初中英语外研九年级下册Revision module A英语中考专题复习阅读理解课教案_第1页
初中英语外研九年级下册Revision module A英语中考专题复习阅读理解课教案_第2页
初中英语外研九年级下册Revision module A英语中考专题复习阅读理解课教案_第3页




1、Reading Comprehension阅读理解教学案 岳池县东湖学校 赵兴华一 Teaching Aims To learn the four types of questions in reading comprehensionTo learn the skills methods and steps to do reading comprehensionTo improve the abilities of reading comprehension、二 教学重点 熟悉掌握各种阅读题型、掌握阅读技能三 教学难点 熟练运用阅读技巧、完成阅读练习四 课型 Reading and pract

2、ice五 教学手段 PPT 教学案六 Teaching steps:Step 1 Leead-inToday,lets talk about how to deal with the problems on reading comprehension. This test is designed to test the students ability to understand the details of a passage, to make inferences, to comprehend the main idea of a passage and to guess the mean

3、ing of unfamiliar words.Step 2 Discuss the methods of solving-problems.First we should read the questions and make clear of the main points of the passage.(先读问题,弄清考查要点,带着问题看文章。)Next skim the whole passage to get the main idea.(快速浏览全文,掌握大意。)At last we must grasp the main words. For example:“What”(文章的

4、事件)、When(时间)、Where(地点)、Why(原因)、How(经过),Pay more attention to the conjunctions and the key adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, etc.Step 3 Discuss the skills of solving-problems.我们以广安市2023年中考题为例,本题共设置了5个问题,就提问方式我们简单的分为词义猜测题、推理判断题、细节理解题、主旨大意题四类。 First we should read the questions and make clear of the mai

5、n points of the passage.(先读问题,弄清考查要点,带着问题看文章。)Next skim the whole passage to get the main idea.(快速浏览全文,掌握大意。)At last we must grasp the main words. For example:“What”(文章的事件)、When(时间)、Where(地点)、Why(原因)、How(经过),Pay more attention to the conjunctions and the key adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, etc.Next

6、 we discuss the skills of solving-problems.(接下来我们讨论阅读理解题的解题技巧)我们以广安市2023年中考题为例,本题共设置了5个问题,就提问方式我们简单的分为词义猜测题、推理判断题、细节理解题、主旨大意题四类。Now lets look at the Guessing meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary词义猜测题提问方式(Ask questions like these):(1)The underlined word in the passage ( probably) means .(2)The underline

7、d word in the first (second.) paragraph refers to.Question42. Theunderlinedword“aching”means_.ApainfulBhopefulChelpfulDpowerfulIn the second paragraph: Ashopkeepertoldhimthathewouldpayhimacoinif hecarried heavytoolsforhim. His father asked to throw it into the boy cried, “Dad!Mybodyismtired.Howareyo

8、uaskingmeto throwmyhard-earned coin into a well(水井)?”Why did the boy cried? Because his father asked him to throw hishard-earned coin into a well.From the word “cried” and “his hard-earned” the underlined “aching” means painful .So we choose “A. painful.” From this question we can learn these skills

9、:他父亲叫他把金币投入井中,他“cried”,因为他感觉到自己辛勤挣来的金币是值珍惜的,因为挣钱很 tired,所以感觉到“aching”,我们可以猜出他的词义就是painful “令人疼痛的”.通过文章语境猜测词义、根据定义猜词义,根据经验常识猜词义.接下来我们谈谈推理判断题这种题型的主要提问方式有(Ask questions like these):1、What can we know according to the passage? 2、From the passage we can know/infer _.3、The writer suggests /indicates that

10、_.Question the passage we know thefatheraskedhimtothrowhiscoinintothewell in order to _ ATofillthewell. BTocheckifthecoinisreal.C. Tokeepcoinfortheboy.D. Tocheckiftheboyhadearneditbyhimself. 父亲叫他把金币投进井里,不是为了填井,一个金币也填不了井吧,所以首先排除A选项,是不是为了检查金币的真假或者是为孩子存下金币呢。Lets read the first his father sent his mothe

11、r to her parents, In order tonoonehelpedthe boy.Then his father asked his son tothrowitinto thewell.Theboy? Because the boysbodywasaching.He wastired.His father told his son that one feels pain only when the fruits of labor are wasted. So we know thefatheraskedhimtothrowhiscoinintothewell in order to checkiftheboyhadearneditbyhimself. We choose “D”. From this question we can learn these skills:结合上下文,吃透文章的表层意思,把握主


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