天津西影演艺高级中学 高三英语期末试题含解析_第1页
天津西影演艺高级中学 高三英语期末试题含解析_第2页




1、天津西影演艺高级中学 高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently.A. could express B. would express C. could have expressed D. would have expressed参考答案:C2. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的选项。1. opinion A. ocean B. possible C. purpose D. stomach2. break A. real

2、ity B. really C. greatly D. bread3. desire A. disadvantage B. suspect C. pleasure D. surprise4. warmth A. worthy B. smooth C. together D. theft5. washed A. offended B. jumped C. adopted D. called参考答案:1-5 CCDDB3. small step by Zhai Zhigang,Chinas first spacewalker has been historical leap in Chinas s

3、pace dreams AThe:a BA;the CThe;不填 DA;不填参考答案:A 4. Toms resolution _ up drinking alcohol lasted only two days.A. given B. giving C. give D. to give参考答案:D5. -Im terribly sorry to have put you through so much trouble. -_. I know you didnt mean to. A. Forget it B. My pleasure C. All right D. Go ahead参考答案

4、:A6. Did you go to the lecture by the visiting professor? No. I _ it, but Ive been busy taking care of my grandma in hospital these days. A. would have attended B. should attend C. must have attended D. would attend 参考答案:A7. The companys profit drop _ in the last three months of 2009 due to the fina

5、ncial crisis. A. narrowly B. sharply C. roughly D widely参考答案:B8. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _ against the local authorities decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest参考答案:D9. We hurriedly ended the meeting,leaving many problems . A

6、. settled B. to be settled C. to settle D. being settled参考答案:B10. I dont know who invented _ iphone, but I think it is _ useful inventionAthe; a Bthe; the Can; the Dan; a 参考答案:A11. -Ive invited Jim and Lucy to go with us._people? I _you planned the trip only for us two.A_ Other two; thoughtB. The ot

7、her two; had thoughtC. Another two; thoughtD. Two more; am thinking参考答案:C12. -Will you read me a story, Mummy?-OK. You _ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.A.might B.must C. could D. shall参考答案:D13. Successful e-learning demands _ self-control, _ quality many children may lack.A.the; aB.a;

8、 theC./; aD./; the参考答案:C14. . It should be made known to the public _ the money raised has gone.A. whereB. whatC. whichD. that参考答案:A略15. The man _ Mr. Zhang told me last Friday proved to be a teacher. A. whom B. who C. about whom D. with whom参考答案:C二、 填空16. Geoff Edwards, a 52-year-old man who spent

9、most of his adult life sleeping rough and 61 (sell) copies of a to help the homeless, been admitted to Cambridge University.Geoff Edwards said he left school at 62 young age with two qualifications and few ambitions, then ended up homeless in the city of Cambridge after work 63 a field laborer dried

10、 up.Now Edwards is studying English literature, having completed a college course 64 (design) for adults who want to return to 65 (educate) or need extra qualifications to go on to university. “I didnt think of applying to Cambridge I didnt think Cambridge University 66 (take) someone like me, but m

11、y course tutor encouraged me to apply. 67 (luck) enough, I was accepted.” Edwards said in a statement, “It is the first thing 68 made me feel proud in my life. For it had always been my dream 69 (attend) Cambridge.”The case of Geoff Edwards has confirmed an old Chinese sayingit is never too old to l

12、earn. Many people can follow 70 (he) example and make achievements.参考答案:61. selling 62. a 63. as 64. designed 65. education66. would take 67.Luckily 68. that 69. to attend 70. his三、 阅读理解17. Working in Detroitrain,rain,and more rainI rushed to the airport only to find out from an airline ticket repre

13、sentative (机场地勤人员) that my return flight was one hour lateAs I cleared security,the progress of my flight went from departing (起程) one hour late to two hours,then three hours,then four hours lateI learned about these delays from the announcements given by an annoying airline gate agentIt became clea

14、r that I was going to miss my connecting flight homeAfter minutebyminute travel rearrangements,and knowing that I had to give Webbased training (网上培训) the next morning back home,my husband Jim decided to drive to the airport,pick me up,and drive me backJim and I arrived home at 4:30amI napped for a

15、couple of hours,made coffee,logged on to the Internet conference site for my training,and waited and waited and waitedIt is lonely giving Webbased live meeting training when no one logs inDo you know why they didnt log in?Because I had actually scheduled the training for the next day,not the day tha

16、t we had raced home to awaitI worried about telling Jim that he had held off sleep,driven through a huge storm and gotten through road construction to get me home 24hours early for trainingBut the phone eventually rang as he called from work and it was time to own up (坦白)What do you think he said?Wh

17、at would you have said?Would you have scolded (责骂)?Yelled?Teased?Would you have called all of your friends and let them know?Well,Jims response to finding out that he had driven an almost 400mile round trip in the rain for nothing was a slight chuckle (轻声地笑) and this comment:The important thing is y

18、ou are homeThe important thing is you are homeToday,remind someone how important it is that they are at home with youIf they live far away,tell them how important it is that they have a home in your heart8What trouble did the writer have?AShe was informed of the webbased training too late and was go

19、ing to miss itBHer plane was delayed and she had to rearrange her connecting flight homeCShe failed to give the webbased training as no one was informed to log in on timeDShe had a big argument with an annoying airline gate agent and missed her flight9Which of the following is TRUE according to the

20、text?AThe writer cancelled her webbased training permanentlyBThe writer took it for granted that Jim would pick her up from the airportCJim drove the writer all the way home from the airport to get her there in time for hertrainingDThe writer caught her connecting flight and was back home in time fo

21、r her training10The writer felt worried about owning up to Jim becauseAshe knew he would get really upset and yell at herBshe was afraid he might tell her friendsCshe was sorry that it had taken him so long to get homeDshe had mistaken the date for the training and he neednt have picked her up11What do we know about Jim from the text?AHe cares about his familyBHe does not want to feel regretCHe is willing to do anything for his wifeDHe loves driving more than anything else参考答案:8-11.BCDA本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者因为错过航班有弄错了培训的日期导致丈夫吉姆开车在雨中往返了400公里,作者十分不安,吉姆却说重要的是作者在家;可见两人温馨的感情8B细节理


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