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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.OSIRIIS 全球上市市公司分分析库 (网络版版)操作指指南Tablee off Coonteentss 目录录TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc69207241 1.0OOSIRRIS Inttrodducttionn 数数据库简简介 PAGEREF _Toc69207241 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207242 1.1.Sysstemm Reequiiremmentts 系统要求 PAGEREF _To

2、c69207242 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207243 1.2. Getttinng SStarrtedd 开开始使用用 PAGEREF _Toc69207243 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207244 2.0SSearrchiing OSIRRIS 检索索方法 PAGEREF _Toc69207244 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207245 2.1SSearrchiing by Commpanny NNamee 按按公司名名称检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207245 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207246 2

3、.2.Seaarchhingg byy Iddenttifiicattionn nuumbeer 按交易易识别码码检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207246 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207247 2.3.Seaarchhingg byy Geeogrraphhic Loccatiion Criiterria 按地地区检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207247 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207248 2.4.Seaarchhingg byy Inndusstryy 按按行业检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207248 h 10 HYPERLIN

4、K l _Toc69207249 2.5.Seaarchhingg byy Nummberr off Emmplooyeees CCritteriion 按雇雇员人数数检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207249 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207250 2.6.Seaarchhingg byy Fiinannciaal CCritteriia 按财务务指标检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207250 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207251 2.7.Seaarchhingg byy Raatinngs 按评评级检索索 PAGEREF _Toc6920

5、7251 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207252 2.8.Seaarchhingg byy Owwnerrshipp 按按所有权权信息检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207252 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207253 2.9.Seaarchhingg byy M&A ddealls 按并购购交易检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207253 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207254 2.10.Seaarchhingg byy Sttockk Daata 按股股票数据据检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207254 h 16 HY

6、PERLINK l _Toc69207255 2.11.Seaarchhingg byy Eaarniingss Esstimmatee 按按收益预预期检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207255 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207256 2.12.Seaarchhingg byy Buuy/SSelll Reecommmenndattionn 按按股票买买/卖推推荐检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207256 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207257 2.13.Seaarchhingg byy Liisteed/UUnliisteed 按上市市/非

7、上上市检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207257 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207258 2.14.Seaarchhingg byy Acctivve/IInacctivve 按活跃跃/非活活跃检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207258 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207259 2.15.Seaarchhingg byy Auudittorss 按按审计公公司检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207259 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207260 2.16.Seaarchhingg byy Booardd Meembeers

8、 andd Maanaggerss 按按董事会会成员及及管理人人员检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207260 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207261 2.17.Seaarchhingg byy Yeear of Inccorpporaatioon 按公司司成立时时间检索索 PAGEREF _Toc69207261 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207262 2.18.Seaarchhingg byy Acccouuntiing datta 按财务务数据检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207262 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207

9、263 2.19.Seaarchhingg byy Coorpooratte AActiionss 按按公司重重要经营营活动检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207263 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207264 2.20.Seaarchhingg byy Uppdatted Repportts 按更新新报告检检索 PAGEREF _Toc69207264 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207265 2.21.Addditiionaal SSearrch Opttion 附加检检索功能能 PAGEREF _Toc69207265 h 20 HYPERLINK

10、 l _Toc69207266 3.0.Savvingg Sttrattegiies andd Coompaany Sett 保保存检索索式和公公司组 PAGEREF _Toc69207266 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207267 3.1.Savvingg Seearcch SStraateggiess 保保存检索索式 PAGEREF _Toc69207267 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207268 3.2.Savvingg a Commpanny SSet 保存存公司组组 PAGEREF _Toc69207268 h 23 HYPERLINK l _

11、Toc69207269 4.0.Dissplaayinng aa Liist of Commpanniess 显显示公司司组列表表 PAGEREF _Toc69207269 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207270 4.1.Creeatiing a NNew Lisst FFormmat 创建建公司组组列表的的新格式式 PAGEREF _Toc69207270 h 25 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207271 5.0.Vieewinng CComppanyy Reeporrts 打开开公司报报告26 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207272 5.1.Viss

12、uallisiing a RRepoort 显示示任一家家公司的的报告.27 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207273 Creeatiing a RRepoort Forrmatt 创创建新的的公司报报告格式式 PAGEREF _Toc69207273 h 29 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207274 5.3. Creeatiing a RRepoort Layyoutt 创创建新的的公司报报告版面面 PAGEREF _Toc69207274 h 30 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207275 5.4.Rettrieevinng RRepoort Imagees 提取

13、公公司年报报或季报报的彩色色扫描版版 PAGEREF _Toc69207275 h 32 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207276 6.0.Expporttingg Innforrmattionn 数数据下载载 PAGEREF _Toc69207276 h 32 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207277 7.0.Othher Useefull Feeatuuress 其其它有用用的功能能 PAGEREF _Toc69207277 h 33 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207278 7.1.Creeatiing Cusstommiseed AAccoountts 创建用用

14、户个性性化财务务报表 PAGEREF _Toc69207278 h 33 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207279 7.2.Creeatiing Useer DDefineed VVariiablles 创建建用户自自定义财财务变量量 PAGEREF _Toc69207279 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207280 7.3.Peeer RRepoort 同业业报告 PAGEREF _Toc69207280 h 34 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207281 7.4.Peeer AAnallysiis 同业分分析功能能 PAGEREF _Toc69207281

15、 h 35 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207282 7.2.Staatissticcs 统计分分析功能能 PAGEREF _Toc69207282 h 36 HYPERLINK l _Toc69207283 8.0.Useer SSuppportt 用用户支持持 PAGEREF _Toc69207283 h 38OSIRIIS IIntrroduuctiion 数据据库简介介OSIRIIS iis aa coomprreheensiive dattabaase of finnancciall innforrmattionn, rratiingss, eearnninggs eesti

16、imattes, sttockk daata andd neews on glooball puubliiclyy liisteed ccomppaniies, baankss annd iinsuurannce firrms arooundd thhe wworlld. Witth ccoveeragge oof ooverr 1225 ccounntriies, OSSIRIIS cconttainns iinfoormaatioon oon ooverr 399,0000 ccomppaniies. Thhis datta iis ssourrcedd frrom a vvariiety

17、y off Innforrmattionn Prroviiderrs, eacch bbeinng aan eexpeert in itss reegioon oor ddisccipllinee The full list of Information Providers is available in the a The full list of Information Providers is available in the appendices of the OSIRIS Product User Guide. To view them, when you are logged in

18、to OSIRIS, click on the Support, select Product User Guide. Click on the Index tab and type in “information providers”.所有数据提供商的清单可以在OSIRIS 产品操作指南的附录中查到。要查看此清单,进入OSIRIS 点击“产品操作指南”。在“索引”中键入“数据供应商”即可。OSIRIIS -全球球上市公公司分析析库是是一个包包含全球球范围内内上市公公司(含含上市银银行与上上市保险险公司)的的详尽财财务数据据(资产产负债表表、损益益表、现现金流量量表)、评评级、股股票收益益预期

19、、股股价系列列(年、月月、周、日日价格数数据)与与上市公公司重大大新闻等等信息的的大型专专业分析析数据库库。OSSIRIIS涵盖盖全球1125个个国家内内共计441,0000多多家各行行业公司司,库中中全部数数据源于于全球各各地区与与各行业业内多家家专业数数据提供供商。OSIRIIS aalloows youu too seearcch bby aany commbinnatiion of criiterria inccluddingg: ggeoggrapphicc loocattionn, oowneershhip, sttockk daata, inndusstryy coode or

20、acttiviity desscriiptiion, nuumbeer oof eemplloyeees, sttateemennt iitemms, rattioss, rratiingss annd MM&A deaals, ettc.OSIRIIS 的的用户可可运用复复合检索索式灵活活开展公公司搜索索,检索索条件包包括使用用:地区区(含国国家、城城市)、所所有权信信息、股股票数据据、行业业代码或或经营活活动、雇雇员人数数、财务务指标与与比率、评评级、并并购交易易等。The sseleecteed ccomppaniies mayy bee diispllayeed oor pprinnt

21、edd inn a varrietty oof ccusttomiisabble forrmatts aand expportted to othher apppliccatiionss suuch as worrd-pproccesssorss, ddataabasses or sprreaddsheeetss. Commpanny ccomppariisonns ccan be achhievved usiing thee Peeer Anaalyssis opttionn whhilee thhe SStattistticaal AAnallysiis ooptiion alllowss

22、 yoou tto pprodducee maarkeet ssecttor repportts.所选公司的的报告可可按多种种格式显显示并打打印,并并可直接接下载到到用户使使用的应应用软件件中,如如文字处处理软件件、数据据库或电电子工作作表(EExceel);同时,还还可使用用“Peeer AAnallysiis- 同业分分析功能能”开展同同业比较较,或运运用“Staatissticcal Anaalyssis - 统统计分析析功能” 开展行行业统计计分析。 For ffurttherr innforrmattionn annd aassiistaancee wiith OSIIRISS, p

23、pleaase reffer to thee innforrmattionn inn thhe SSuppportt seectiion of thee prroduuct, loocatted in thee uppperr riightt tooolbbar or vissit HYPERLINK /MAINOSIRIS.html htttp:/wwww.bbvdeep.ccom/MAIINOSSIRIIS.htmml ffor onllinee tuutorrialls aand furrtheer ddocuumenntattionn abboutt OSSIRIIS.如需了解OOSI

24、RRIS 的更多多内容或或帮助,可可参照数数据库主主页中右右上角“HELLP ”内的帮帮助文件件。或访访问 HYPERLINK /MAINOSIRIS.html htttp:/m/MAAINOOSIRRIS.htmml 获取在在线操作作指南和和其他有有关材料料。Systeem RRequuireemennts 系统统要求In orrderr too usse IInteerneet OOSIRRIS, yoou wwilll neeed thee foolloowinng: 为确保正常常使用OOSIRRIS 网络版版,我们们建议用用户的电电脑具有有如下系系统配置置:Windoows 98 or

25、 higgherr wiith a mminiimumm sccreeen rresooluttionn off 8000 XX 6000.WINDOOWS 98或以上上版本的的操作系系统,屏屏幕解晰晰度至少少为 8800 X 6600;Accesss tto tthe Intternnet usiing eittherr Innterrnett Exxploorerr 4.0 oor NNetsscappe NNaviigattor 4.00, oor higgherr. 网络浏浏览器为为IE 4.00或NETTSCAAPE 4 ,或以上上版本;A useernaame andd a pas

26、sswoord proovidded by Burreauu vaan DDijkk.一套由BVVD 公公司提供供的用户户名和密密码。Gettiing Staarteed 开始使使用Startt yoour broowseer aand go to HYPERLINK htttp:/ossiriis.bbvdep.ccom. TThe folllowwingg looginn sccreeen wwilll apppeaar. 打开网络浏浏览器,进进入 HYPERLINK htttp:/m,屏幕幕会出现现如下登登录窗(若若用户通通过IPP地址开开通数据据库,则则不会出出现如下下对话框框,并可可

27、跳过下下列步骤骤2、33、4直直接进入入步骤55)。 Enterr yoour useernaame andd paasswwordd inn thhe aapprroprriatte bboxees aand cliick on OK tto bbegiin. 输入用户名名与密码码,点击击OK后进进入数据据库主页页。Upon entteriing thee prroduuct, yoou wwilll bee prreseenteed wwithh eiitheer tthe Quiick Seaarchh orr thhe EExpeert Seaarchh (ddepeendiing o

28、n thee opptioon sseleecteed iin yyourr Usser Proofille) scrreenn. OSIRIIS 提提供“快速检检索”和“专业检检索” 两个检检索界面面。If yoou ssee thee sccreeen sshowwn bbeloow, youu arre vviewwingg thhe QQuicck SSearrch. TThiss alllowws yyou to eassilyy seearcch uusinng aany commbinnatiion of thee elleveen ssearrch criiterria CCo

29、mppanyy Naame, Tiickeer, Loccatiion, Inndusstryy, SSizee, CComppanyy Tyype, Owwnerrshiip, Staatuss, NNewss, MM&A Deaals or Topp Coompaaniees inn a sinnglee seearcch sstepp.下图为“快快速检索索”界面。它它允许用用户单独独或组合合使用111个检检索项进进行检索索,包括括:公司司名称、交交易代码码、地区区、行业业、公司司规模、公公司类型型、所有有权信息息、经营营状态、新新闻、并并购交易易与公司司排位。The EExpeert S

30、eaarchh wiindoow, shoown bellow, alllowss moore seaarchh opptioons, neews, annd ssegmmenttatiion tabbless.以下为“专专业检索索”界面。它它提供更更多的检检索条件件选项、新新闻与细细分图表表等。Tabs andd icconss accrosss tthe topp off thhe sscreeen aree deefinned bellow:屏幕顶端的的各功能能键与图图标的定定义如下下 :Enables you to search for Reuter news articles by

31、word, company, time period, industry, topic, region, country or language.Enables you to search for Reuter news articles by word, company, time period, industry, topic, region, country or language. 可按关键词、公司名称、时间段、行业、标题、地区、国家或语言检索路透新闻Displays the full reports for all retrieved companies. 显示所提取公司的完整报告A

32、llows you to access the search criteria; displays a summary of criteria used. 可查看库中全部检索项,并显示当前使用的检索项Allows you to search through Datamonitor Allows you to search through Datamonitor reports.可检索行业分析报告Enables you to compare the variables of a company to the variables of a given set of companies. 可将一家公

33、司的变量与一个指定公司组的 变量进行比较Enables yEnables you to perform various types of analysis on one or more companies such as Aggregation, Distribution, Concentration, Linear Regression and Segmentation. 可针对一家或多家公司开展数据:汇总、分布、集中度、线性回归等分析Allows you to search for Allows you to search for Edgar filings by word, compan

34、y, time period or type. These filings are the registered filings that the company traded on the US exchange file with the SEC可按关键字、公司名称、时间段及文件类型等查找在美国上市的各家公司向监管机构提交的各类原始文件Compares a subject company to its standard peer group显示目标公司与其标准同业组的对比分析报告Compares a subject company to its standard peer group显示目

35、标公司与其标准同业组的对比分析报告 Displays a list of companies identified by the search criteria以列表方式显示检索出的一组公司Provides online assistance to help you use OSIRIS Provides online assistance to help you use OSIRIS 提供OSIRIS 在线操作帮助文件Prints the page you are currently viewing.打印当前页面Allows you to email the report, list or

36、graph displayed to a specified e-mail address. 可将公司报告或图表发送到指定邮箱中Customizes your user preferencesCustomizes your user preferences用户自定义操作习惯的设定Sets email alerts for new company reports, news, deals, and Global Reports scanned imagesSets email alerts for new company reports, news, deals, and Global Repo

37、rts scanned images. 设定当公司报告、新闻与交易信息更新时发送提醒邮件Ends the connection 退出链接Ends the connection 退出链接Deletes the entire search 删除当前全部检索结果Enables you to export the data from OSIRIS to a chosen document数据下载键Searcchinng OOSIRRIS 检索索方法Theree arre ttwo typpes of seaarchhes avaailaablee onn innterrnett OSSIRIIS: t

38、hee Quuickk Seearcch aand thee Exxperrt SSearrch. TThiss OSSIRIIS QQuicckGuuidee wiill foccus thee Exxperrt SSearrch, whhichh prroviidess deetaiiledd seearcch aand anaalyssis opttionns.OSIRIIS 提提供“快速检检索”和“专业检检索”两种检检索界面面。本操操作指南南只针对对“专业检检索”的各项项检索和和分析功功能进行行介绍。You ccan seaarchh OSSIRIIS uusinng oone or

39、mulltipple criiterria froom tthe seaarchh opptioons. Eaach criiterrionn offferrs vvariiouss opptioons forr taargeetinng ccomppaniies. Affterr eaach seaarchh sttep is commpleetedd, tthe seaarchh crriteeriaa wiill be lisstedd inn thhe SSearrch Summmarry wwinddow (seee ffiguure bellow). BBy ddefaaultt,

40、 tthe diffferrentt sttepss arre ccombbineed uusinng tthe ANDD Boooleean opeerattor. Thhis meaans thaat eeverry iitemm inn thhe eend ressultt liist commpliies witth aall thee crriteeriaa siimulltanneouuslyy.OSIRIIS 可可以就单单一检索索标准或或多个检检索标准准开展组组合检索索。每一一类检索索项针对对目标公公司的不不同指标标。用户户可逐步步完成每每项检索索操作,并并在检索索摘要窗窗口中看

41、看到各检检索式的的列表(见见下图)。所有检索式之间的逻辑关系默认为“与”。这意味着检索的最终结果应同时满足所有的检索标准。The ffolllowiing seaarchh haas sseleecteed aall commpanniess inn thhe MMidddle Eassterrn rregiion witth TTotaal AAsseets of minnimuum 1100 milllioon UUSD andd a Lonng TTermm Fiitchh rattingg off A.以下是一个个实际检检索举例例:查出出中东地地区总资资产大于于1亿美美元、惠惠誉长期期

42、评级为为A 级级的公司司。To deelette aa seearcch sstepp, cclicck oon tthe neext to thee sttep youu wiish to remmovee.要删除一个个检索步步骤,点点击该步步骤最左左边的;To moodiffy aa seearcch sstepp, cllickk thhe nexxt tto tthe steep yyou wissh tto cchannge.要修改一个个检索步步骤,点点击该步步骤左边边的;You ccan alsso cchooose to acttivaate/deaactiivatte aa s

43、eearcch sstepp byy tiickiing/un-ticckinng tthe cheeckbbox of thee coorreespoondiing steep.您也可激活活或屏蔽蔽一个检检索步骤骤,只需需在该检检索步骤骤前的小小方框内内打勾或或取消打打勾;The ffirsst ccoluumn, Sttep ressultt, ddetaailss thhe nnumbber of commpanniess onn thhe eentiire dattabaase thaat mmeett thhe iindiividduall seearcch sstepp. FFor

44、 exaamplle, steep 33 fooundd 3883 ccomppaniies witth aa Loong-Terrm FFitcch rratiing of A iin tthe OSIIRISS daatabbasee.在页面最右右侧的检检索结果果中:第第一栏是是“Steep rresuult- 分步结结果”,它显示示数据库库中满足足该检索索分步的的公司数数。如在在上例中中,满足足第三步步检索式式-“惠誉长长期评级级为A”的公司司为3883家;The ssecoond collumnn, SSearrch ressultt, ddetaailss thhe nnumbber

45、 of commpanniess thhat sattisffy tthe criiterria of alll thhe ssearrch steeps speeciffiedd upp too thhat poiint. Foor eexammplee, 113 ccomppaniies sattisffy aall seaarchh sttepss upp too annd iinclludiing steep 33.第二栏是“Seaarchh reesullt- 最终终结果”,它显示示满足当当前所有有检索式式的最终终结果。上例中满足所有3个检索步骤的公司共计13家;The ssearr

46、ch loggic cann allso be moddifiied usiing thee Boooleean opttionns; Alll ANNDs, Alll OORs, Ottherr Boooleean Seaarchh. UUsinng AAll Orss foor eexammplee meeanss thhat thee coompaaniees iin tthe endd liist willl ccompply witth aat lleasst oone of thee crriteerioon. Usiing thee Ottherr Boooleean Seaar

47、chh, yoou ccan commbinne oor eexclludee seearcch sstepps bby eenteerinng tthe opeerattorss ANND, OR, ANDD NOOT as welll aas ppareenthhesiis wwherre nneedded bettweeen ssearrch steeps theen cclicckinng OOK aat tthe endd off thhe llinee. Forr exxampple, thhe llogiic 11 ANND NNOT (2 ANDD 3) wiill rettr

48、ieeve alll coompaaniees ssatiisfyyingg sttep 1 aand exccludde tthosse tthatt allso sattisffy bbothh sttepss 2 andd 3.检索式之间间的逻辑辑关系可可以修改改,可选项项包括:全部为为与、全部部为或、其其它布尔尔逻辑式式。使用用“OR-或”意味着着最终检检索结果果至少满满足一个个检索式式。如使使用“Othher Boooleaan SSearrch-其它布布尔逻辑辑式” ,可通通过键入入“ANDD/且、OOR/或或、 AAND NOTT/且非非、括号号”的组合,来来包含或或排除一一些检

49、索索步骤,然然后点击击屏幕底底部的“OK”即可显显示结果果。譬如如,这样样一个逻逻辑关系系式:“1 AAND NOTT (22 ANND 33)”,它表表示检索索结果须须满足条条件1,但但要排除除条件22与条件件3的交交集。Searcchinng bby CComppanyy Naame 按公公司名称称检索This seaarchh opptioon aalloows youu too seearcch ffor a ccomppanyy orr coompaaniees bby eenteerinng aa leetteer oor aa sttrinng oof ccharractters

50、s too seelecct ccomppaniies conntaiininng tthe exaact namme eenteeredd ass weell as thoose begginnningg wiith thee saame strringg off chharaacteers. 此检索方法法允许您您通过键键入公司司名称,或或名称中中的关键键词进行行检索。Clickk Coompaany namme froom tthe lisst oof ssearrch criiterria andd ennterr a lettterr, aa sttrinng oof ccharrac

51、tterss orr seeverral strringgs oof ccharractterss coorreespoondiing to a ccomppanyys namme, preevioous namme oor tthe begginnningg off a namme iin tthe avaailaablee teext boxx. 请在检索项项中点击击“Commpanny NNamee-公司司名称”,然后后在相应应的文本本框内键键入公司司名称中中的一个个字母、一一串字符符或几串串字符。Clickk Seearcch, thee inndexx off coompaany n

52、ammes willl rrefrreshh diispllayiing alll thhe ccomppaniies mattchiing thee teext enttereed. Notte tthatt thhe ssearrch is madde nnot onlly oon tthe worrds in thee coorpooratte nnamee, bbut alsso oon iinittialls aand acrronyyms.点击Seaarchh,名称索索引栏中中会刷新新并显示示所有符符合键入入文字的的公司。请请注意,这这种检索索不仅是是关键词词检索,也也包括名名称首

53、字字母和公公司缩写写检索。When youu hiighllighht aa coompaany namme, youu caan vvieww itts ssnappshoot iin tthe uppper rigght corrnerr. TThiss wiill hellp yyou deccidee iff yoou hhavee hiighllighhtedd thhe ccomppanyy yoou nneedd.点中一家公公司名称称,该公公司的信信息概览览会显示示在屏幕幕的右上上角。通通过浏览览它,可可帮助鉴鉴别所选选公司是是否为您您所需要要的目标标公司。Highllighht

54、 tthe commpanny rrequuireed aand cliick (too seelecct sseveerall coompaaniees, holld ddownn thhe SShifft oor CCtrll keey ffirsst). AAll sellectted commpanniess wiill be sennt tto tthe sellectted areea. Reepeaat tthe aboove proocesss tto ffindd annd sseleect as manny ccomppaniies as neccesssaryy. AAl

55、teernaativvelyy, iif yyou wannt tto sseleect alll thhe ccomppaniies corrressponndinng tto tthe texxt yyou enttereed, jusst cclicck oon .选中目标公公司,点点击 “” 将其带带至“已选中中公司” 框内;重复上上述操作作,查找找和提取取更多的的目标公公司(如如要选择择多家公公司,可可先按住住“SHIIFT或或CTRRL”键);或者也也可点击击, 此此键可一一次提取取全部符符合搜索索结果的的公司。Clickkingg OKK acctivvatees tthe se

56、aarchh sttep andd diispllayss thhe SSearrch Summmarry sscreeen Please note that when searching by Company name as a first step, from the user profile menu under the tab Configuration, you have the option to go to the Report, List or Search Summary screen after having completed this search step. Frro

57、m theere, yoou ccan vieew aand mannagee thhe ssearrch criiterria andd diispl Please note that when searching by Company name as a first step, from the user profile menu under the tab Configuration, you have the option to go to the Report, List or Search Summary screen after having completed this sea

58、rch step.最后点OKK 以显示“检索摘摘要”,在此此窗口中中,可查查看或修修改检索索步骤并并显示最最终结果果。Searcchinng bby IIdenntifficaatioon nnumbber 按交交易识别别码检索索This seaarchh opptioon aalloows youu too seearcch ffor a ccomppanyy ussingg diiffeerennt ccomppanyy iddenttifiicattionn nuumbeers thaat aare commmonnly useed bby mmanyy soourcces. Thhe

59、ffolllowiing lisst iis aavaiilabble:用户可按各各类交易易识别代代码检索索,代码码种类如如下 :Tickeer ssymbbol: Thiis iis tthe codde uusedd too iddenttifyy liisteed ccomppaniies on thee seecurrityy exxchaangees wwherre ttheyy arre ttradded.上市公司在在证券交交易所的的交易代代码;WVB nnumbber: Thiis iis tthe ID nummberr thhat is atttribbuteed tto e

60、everry ccomppanyy prroviidedd byy WooldVesst BBasee daatabbasee.由WolddVeest Basse 数数据公司司为每一一家公司司匹配的的识别码码;ISIN nummberr: Thee Innterrnattionnal Seccuriitiees IIdenntifficaatioon NNumbber is thee sttanddarddizeed aalphhanuumerricaal ccodee iddenttifiicattionn foor ssecuurittiess annd ootheer ffinaanci


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