



1、山西省长治市第十三中学高三英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Why didnt you tell me the truth that day?I _, but you _ for Shanghai when I went to see you.Adid; would leave Bwould; had been awayCwould have; had left Dhad; were away参考答案:C考查含蓄虚拟语气和时态。but引导的句子交代了含蓄的条件“假如你没有动身去上海的话”,所以第一空要用would have done结构,此处省略了told you the truth;第二空

2、中的动作发生在从句动作“went to see you”以前,属于过去的过去,应该用过去完成时。2. I need the money badly now and I have to my car though Im not at all willing to do so. Adestroy Bsacrifice Cundertake Dguarantee参考答案:B略3. _ parents complaints, some cities have significantly cut school hours to give children more time for leisure an

3、d play. A. In exchange for B. In response to C. In harmony with D. In terms of 参考答案:B略4. I appreciate _ the opportunity to work in your company two years ago Agiving Bto give Cbeing given Dto be given参考答案:C略5. The church, which _ back to the 17th century, is undergoing a complete restoration.A. date

4、s B. comes C. leaves D. appoints参考答案:A6. The old bank, _ appearance is not a pretty sight, is extremely magnificent inside. A. whose B. where C. when D. why参考答案:A考查定语从句,它的外表,缺定语7. One of the amazing people I admire is Mother Teresa, who earned her _ for helping the poor in India.A. revenues B. reput

5、ation C. discrimination D. determination参考答案:B【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:特蕾莎修女是我钦佩的了不起的人之一,她因帮助印度穷人而赢得了声誉。A. revenues 收入;B. reputation名誉,声誉;C. discrimination歧视,区别;D. determination决心。根据句意可知选B。8. Im not sure whether Ill succeed in persuading her to join us. _, Ill try my best to make it.A. BesidesB. AnyhowC. Gen

6、erallyD. Therefore参考答案:B【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我不确定我是否能成功地说服她加入我们。无论如何,我会尽我最大的努力去实现它。A. Besides此外,以及;B. Anyhow无论如何,随便地;C. Generally普遍地,广泛地;D. Therefore因此。第一句中是“不确定”,第二句中是尽最大的努力,两句之间是假设加转折,所以用表示让步的副词切题。故选B。【点睛】Besides既可以用作介词又可以用作副词。1. 用作介词,表示累加,即“除外,还有”。如:Besides advice, he gave her some money. 除了给她建议外,他还给了

7、她一些钱。Did he do anything besides kissing you? 他除了吻你之外,还有什么其他的举动?在否定句中,besides也表示“除之外不再有”,与except 同义。如:No one passed the exam besides except Jim. 除吉姆外,没一个人通过考试。2. 用作副词,其意为“此外”“而且”,可用于分句句首(通常用逗号隔开)或句尾。如,I dont like this dress ;besides, its too expensive. 我不喜欢这连衣裙,而且价钱也太贵。Peter is our youngest child, an

8、d we have three others besides. Peter是我们最小的孩子,我们另外还有3个孩子。9. .It has been announced that all the students _ put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with the terrible virus.A shall B will C need D should参考答案:A略10. Smith has made a fortune this year, but I will say, he is a little

9、 too _ for he wont make a donation to the survivors in the disaster. A. reliable B. mean C. selfless D. devoted 参考答案:B11. -Wow, isnt this handsome device the most popular iPhone 6? Can I have a look at it? - _. A. No, you cant. B. Yes, go ahead. C. Sorry, it is expensive. D. Of course, it looks good

10、.参考答案:B【知识点】情景交际考查情景交际。句意:这不就是传说中的苹果6吗?我能看看吗?看吧。根据语境选B项。【技巧点拨】go ahead【典型总结】go ahead 是口语中一个十分有用的表达。归纳起来,它在中学英语中有以下3种用法。一、表示同意或允许表示同意对方的请求,根据情况可译为:说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧。如:A: May I start? 我可以开始了吗?B: Yes, go ahead. 好,开始吧。A: Will you do me a favour? 请你帮个忙好吗?B: Go ahead. 说吧。二、表示继续或持续表示请对方继续说、继续做等,通常可译为:继续吧。如:Go

11、ahead, were all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听着呢!Go ahead, what are you waiting for? 往前走呀,你在等什么?三、表示请对方先走或先做某事其意为:你先走一步,你先请。如:You go ahead and tell him that were coming. 你先走一步,告诉他我们就来。You go ahead. Ill join you soon. 你们先开始,我一会儿就来(和你们一块儿干)。12. May I speak to your manager at 4:00 this afternoon? Sorry, sir. He

12、 _ to a meeting soon.A. would goB. has goneC. will have goneD. is going参考答案:D13. Our parents and teachers keep telling us to be active and creative. However, repeated classes and homework have made up our daily , which makes everyone dull Jack.A. regulation B. reference C. routine D.incident参考答案:C14

13、. _ such a chance, why dont you have a try ? ATo give BGiven CHaving given DGiving参考答案:B15. My father _ away for two monthsI want to do something special for him when he comes back next week Awill be Bhas been Cwas Dhad been参考答案:B二、 填空16. “Mirror, mirror, which clothes suit me best?” Now, there is a

14、 magic mirror in the shopping center _41_ can answer the question.A shopping center in England is selling a magic dressing mirrorYou neednt enter a fitting room and put the clothes _42_ by yourselfAll you need to do is to stand in front of the mirrorThe magic mirror can tell you _43_ or not the clot

15、hing you have chosen suits you.3D technology _44_ (use) for the magic mirror for you to choose and try on all kinds of clothes from different storesWhen you stand in front of the mirror, with the _45_ (assist) of the technology, you can make its own judgement of your body typeThen you can see _46_ w

16、earing the dress you have chosen in the mirrorIts very convenient for you to find the most _47_ (suit) dressYou do not have to spend a lot of time _48_ (walk) around in different stores_49_ do you need to shut yourself into a small dressing room“The mirror has worked much better with womens clothing

17、 than _50_ (expect), so we are now developing the software for mens and kids clothing, ” said the marketing manager of the shopping center.参考答案:41. which/that 42. on 43. whether 44. is used 45. assistance 46. yourself 47. suitable 48. walking 49. Neither/Nor 50. expected【分析】本文介绍了英格兰一家购物中心的魔镜,人们不用再亲自

18、试穿衣服,只要站在“魔镜”前,说“魔镜魔镜哪款衣服最适合我?”,镜子就会根据人的身材,需求等选择出合适的衣服。这种墨镜实际是运用了3D技术,目前魔镜在女士服装方面已经发挥了重要作用。【41题详解】考查定语从句。先行词为a magic mirror,定语从句中缺少主语,故填入that/which。【42题详解】考查固定词组。句意:你不需要走进试衣间自己穿衣服。put on“穿上,戴上”,故答案为on。【43题详解】考查固定搭配。句意:魔镜可以告诉你你选择的衣服是否适合你。whetheror not“是或者不是”,故答案为whether。【44题详解】考查一般现在时态的被动语态。句意:3D技术是一

19、面魔镜,可以让你在不同的商店挑选和试穿各种各样的衣服。句子主语3D technology和use之间是被动语态,结合句意可知句子用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为is used。【45题详解】考查固定搭配。句意:在科技的帮助下,你可以对自己的体形做出自己的判断。with the assistance of,“在的帮助下”,故答案为assistance。【46题详解】考查反身代词。句意:然后你可以看到自己穿着你在镜子里选择的衣服。此处是反身代词作宾语,故答案为yourself。【47题详解】考查词性转换。根据the most提示可知,用suit的形容词形式作定语。故答案为suitable。【48

20、题详解】考查固定短语。spend time doing sth为固定短语,表示“花费时间做”。故答案为walking。【49题详解】考查副词。句意:你也不需要把自己关在一个小更衣室里。Neither/Nor位于句子开头,句子用部分倒装,故答案为Neither/Nor。【50题详解】考查过去分词。句意:这镜子在女装上的效果比预期要好得多,所以我们现在正在开发一款适用于男装和童装的软件。The mirror和expect之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词,故答案为expected。【点睛】“So+助动词+主语”倒装:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语”

21、这种倒装结构。如:You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。注:若前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so改为neither或nor:如:You arent young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。三、 阅读理解17. Chinese Jump Rope is a challenging game played by anyone anywhere. The simple rules test the skill and coordination (协调) of all players. RULESA

22、jumper jumps until a jumping mistake is made.? A mistake can be made if a jumper jumps out instead of in.? A mistake is also made if a jumper touches the rope incorrectly in the game.? After making a mistake, the jumper trades positions with an ender. The jumper starts from the very beginning of the

23、 game on the next turn. Every Chinese Jump Rope game begins with the rope held in basic position. ENDERS? Face each other and step inside the rope.? Place the rope around the ankles.? Step back until the rope is stretched.? Two parallel (平行的) jumping lines, about 12 inches (30 cm) apart, are stretch

24、ed between the enders.? The jumper stands outside the rope, ready to play. IN? Jump both feet inside the rope.“ONJump both feet on top of the rope. The left foot lands on the left rope;, the right foot lands on theright rope.OUT?Jump both feet from the middle to the outside of the rope. Feet land to

25、gether on one side. SIDE OUT?Jump over both ropes from one side. Both feet land together on the other side of the rope.SIDE-TO-SIDEJump quickly side-to-side. Both feet start out from one side of the ropes.?Jump side: The left foot lands outside the left rope. The right foot lands inside the rope.?Jump side again quickly: The left foot lands inside the rope. The right foot lands outside the right rope.Jumpers call the steps out loud while jumping. Calling helps the jumpers r


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