjoyit. A.tosee B.tobeseen C.seeing D.seen高考题:31a13. make/earn a/ones life 谋生、习惯新的
24、生活方式make /earn / get a / ones living 谋生现在越来越多的年轻人去了城市并在那儿谋生。Nowadays more and more young people move to cities to make a life there.32a14. However, there is still a strong Spanish influence in the state.influence n. 影响力, 作用, 有影响的人或物e.g. Claudes work had _ on generations of musicians. 克劳德的作品对几代音乐家都产生
25、过重要影响. Her mother said that I was _ on her daughter. 她母亲说我对她女儿产生了很坏的影响。a major influencea bad influence33a15. a large percentage have chosen= a large percentage of Chinese-Americans have chosen A large percentage of population live in big cities.这宾馆很大比例的收入来自于游览这湖的游客。 A large percentage of the hotels
26、 income comes from the visitors to the lake.Only a small percentage of students are foreigners.percent (用在数词后) (其余都用percentage)34aThe result is expressed _(以百分比)._ (比例越来越大) of the population own their own houses._ (大部分) people came._ (百分之五十的学生) came from workers family.as a percentage An increasing
27、percentage A large percentage of 50 percent of students35a16. establish a town 建立城镇establish a new business 开创新事业establish friendly relations with 建立友好关系establish that he was right.证明他是对的。17. immigrate vi. (to/ into) 移居, 迁入他很小时从爱尔兰移民到美国 As a child, he immigrated to the US from Ireland.immigration n.
28、 immigration laws 移民法immigrant (s) n. the European immigrants36a18. It is believed that It is said that It is hoped that It is supposed that It is suggested that It is reported that. 主语从句It is reported that some European countries are flooded severely. It is hoped that the cost of medical care can b
29、e cut down. 37a19. mix n. 混合 V. 混合, 混乱We have to come up with a mix of policies to please the voters. (折中)You can mix yellow and blue together tomake green.We can not mix work with pleasure.mixture n. 混合物, 混合体这种饮料是三种不同饮料的混合物。The drink is a mixture of 3 different sorts of drinks. a mixture of sadness
30、 and anger / water and oil38avi. 混合, 使结合 Oil and water dont mix.Oil doesnt mix with water.Tom and John mix like oil and water.I got /was mixed up at first. 头脑混乱He was mixed up in the scandal. (丑闻)牵连到Dont get mixed up with them.与交往, 有联系Success is a _ of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just
31、 talking.A. mixture B. thought C. time D. actionA 39a40aTom _ _ the plan.(汤姆反对这个计划)_ _ will go to Shanghai after graduation. (大多数人毕业后都会去上海)3. _ _ _ _ students can pass the exam. (少数学生能通过这次考试)4. We _ _ _ _ ten years. (我们已经合作10年了)5. _ _ _ _ travel is by plane. (旅行的最快方式是乘飞机)6. We _ _ _ the enemy.(已向敌人宣
32、战)objected to The majorityA small percentage of have teamed up forThe quickest means of declared war on Fill in the blanks. 41a7. The manage asked the workers to _ _ the work. (经理叫工人继续工作)8. A good idea _ _ me all at once. (我突然想到一个好主意)9. _ _ _ that the sports meet will be held as planned.(人们相信运动会会照计划
33、进行)10. He couldt speak, but made himself understood _ _ _ signs. (他虽然不会说话, 但能 通过手势让别人知道他的意思)11. These two designs are almost _. (这两种设计几乎是一样的)keep upoccurred toIt is believedby means of identical42a12. Write in a style _ _ your subject. (用与你的题目相称的题材写)13. This book _ _ _ _ _ its readers.(这本书对其读者产生了巨大的
34、影响)14. _ _ _in the concert hall. (音乐厅内不准吸烟)15. The King forbids us _ _ _. (国王禁止我们外出.)16. Is there _ _ _ his guilt? (有什么根据证明他犯罪)17. The weather _ _ _ get better tomorrow. (明天天气一定会变好)appropriate to made a great impact on Smoking is forbiddenfrom going outany evidence foris bound to 43a18. I _ _ _ _ ho
35、w to solve the problem. (对于如何解决该问题,我跟他意见 不一致)19. I found the house without _ _. (我毫不费事地找到了那座房子)20. The exchange rate is _ _ _ today. (今天的兑换率对我们有利)differed with him onany botherin our favor44a1.李先生家住在边远的山村。(settle down)2.全家靠微薄的收入度日。( lived on)3.他现在在大学学的是计算机科学。(major in)4.计算机学习包括许多困难的方面。(take in)5.他之前一直在寻求很多想法。(a good/great many)6.他有了令人振奋的点子。(occur to)7.他决心做一份零工而不想过穷日子。(rather than)8.他认为他应该申请一份工作。(apply for)9.该工作可将他所学的知识与要做的工作相结合。(mix.with)10.现在,他正通过勤奋工作而开始过上新生活。(make a new life,by means of)词组运用45a词组运用1.李先生家住在边远的山村。(settle down)2.全家靠微薄的收入度日。1.Mr Lis family settled down in a remo
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