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1、PAGE PAGE 46“大学英语应用类课程”考评方式与标准“英语高级口语”课程考评方式与标准“写作与翻译”课程考评方式与标准“中国地方文化英语导读”课程考评方式与标准“影视英语”课程考评方式与标准“跨文化交际”课程考评方式与标准“英语高级口语”考评方式、标准和样卷文件一:演示评估表文件二:测评办法和考试类型课程考试期末考试形式:机考或面试 时间: 16分钟或7.5分钟 考试项目考试类型项目单项时间总时间单项总分机考自我介绍1分钟16分钟10分朗 读2.5分钟20分时事评论2.5分钟20分看图说话5分钟20分视频讨论5分钟30分面试自我介绍1.5分钟7.5分钟15分朗 读2分钟35分回答问题4

2、分钟50分学期总评: 过程性评估(出勤、作业、课堂演示) 10%终结性评估 期中成绩 20% 期末成绩 70% 文件三:机考、面试样卷1、机考样卷Test for English Speaking Course Part IDirections: Please make a brief introduction: your name, major and your seat number. Youll have half a minute to prepare and half a minute to talk.【准备时间:0.5分钟】【答题时间:0.5分钟】Part II Direction

3、s: Please read the following passage. Youll have half a minute to prepare and two minutes to talk.【准备时间:0.5分钟】【朗读时间:2分钟】On Saturday, at the Olympics in China, Usain Bolt of Jamaica shattered the world record in the mens 100-meter sprint with a time of 9.69 seconds. That is fast. And, after the race,

4、 Bolt admitted that some of his fuel for the race was also fast fast food that is.I surely woke up around 11-oclock. And sat around and watched some TV. Then I had lunch, at McDonalds. And then I pretty much went back to my room, slept again for like two more hours, then went back and got some McDon

5、alds chicken, then I came to the track. Bolts favorite is those small, deep-fried, bite-sized chicken pieces from McDonald. It may just be a coincidence, but one other world class athlete, American swimmer Ryan Lochte was also attracted to the McDonald. Nutrition is probably the last thing I worry a

6、bout. I eat whatever actually tastes good. So, I mean, yeah, I have been eating McDonalds almost every meal here, so I think it has helped out.Part IIIDirections: Please tell a piece of news and then comment on it. Youll have half a minute to prepare and two minutes to talk.【准备时间:0.5分钟】【答题时间:2分钟】 Pa

7、rt IVDirections: Please look at the following four pictures and choose any two of them for your talk. Youll have two minutes to prepare and three minutes to talk about it.【准备时间:2分钟】【答题时间:3分钟】Hints:What is your hobby?When and how did you cultivate this hobby? Why do you like it?What does this hobby b

8、ring to you?Part VDirections: In the following youll see a Video Clip. Youll have two minutes to prepare and three minutes to talk about it.【准备时间:2分钟】【答题时间:3分钟】Hints: HYPERLINK 2009%20%20Advanced%20Talking%20_黄.rm Video Clip:(00:01:35 mins)What age do those parents in the street think is proper for

9、their kids to own a cell phone?What does the female guest speaker think parents should do to their kids cell phone?What is your opinion on this issue? This is the end of the test.2、面试样卷:Test for English Speaking Course【总时间:7.5 分钟】Part I【1.5 分钟】Directions: Please make a brief introduction: your name,

10、 major, your seat number and your hobby.Youll have 30 seconds to prepare and one minute to talk.【准备时间: 0.5分钟】【答题时间: 1分钟】Part II 【2分钟】Directions: Youre going to read a short passage in the following. Youll have one minute to prepare and then read it at a normal speed.Believe it or not,optical illusio

11、n can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are,and thus drivers slow down. Now the Americ

12、an Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japans success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint bent and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed plays a ma

13、jor role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents,the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed - related hazards are the greatest - curves,exit slopes,traffic circles,and bridges. Some studies suggest that strai

14、ght,horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. (171 words)【准备时间: 1分钟】【答题时间: 1分钟】Part III 【4 分钟】Directions: Describe one of your travel experiences. Hints:1. You may say what your destination was.2. What you saw and felt in traveling and anything inte

15、resting happened during your travel.【准备时间:2分钟】【答题时间:2分钟】 This is the end of the test. “写作与翻译”考评方式、标准和样卷文件一:过程性评估表Evaluation Rubric for Narrative WritingContent This narrative has an appropriate and attractive title.A B C D This narrative is appropriate to its intended audience.A B C D The narrative

16、opens with a strong paragraph that captures readers attention.A B C D This narrative has a plot, a climax, and an ending.A B C D Enough details are provided to describe the setting and characters.A B C D FormTime order is used to organize the narrative essay.A B C D Realistic dialogue contributes to

17、 the story and is used appropriately.A B C D There are well-tailored descriptions in this narrative.A B C D The transitions between and within paragraphs are effective.A B C D Language (Syntax, Word Choice, Usage, and Mechanics)The sentences of this essay are generally free of errors and appropriate

18、ly varied. A B C D The words in this essay are chosen with accuracy and with attention to style. A B C D This essay demonstrates a sound control of conventional usage. A B C D This essay is free of misspellings, and words are capitalized correctly.A B C D Sentences in this essay are punctuated corre

19、ctly. A B C D Holistic Evaluation: A B C D Evaluation Rubric for Descriptive WritingContent This essay has an appropriate and attractive title.A B C D The description is appropriate for its intended audience.A B C D The description appeals to five senses.A B C D The description shows sufficient and

20、appropriate details with clear images.A B C D FormThis essay has a clearly stated thesis statement and topic sentences.A B C D All supporting sentences support the topic sentence.A B C D The transitions between and within paragraphs are effective.A B C D Language (Syntax, Word Choice, Usage, and Mec

21、hanics)The sentences of this essay are generally free of errors and appropriately varied. A B C D The words in this essay are chosen with accuracy and with attention to style. A B C D This essay demonstrates a sound control of conventional usage. A B C D This essay is free of misspellings, and words

22、 are capitalized correctly.A B C D Sentences in this essay are punctuated correctly. A B C D Holistic Evaluation: A B C D Evaluation Rubric for Expository WritingContent This essay has an appropriate and attractive title.A B C D This essay appeals to a particular group of readers.A B C D This essay

23、is informative for the intended readers.A B C D This essay adopts proper strategies to illustrate the main idea.A B C D FormThis essay has a clearly stated thesis statement and topic sentences.A B C D All supporting sentences support the topic sentence.A B C D The transitions between and within para

24、graphs are effective.A B C D Language (Syntax, Word Choice, Usage, and Mechanics)The sentences of this essay are generally free of errors and appropriately varied. A B C D The words in this essay are chosen with accuracy and with attention to style. A B C D This essay demonstrates a sound control of

25、 conventional usage. A B C D This essay is free of misspellings, and words are capitalized correctly.A B C D Sentences in this essay are punctuated correctly. A B C D Holistic Evaluation: A B C D Evaluation Rubric for Argumentative WritingContent This essay is clearly focused on its intended audienc

26、e.A B C D This essay has a clear argument.A B C D This argument is well supported.A B C D This essay is well developed with convincing examples.A B C D This essay has a logical conclusion.A B C D FormThe argument is arranged in an effective order.A B C D This essay has a clearly stated thesis statem

27、ent and topic sentences.A B C D All supporting sentences support the topic sentence.A B C D The transitions between and within paragraphs are effective.A B C D Language (Syntax, Word Choice, Usage, and Mechanics)The sentences of this essay are generally free of errors and appropriately varied. A B C

28、 D The words in this essay are chosen with accuracy and with attention to style. A B C D This essay demonstrates a sound control of conventional usage. A B C D This essay is free of misspellings, and words are capitalized correctly.A B C D Sentences in this essay are punctuated correctly. A B C D Ho

29、listic Evaluation: A B C D 文件二:测评方法和考试类型课程考试期末考试形式:闭卷笔试 时间: 90分钟考试类型项目卷面比率单项时间题量每题分值考题方式单项总分汉译英(短句)18%15分钟6题3分/题主观题18分汉译英(段落)22%20分钟2题10-12分/题主观题22分回答问题20%15分钟2题10分/题主观题20分作 文40%40分钟1题40分/题主观题40分学期总评: 过程性评估(出勤、作业、课堂陈述、作文自我评价及同伴评价) 10%终结性评估 期中成绩 20% 期末成绩 70% 文件三:样卷、参考答案试题样卷苏州大学写作与翻译课程试卷 共 4页 考试形式 闭 卷

30、 年 月院系 年级 专业 学号 姓名 成绩 Achievement Test for College English Writing and Translation Paper Type: APart I Translate the following sentences into English (18%).我们要努力保护和改善生态环境,使经济发展既满足当代人的需要,又造福于子孙后代。 _2. 在任何一处都不能一览全景是中国园林的一大特征。_除旧岁,希望除去一切厄运和不幸;迎新年,迎接更快乐的来年。_“年夜饭”是一年中一顿丰盛的团圆饭。饭后要有所剩余,预示着全家富足,年年有余。_我们必须正确

31、处理发展经济同人口、资源、环境的关系。_值此大会开幕之际,我为能有机会就和平与发展问题进行发言,谨向东道主致以深深的谢意。_ _Part II Translate the following two paragraphs into English (10%+12%).Passage One (10%)我是车载电脑辅助驾驶系统。我的工作就是提醒你路上可能会发生的危险。你想休息的时候,我会替你掌握方向,引导你变道。如果你前面的车突然慢了下来,我也将减速。在你睡意袭来,行车变得不稳时,我会及时提醒你。让你避免不少车祸。_Passage One (12%)达沃斯是瑞士东部的一个小镇,自从二十世纪九十年

32、代举办了世界经济论坛而出名。每年国际商业精英们都会在此召开会议,讨论诸如全球石油供给、世界经济增长、环境保护等各种问题。达沃斯人希望全球化能扫除国界、改变国与国之间以促进全球合作。虽然有人认为这种全球观与大多数美国人的价值观相悖,但在达沃斯人看来,保持国家认同与全球化之间并无矛盾。_Part III Write your answer to each of the following questions and your answer should be about 50 words (20%).What is your major? Do you like it?_What personal

33、 characteristics (for example, integrity, compassion, and/or persistence) do you possess that would improve your prospects for success in the field of profession?_Part IV Write an essay of no less than 200 words to express your point of view on the following topic (40%).Some people claim that stayin

34、g in a place all ones life is good for ones growth, while others disagree with the view, and they prefer changing the place. _参考答案Part I (18%)We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment, so as to ensure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of

35、 this generation, but benefit future generation.An important characteristic feature of the Chinese garden is that no one point gives an overall view of the garden.When they bid farewell to the old year, they hope bad luck and misfortune will be left behind; when they welcome the new year, they wish

36、for a happier year ahead.“Crossing-the-Year Meal” is a bountiful family reunion dinner of the year, and part of the food must be left over for the coming year, symbolizing that the family have food enough to spare from year to year. We must correctly handle the relationships between economic develop

37、ment on the one hand, and population growth, natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other.On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development.Part II Passa

38、ge One (10%)I am onboard computer-assisted driving system. Its my job to alert you to any hazards that may occur on the highway. When you want to relax, I can take control of the steering in your place, guiding you from one lane to another. If a car in front of you slows down suddenly, Ill decrease

39、your speed. When you are sleepy, and your driving becomes erratic, I will alert you in time. I can eliminate a lot of car accidents for you. Passage Two (12%)Davos is a small city in eastern Switzerland which began making itself known in the 1990s for hosting the World Economic Forum. Every year, in

40、ternational business elite will meet here to discuss a variety of issues such as the global supply of oil, world economic growth and environmental problems. Davos men hope that globalization may sweep aside national borders and change relations between nations so as to facilitate their global operat

41、ions. Although some argue that the global outlook is at odds with the values of most Americans, to the Davos, theres no contradiction between globalization and nationalism.Part III (20%)OpenPart IV (40%)Open “中国地方文化英语导读”考评方式、标准和样卷文件一:演示评估表_级大学英语“中国地方文化英语导读”课程Dept._Student No._ Name_ Score_Teachers C

42、omments: (30%)StructureGreetingIntroductionBodyClosureContentRelevanceReasoningEvidence of researchSound productionPronunciationIntonation and rhythmPitchPlace and pausingVolumeStressSense groupsLanguage Use and ExpressionVocabularyCohesive devicesAppropriate registersentence structureUse of PowerPo

43、int, etctimingsuitability of infoclarity and usefulnessKey notes for the presentation: (copy and paste your key notes here, please!)文件二:测评办法和考试类型课程考试期末考试形式:闭卷笔试 时间: 100分钟考试类型项目 卷面比率 单项时间题量每题分值考题方式 单项总分文化主题文献阅读10%20分钟1篇5分/题主观题10分专名英译20%15分钟10个2分/题主观题20分文化知识要点20%10分钟10题2分/题客观题/单选题20分文化现象简答题20%25分钟4题5分

44、/题主观题20分文化思辨写作20%30分钟2选130分/题主观题30分学期总评: 过程性评估(出勤、作业、课堂演示) 10%终结性评估 期中成绩 20% 期末成绩 70% 文件三:样卷、答题卡、参考题解试题样卷苏州大学 中国地方文化英语导读 课程试卷 共 6 页考试形式 闭 卷 院系 年级 专业 学号 姓名 成绩 Achievement Test for Highlights of Chinese Local CulturePaper Type: ADirections:1. The test lasts one and a half hours. You are required to fi

45、nish your test on time. To keep the test site quiet, we kindly require that you not hand in your test paper ahead of time. 2. Please do NOT bring into the test room any material irrelevant to the test, such as textbooks, revision materials, electronic dictionaries, communication equipment, etc. 3. P

46、lease provide all necessary personal information on the Answer Sheet. ATTENTION: Please write on the Answer Sheet all the answers and the TYPE of your test paper.4. When your test time is over, please leave the test room quietly to guarantee an ideal test environment for others.5. We thank you very

47、much for not taking out of the room any test material.Part I. Reading Comprehension (10%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then answer each question at the end of the passage. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet. The bamboo plant is the staple food of the giant panda and

48、 a cultural icon in Chinese history. In ancient China bamboo was a feature of various aspects of daily life. It was used for food, clothing, housing and transportation. Chinas first books were crafted from bamboo strips strung on string, and almost all ancient musical instruments were made of bamboo

49、. Bamboo also had assigned roles within feudal ethics.Chinese ancients designated the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum as “four gentlemen,” and pine, bamboo and plum as the “three friends in winter.” Renowned Tang poet Bai Juyi (772-846) summed up the merits of bamboo according to its characte

50、ristics: its deep root denotes resoluteness, its tall, straight stem represents honorability, its hollow interior modesty and its clean and spartan exterior exemplifies chastity. He thus concluded that bamboo lives up to the title “gentleman.”Besides being a symbol of virtue, bamboo was believed to

51、be endowed with soul and emotion.The mottled bamboo is the “bamboo of imperial concubines.” This epithet has its origins in a story about Emperor Shun, who died of overwork during an inspection tour of the south. He was buried in what is now Hunan Province, and as his wives Ehuang and Nuying mourned

52、 him by the Xiangjiang River, their tears fell on and stained bamboo growing on its bank. A Tang poet wrote: “The trace of tears on bamboo gives expression to bitter yearning.”Another breed of bamboo, Mengzong, honors a dutiful son. Meng Zong was a student during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280).

53、 His father died when he was an infant, and his mother was later stricken with a serious illness that did not respond to conventional medicine. The doctor suggested that soup made from bamboo shoots might help, but they were impossible to find in winter. Desperation and grief reduced Meng to tears.

54、His sincerity moved the heavens, and several bamboo shoots broke through the soil. After taking the soup his mother recovered, and word of Mengs filial piety soon became known across the state. Ancient Chinese literati held bamboo in profound esteem. This explains why there are so many writings and

55、paintings dedicated to it throughout history.On moving to a new residence, Eastern Jin (317-420) calligrapher Wang Huizhi had bamboo planted in the courtyard before furnishing any of the rooms, saying: “How can I endure a day without this gentleman?” Song author Su Shi (1037-1101) expressed his tale

56、nt not only in his poems but also in paintings of bamboo. Su was quoted as saying: “I can live without meat, but not without bamboo.” His remarks, “While painting bamboo one should have a finished image of it in mind,” gave rise to the popular idiom xiongyouchengzhu, the concept of having a well-tho

57、ught-out plan.Of all the painters in history, Zheng Banqiao (1693-1765) of the Qing Dynasty is believed to have been the best at drawing bamboo. One of his bamboo paintings bears the inscription: “Lying in my room in the office building, I hear the rustle of bamboo, and wonder if it is the sobbing o

58、f the people. For us local officials, everything we do, no mater how trivial it might be, focuses on the people.”Zheng Banqiao reveled in painting bamboo all his life. But it was not only men that revered bamboo. Tang (618-907) female poet Xue Tao remained single all her life, taking bamboo as a loy

59、al companion. Her lines “lush and hardy to show rare moral courage, hollow inside to maintain humility” are still quoted today. Today as people become more aware of the interaction between mankind and nature, the establishment of bamboo preserves should bring growing areas of bamboo forest. This wil

60、l be of great benefit to the giant panda, and can also be viewed as a restoration of traditional Chinese values. 1. As an icon of thousands of years, what does bamboo symbolize in China?2. Why are there so many paintings and writings dedicated to bamboo throughout history? Part II. Translation from


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