1、Chapter 3 THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENTMarketing environment: The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its target customers.外部环境如何影响企业营销?ContentsThe Companys Microenvironment The forces close to the company tha
2、t affect its ability to serve its customersthe company itself, suppliers, market channel firms, customer markets, competitors, and publics.The Companys Macroenvironment The larger societal forces that affect the whole microenvironmentdemographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cult
3、ural forces.Responding to the Marketing EnvironmentThe Companys MicroenvironmentThe CompanySuppliersMarketing IntermediariesCustomersCompetitorsPublicsThe companyTop managementFinanceR & DPurchasingManufacturingAccountingMarketingFigure 3-1 The companys internal environmentThe SuppliersThe strategie
4、s of suppliersBargains power of supplierSuppliers creditsRelationship with suppliersQuantity &quality of supplying goodsThe production capacityMarketing Intermediaries Firms that help the company to promote, sell and distribute its goods to final buyers; the include resellers, physical distribution
5、firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries.CustomersConsumer marketsBusiness marketsReseller marketsGovernment marketsInternational marketsCompanyFigure 3-2 Types of customer marketsPublicsFigure 3-3 Types of publicsPublics: Any group that has an actual or potential interest in
6、 or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectives.Financial publics Media publics Government publics Citizen-action publics Local publics General publics Internal publics CompanyThe Companys MacroenvironmentDemographic EnvironmentEconomic EnvironmentNatural EnvironmentTechnological En
7、vironmentPolitical EnvironmentCultural EnvironmentDemographic environment(1)Changing age structure of the population (Baby boom: The major increase in the annual birthrate following World War and lasting until the early 1960s. The “baby boomers,” now moving into middle age, are a prime target of mar
8、keters.) The Changing familyGeographic shifts in populationA better-educated and more white-collar populationIncreasing ethnic and racial diversityDemography: The study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.Demographic environme
9、nt(2)-Changing age structure of the U.S. populationTable 3-1 Percent distribution of the U.S. population by ageAge group1995200020052010203020402050Under to 1312.813.113.112.511.711.511.614 to to 2410. to 3417.315.513.612.712.412
10、.412.535 to 4415.116.216.314.812.912.912.245 to 6418.619.922.224.922.122.122.565 & older12.512.812.712.720.220.220.6Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, as reported in Melissa Campanelli, “selling to Seniors: A Waiting Game,” Sales & Marketing Management, June 1994 P. 69 中国0-14岁分年
11、龄、性别的人口年龄组人口数(人)占总人口数的百分比(%)性别比合计男女合计男女(女=100)总人口1242612226640275969602336257100.0051.5348.47106.300-4岁6897837437648694313296805.553.032.52120.175-9岁9015258748303208418493797.264.893.37115.4210-14岁125396633653447396005189410.095.264.83108.81数据来源:2000年第五次全国人口普查机器汇总数据表截取的0-14岁的数据 Economic environment(
12、1)Changes in incomeChanging consumer spending patterns Engels laws: Differences noted over a century ago by Ernst Engel regarding how people shift their spending across food, housing, transportation, health care, and other goods and services categories as family income rises.Economic environment: Fa
13、ctors that affect consumer buying power and spending patterns.Economic environment(2)% of spending at different income levelsExpenditure$10,000-15,000$20,000-30,000$50,000 and overFood17.715.812.6Housing 24.823.024.9Utilities8.67.14.7Clothing 17.419.117.6Health care7.85.53.7E
14、ntertainment and pensions Consumer expenditure Survey, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 2383, August 1991, pp.15-17. Also see Paula Mergenhagan, “What Can Minimum Wage Buy?” Ame
15、rican Demographics, January 1996 pp. 32-35.Table 3-2 Consumer spending at different income levelsWorld and U.S. GDP growth (annual %)world textiles and clothing exports growth (annual%)经济周期,产业周期与市场周期之螺旋互动 经济周期 市场周期与商业模式的创新反传统、反叛迷失的时尚回归平静生活宽容的纯休闲对40年代复古沃尔玛的折扣店和GAP休闲品牌专卖店超值、家居休闲简约 对70年代怀旧,(Grunge,朋克美学
16、)大型综合超市+平价休闲优衣库模式ZARA、H&M 快速时尚与高端奢侈品牌并存时尚化、功能化奢华时尚与平价时尚消费分化户外运动商务休闲体现生活方式对80年代怀旧复古70S80S90S00S10SHilfiger Crisis休闲服装产业波和消费倾向周期市场趋势、时尚风格与商业模式创新年代时尚消费趋势时尚态度 生活方式时尚风格商业模式创新30S经济危机大萧条美国Hawley-Smooth bill 对巴黎高级时装征90%的进口税奢华阶级对立被迫降低成本大型公司走向成衣商品营运与制造商分离(OEM)40S二战巴黎时装产业陷入低谷 Dior Newlook ,修复时尚品牌特许 授权模式(Dior,皮
17、尔卡丹)50S顺从主流怕与众不同男装偏向稳重与朴素强调对异性吸引力时尚产业结构“RTW”上升而不是小规模奢华技艺60S反抗潮流,叛逆主流年轻时代文化狂潮兴起 Beatles(61)嬉皮士(67)表达自我放弃主流嬉皮文化与经济学家对资本主义的批判反建构Dior beat look (YSL,60)Miniskirt (Andre Courreges ,61)Swinging Revolution (Life International,66)创造迷你裙并商业化Space ageMoon girl(60-70)年代时尚消费趋势时尚态度 生活方式时尚风格商业模式创新70S被品味遗忘的年代反时尚的年代
18、诉求年轻、自由、反文化价值(追求平等,反资本主义)嬉皮文化晚期发展朋克(Terrorist CHIC)巴黎时装一直亏损高级女装受到经济危机的影响狂野风(平底鞋与热裤)裙摆流行长裙(嬉皮风格)然而以后十年中裙子不断缩短中短上衣 腰线毕露中产阶级:运动装及商务套装YSL男女角色的互换CK的极简风潮米兰的成衣潮流取代了巴黎在高级女装时尚界的地位意大利制造+意大利设计美式(休闲)与欧式(优雅)结合平底鞋与热裤80S拜金主义 社会地位分化阶级分化 物欲主义 贪梦QVC(quality value conventions)在家购物 超值暴发户的时装风格川久保玲(83) 前卫 反机械Karl Lagerfe
19、ld担任Chanel 首席设计师(82)年轻化 世俗化Prada 古典+前卫日本设计师暂露头角GAP休闲(80s以来)Prada 黑色尼龙双肩包服装材质创新 推动时尚材质使服装提升舒适性、功能性、多变性、轻盈感、稳重感、都市运动风是新材质的产物90S解构与实验跨文化面临经济危机与社会分裂发达工业化社会趋向浪漫化吸收未开发文化元素证明自己的知识而不是财富Gucci 超级性感Versace “SM” Homo sex 皮革装扮日本前卫风格英国极简主义(1997)区分于新贵的奢华L.R简约品味的浪漫渴望川久保玲“寂”(穷困、简单、孤独) “佗”(wadi 短暂 、颓废、乡村)邮物 TV shoppi
20、ng (93)E commerce (99)川久保玲“反纺织机器”不正常机械运转产生和效果 不规则效果低调奢华剪裁节制材质精致(1998)年代时尚消费趋势时尚态度 生活方式时尚风格商业模式创新2000时尚化 功能化奢华与平价时尚的两级分化自信 混搭品牌忠诚度下降设计感的服装多种单品的搭配Prada Gucci 的元素材质、版型、色泽、纹样、装饰Fast fashion E-Commerce 大型服装连锁与小规模市场的设计新秀结合服装的舒适性、功能性“感性购买”的消费模式从不景气起,新的设计模式小众的小设计师与供应商合作研发2010同一个地球 分化的世界同一个梦想 百变的时尚新有闲阶级:奢侈+标
21、致平民的时尚:个性+基本需求+口红效应网络 创意高科技 新材质生态 低碳 环保 健康Natural environmentShortages of raw materialsIncreased cost of energyIncreased cost of energyIncreased pollutionGovernment intervention in natural resource management Natural environment: Natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are a
22、ffected by marketing activitiesTechnological environmentFast pace of technological changeHigh R & D budgetsUnlimited opportunitiesConcentration on minor improvementsIncreased regulationE-Business Technological environment : Forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportu
23、nities.Political environmentLegislation regulating business -Increasing legislation -Changing government agency enforcementIncreased emphasis on ethics and socially responsible actionsPolitical environment: Laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations
24、 and individuals in a given society.Legislation Related to Clothing1939 Wool Products Labeling Act1951 Fur Products Labeling Act1953 Flammable Fabric Act1960 Textile Fiber Identification Act1966 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act1967 Flammable Fabrics Act1970 Poison Prevention Packaging Act1971 Care Labeling Act1972 Consumer Product Safety Act1979 Trade Agreements Act1980 American to Wool Product Labeling Act of 1939The ConsumerismThe right to be safetyThe right to be
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