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1、2020-2021 学年度第二期期中考七年级英语试题(时间: 分钟, 总分 分)(听力分:共 小题,小题 分, 计 40 分).听句子,选择正确的答语。( )1. A. Take the subway. B. This way, please . C. You can go, too. ( )2. A. I have supper school. B. At about six clock. C. Im at home.( )3. A. I like playing the guitar. B. The story telling club. C. That sounds good. ( )4

2、. A . About 20 minuets walk. B. About half an C. I ride my ( )5. A. Theyre listening to a CD. B. They must be quiet.C. No, theyre exercising.听短对话,选择正确的答案。( )6. What club does the want to join ?A. The swimming B. The basketball club. C. The music ( )7. Can the man play the piano A. Yes, he can. B. No

3、, he cant. C. I dont know.( )8. What time does Miss Wang sing in the morning ?A. At 6:30. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:00.( )9. What subject does the man like best ?A. History. B. Chinese. C. Math.( )10.Why does Kate like giraffes ?A. Because they are clever. B. Because they cute.C. Because they interesting.

4、听长对话,选择正确的答案。听第一段对话,回答 11-13 小题。( )11. Where are they A. At school. B. At the office. At home.( )12. Whats Tony mother doing ?A. Cleaning the kitchen. B. Talking with her friends. C. Cleaning the room.七年级英语第1页 (共 页)( )13. can help Tonys ?A. Tony and his father. B. Tony. C. Tonys 听第二段对话,回答 14-15 小题。(

5、 )14. What can Jet play ?A. The violin. B. The drums. C. The piano.( )15. Can Maria sing ?A. No, she can B. Yes, she We dont know. 听短文,回答第 16-20 小题。( )16. Whats Jims brother doing?A. doing his homework. B. playing chess. C. watching TV( )17. Whats Jims mother doing?A. watching TV. B. reading. talkin

6、g on the phone.( )18. Where is Jim sister?A. in her room. B. at school. C. in the garden.( )19. What kind book is his sister reading A. An English book. B. A cartoon (卡通) C. I dont know.( )20. How many people there in his family A. Three B. Four Five笔试部V. 单项选择共 10 小题每小题 2 分,计 分)( ) 21. Lily learns t

7、o _ weekends. a B. an C. the D. /( )22. 找出与所给音标 t 对应的选项。A. quarter B. white C. river D. quiet( )23. Lucy speaks English well and her _ is to be an English teacher.A. question B. dream C. story D. habit( )24. He usually goes to school _bike, sometimes he goes to school _foot. with; on B. on; by C. on

8、; with D. by; ( )25. late for Mike.七年级英语第2页 (共 页) I wont. Cant B. Doesnt Dont D. ( )26. The salad _ good. I like it very much.A. taste B. tastes sound D. sounds( )27. Come on, Linda! Its late! I know, but s not good to eat _.A. well B. early C. happily D. quickly( )28. is now ? Its half past two. Wh

9、at time B. What C. How long D. old( )29. is it from your to your school? It is 10 walk. How long B. How C. How far D. How ( )30. tell their _ unhealthy for not to eat not eating C. to D. . 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)How do you usually go to work or go to school? My 31 have different ways of going o

10、utside.My father works in a bank. The bank is 32 from our home. So he goes to work car. The car ride 33 about 50 minutes. My mother a clothes store. Its about two kilometers from her 34 to our home. She goes there 35 every day. She thinks walking is good 36 health. Im a middle school student. I take

11、 school bus to school. Many students 37 taking the bus is boring, but I dont think so, 38 I can talk with my classmates on the bus. It gives me a lot of 39 . I like every minute it.How about your family? Do you have the same 40 of going outside different?( )31. A. friends B. family C. students class

12、mates( )32. A. dirty B. free C. far D. tidy七年级英语第3页 (共 页)( )33. A. takes B. finds C. gets D. wants( )34. A. club B. room C. school D. store( )35. A. by bike B. on foot C. by bus by subway ( )36. A. at B. with C. to D. for( )37. A. think B. know C. seeD. show( )38. A. so B. before because D. but( )39

13、. A. food B. funC. love D. help( )40. A. way B. time rules job. 阅读理解共 15 小题每小题 2 分,计 30 分)阅读 A、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAmy :I in school. I teach science to thing job with children. I make big 有很大影响 to their lives. And the holidays(期) are The ? of ! John :I work in a bank. best thing is the ! pa

14、y(报酬) ,so I let my family live a life. thing? The hours. I work a day. Im very I dont have to with my wife two children.( ) Amy like job? can can work can meet very kind parents. can a difference to childrens C.D.( ) 42.What John? He in a school. B. The workplace near his home. C. He for hours. D. H

15、is family has a good life.( ) many are in Johns family? Two. B. Three. C. D. 七年级英语第4页 (共 页)Molly is a 10-year-old to Today 圣节).Mollys mother takes store in morning. to Christmas(圣诞老人 helps but he them know that. I will give twenty dollars. Take money and buy some things for others. After me in the c

16、ar.Molly thinks of lots of people familyteachers and classmates. thinks of Bill. Bill her in home from Its eight kilometers from his home school. This have money to take the bus. have a bike. Every it takes Bill a long time to walk to His are dirty. Molly 洞) in them. So Molly buys a pair of sports s

17、hoes Bill with the money.In afternoonMolly rides bike to office and the to Bill. She writes a note(便条).It reads , from Father Christmas.”( ) 44.What CANNOT Molly? How is. B. How she C. she looks like. D. What kind of she ( ) Bill? Mollys brother. Mollys C. Mollys uncle. D. Mollys ( ) 46.Bill goes to

18、 . on foot B. by C. by bus D. by ( ) 47.We know Bill is a boy has two bikes at C. lives from school D. has of shoesCDo the Kids Care Club?You can group of in They join it to Parents, teachers and other work with in the club. The children can do many things.They can the peoples home. There are there.

19、 They can them and play with They can dance 七年级英语第5页 (共 页)They can a lot from old people, too. will tell to them.例如), They can children. gifts for sick children in hospital. collect( 收集) send 贫穷 的) children.Do want to the ? your parents can you 开办) Care Club.( ) 48.If you like,you join Kids making f

20、riends B. C. playing games D. ( ) 49.What the in Care Club do to ?Send clothes poor children. stories to old Sing dance with the people.Talk to old people.B.C.D.( ) 50.The underlined “sick means “ ” in Chinese.生病的B.饥饿的C.强壮的D.内向的( ) 51.What may writer think the in the Kids Care Club? Kind. B. Tidy. D

21、. Healthy.D Thomas is walking his dog the park. Mr. Smith sitting a tree on 冰) Suddenly. dog falls 掉进) the cant out.“I must save dog says Mr. Smith. doesnt think and jumps into the cold difficult him to swim in waterbut he just thinking helps out of the water. And they are safe now.“When we get out

22、of the is !” Mr. with a smile. this too. “The dog gets onto the i ce lake, she says.“Suddenly(突然地, it starts to under. Many it they are for help. But only Mr. Smith jumps into the cold water save it.”七年级英语第6页 (共 页) Mr. a 英雄)“In fact, people in the world doing as me Mr. Smith says. “But now on Jack b

23、e away from the ice lake.Animals great you same for them Mr. Smith? ( ) 52.When the a cold morning in B. On a warm in C. a warm in February.D. On a cold morning in ( ) 53.Whats Mr. doing while the is on the lake? He is taking walk in park.B. He is sitting a C. He is with someone.D. He is with anothe

24、r ( ) 5 4.Which of following TRUE? Mr. angry because is worried him.B. lets onto ice it falls into C. Mr. wont play on ice lake time.D. Julie Brown doesnt think its 必要的 for to so. ( ) 55.What does writer mainly to tell be B. To help in danger.C. To stay from ice D. in . 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式

25、。每空 限填一词。(10 分Uncle John is an 56 (美国人),but he can 57 (说) Chinese and ,he 58 ( 教) English in a of Shanghai. John to 锻炼) every day. 60 ( 重要的 to keep healthy. usually his 61 自行车) to work. He likes to make dinner for three 62 ( 孩子们) always that (美味的) makes us He keeps a 64 (物) ,and everyone his dog is

26、可爱的 聪明的) can (歌) 七年级英语第7页 (共 页) I want to Uncle John this vacation.IX.书面表达(共计 10 分)66.Daniel 想加入电脑俱乐部, 请你用英语写一篇介绍他相关情况的书面 材料字数 60 字左右,开头和结尾已写好,不记入总字数年龄出生地居住地外貌爱好不擅长其他11南京北京很高,黑头发,戴着一副眼镜打羽毛球,玩电脑游戏,跑步英语,音乐彬彬有礼,乐于助人,深受老师和同学喜爱This is Daniel He hopes he can join the computer club七年级英语第8页 (共 页)七年英语答听力部分(题 分,共 40 分)1-5AABBC 6-10BBBCC 11-15CCBAB 16-20 BCACC 单项选择(每 2 分,共 ) 21-30 CABDC BDACA 完形填空(每 2 分,共 20 分 31-40 BCADB DACBA 阅读理解(每 2 分,共 30 分41-45 BDCCD 46-50 ACDBA 51-55


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