1、个人出国英国留学申请书格式个人出国英国留学申请书Dear_,Nowadays the core advantage for an enterprise to secure an edge in the global market is the valuable assethuman capital. More and more people have realized that human capital, as a resource, has become more and more significant for creating social wealth. Based on a sur
2、vey of the management of the world top 500 enterprises, researchers have suggested that in the 60s, enterprises focused on production; in the 70s, they shifted to marketing; in the 80s, they emphasized capital operation; while since the 90s, they have attached great importance to human resource mana
3、gement. This will inevitably result in more and more needs for Human Resource Management experts. Therefore, I hope I can become a professional in international business, particularly with insights from Human Resource Management, Economics and Finance, serving clients of all lines of work.As an unde
4、rgraduate student in Beijing Forestry University of China, I have done sufficient preparations for my pending graduate studies in Human Resource Management. Majoring in Logistics and 1Marketing, the vigorous and various economic and financial program and relevant courses have allowed me to have a cl
5、ose touch upon Macromicro-economics, Econometrics, Statistics, Business Management Theories, Accounting, ect, which armed me with a solid basis of fundamentals. However, with constant fervor for Human Resource Management, I didnt confine my learning to a single academic discipline. I ventured furthe
6、r beyond my curriculum to learn different courses, for example, I exerted great efforts to study Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Psychology and Sociology, , which I view as necessary building blocks for a successful HR professional in the age of globalization. Therefore, with my curiosity
7、 and clear recognition of Human Resource Management, I plan to pursue my graduate education at your program, where I can have a close contact with the renowned professors, and I believe, under their rounded guidance, I will finally realize my ultimate goal as a top-notched expert in Human Resource M
8、anagement.Business and corporations nowadays do not rely on professionals knowing only rigid numbers or outdated facts or materials which were obtained from textbooks, while they concern more about flexible utilization of knowledge in the real business world. Bearing this in mind, I actively took pa
9、rt in a wide range of internship. The valuable experiences in Mercers, Inc., benefit me most. As the largest US human resource consultancy firm with substantial presence here in China, I was very lucky to shoot the rare opportunity to practice under the guidance of one of the senior consultant in Be
10、ijing Branch. During that period of time, I have assisted leaders of the Human Capital Department for series of projects, such as Cummings Motor Company, ZTE Communications Company. These projects are mainly based on the priding proprietary intellectual property rights IPE (International Position Ev
11、aluation) and 3P (Position, Personality and Performance). Whats more, I took responsibilities of checking and analyzing data for 25 dealers in Beijing regions and writing 5 compensation reports and project summary.From the experience, I deeply recognized that learning of Human Resource Management in
12、 classroom couldnt show me the full and real picture of reality, even though they did impart in me the central principle that human beings are not just particles of a giant machine in the organization. Human Resource Management in reality is very complicated, which covers a wide range of aspects, fo
13、r example, economic perspective, behavioral analysis, statistics and business accounting applications, and so on. Never before have I become so enlightened and clear of the essentials of Human Resource Management. As part of organizational management, it is necessary for me to understand other funct
14、ions of the organization, such as marketing, production management, ISO, etc. Such great understanding, on one hand, proves my improved understanding of Human Resource Management; on the other hand, brings great pressure on me, and spurs me to explore more in this field since what I have grasped now
15、 is too limited.In order to balance my life, I also enthusiastically involved in colorful extracurricular activities. For example, I have been once the volunteer in Beijing Running Angel Foundation, raising money for the poor and disabled children. In addition, I have planned and organized many scho
16、ol activities, such as lectures of economic management, the 12th Capital University Student Green Activity Green Bridge”. All these not only enriched my life, but also provided me a chance to truly experience how to take the fullest advantage of different members unique talents, how to cooperate wit
17、h them, which are very crucial for my further career development.After careful review of your university, I feel my studies would best be suited there. With your advanced research facilities, world-class faculty, and strong academic atmosphere, I will become knowledgeable in terms of comparative ana
18、lytical methods, interdisciplinary views toward human factors in workplace, and economic statistics for multi-national organizations. I believe I will reach out faster and easier to my ultimate career goal as a HR expert after studying at your university.Yours sincerely,研究生留学英国误区误区1:英国研究生一年速成,含金量低?并
19、不是。研究生英国留学为期一年,一年三个学期,在这期间 安置了各种教学课程,总计要学习8-12门课程,课程形式囊括讲座、 导师辅导、小组讨论等,德智体美全面开展。并且学生基本上没有什 么假期,相当于将两年的时间压缩成一年,能够学习到的东西也足够 丰富,不亚于其他国家。误区2:两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书不正确。虽然说以学业为重是件好事,但如果只聚焦于学业上 那也将失去留学的意义。要知道英国学校除了关注学生学习,更希望 看到学生能够积极参加课外活动,虽说外国教育的期末应试成绩比重 不大,但还要看团队协作能力以及社会实践的活跃程度。通过实习、 学术研讨会、业内招聘活动,社团组织等都可以丰富自己的经
20、历。误区3:根据排行榜进行学校选择,不是排名靠前的我不念想必很多留学生都有过这样的想法,要知道很多留学机构在给 学生推荐一些权威排名进行参考的时候,只是作为一种有价值的参考, 反而很多学生把这个当成了一种硬性要求。其实,排行榜并不能作 为择校的标准,很多排行榜都是由非政府的商业机构公布的,并且排 名榜的参考标准和数据都有所出入,如果非要把排行榜当成硬性要求, 那就建议大家在看排行榜之前先了解排行榜的排行依据。除此之外,还有很多学子觉得在外国,没听说过的大学就不是 好大学,其实在外国有很多大学学术特别优秀,但是曝光率并不是很5高,虽说人们对于他们的了解少之又少,但还是不影响实质是一所好 的大学。所以当你在不知道学校应该如何选择的时候,这时就需要专 业的
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