1、 英文科技论文写作概论主讲:李刚你准备好写英文文章了吗?硬件篇君欲善其事,必先利其器!好的工具能帮助你在英文写作的时候事半功倍。户外探险的时候要有一套适合户外生存的装备,写英文文章也要有好的专用工具套装。生物科技英文写作工具套装包括:专业词典软件:推荐新编全医药学大词典,或者金山词霸医学版或者金山词霸2007,它可以帮助你快速查到绝大多数生物学中的英文词汇,有些很偏的也可以查到。而且可以不断补充你的词汇库。普通词典软件:金山词霸2006或金山词霸2007 ,查普通英文词汇。一本分子克隆英文版或其他专业的英文经典工具书,从中你可以学会很多描述生物实验操作的书面的、专业化的句子,对你撰写英文论文中
2、的Materials and Methods 部分很有帮助.Qiagen、Invitrogen等公司的试剂盒说明书等都是很好的参考书,英文句子简短精练而地道、可以反复阅读和背诵。一台上网的电脑,且拥有进入几大科技期刊出版社数据库(如Alsevier,Springer,Blackwell等)的权限。一个好用的e-mail邮箱(最好中大或hotmail的,不要用sina等免费邮箱)几种计算机工具软件:Microsoft office软件,Photoshop CS(不是ACD see), Acorbat professional(6.0以上,不是Acorbat reader)如果从事生物统计学研究的
3、,必须会用一些生物统计软件,如SPSS等和生物绘图软件如画质粒的Plasmid软件等。你准备好写英文文章了吗?软件篇1、熟悉常见的本专业词汇。 方法:多读、多查文献,将出现频率高的专业词汇记下来。2、熟练掌握中英文文献的检索方法。 本课程前次课已讲述了一些中英文文献检索的基本技巧, 需多加实践。3、下载最新的SCI杂志影响因子表,熟悉本专业常见的SCI杂志、 及其水平和投稿要求。4、熟悉本领域的最主要的专家,并记下他们的联系方式,如有 机会能和他们中的一些人进行初步的认识和沟通是最理想的, 如通过开国际会议,要论文、质粒等机会。5、熟悉一篇英文稿件从准备、写作、投稿、修改、出版的整个 过程。6
4、、熟悉一篇英文稿件的组成和各部分的基本要求。7、从现在开始有意识培养自己用英文写专业论文的习惯和写作 时用英文思考的习惯。8、学习并练习写英文书信的一些基本格式和技巧。一篇英文文章的投稿和出版流程网上投稿后稿件的几种状态(1)1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。 2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: 3. Editor assigned 4. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编
5、辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 5. Reviewer(s) invited 如果审稿人接受那就会是以下状态: 6. Under review 这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。 如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 一篇英文论文的结构1. The first page2. Abstract3. Key words4. Introduction5. Materials and methods6. Results and discussion7. Acknowlegements8. References9. Figure l
6、egends10. Tables11. Figures投论文前的准备工作Reading 1020 relevant papers seriously.Choose one magazine as submitting target. Reading carefully the “Aims and Scope” of the magazine.Reading carefully the “Instructions to Authors” of the magazine. Manuscript preparation.Manuscript submission TitleThis must be
7、informative and give key details of the work described. Do not use phrases such as”“The effect of ” or “study of”Please give an explicit clear title and include mention of the biological system being used. Running title(短标题)A brief running title (not to exceed 54 characters and spaces) will be consi
8、dered during compilation of the subject index and will be at the top of each printed page. AbstractPlease provide a short abstract that will occupy not more than 5 printed lines(250 words) in the final printed paper. The abstract should not contain any undefined non-standard abbreviations or unspeci
9、fied references. Imprecise or qualitative statements should be avoided as should redundant words and pharses. Quantitative values of key data should always be given. Please avoid beginning with a phrase such as”This study shows”or “We show in this paper”要求:具体(数据),全面(所有重要的结论)、惜墨如金(无废话)。 Symbols and u
10、nitsMathematical units should be set out economically but nuambiguously. A solidus (/) can be used for simple fractions or units-for example ml/h but the double solidus is to be avoided for example kg/m3 h is correct but g/l/h is not. Units can also be given as g l-1 et. But the style must be consis
11、tent. Terms such as ppm are not encouraged; use mg l-1 etc. as appropriate. Concentrations should be given, for example, as g ethanol l-1 not g l-1 ethanol. Uncommon units, symbols and all not-standard abbreviations must be defined at their first appearance but the minimum number of abbreviations is
12、 preferred. A list of mathematical terms, if needed, should be provided before the introduction. Section HeadingsFirst-, second-, third-, and fourth-order headings should be clearly distinguishable but not numbered.(有的杂志要求用数字区分小标题,如2.1,2.1.1,等) NotesFootnotes are used for indicating essential
13、 information about the work or origins of the paper. Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text. A source reference note should be indicated by means of an asterisk after the title. This note should be placed at the bottom of t
14、he first typed page.常见的注如:XX and XX made the equal contributions to this work. IntroductionPlease keep this as short as possible, do not give a mini-review of the literature; five key references to recent, relevant publications; historical references are rarely useful. Space is precious keep it for
15、your results(少而精).Introduction has a very important effect on acceptance or rejection of a paper. Materials and MethodsGive information concerning the key protocols only. Avoid describing routine or trival matters such as how the micro-organisms are maintained, how and when the cultures were sampled
16、. Suppliers of chemicals and manufactures of equipment should only be given if these are not generally available or are in some way unusual or are crucial for success. Suppliers such as Sigma, Aldreich etc. are given without addresses. There is no need to give references to standard procedures, e.g.
17、 LB medium. Authors are encouraged to place as much relevant information in the footnotes and legends of their tables and figures to increase understanding of these illustrations. ResultsResults given in tables and figures do not need to be described again at length in the text. Focus the readers at
18、tention on your key results. Avoid repetition of the data that is given clearly in the tables and figures. The Results and discussion sections may be combined . Discussion Put your key results into the content of current information, avoid unwarranted or unsupported speculations. Keep your discussio
19、n short and focuses on explaining the significance of your results. AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in separate secton before the References. TablesTables should be carefully selected to illustrate key points or data that cannot be easily described in
20、 the text. Each table should be numbered consecutively (1,2,etc.). In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, a,b,b, etc., should be placed immediatedly below the table. P
21、lease place the title (without abbreviations ) at the top on the table itself.The lay-out of a table should be suitable for printing as either single column (7.5cm) or double column (16 cm)width. Do not use vertical rulings (lines) and keep horizontal rulings to a minimum. Do not quote values beyond
22、 the inherent accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the methods. State clearly how many times each complete experiment was done and how many times each individual determination was done. Date given in Tables and Figures should be understandable without recourse to the text: you can add key information regardi
23、ng experimental procedures in footnotes and omit such details from the Methods section. It is essential that all non-standard abbreviations used in the Table be re-defined. FiguresFigures should be carefully selected to illustrate key points or data that cannot be easily stated in the text. For exam
24、ple, it is rarely necessary to give a Lineweaver-Burk plot of an enzymes activity; its Km and V max values can be easily stated in the text. Similarly with pH and temperature optima for reactions, these can usually be stated within the text. All photographs, diagrams and schemes should be numbered c
25、onsecutively (1,2 etc.). Multi-part figures should be labelled with upper case letters (A,B,etc.). Scale bars are inserted directly in any photographs or photomicrographs. Relatively small text and great variation in text sizes within figures should be avoided as figures are often reduced in size wh
26、en printed. Figures will be sized to fit a single column width of the Journal; i.e. 7.5 cm width. Exceptionally, figures may be made to fit a double column width, e.g. 16 cm. Authors must take these sizes into account when designing their figures. All lines on a figure must be of equl thickness and
27、of equal blackness. A detailed legend (without abbreviations) should be provided for each figure. It is preferable to give a full explanation of the protocol being used in the experiment being described in the figure. This information need not then be given in the section. All figure must be referre
28、d to in the text; its approximate location in the margin should also be indicated- a handwritten note is acceptable. Please place the legends in the manuscript after the references and tables and on a page separate to the figure(s) themselves. Original or good quality printouts of all figures should be submitted with the manuscript. Computer-generated printouts should be flawless and on good quality paper. Non-computer gen
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