1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 彭园快乐游英语彭园开心游英语作文 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大量人都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信写作文是一个让大量人都头痛的问题,以下是我精心整理的彭园开心游英语作文,欢迎大家共享。 今天“五一放假,我和妈妈一起去彭园玩。 Todays May Day holiday, I went to PENGYUAN with my mother. 动物园篇 Zoo 我们首先来到了动物园。走着走着,我们突然听到了广播声:“动物演出立刻开始!动物演出立刻开始!我们两人赶快跑进了动物演艺厅。 We came
2、 to the zoo first. Walking along, we suddenly heard the radio: the animal show will start soon! The animal show will begin soon! The two of us rushed into the animal show hall. 首先登场的是两只黑熊,它们表演了打篮球、走钢丝、跳大绳等精彩的节目。其中我最喜欢看黑熊走钢丝了,它一会儿在钢丝上爬,一会儿在钢丝上走,一会儿在钢丝上倒立,夺得大家的一阵阵掌声。 First came two black bears. They p
3、layed basketball, walked steel wire, jumped rope and other wonderful programs. Among them, I like watching black bear walk on the steel wire. He climbs on the steel wire, walks on the steel wire, stands upside down on the steel wire, and wins everyones applause. 其次位登场的动物明星是两只小猴子,它们骑着小自行车,不慌不忙地向大家打招呼
4、,真好玩。 The second animal star is two little monkeys. They ride small bikes and say hello to everyone in a leisurely way. Its really fun. 最终三只老虎和一只非洲狮子登场了。它们先各自蹲在椅子上,等驯兽员挥动着小棒在空中划了一个圈,就马上站起来,把手举得高高的,像是在给大家问好。接着由一只老虎来钻圈圈。两个圈圈先是并在一起,然后逐渐拉开距离。每当老虎成功地钻过去的时候,看台上都会响起强烈的喝彩声。后来它们还很听话地踩球、打滚,有一次驯兽员还骑在了老虎的背上,瞧,多
5、威武啊! Finally three tigers and an African lion came on the stage. They squatted on their chairs first, and when the trainer waved the stick and made a circle in the air, they immediately stood up and raised their hands high, as if to say hello to everyone. Then a tiger will drill the circle. The two
6、circles are together first, and then slowly open the distance. Every time the tiger successfully drilled through, there would be warm cheers in the stands. Later, they were obedient to step on the ball and roll. Once, the trainer rode on the tigers back. Look, how powerful it is! 动物表演终止了,我和妈妈出了演艺厅,沿
7、着小路向前走。一路上,我又认识了大量动物,有斑马、麋鹿、金钱豹、小熊猫、白枕鹤等,让我大开眼界。 After the animal show, my mother and I went out of the show hall and walked along the path. Along the way, I met many animals, including zebra, elk, leopard, panda, white pillow crane, etc., which opened my eyes. 游乐场篇 Playground 我们出了动物园,来到了游乐场。 We wen
8、t out of the zoo and came to the playground. 走进游乐场,我就听到了吵吵闹闹的电子音乐声,看到了大量大量人和游乐设施。我和妈妈去玩了我最喜欢的“摩天轮。摩天轮逐渐地往上升,不知不觉就已经到了最高处了。哇,这里真高啊!往下看,游人都变小了,所有游乐设施都在自己的脚下。离开了摩天轮,我还路过好多其它游乐设施,譬如过山车、疯狂圆盘、激流勇进、急速飞车等。我都想玩,可是这些太刺激了,我又不敢玩,我看到那些坐在上面玩的人都吓得“哇哇直叫,有个小女孩还吓哭了呢。 Entering the playground, I heard the noisy electro
9、nic music and saw many people and amusement facilities. My mother and I went to play my favorite Ferris wheel. The ferris wheel is slowly rising, and unconsciously it has reached the highest point. Wow, its so high here! Looking down, the tourists are smaller, and all the amusement facilities are un
10、der their feet. Leaving Ferris wheel, I also passed a lot of other amusement facilities, such as roller coaster, crazy disc, torrent brave, fast car and so on. I want to play, but these are too exciting, I dare not play, I see those who are sitting on the top of the game are scared to Whoa scream, a
11、 little girl is still scared to cry. 购物街篇 Shopping street 我们走出了彭园东门,东门外面大路两边全是小摊儿,成了购物一条街了。 We walked out of the east gate of PENGYUAN. There were small stalls on both sides of the main road outside the east gate, which became a shopping street. 走着走着,我看到一个小摊儿的牌子上写着“中华传统米上刻字。“在米上刻字?!我没听说过,于是出于好奇,就拉着妈
12、妈走过去。噢,原来确实是在大米上写字,然后做成玻璃挂件。我挑了一个小海豚样子的空挂件,那个阿姨又让我选放在里面的小珍珠,我选了蓝色,由于海豚是蓝色的。那个阿姨把蓝色的小珍珠倒进海豚肚子里,然后拿起一粒米,用镊子把米夹住,用一种圆珠笔在米上写上“徐子惟三个字,再把米粒也放进小海豚肚子里,最终把里面注满防腐剂,封上口后,一个特别的挂件就做好了。我太喜欢了,心想:星期一我一定要拿到班上去,让曹潇麒她们羡慕羡慕。 Walking along, I saw a sign on a small stall that said Chinese traditional rice lettering. Lett
13、ering on rice?! I didnt hear of it, so out of curiosity, I took my mother to walk by. Oh, it turned out that it was actually writing on rice and then making it into a glass pendant. I chose an empty pendant like a little dolphin, and the aunt asked me to choose the little pearl in it. I chose blue b
14、ecause the dolphin is blue. The aunt poured the blue pearl into the dolphins stomach, then picked up a grain of rice, clamped the rice with tweezers, wrote Xu Ziwei on the rice with a kind of ballpoint pen, then put the grain of rice into the dolphins stomach, and finally filled it with preservatives. After sealing the mout
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