



1、Team3Super段涵琳 黄冲 1.4Ps:TCLbrandstrategy:targetingayoung处理方法:快速理赔、工程师调查、随柜/三.GlobalmarketingcampaignKeylearningLogo 黄莎莎Today, I learned from Robin about the aftersales, after his presentation, I have a better understanding of aftersales role and responsibility, and what risks they are facing. I feel

2、aftersales is an very important part for whole management control. It answers customers questions and solves their issues after product sold. Defective devices and feedback from end userswillbecollectedandaftersalesengineerwillcheckwithR&Dforsolution,sotosomeextent, he help improve products quality

3、as well. To better load in, track and proceed end users reequest, there should be an on-line system, for end user to easily report their issues and give feedback after execution of the solution. And I hope TCL can build up such system as its really important to maintain good relationship with end us

4、ers as they can help a lot on TCLs sustainbale development.李波顿云龙 MarketingisalotaboutproductbutstartfromProductcontributestosetthebrandBrandvsProduct:itsnotwhatyousell,butwhatyoustandGlobalmarketingiseverythingfromproduct,designing,communicationMarketingmethodology:attractive,interact,purchase,Consu

5、merorientedandexperience Meaning and function of after-sales service: help solve consumers problem and provide service to meet their requirement; collect our products QA problems and help to improve the quality; help to improve brand image and consumers satisfaction and loyalty, which in return will

6、 bring the increase of sales volume.Basicprocessandmodeofafter-salesserviceofTCLAir-conditionerProcess:fromconsumertocustomertoafter-salesserviceMode:OEM(bigcustomer);TCLbrandpromoting;productfeature(needprofessional person to install it, need professional person to repair)Dailyoperation:backupcomponentsverifyanddeliver; consumercomplainingdisposing; technical consultant.Overseasafter-salesserviceengineerisProfessionalinBehaviorp


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