



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Hotel Level:酒店等级:I V一-五Department:部门:Rooms Division房务部Job Band:职位等级: 99Reports To:直属上级: Bell Captain, Concierge, Front Office Manager行李领班,礼宾主管,前厅部经理job overview职位概述Provide efficient transport services for guests and hotel executives.为客人和

2、酒店高管提供交通服务。At InterContinental Hotels & Resorts we want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Know which means we need you to:Be charming by being approachable, having confidence and showing respect.Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests needs, being attentive and

3、taking ownership of getting things done.Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.在洲际酒店及度假村,我们希望宾客感觉风格独特、时尚现代和深入洞悉,这意味我们需要你:亲切、充满自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力的你。理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,

4、做到令人难忘。Duties and Responsibilities工作职责Responsible for safe transfer of guests from all determined locations负责将客人从所有指定地点安全送达Create guest satisfaction through a pleasing personality, effective communication skills and should be first to greet the guest as per time of the day 凭借令人愉快的性格和有效的沟通技巧取得客户的满意,并

5、且总要主动与客人打招呼Maintain good knowledge of the city routes locations and hotel facilities熟知城市路线、地点和酒店设施Maintain knowledge of flight timings and assist guest in handling and loading baggage whenever required知晓航班时间,并按客人要求协助其处理和装载行李 Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and be well groomed and well d

6、ressed at all times保持个人卫生, 随时保持个人形象和穿着整洁Do utmost to learn names of guests, especially repeat and long staying guests remaining alert to situations to offer assistance尽力熟知客人的名字,特别是熟客和长包房的客人,注意观察情况以向客人提供协助Assist in valet parking when not assigned any duty在没有工作任务时协助代客泊车Maintain detailed knowledge of f

7、acilities and services of the hotel and use this knowledge to promote the hotel to guests熟知酒店设施和服务情况,并以此向客人推销酒店Keep abreast of activities in your city which may affect driving times or routes and relay this to management了解所在城市的活动,如发现可能影响驾驶时间或路线的情况应向管理层汇报Responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of

8、the car used for guest transfer and assist with maintaining vehicles to hotel presentation standards负责载客车辆的保养和清洁,并按照酒店形象标准对车辆进行维护Performs other duties as may be assigned by the Rooms Division Manager执行房务部经理可能分派的其它任务aCCOUNTABILITY责任范围Number of employees supervised 管理的员工 Direct N.A.直接 无Indirect N.A.间接

9、 无Annual Operating Profit/Payroll Budget 年度经营利润和薪金预算N.A.无 Key Metrics 主要绩效指标Completion of assigned tasks完成分配给的工作的情况Decision Making Responsibilities (Decision Rights) 决策职责(决策权)N.A.无QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求Required Skills 技能要求 Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time w

10、hen interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。Able to read and write English能够读写英语Valid drivers license required for Hotel van and car.拥有驾驶酒店面包车和汽车所需的有效驾驶执照。Qualifications 学历High School.高中Experience 经验1 year experience in guest service or as a driver. 1年宾客服务或司机的经验The statements in this job description are intended to describe the essential nat


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