1、Telemedicine Impact on Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Underserved Patients?William P. Santamore, PhD, Carol Homko, PhD, Robert Cross, MD, Michele Masucci, PhD, Philip Berger, Alfred A. Bove, MD, PhDTemple University, Philadelphia, PA15th GW-ICC 20042020年10月2日1Telemedicine Impact on ReducTemple Tele
2、medicine Research Center远程医疗研究中心我愿借此机会向盛情邀请我为本次长城会议主席团成员的胡大一先生表示由衷的感谢。同时也对那些为此而付出辛勤劳动的工作人员表示感谢。我还要感谢我的同事们: Bove, Homko, Masucci, and Cross 医生, 以及我们的试验员 Philip Berger2020年10月2日2Temple Telemedicine Research CWhat is Telemedicine?Use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electro
3、nic communications for the health and education of the patient or health care provider for the purpose of improving patient care2020年10月2日3What is Telemedicine?Use of meTelemedicine - ApproachesNon-Face-to-Face TransactionsTraditional ApproachImage, X-rayMailedMedical Specialists Reviews and Sends a
4、 ReportTelemedicine ApproachElectronic TransferImage, X-rayMedical Specialists Reviews and Sends a ReportExamples - Radiology, Dermatology, Pathology2020年10月2日4Telemedicine - ApproachesNon-FTelemedicine - ApproachesTraditional Face-to-FacePatient (+ Doctor)Patient (+ Doctor)Doctor or SpecialistsDoct
5、or or SpecialistsVia Video ConferencingIn Same RoomTraditional ApproachTelemedicine ApproachExamples Office Visit, Consultation2020年10月2日5Telemedicine - ApproachesTradiTelemedicine - ApproachesNon-Traditional Asynchronous Doctor not in direct contact with PatientExamples Letter to Doctor Telephone C
6、all to Nurse E-mail2020年10月2日6Telemedicine - ApproachesNon-TTelemedicine - ApproachesNon-Traditional AsynchronousTelemedicine ApproachBP, Weight, StepsPatientDoctorInternetSecure Telemedicine SystemInternet2020年10月2日7Telemedicine - ApproachesNon-TOutlineElements Driving DesignNational Priority Compu
7、terize Medical SystemHigh Rate of CVD Risk FactorsObesityCost2020年10月2日8OutlineElements Driving DesignIncreased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in African-Americans Compared with white women, African-American women are more likely to live in poverty, and have less education; Experience greater weigh
8、t gain during childhood, and have lower resting metabolic rates, physical activity energy expenditures.About half of African-American women are considered obese (BMI 30), more than 15% between 40 to 59 yrs old have extreme obesity (BMI 40) 2020年10月2日9Increased Risk for CardiovascuIncreased Risk for
9、Cardiovascular Disease in African-AmericansAAs have a prevalence of diabetes: 19% for AA women compared to 7% for white women, and 16% for AA men compared to 8% for white menAAs have a 40% greater prevalence of hypertension compared to whites. Roughly 1 in 3 AAs has hypertension. AAs have a rate of
10、multiple risk factors.2020年10月2日10Increased Risk for Cardiovascu199119952002Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1991-2002No Data 2 Weeks11%Never11%Requested Retraining11%2020年10月2日24Telemedicine Current UseSendTelemedicine Patient Trends2020年10月2日25Telemedicine Patient Trends2Telemedicine Patien
11、t Trends2020年10月2日26Telemedicine Patient Trends2Telemedicine Patient Trends2020年10月2日27Telemedicine Patient Trends2Expected OutcomesTelemedicine Group CVD Risk than the Control GroupWhy Better control of BP, Lipids, Smoking CessationDetermine Factors Contributing to Success and to Failure2020年10月2日28Expected OutcomesTelemedicine Planned Updates2020年10月2日29Planned Updates2020年10月2日29Temple Telemedicine Research CenterThank You2020年10月2日30Temple Telemedicine Research C演讲完毕,谢谢观看!Thank you for reading! In order to facilitate lea
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