1、Website Redesign Tips & TricksMike VolpeVP Marketing HubSpotTwitter: mvolpeMarketing is Changing1950 - 20002000 - 2050Outbound Marketing is Harder800-555-1234AnnoyingSalespersonThe Good NewsInbound Marketing:Get Found using Google, Social Media and BlogsTop 5 Web Marketing Book on AmazonInboundBThe
2、Great Newswww.HubS/ROIInbound Gives LeverageBudget vs. BrainsFlickr: Refracted MomentsFlickr: Gaetoan Leewww.HubS/ROIWhy do you havea business website?The Wrong Reasons for a Redesign“We have a new corporate look and feel.”“Im tired of the old website.”“Its been 12 months since the last redesign.”“T
3、he design department wants to.”“The CEO wants to do it.”Website Redesign Half-LifeYour CompanyYour ProspectsLaunch6 Months12 MonthsTimeHappinessBUY NOWFlickr: thegolzerBillboard in the Desert?The Right Reasons for a Redesign“Get found by more prospects.”“Convert more prospects into leads and custome
4、rs.”“Branding” might be a good reason if it will drive the goals above.Business websites are forlead generation.- mvolpe from HubSpotWhich is better?Which is better?Which is better? Website traffic has doubled Lead flow has doubled- Noel Huelsenbeck, CEO, VocioWhich is better? Website traffic has do
5、ubled Lead flow has doubled- Noel Huelsenbeck, CEO, VocioWhat do you want?Beautiful & EmptyUgly & CrowdedThe 3 Keys to aSuccessful WebsiteWebsites should attract prospects.- mvolpe from HubSpotHow do you attract prospects?Use Inbound Marketingto Get Found:Create great contentOptimize that content fo
6、r search (SEO)Promote that content using social mediaContent Drives VisitorsSearch engines like fresh content (SEO)People like fresh content (social media)More content means more tickets in lotteryWhat to Publish?BlogPodcastVideosPhotosPresentationseBooksNews ReleasesWebsites should convert visitors
7、 to leads.- mvolpe from HubSpotAll Websites Need Landing PagesTarget MarketWebsite VisitorsLeadsOpportunitiesCustomersConversion is where we take what we have spent time and money to get (visitors) and change it into something valuable to marketing (leads).A cost becomes a benefit.Calls to ActionLan
8、ding PagesLanding Page UsesCall to action on website homepageLinks in all email newsletters / emailsUse for all pay-per-click adsNext step after tradeshows or eventsWebsites should produce measurable ROI.- mvolpe from HubSpotMeasurement is Easy OnlineFlickr: akisraMetrics Drive Website RedesignA red
9、esign without measurable improvements is a waste of time.Know your current stats and goals before starting the redesign.3 Keys to a Successful WebsiteGet Found: Attract website visitorsConvert: Visitors to leads & salesAnalyze: Produce measurable ROITips for a SuccessfulWebsite Redesign ProcessAudit
10、 your website, then protectyour key assets.- mvolpe from HubSpotWebsite Redesign Tip #1Avoid Website Redesign PitfallsTake an inventory of your website assets.Content, inbound links, keyword rankings, conversion toolsProtect your assets during the redesign.Website Redesign PitfallsRemoving valuable
11、contentLosing value of inbound linksLosing keyword rankingsChanging good conversion toolsDestroy your assets and youll get a drop in traffic and leads.Youll also have wasted time, effort and money.Website Assets = ContentHow many pages do you have?How many will be killed?Will pages move to a new URL
12、?How many new pages will you create?What is your most popular content?What is your most powerful content?Website Assets = LinksHow many inbound links do I have?What interior web pages have links?Where are my links coming from?What are my most powerful links?Website Assets = Keyword RankWhat keywords
13、 do I rank for today?What keywords do my competitors rank for?What keywords should I want to rank for?How has my keyword rank changed?Website Assets = Conversion ToolsWhat generates most of my leads?What are my best conversion tools?How can I increase conversions?Use HubSpot to Find Your AssetsUse H
14、ubSpot to Find Your AssetsUse HubSpot to Find Your AssetsUse HubSpot to Find Your AssetsProtecting Your AssetsIf you change domains, use a 301 redirect for each individual page. Not all pages globally.Have a permanent redirect (check at http:/www.WebsiteG)Identify all URLs with assets (content, keyw
15、ord rank, links, conversions) and:Keep this content on the new website301 Redirect old URL to the new URL for that pageMaintain SEO / content characteristicsSpend resources on creating content, more than beautiful design.- mvolpe from HubSpotWebsite Redesign Tip #2Seth Godin on Website Redesign“Im g
16、oing to go out on a limb and beg you not to create an original design. There are more than a billion pages on the web. Surely theres one that you can start with?”“Your car isnt unique, and your house might not be either”/seths_blog/2007/10/how-to-create-a.htmlCreate Great Content by BloggingBlogging
17、 Attracts More LinksBlogging Attracts More VisitorsBlogging Brings Social Media SuccessMake it easy to run conversion experiments.- mvolpe from HubSpotWebsite Redesign Tip #3All Websites Need Landing PagesLimited navigationClear and simpleForm above foldTrack Your Conversion RateConversion Experimen
18、ts32% Conversion53% ConversionFaster Experiments = Better ResultsFlickr: Jim DoranLanding Page EditingHow fast can you launch a new landing page?Can one person do it in 15 minutes?What is the cost of experimentation?Make it easy to measure results.- mvolpe from HubSpotWebsite Redesign Tip #4Avoid Pa
19、ralysis by AnalysisDont measure everything.Simple is better than complicated.Focus on 3-5 metrics.TrafficLeadsSalesBy Channel or SourceVisitorsLeadsSalesSEOSocialMediaWebsite Redesign Summary3 Keys to a Successful WebsiteGet Found: Attract website visitorsConvert: Visitors to leads & salesAnalyze: P
20、roduce measurable ROI4 Tips for Website RedesignAudit your website, then protect your key assets.Spend resources on creating content, more than beautiful design.Make it easy to run conversion experiments.Make it easy to measure results.How to Put All the Pieces Together?d.j.k. on flickrHubSpot Puts the Pieces TogetherWhats HubSpot?All-in-one Marketing SoftwareOver 2,000 customers in 3 years110+ employees, lots of MIT gradsBlog & Social MediaBusiness Bl
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