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1、.Unit7 精品教案. Material analysis本节课建议用 1 时完成。主要活动为 Section 1a 3。本课通过介绍 Kielburger 和他成立的组织 的事迹展开学习 活动,继续学习 引导的宾语从句,复习发出邀请的功能用语,学习邀请函 的写作要求学生掌握黑体词汇和短语的用法理解白体词汇的含义进一步学 习并运用宾语从句, 学会如何写邀请函鼓励他们学习 Craig Kielburger 关心他 人,乐于助人的精神,并向 Craig Kielburger 学习从小立下远大志向,并为之努 力奋斗。. Knowledge aims:1. 学生能进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。2. 学生

2、能正确掌握邀请函的写作。Skill :1. 能听懂有关邀请他人参加美食节的对话。2. 能就邀请他人参加美食节的话题进展交谈。3. 能从所给语言材料中找出有关信息。4. 能写出简单的邀请函。Emotional aims:向 Craig Kielburger 习,从小立下远大志向,并为之努力奋斗。. The key points and difficult pointsKey :1. 能向别人简单介绍 Kielburger 事迹。2. 进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。Difficult :写出简单的邀请函。. 1. 阅读时学会运用学过的知识和文段的关键词及大意进展预测。2. 写出邀请函一类的应用文之前首

3、先要明确格式和写作的内容。. aidsComputer projector. procedurespattern activity activityIntroduction8 1. The whole work.2. The whole work.3. Groupwork.4. The whole work.5. The whole work.1. Focus their 1. Greet students attention foron teacher. learning.2. Students the 2. Teacher asks the they written students af

4、ter homework. Let the evaluate the passage the from they written which is the typical their members like eat. let the studentsfrom evaluatethe 3. Students talk 3. Teacher asks the different foods to to about review clauses different foods to review the of object the countries. of A: do think is B: I

5、 think/guess (that)4. Students tell the of typical foods in different to their countries. homework. Tell of typical foods in5. 5. evaluates information And Craig. food festival.Introduce information Craig has built schools “Change the worldwithout me know information him passage 1a.(10minutes)1. Ind

6、ividualwork.2. The whole work.3. The whole work.4. Individualwork.5. The whole work.6. Individualwork.7. The whole work.1. Students atthepictures of 1a whether following or before reading.2. Students 1a to the answers.3. Students check answers.4. Students 1 and the5. Students check answers guessthe

7、of the .6. Students 3, guess the of new the questions.7. Students check answers and learn topredict the new words.1. Teacher asks look the pictures of 1a and decide whether the following are true or before reading.2. Teacher ask to 1a to the answers.3. Teacher asks the to tell answers.4. Teacher ask

8、s the read 1 2, the question: Whats Craigs favorite 5. two to tell answers. Ask to of the new regret. teach the them.6. Teacher asks read 3, guess the of the new then the following questions:(1) How many children were in Free the at beginning? (2) Whats the motto of Children?7. asks two to tell Tell

9、 them to predict the theirknowledge to find words ideas while And words 1. The whole work.2. The whole work.3. Groupwork.4. The whole work.5. Groupwork.1. read the 1. recording sentence byafter the recording sentence.sentence by sentence.2. try to the recording withoutthe attention to and Teacher th

10、e students intonation. to read whole 3. carefully and whole tables of 1b. carefully and two or tables of three students to tell the 1b. 4. Students 5. Teacher their students to in answers. to find out difficult 5. Students discuss in in the At minutes) find the last let them up difficult points of t

11、he up the 6. The whole work. makes a explain thekey points and difficult6. Students underline to the in (1) make a changetheir make (2) I regret + 从句 some Learn (3) of grasp the new(4) so 7. work.words phrases. (5) twelve-year-old7. reporter7. Students make a and Kangkang with the the interview help

12、 of Kangkang about the Children.ake a the helpof minutes)1. work.2. The whole work.3. The whole work.4. Groupwork.5. The whole work.6. The whole work.7. Individualwork.8. Individualwork.9. The whole work.10. Thewhole work.1. with their partner what they will do for Children.2. their results with str

13、ucture: I we3. Students theobject clauses.4. observe the of in sum upthe form of invitation.5. Students tell theform of invitation.6. Students theform of invitation.7. Students theinvitation to get general ideas.8. read theinvitation.9. Students check answers.10. Students through wholeinvitation.1.

14、Teacher asks discuss with their what will do Children. 2. from different to their results with I think we can3. Teacher thestudents good4. Teacher asks the invitation of in sum up form of the invitation.5. Teacher asks the to tell the form of invitation.6. evaluates summaries of students. Add more i

15、f necessary.7. Teacher asks to read theinvitation to get thegeneral ideas.8. the usage of in order lets readagain completethe invitation.9. tell the answers.10. the the invitation .1. Group 1. in1. Teacher asks thework. talking the content of invitation.2. Students list the work inSuppose next Sunda

16、y your ur parents will have a birthday for at want to invite good friends to your party. Talk the content of invitation.2. Group useful2. Teacher asks thework.3. Individualwords in3. Students down to the useful words phrases in3. Teacher asks thework.the invitation to write down the to words invitat

17、ion according to Production(7 4. The whole work.5. The whole work.6. Individualwork. 4. Students theinvitations on theblackboard.5. with teacher.6. Students useful words and phrases two to down the onthe blackboard.4. theinvitations on blackboard. At last the teacher a 5. Teacher the of this to the 6. Teacher homework:(1) Review after (2) Write to your him or to (3) Collect some observe their contentcontained.Reflecti


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