1、.北京市西城区2018年九年级模拟测试英语试卷2018.5知识运用一单项填空从下面各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. Jane,isthisyourbag?No.bagispink. A.I B.My C.Me D.Mine2.Lifethe1900swasverydifferentfromwhatitisnow. A.in B.on C.from D.by3.Thehorseistoooldtorunasasitdid. A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.thefastest4.Hurryup,wellhavetowaitanothertwo
2、hoursforthenexttrain. A.and B.but C.or D.so5. Jim,doyougotothegym?Youlookfit.Twiceaweek. A.howoften B.howfar C.howmuch D.howlong6. Sam,Icalledyouyesterday,butyouwerenotathome.Oh,Iatmyaunts. A.am B.was C.havebeen D.willbe7. Tomorrowmydadabigdinnerformybirthdayparty.Soundsgreat!Haveagoodtime. A.cooks
3、B.wascooking C.cooked D.willcook8. Whydidntyouopenthedoorformejustnow?Sorry,Iabath. A.willtake B.amtaking C.wastaking D.take9. HaveyouseenthefilmMonkeyKing?Yes.Iitthreetimes.Itissointeresting. A.saw B.haveseen C.willsee D.amseeing10.Ifyoutoomuchice-cream,youwillgetsick. A.willeat B.wereeating C.ate
4、D.eat11. Doyouknowthat1,000,000,000peopleareusingWeChat?Yes.Itbymoreandmorepeoplearoundtheworld. A.accept B.accepted C.isaccepted D.wasaccepted12. Dad,couldyoutellmenextSunday?Nothingspecial. A.whatyoudid B.whatareyougoingtodo C.whatdidyoudo D.whatyouaregoingtodo二完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选
5、项中,选择最佳选项Throughouthistory,peoplehaveusedjewelrytomaketheir clotheslookmorespecial.Jewelrywas,andstillis,infashionalloverthe world.Throughtheyears,peoplehavewornjewelryfordifferent13:to makethemselveslookbeautiful,toprotectthemfrombadthings,andto14howmuchmoneytheyhave.InSouthAfrica,menintheNdebeletr
9、ingsaway.ManyChinesepeopletodaystillbelievethis,andsomepeopleonlywearthebraceletsontheirleftarms.13.A.reasons B.clothes C.places D.problems14.A.ask B.show C.guess D.explain15.A.daughters B.mothers C.wives D.friends16.A.still B.never C.just D.even17.A.older B.richer C.smarter D.stronger18.A.kept B.ha
10、ted C.stopped D.suggested19.A.sell B.wear C.hide D.design20.A.fun B.beauty C.friendship D.protection阅读理解三阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选择最佳选项AThinkingoutsidetheBoxIfyouthinkyoungpeoplecanthaveaninfluenceontheworld,thinkagain.Overtheyears,teenshaveinventedexcellentthingsthatsolveproblemsandhavecha
14、solveproblemseveryday.Whoknows?Maybethenexttimeyouhaveaproblem,youllcomeupwiththenextamazingidea!21.Ifyouhavenotimetotakecareofyourvegetablegarden,canhelpyou. A.Bot2Karot B.iCPooch C.GameBlox D.SmartphoneCameras22.BrookeMartininventediCPoochwhenshewas. A.4 B.10 C.12 D.1423.Accordingtothepassage,Robe
15、rtSaunt. A.isananimallover B.wastiredofplayinggames C.inventedacontroller D.helpswithgardeningBParisianarchitectPaulAndreuhas designedsomanylandmarkbuildingsinChina.AmonghisbestknownaretheNationalGrandTheatre inBeijing,theJinanGrandTheatreandShanghaiPudongInternationalAirport.Andreuisnearly80and hec
16、ontinuestodevelopprojectsinChina.Theworldfamousarchitect,writerandpainterheldhisfirstart showlastsummerinBeijingwherehesatdownfor thisinterview.Howwasitthatyouwentfromarchitecturetowritingandmorerecentlytopainting?Ihaveadesiretocreate,forcontinuousrenewal.WhileIcantsaythatIknoweverythingaboutarchite
20、er;theplannedcompletiondateisin2019.24.PaulAndreuhasgonefromarchitecturetopaintingbecause. A.helikespaperandink B.hethinkspaintingisfaster C.hehasadesiretocreate D.hehastoprovethatheisgreat25.WhereisPaulAndreusprojectinChinanow? A.InBeijing. B.InJinan. C.InShanghaiPudong. D.IntheZhuhaiMacaoarea.26.W
21、hatdoyouknowaboutPaulAndreufromthepassage? A.Hisachievements. B.Hischallenges. C.Hisworries. D.Hishabits.CAftertheholidayseason,ourguessisthatyouaretiredfromvisitingthestoreandbuyinggifts.Itiseasytogetstuck,bothspirituallyandphysicallybyhavingtoomuch.Thisiswhyminimalismandlivingsimplyshouldbeyourres
23、ssarythings,whenweshouldbefillingourtimewithfriends,value,andservice?Anarticlefromthewebsite,BecomingMinimalist,pointsouttheproblemwiththiscycleinthebestway, Nobodyreallybelieveshappinessisdirectlytiedtothenumberofthingsweown.Yetalmostallofuslivelikeit.Wegetstuckinit.Weworkmorehoursthaneverbefore,ea
28、ingthisgoal.Cutoutthatwhichdoesntleadtoyourhappinessandsuccessandaddmoreofwhatdoes.Remember,apareddownlifestyledoesntmeanlesssuccessorlesshappiness.Itrepresentsyourfreedomtofocusonthethingsinlifethatreallymatter.27.Thecycle peopleworkandworkonlytobuyandbuy shows. A.peoplegetstuckphysicallyandspiritu
29、ally B.people dont believe wealth leads to happiness C. people dont want to save more D. people fall in love with buying28. To practise minimalistic living,you should . A. give away your drawers and closets B. go to the shopping mall every six months C. have 30 minutes of social media per day D. dis
30、cover your life goals and values29. The words pared downin the last paragraph probably mean . A. free B. light C. popular D. convenient30. Which of the following best explains the writers opinion? A. It might take you a long time to wait for the rightthing. B. Clear out the unnecessary so that the n
31、ecessary may speak. C. Change yourself with the development of society. D. Freedom is more important than success.DA research study has looked into what happens inside your brain while you read and listen to music.You know that thrillyou get when listening to your favorite music?That exciting feelin
32、gwhen you hear your favorite songs?According to a recent study,it seems the same thing can happenwhile you are reading,but not with every kind of text. This opens up interesting questions aroundhow music,reading and emotions are connected in the brain.The study We decided we would do a comparison be
33、tween four or five different kinds of texts to see howthe brain reacted,explains Adam Zeman,a scientist. The participants lay in an MRIscanner reading the texts,and then we compared brain activity for those five texts.The texts rangedfrom deadly boring ones to highly exciting ones,including the High
34、way Code,parts fromnovels,and poems.So what happened in the participantsbrains while they were reading?Emotional reactionAs the researchers observed,participants found some texts more emotional than others. Whenreading these emotional texts,there was higher activity in brain areas related to pleasur
35、e andrewardthe same areas related to the thrill we get when we listen to music. As Zeman says, itperfectly shows that the emotional reaction to literatureand to music has quite a bit incommon. So it doesnt seem to matter whether you are listening or reading if you get a thrill. That wasone quite str
36、ong finding.IntrospectionThere were more interesting findings. Reading poetry is often considered an activity thatrequires us to use the brain,but did the study find any truth of this?When the participants werereading poems,the team found there was more activity in a particular group of brain areas
37、called theDefault Network. These areas seem to be related to things we do with our minds when we areresting,like thinking about whats happened to us recently,thinking about whats going to happen inthe near future,about other people,and that network seems to be more strongly related to poetrythan wit
38、h other texts,explains Zeman. This connection between poetry and introspection could bethe subject of further research.ConclusionsThe study shows that the different texts activate different areas of our brains when we read.Zeman says, the study did support what we thought:reaction to literature was
39、going to be a bit likethe one to music in terms of emotion. We felt that we ended up with a great deal of unansweredquestions which we hope somebody will continue to ask.31. What did the research try to find out? A. How music helps us read different kinds of texts. B. What kind of texts most people
40、like while listening to music. C. Why reading different texts causes different reactions in emotion. D. Whether reading can cause similar emotional reaction like music does.32. What did the participants do in the study? A. They listened to music. B. They read different texts. C. They answered many q
41、uestions. D. They compared brain activities.33. What can we learn from the study? A. The emotional texts work better for the research. B. Poetry reading can activate the Default Network. C. Music helps to bring pleasure and reward. D. People think about the past when resting.四阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题Moms Rec
42、ipe for LifeI have a lot of Moms recipes in a blue box where all my special ones were put,like thepumpkin pie she made during my growing up years. Even so,the recipe I treasure most is not on anyindex card,nor did she send it to me in a letter. Instead,she lived this recipe all of her life.My mother
43、 grew up in a small coal mining town in southwest Iowa. My grandfather once told methat she knew no stranger;she considered everyone in that community her friend. That attitudecontinued wherever she lived for the rest of her life.As a teen,I was embarrassedevery time my mother talked to strangers an
44、d offered asmile to everyone in the store or on the city bus. Almost all of them respondedwith a brightsmile of their own. Some spoke,others nodded their heads at this elderly woman who brought a littlelight into their day.What really sold me on Moms approach to life was her experience on the senior
45、 bus. The weeksI could not be there,she used this lowcost transportation to the grocery store. After her first trip,Iasked her how it went. Ha!she said, I got on that bus and what did I see?Thirteen little old ladies and one oldman,and not one word was spoken.I wondered how long it would be until th
46、e silence on that bus would change. On my next visit,Mom mentioned the 13 little old ladies on the bus and something one of them had told her. Oh,are you talking with them now?I asked. Of course,she said. One day I climbed up the steps of the bus and before I looked for aseat,I gave them a big smile
47、 and I said, Isnt it a wonderful day?I noticed a few shy smiles.Mom didnt give up. She greeted them all each time she got on the bus and before long,thewhole group was laughing and talking to one another. The bus became more than just transportation.When we went to the various stores,I watched as sh
48、e smiled and chatted with perfect strangers.Some of them looked like the poorest person youd ever met,but once Mom smiled at them andstarted a conversation,most responded favorably. My mother didnt embarrass me any longer. I foundmyself admiring her.Shes been gone for ten years but Ive carried on he
49、r recipe for life. It was me who had done thesmiling first and all those people had responded. My mother didnt lecture but taught me by example.Shed given me a recipe for life.34. Where did the writers mom grow up?35. Did the people talk on the bus on Moms first trip?36. What did Mom do to make the
50、bus more than transportation?37. How did the writer feel about Mom in the end?38. What is Moms recipe for life?书面表达五文段表达 39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作文中已给出内容不计入总词数所给提示词语仅供选用请不要写出你的校名和姓名提示词语 :plant,recycle,speech,clean,beautiful提示问题 :1. When and where will the activity be held?2. What wi
51、ll you do for it?3. Why will you do that?Dear Peter,Im writing to invite you to take part in our celebration of Environment Protection Day.Looking forward to seeing you there.Yours,Li Hua提示词语 :write,translate,friend,help,teamwork,better提示问题 :1. What achievement have you made?2. How did you make it?3
52、. What have you learnt from the experience?北京市西城区2018年九年级模拟测试英语试卷答案与评分标准2018.5知识运用一单项填空1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D 11.C 12. D二完形填空13. A 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D阅读理解三阅读短文,选择最佳选项21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. D26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. B31. D 32. B 33. B四阅读短文,回答问题34. In a small coal mining town in southwest Iowa.35. No,they didnt.36. She greeted them all each time she got on the bus.37. Proud.38. The attitude of considering everyone her friend.五文段表达39. One possible version:Dear Peter,Im writing to invite you to take pa
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