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1、UNIT 4NATURAL DISASTERSPeriod FourReading for WritingVideo Time课前自主预习1消灭;彻底消除_2实施;实行_3放弃_4一系列的_5过着的生活_6在过去的40年_7in that area alone _sweep awaycarry outgive upa series oflive alifein the past 40 years仅在那个区域8be missing _9deliver food and supplies _10出于感激_11参军_12minimise deaths_13朝各个方向_不见了;失踪运输食物和日用品ou

2、t of gratitudejoin the army把死亡人数减至最低数量in all directions1The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday, _ _ _ _ _(杀死了超过6,500人)in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries.(现在分词短语作结果状语)【答案】killing mor

3、e than 6,500 people2Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away by huge waves _ _ _ _ _(这次强烈地震所引发的)that reached a magnitude of 9.0.(过去分词短语作后置定语)【答案】caused by the strong earthquake3Indian officials said as many as 1,900 _ _ _(丧生)along the southern coast.(过去完成时的被动语态)【答案】had been kille

4、d4I _ _ _(正在吃早饭)with my three children _(这时)water started filling my home.(be doing.when.)【答案】was having breakfast;when5Thousands of people are still missing, and the number of deaths _ _ _ _(预计增加)even higher over the next few days.(be expected to do)【答案】is expected to grow6However, dangerous condit

5、ions and damaged roads will _ _ _ (使变得困难) to deliver food and supplies.(it作形式宾语)【答案】make it difficult课堂新知讲练1strike vt.&vi.侵袭;突击;击打 n罢工;罢课;袭击Paraphrase: attack; hit(P54)The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off the west coast of Indonesias Sumatra Island.周日上午7点左右,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西海岸发生了海底地震。【用法

6、详解】A good idea struck the manager.经理想到了一个好主意。It struck me that he was on business in Shanghai.我突然想到他正在上海出差。A snowball struck him on the back of the head.一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。We were immediately struck by this citys holiness.我们立刻被这座城市的神圣氛围打动了。The workers have been on strike for three days now.工人已经罢工三天了。【特别提醒

7、】strike可表示“突然想到(想法)”,相当于hit,动词occur也有此意。它们在用法上的区别是:strike和hit后直接跟sb.,occur后面跟to sb.。针对练习单句语法填空(1)The child ran into the road and _ by a car.(2)_ struck me that there was no one at home.(3)The workers are _ strike to ask for higher pay.完成句子(4)She _ him _ _ _.她掴了他一耳光。【答案】(1)was struck(2)It(3)on(4)stru

8、ck; in the face2effect n影响;结果;效果Paraphrase: a change that is caused by an event, action, etc(P55)effect影响【用法详解】Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have an effect on you most deeply.想一想给你带来最深刻影响的电影、书籍、老师及朋友。The suggestions were adopted and would be brought/put/carried into effect.这

9、些建议得到了采纳,并被付诸实施。In effect, that should kill two birds with one stone.事实上,那样会有一石二鸟的效果。This regulation will come/go into effect from September 1, 2019.本章程自2019年9月1日起实施。One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.减少压力最有效的方法之一就是与你信任的人聊聊感受。针对练习单句语法填空(1

10、)The new rules should be put _ effect as soon as possible.(2)Wet weather has an effect _ the health of most people.(3)We should take _ (effect) measures to protect the environment.完成句子(4)The new law will _ _ _ from April.新法律将从四月起生效。【答案】(1)into(2)on(3)effective(4)come into effect1(P54)The most powerf

11、ul earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastline across Asia yesterday, killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries.过去40年来最强烈的地震昨日引发了冲击亚洲各地海岸线的海啸,导致印尼、印度、泰国、马来西亚和至少其他四个国家6 500多人死亡。本句中的killing more than 6,500

12、 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries为现在分词短语,在句中作结果状语,表示由上文的原因推出的一个必然结果。【句式剖析】(1)现在分词短语作结果状语表示“自然而然、意料之中或顺理成章”的结果,表示结果的现在分词短语通常放在句子的后面,其前常用逗号隔开,分词短语前有时可加上副词thus或therefore(因而,因此);分词的逻辑主语既可以是句子的主语也可以是前面的整个句子,逻辑主语为前面的整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。(2)不定式作结果状语通常表示“出乎

13、意料或不愉快”的结果,有时为了加强语气,还在其前面加only。【考点提炼】The car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.这辆车遇到了交通堵塞,结果晚点了。I hurried there, only to find that all of them had gone.我匆匆赶到那里,结果发现他们都走了。针对练习单句语法填空(1)The hospital has recently introduced new medical equipment, _(allow)more patients to be treated.(2)

14、The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, _ (make)air conditioning unnecessary.(3)Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _ (find)it didnt fit.【答案】(1)allowing(2)making(3)to find2(P54)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my

15、home.我正和三个孩子在一起吃早餐,这时水开始灌入我家。【句式剖析】本句中的was having.when.为“sb.was/were doing.when.” 句型,意为“某人正在做某事,这时”,其中when为并列连词,意为“正在这时/那时”,相当于and at that time。【考点提炼】when作并列连词还用于下列句型中:(1)sb.was/were about to do sth.when.sb.was/were on the point of doing sth.when.某人正要做某事,这时(2)sb.had (just)done sth.when.某人刚做完某事,这时We

16、were about to start when it began to rain.我们刚要动身,天就开始下起雨来了。He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang.他正要说话时电话铃响了。I had just fallen asleep when the doorbell rang.我刚入睡,门铃突然响了起来。针对练习单句语法填空(1)He was about _(raise)his hand when class was over.(2)He had just sent an email to his pen pal

17、on the Internet _ his computer broke down.完成句子(3)We _ _ _ _ when the lights went off.我们正在做作业,这时灯突然灭了。【答案】(1)to raise(2)when(3)were doing our homework写作高效提升话题佳句【引人入胜的开头句】1According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after graduation.根据最近的一项调查,大约78.9%

18、的大学生想毕业后继续深造。2Thanks to Project Hope, great changes have taken place in this western country school.多亏了希望工程,西部的这所乡村学校发生了巨大的变化。【精彩纷呈的篇中句】3To solve the problem, some measures should be taken.为了解决这个问题,(我们)应该采取一些措施。4The number of the injured in the accident has reached more than 12.这场事故中受伤的人数已经超过12。【回味无

19、穷的结尾句】5I suggest that the government should do something more to solve the serious problems.我建议政府应该做更多的工作来解决这些严重的问题。6We have every reason to believe that the development will be a great success.我们完全有理由相信这次发展会很成功。写作范例【写作任务】10月25日,你校学生会组织了为某地震灾区捐款的活动。同学们踊跃参加,共筹得善款35, 000元。假如你是校英语报的记者李华,请按以下要点用英语写一则新闻报

20、道。主要内容:1时间、地点、任务、活动;2同学们的反应。注意:1词数80左右;2报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计入总词数);3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Students Donate Money to Disaster Area_Li Hua,School Newspaper【写作指导】主题为灾区捐款体裁新闻报道人称第一、第三人称时态一般过去时布局第一段:活动简介第二段:活动背景及活动过程第三段:心得感受【遣词造句】.用本单元所学单词或短语填空1_ n灾难2_ n地震3_ v侵袭4_ v破坏;消灭;毁坏5_ 许多;大量的Keys:1.disaster2.earthquake3.strike

21、4.destroy5.a great number of.本单元语块、语法运用1完成句子(1)10月25日,我们学校学生会举办了为受灾地区捐款活动。On October 25, the Students Union in our school held an activity _ _ _ to the disaster area.(2)众所周知,昨天一场大地震袭击了这个地区。一些房屋被毁。As we know, a big earthquake _ this area yesterday.And some houses _ _.(3)因此,为了向灾民表示我们的关心,我们学校的许多学生参加了在图

22、书馆举行的捐赠活动。Therefore, to show our concern to the victims, _ _ _ _ _ in our school took part in the donation activity which was held in our library.2句式升级(4)将句(1)升级含有被动语态的句子_(5)将句(2)升级为含有现在分词短语作结果状语的句子_(6)将句(3)升级为含有过去分词作定语的句子_Keys:(1)to donate money(2)struck;were destroyed(3)a great number of students(

23、4)On October 25, an activity to donate money to the disaster area was held by the Students Union in our school.(5)As we know, a big earthquake struck this area yesterday, destroying some houses.(6)Therefore, to show our concern to the victims, a great number of students in our school took part in th

24、e donation activity held in our library.【连句成篇】_【参考范文】Students Donate Money to Disaster AreaOn October 25, an activity to donate money to the disaster area was held by the Students Union in our school.As we know, a big earthquake struck this area yesterday.And some houses were destroyed in the accide

25、nt.Therefore, to show our concern to the victims, a great number of students in our school took part in the donation activity held in our library.It started from eight oclock and lasted two hours.In the end, 35,000 yuan was collected and given to the Red Cross in our city.We were very glad to give our


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