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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section B1Unit 6 Section B1CompetitionVS2CompetitionVS2Memory challenge 3Memory challenge 34455662aFoodYesMaybeNofruitvegetableseggschickenhamburgersIce-creamWhich food do you think is healthy? Check () Yes, Maybe or No.I think _ is/are healthy.I think _ is / are unhealth

2、y.72aFoodYesMaybeNofruitvegetableWho is healthy?LilyJim 8Who is healthy?LilyJim 8What do you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner ?Know mebreakfastlunch dinnerI like .for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner .9What do you like for breakfastPair workA: What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?B: I likefor breakf

3、ast/lunch/dinner?For breakfastFor lunchFor dinner10Pair workA: What do you like fWatch a videoWelcome our stars!11Watch a videoWelcome our starsKimi milk breakfast healthyCindy vegetables lunch healthyKimi likes milk for breakfast. It is healthy.For lunch, Cindy likes vegetables. Theyre really healt

4、hy.12Kimi milk breakfast Shitou hamburger dinner unhealthyAngerla rice dinner healthyShitou likes hamburgers for dinner. Theyre unhealthy. For dinner Angerla likes some rice. Its really healthy.13Shitou hamburger dinner Fathers vegetables lunch healthyFor lunch, fathers like/ have vegetables. They a

5、re really healthy.14Fathers vegetables Job: volleyball starName: Cindy Smith Lets welcome!She eats well.She is healthyShe eats healthy food.15Job: volleyball starName: Cind2bcircle the food words.162bcircle the food words.162bRead the magazine article and circle the food words. (阅读杂志文章,圈出食物名称)172bRe

6、ad the magazine article anWrite five sentences about Cindys eating habits.2cCindy likes healthy food.1. Cindy _2. She _3. She_4. Cindy doesnt_5. She doesnt_loves fruit.likes oranges and apples.likes chicken for dinner.like hamburgers.eat ice-cream.18Write five sentences about Cin 3. What does Cindy

7、like for breakfast? 4.What fruit does she like? 1. Does she like hamburgers for dinner? 2. Does she like ice-cream ? She loves fruit (for breakfast). She likes oranges and apples.No, she doesnt.Yes she does.19 3. What does Cindy like for 2bUnderline the words or sentencesyou dont know . (阅读杂志文章,圈出食物

8、名称)202bUnderline the words or senteSports star Eats Cindy Smith is a star.Her habitsare healthy. She for breakfastshe thinks it is healthy. She andbut . For lunch, she reallyFor dinner, she . And she she thinks theyre healthy. she but she eat it .shedoesnt want to be .So she is really healthy. Wellv

9、olleyballeatinglikesfruitlikesorangesapplesdoesnt likebananaslikessaladchickendoesnt likehamburgerslikesnotlikesice-creamdoesntfat21Sports star Eats Cindy SmiDo a survey for you and your groupmates about your eating habits . (调查你和你组员的饮食习惯)Groupwork22Do a survey for you and your gComplete the survey

10、for you and your partner. 3aName BreakfastLunch DinnerYang HaoLi Yong I .23Complete the survey for you anReport what you and your groupmates like and dont like for breakfast, lunch anddinner.Report24Report what you and your grou Write about what you and your partner like and dont like for breakfast,

11、 lunch anddinner.For breakfast, I like_, but I dont like_ For lunch, _And for dinner, _ For breakfast, _likes_For lunch,_ And for dinner,_ 3bbread eggs and hamburgers.I like apples and vegetables.I like oranges and chicken.Tom hamburgers.he likes rice and vegetables.he likes salad and chicken.25 Wri

12、te about what you and yExercise一、句型转换。 He eats chicken every day. (改为一般疑问句) _ he _ chicken every day? 2. Tom has hamburgers for dinner (改为否定句) Tom _ _ hamburgers for dinner.3. I have two eggs for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ for breakfast? doesnt haveWhat do haveDoes eat 26Exercise一、句型转换。2. Tom ha

13、s hamb4. Does your mother like rice for lunch? (作肯定回答) _, _ _. Yes she does三、完成句子。1. 午饭,我弟弟喜欢吃汉堡包。 My brother _ hamburgers _ _.2. 我们不认识这位体育明星。 We dont know this _ _.likes for lunchsports star274. Does your mother like rice 3. 现在多数女孩都不想变胖。 Now most girls dont _ _ _ _. 4. 早饭你们喜欢吃什么? _ _ you _ for breakfast? 5. 我的饮食习惯很好。 My _ _ is good. want to be fatWhat do likeeating habit 283. 现在多数女孩都不想变胖。want to be1.学会了一些的单词、短语和句子。2. 讲述自己的一日三餐3.询问


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