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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?Period 1Section A 1a2d【课型】听说课学习目标1.能够掌握本课表示衣服、颜色和大小的重点词汇:socks,T-shirt,shorts,sweater,trousers,shoe,skirt,dollar,big,small,short,long,并能够运用How much引导的特殊疑问句句型询问物品价格。2.通过听力训练,感知和初步运用How much引导的问句以及回答来谈论物品的颜色和价格。能够区分名词单复数、指示代词this,that,these,those、be动词is,are和人称代词it,they的

2、搭配。学习过程【自主学习】1.课前跟着录音学会拼读下列词汇:socks,T-shirt,shorts,sweater,trousers,shoe,skirt,dollar,big,small,short,long。2.你喜欢购物吗?遇到自己心爱的物品如何询问价格呢?参考课本,填写下面的句子。(1) is this T-shirt?(2) are these shoes?【师生互动】新课导入Step 1:Lead-in greeting to the students:Revise the words of students to remember the words of the some s

3、tudents to speak out the words of the colors and spell them. talk.Eg:Teacher:Look,whats this in English?Student 1:Its a jacket.Teacher:This is my s nice,isnt it?What color is it?Student 1:Its red.Teacher:Do you want to buy one?Student 1:Yes,I do.Teacher:Good,and today well talk about clothes.新知呈现Ste

4、p 2:Presentation:I like shopping a you like shopping?Now come with me to the clothes shop.(Show students a picture of a clothes shop.)Teacher:Whats this in English?(show a picture of a hat)Student:Its a hat.Teacher:What color is it?Student:Its white.(Teacher helps students to answer:Its a white s a

5、small white hat.)Help students to pronounce the new word “small” by reviewing ball and the other new words in this students to talk about the pictures in pairs,following the sample.(Show other pictures and teach students other clothes “socks,shorts,sweater,trousers,shoe,skirt”):So much for then lets

6、 review the numbers and learn the words related to you count from 0 to 9 in English?Student:,one,two,three,four,five.Let some students repeat some pictures of food,drink,school things,sports things with prices on the screen. some pictures of money,and ask students guess the names and teach them:yuan

7、/dollar/ ask students about the them answer. students to look at the picture on Page37 and match the words with the things in the picture.新知学习Step 3:Listen to 1bBefore listening1.学生了解1b的要求,确定在听的过程中需要提取的关键信息,即:衣物的名称2.学生大声朗读衣物名词。While listening the first time,listen to it carefully.For the second time

8、,circle the things in the picture you hear.2.听录音,补全对话。A: is the hat?B:It is $6.A:And how much these shorts?B:Oh, are $8.A:And how much this sweater?B: $9. again and read after it.After listening students to work in pairs and practice the conversations in 1a. their own conversations with their partne

9、rs. some pairs to act out their conversations.观察与思考观察1b听力,思考询问物品价格用句型,物品为单数时,be用(is,are),答语用(Its,Theyre);物品为复数时,be用(is,are),答语用(Its,Theyre)。跟踪训练根据画线部分提问,改写句子。The hat is 12 yuan. the hat?The blue shorts are 23 dollars. the blue shorts?Step 4:Listen to 2a,2b,2cBefore listening1.学生观察,明确2b听力活动的目的是听颜色。2.

10、学生观察,明确2c听力活动的目的是听价格,并提示价签的书写格式。While listening at words in to the recording and repeat after the recording. students to do listening to the conversations in 2b (Page 38)and circle the things they hear. students to do listening to the conversations in 2c (Page 38)and fill in the price tags. students

11、 to listen and repeat after the recording.After listenings ask and answer questions about the things in 2d in 1:I like these much are they?Student 2:Theyre six dollars. some students act out their conversations.【课堂练习】一、看图说出下列物品的英语单词。二、单项选择1.I like that watch. is it?Its 20 yuan. many much color T-shirt white and my shorts yellow.;are;are;is三、句型转换 shirt is small for me.(改为复数形式的句子) small for me. red skirt is 20 yuan.(对画线部分提问) the red skirt? shoes are yellow.(对画线部分提问) those shoes?自我反思1.我的收获:Word


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