1、第1页Text 第2页Text Chinese or Western, its a time to relax 1 Its that time of the year when the world seems tobe caught in a trance the trance of end-of-yearcelebrations. End-of-year, I said.2 The problem seems to be exactly that. Why should we inChina refer to the week between December 24 and 31 as th
2、eend of the year when ours (according to the lunar calendar) isat least a month away?第3页Text 3 We do so apparently because Christmas and New Yearhave become global festivals, not because they (especiallyChristmas) are essentially Western in nature and spirit, butbecause we can relax during those few
3、 days.4 Nevertheless, some scholars and students have expressedconcern over the increasing influence of Christmas onoriental, particularly Chinese, culture. Their fears may bejustified to a certain extent. In fact, we Chinese do seem toattach a lot more time and attention to Christmas today thanwe d
4、id even a couple of decades ago.第4页Text 5 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone morechanges in the past two decades than it did in the past twocenturies. We have used more resources, burnt more fuel,caused more pollution and killed off more animals and plantsas we have come closer to eac
5、h other to form a truly globalvillage. Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor tillwe got a feel for the Internet.第5页Text 6 All these changes have made us take a different lookat the world beyond and our home within. Nothing comeswithout a rider in this global market. If we want to be pa
6、rt ofthe dazzle and comfort that the West is known for, we hadbetter accept some of its anomalies, too. This is not to saythat festivals mean something else to the West.第6页Text 7 Be it on the mainland or in the highly developed West or inthe poorest of societies, a festival carries the same meaning.
7、People across the world celebrate them with their family andfriends. The basic concept is the same too, sharing a feast ora humble meal (with a few drinks in some societies like oursand the West).第7页Text 8 We celebrate an occasion to vent our feelings, to relax andenjoy a break from the everyday sku
8、lduggery that life in thesetimes has become. Its apparently no different from the breakour ancestors enjoyed from the mundane affairs of their dailylives.第8页Text 9 Most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar, includingus, in their day-to-day lives. So the festivals and specialevents in that cal
9、endar are bound to influence us. That we,like many South, Southeast Asian, Middle East and perhapssome indigenous American people, follow the lunar calendarfor our festivals is a different matter altogether.第9页Text 10 We cannot afford to be left untouched by thefestive spirit of the West, which does
10、nt meanwe follow the West blindly. Not everything abouttheir culture may be good, but decadence is notthe sole preserve of the West. No culture in theworld is free of decadence and that includesChinese culture.第10页Text 11 So the problem is not Western culture, orwhat we generally associate with it.
11、The problemis those who are blinded by everything Western.We have to find out why more and moreChinese, especially the youngsters, feel at onewith Western festivals as much as they do withthe Chinese ones. But thankfully our festivalshave lost none of their charm. And here iswhere the alarm bells so
12、unded by scholars andstudents come in.第11页Text 12 I can understand the zeal of these people.They want to conserve our culture, and thatdefinitely doesnt make them what we generallyrefer to as conservatives. They have a point.But they, or for that matter anybody else, cannotsave any society from the
13、influence of a worldgetting smaller by the day.第12页Text 13 So instead of trying to shut our eyes andears to Western festivals, we should acceptthe goodness they offer and practise what theystand for. And lets not forget that Jesus was notborn in the West but the East (the Middle East, tobe precise),
14、 and he preached love for mankindand help for the poor.第13页Text 不论是中国节日还是西方节日,节日是我们放松时候 1 每年这个时候,整个世界好像都陷入了一个迷狂 人们狂热地进行着岁末庆贺活动。我说是岁末。 2 问题就出在这儿。为何我们中国人要把12月24日到31 日这一周作为岁末来庆贺,而我们自己岁末(按照阴历) 最少还有一个月才到呢?第14页Text 3 我们这么做,显然是因为圣诞节和元旦已经成了全球性 节日,并不是因为它们(尤其是圣诞节)在本质上和精神 上主要代表了西方文化,而是因为在这几天里我们能好好放 松一下。 4 不过,圣
15、诞节对于东方文化,尤其是中国文化影响与 日俱增,对此,一些学者和学生们表示担忧。从某种程度上 讲,他们忧虑是有道理。确实,与几十年前相比,现在 中国人花在圣诞节上时间和精力似乎要多很多。第15页Text 5 不论是好是坏,世界在过去二十多年间所经历改变可 能比过去两百年间所经历还要多。为了让彼此间联络得更 紧密,营造出一个真正地球村,我们消耗了更多资源, 烧掉了更多能源,造成了更多污染,灭杀了更多动植 物。过去,我们一直把电视看作是连接全世界终极伎俩, 直到我们了解了互联网,才发觉事实并非如此。第16页Text 6 全部这些改变都让我们用另外一个眼光来对待外面世 界以及我们自己家园。在这个全球
16、市场中,得到任何东西 都是要付出代价。假如我们想拥有西方世界那著名眩目 而舒适生活,我们也必须接收西方文化中一些异常事 物。当然,这并不是说节日对于西方人来说有着不一样意 义。第17页Text 7 不论是在中国大陆,还是在高度发达西方国家,抑或 是世界上最贫穷社会,节日承载着相同意义。世界各地 人们和家人、朋友一起庆贺节日。节日基本概念是一样 ,就是大家分享一顿盛宴或是一餐便饭(在西方或是我们 国家里,人们会小酌几杯)。第18页Text 8 我们庆贺节日,是为了释放情感,放松身心,是为了从 当代生活尔虞我诈中摆脱出来,得到片刻安宁。显然, 这和我们祖先从日常俗事中寻求解脱是一回事儿。第19页T
17、ext 9 世界上多数国家在日常生活中采取格列高利历,中国也 是如此。所以这个历法中节日和特殊事件注定会影响到我 们。而我们,和许多南亚、东南亚、中东,或许还有一些美 国土著居民一样,依据阴从来过节,而这又完全是另外一回 事儿了。第20页Text 10 对于西方节日气氛无动于衷,这我们做不到,但这也 并不意味着我们要盲目跟风。西方文化不全都是好,但同 时,颓废东西也不是西方文化所独有。世界上没有一个 文化能免于颓废,中国文化也不例外。第21页Text 11 所以,问题并不在于西方文化,也不在于那些我们通常 和西方文化联络在一起东西。问题出在那些唯西方马首是 瞻人身上。为何越来越多中国人,尤其是
18、中国年轻 人,对于西方节日和中国节日一样怡然自得,我们应该找出 其中原因。好在我们自己节日并没有失去它们风采。 而正是在这一刻,我们学者和学生们敲响了警钟。第22页Text 12 我能够了解这些人热情。他们想保护我们文化,就 这点而言,他们绝对不是我们通常所说保守派。他们观 点有一定道理。不过在这件事情上,他们和其它人一样, 无法使任何社会免受日益变小世界影响。第23页Text 13 所以,我们不应该对西方节日视而不见、充耳不闻, 相反,我们应该取其精华,去实践这些节日所提倡德行。 我们不要忘了,耶稣诞生于东方(确切地说,是中东),而 不是在西方,我们也应该记住他要我们热爱全人类,扶贫助 弱。
19、第24页Words & Phrasestrancelunarcalendaressentiallyorientaljustifyundergofestiveuntouchedindigenousmundaneskulduggeryventhumblepreachgoodnessconservezealcharmrideranomalyfeastyoungsterdecadenceblindly第25页Words & Phrasesfor good or badat one withshut ones eyes and ears to第26页Words & PhrasesGregorian ca
20、lendar 格列高利历;公历;阳历Jesus 耶稣 第27页trance n. C (usu sing) a state caused by hypnosis in which someone can move and speak but is not conscious in a normal way 催眠状态put someone in/into a trancebe in a trance e.g. 1. The psychiatrist put her into a deep hypnotic trance. 那位精神科医生使她进入了深度催眠状态。2. The old man was
21、 in a trance, thinking of his past life. 这位老人回想着自己过去生活,神情恍惚。Words & Phrases第28页lunar a. relating to the moon 月亮;阴历e.g.1. The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year. 春节即阴/农历新年。2. On the moon, the lunar explorers ran a considerable risk of being hit. 在月球上,登月探险者们冒着被撞击极大危险。Cf. solar n. relating to the su
22、n, or coming from the sun 太阳,和太阳相关;公/阳历e.g. solar systemWords & Phrases太阳系第29页calendar n. a system for measuring the length of a year and dividing it into periods such as weeks and months 日历;历书e.g.1. lunar calendar 阴历2. solar calendar 阳历3. Our calendar is open; we have nothing on for this weekend. 我
23、们日程表是空;这个周末我们没有什么计划。Words & Phrases第30页essentially ad. used for emphasizing what is the most important aspect of sth. or fact about sth. 本质上;根本上e.g. 1. She is an essentially selfish person. 她本质上是个自私自利人。2. Essentially, they are amateurs. 他们本质上是业余兴趣者。Words & Phrases第31页oriental a. from or connected wi
24、th eastern Asia, especially China and Japan 东方;东亚(尤指中国和日本)Translate the following into English:1. 他专门研究东方史。 He specializes in oriental history.2. 北京是一座含有悠久历史和灿烂文化东方名城。 Beijing is a famous oriental city with profound history and splendid culture. Cf: occidental Words & Phrases第32页justify vt. show tha
25、t there is a good reason for something, especially something that other people think is wrong 证实正当;为辩护;辨明e.g.1. Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam. 任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊理由。2. How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎样解释你粗鲁行为呢? Word family: justification n.Words & Phrases第33页undergo vt. (underwe
26、nt, undergone)1) experience a process of change 经历(改变过程)e.g. The bridge has undergone a series of modifications and will be re-opened in two weeks. 经过了一系列改造,这座桥将于两星期后重新开通。2) experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary 经受;承受(尤指不愉快但 又必须承受事情)e.g. The problem-free person
27、often cannot undergo the setback. 一帆风顺人,往往经受不住挫折。 Words & Phrases第34页rider n. 1) an addition to an official document or new law 附加 文件;附加条款e.g. We should like to add a rider to the previous remarks. 我们想在原有意见后面再加上一条。2) someone who rides on an animal such as a horse, or on a vehicle such as a bicycle o
28、r motorcycle 骑马 人;骑自行车人e.g. He is a gentle horse that never cast his rider. 驯良马绝不会把骑手甩倒。Words & Phrases第35页anomaly n. (fml) sth. unusual, unexpected, or different from what normally happens 异常现象;反常事物e.g. 1. A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly. 鸟不能飞是异常现象。2. In those days a woman professor was still
29、an anomaly. 当初,女教授依然是一个反常现象。3. Can you explain the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth were the poorest. 你能解释制造财富者是最贫穷显著不正常现象吗?Words & Phrases第36页feast n. a large meal for a lot of people, usually in order to celebrate sth. (通常为庆贺某事而举行)盛会,筵席e.g.1. Villagers used to hold a great feast
30、 at harvest time. 村民过去经常在收获季节举行盛大宴会。2. Knowledge is a feast for the mind. 知识是心灵盛宴。3. They had a midnight feast in their tent. 他们在帐篷里举行了一次午夜宴会。Words & Phrases第37页humble a. 1) simple and with only basic equipment or features 低 劣;简陋2) not proud and not thinking that you are better than other people 谦逊;
31、谦虚3) from a low social class 卑微;低下Words & Phrases第38页 Figure out the meanings of “humble” in the following sentences. Match its usage with the meaning 1低劣;简陋 2谦虚or 3卑微. Then translate the sentences into Chinese:1. He flew high though he was of humble origin. ( ) 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。2. Too humble is half pr
32、oud. ( ) 过分谦虚差不多就是骄傲。3. She merely eats a humble meal outside when she is too busy. ( ) 当她忙得不可开交时,也只仅仅在外面吃一顿便餐。Words & Phrases213第39页vent vt. express your feelings of anger very strongly 发泄(愤恨)e.g. 1. There is no need to vent your anger on me. 你没有必要拿我来出气。2. Children give vent to their anger in vario
33、us ways. 小孩用各种方式表示愤恨。3. He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair. 他猛踢椅子,以此泄怒。 Words & Phrases第40页skulduggery n. U secret activities that are intended to trick or cheat people 阴谋;坑骗;诈骗e.g. 1. Statistics skulduggery has various reasons such as the statistics system, statistics mechanism, statist
34、ics law, statistics method and so on. 统计作假有统计制度、统计机制、统计法律、统计方法等多方面原因。 2. He is working in a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery. 他在一家调查商业诈骗企业任职。Words & Phrases第41页mundane a. ordinary and not interesting or exciting, especially because of happening too regularly 普通;平凡;平淡无奇e.g. 1. Even the m
35、ost mundane things can become objects of beauty in French eyes. 即使是最平凡事物,在法国人眼中也是漂亮。2. A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge, understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning. 掌握平凡事物是真正学问,明白世俗智慧是真正本事。(世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。) Words & Phrases第42页indigenous a. 1) indigenous people lived in a place
36、for a very long time before other people came to live there(人)本 地,当地e.g. Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of America. 印第安人是美洲土著居民。2) indigenous plants and animals belong to a region because they developed there (动植物)原产,土 生土长e.g. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. 袋鼠为澳大利亚当地动物。Words & Phras
37、es第43页untouched a. not affected, changed, or damaged in any way 未受影响;未被改变;原样 e.g. 1. The miser was untouched by the poor mans story. 那个吝啬鬼对那穷人叙述无动于衷。2. The manager left the welfare of the staff untouched in his report. 经理在汇报中没有提及过职员福利问题。3. Prague was relatively untouched by the war. 布拉格相对说来受战争影响不大。W
38、ord family: touch v.Words & Phrases第44页festive a. bright and colourful in a way that makes you think of a celebration 节日;节日般e.g. 1. They like to go there to soak in the festive atmosphere. 他们喜欢到那儿感染节日气氛。2. It was Christmas and everyone was in festive mood. 当初是圣诞节,每个人都沉醉在节日欢乐中。Words & Phrases第45页Word
39、 family:festival n. a day or period when there is a public holiday, often to celebrate a religious event 节日Translate the following into English: 中国四个主要传统节日是:春节、清明节、端午节和中秋节。 The four important traditional festivals in China are the Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, the Dragon-boat Festival and the
40、Mid-autumn Festival. Words & Phrases第46页blindly ad. 1) if you obey or support someone blindly, you do it without thinking for yourself whether what you are doing is right 盲目地;未加思索地e.g. Instead of giving in to her child blindly, a good mother manages to make her child clear about right and wrong. 一个好
41、母亲不是一味地迁就自己孩子,而是设法让孩子明白是非曲直。 Words & Phrases第47页2) without noticing what is around you, for example because you are excited or upset 胡乱地;不注意周围地 e.g. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore winged Cupid fires his arrow blindly. 爱情不是用眼睛,而是专心灵来看,所以长翅膀爱神丘比特胡乱地射出他箭。Word family: bli
42、nd a.Words & Phrases第48页decadence n. U behaviour that is considered immoral because it concentrates too much on pleasure 堕落;颓废e.g. 1. That city seems to be the hothouse of decadence. 该城市似乎是堕落温床。 2. The decadence of morals is bad for a nation. 道德滑坡对国家是不利。3. The juvenile nature of his decadence reveal
43、s itself. 他那种幼稚性质颓废表现了出来。Words & Phrases第49页youngster n. a child, or a young person 儿童;年轻人e.g. 1. The youngster resented being treated as a coward. 那位年轻人对于他人把他看做是懦夫感到很愤慨。2. These youngsters here have not even learn how to peel a potato. 这里这些年轻人,连给土豆削皮都不会(最简单事情都不会做)。 Words & Phrases第50页charm1) n. U a
44、 personal quality that attracts people to you and makes them like you 魅力;魔力e.g.1. He is a man of personal charm and great cultivation. 他现有个人魅力又极有教养。 2. This does not rule out people who are plain-looking, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm. (CET4-06) 这并不排除那些相貌平平,甚至丑陋人,因
45、为往往许多那样人是极具个人魅力。Words & Phrases第51页2) v. give someone pleasure or enjoyment 使高兴;使 陶醉;吸引e.g. a story that has charmed generations of children 一个吸引了一代又一代儿童故事Word family:charming a. very attractive and pleasant 迷人,有魅力,有吸引力e.g. May and October are charming months to sail on the Mediterranean Sea. 5月和10月
46、是乘船游览地中海好时光。Words & Phrases第52页zeal n. U (fml) great energy, effort, and enthusiasm 热忱;热心;热情e.g. 1. He shows great zeal for knowledge. 他表现出强烈求知热情。2. She had a true zeal for journalism. 她对新闻工作怀有真正热情。3. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 无知狂热如同脱缰野马。Words & Phrases第53页conserve vt. 1) prevent la
47、nd, water, or other natural resources from being damaged or destroyed 保护(水、土等自然资 源)2) use very little of something such as electricity or water so that it is not wasted 节约使用(电或水) Figure out the meanings of “conserve” in the following sentences. Match its usage with the meaning 1 or 2. Then translate
48、 the sentences into Chinese:Words & Phrases第54页1. 保护(水、土等自然资源)2. 节约使用(电或水)1. Officials are urging people to conserve electrical power and stay indoors. ( ) 官员要求民众节约用电,并呆在室内。2. New laws to conserve wild life in the area have been published. ( ) 为保护该地域野生动物而颁布了新法律。3. Only in the 20th century have peopl
49、e become conscious of the fragility of nature and thus started to conserve resources. ( ) 直到20世纪人们才意识到大自然脆弱,因而开始保护自然资源。Words & Phrases121第55页goodness n. U the quality of being morally good 美德;善良;仁慈e.g. 1. What is truth, goodness, beauty? 什么是真、善、美?2. Beauty will fade, but not goodness. 美貌会凋谢,但美德不会。 3
50、. In spite of the bad things hes done I still believe in his essential goodness. 尽管他做了坏事,我依然相信他本性是善良。Words & Phrases第56页preach v. 1) talk about a religious subject at a religious meeting, especially in church (尤指在教堂里)布道;讲道e.g. Missionaries go around the world to preach the Word. 传教士走遍世界各地宣扬福音。 Words
51、 & Phrases第57页2) express a strong opinion and try to persuade other people to accept it 灌输;极力劝导e.g.1. Practise what you preach. 躬行己说,身体力行。 2. It is not the authors business to preach, but to give a real, historical picture of life. 作者责任不在于说教,而在于展现一幅真实含有历史 意义生活画面。 Words & Phrases第58页for good or bad:
52、不论怎样;不论好歹 e.g.1. For good or bad, he is your boss. 不论怎样,他是你老板。2. For good or bad, the fact is that an increasing number of parents around us are sending their kids to various art classes. 不论好歹,事实是我们周围越来越多家长送孩子参加各种艺术班。Words & Phrases第59页at one with1) happy and relaxed in your environment 在中怡然自得e.g. Y
53、ou should be at one with your classmates at school. 在学校里,你要和同学们和睦相处。2) in agreement with someone 与一致e.g. 1. We, the Opposition, are at one with the government on this issue. 我们反对党在这个问题上与政府意见是一致。2. If you vote for Mr. Bush , you have to be at one with (him on) his war policy. 假如你投布什先生票,你就是赞同他战争政策。 Wo
54、rds & Phrases第60页shut ones eyes and ears to: refuse to see or hear or think about 拒不理会;拒不听某事Translate the following into English:1. 一些领导对这些事实不闻不问。 Some leaders shut their eyes and ears to the facts. 2. 我们不能再对这些孩子遭遇充耳不闻了。 We can no longer shut our eyes and ears to whats happening to these children. W
55、ords & Phrases第61页Gregorian calendar 格列高利历;公历;阳历 The Gregorian calendar, or solar calendar, is based on the movement of the earth around the sun, which lasts 365 or 366 days. Often called the Western calendar, this is the most commonly used calendar in the world. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XI
56、II in 1582. Pope Gregory XIII gave his name to the Gregorian calendarWords & PhrasesPope Gregory XIII第62页Cf. The lunar calendar is based on the movement of the moon around the earth, which lasts 29 or 30 days. In order to catch up with the solar calendar, extra months are added whenever necessary.Wo
57、rds & Phrases第63页Jesus 耶稣(基督教创始人) Jesus is the man on whose ideas Christianity is based. Christians believe he was the son of God. He is often simply called Jesus or Christ.Words & Phrases第64页 as the end of the year when ours (according to the lunar calendar) is at least a month away? The lunar cale
58、ndar is based on the movement of the moon around the earth, which lasts 29 or 30 days. In order to catch up with the solar calendar, extra months are added whenever necessary. Language Points 而我们自己岁末(按照阴历)最少还有一个月 才到呢?翻译:第65页 Their fears may be justified to a certain extent. The word justified means
59、having an acceptable explanation or reason. The writer then gives the explanation in the following sentence.Language Points 从某种程度上讲,他们忧虑是有道理。翻译:第66页 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone more changes The writer does not want to get into the question of whether what has happened has been
60、good or bad. The point is to agree that there has been change and it has consequences.Language Points 不论是好是坏,世界可能所经历改变翻译:第67页 Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet. The expression get a feel for something means to be accustomed to something or to hav
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