



1、Module5 Unit2 I go home at 5.刘良学Teaching Analysis(教材分析): This is the first lesson of module5 unit1. The text focuses on what you do at a certain time. The learning text is a conversation between Lingling and Amy. They are talking about what they do at a certain time.Analysis of students(学生分析): Stude

2、nts have already learned to express what they do after a certain time. They may be interested at this lesson, because its not difficult. They may be eager to express themselves, so Id better create more chance for them by setting more activities. Students in the class are clever and active. I will b

3、uild an English-speaking atmosphere for them.Teaching Aims(教学目标):Sentence pattern: I do something at a certain time.Key words and phrases: go home; watch TVTeaching Difficulties(教学难点): the pronunciation of TVDate(上课日期): 11/1Teaching Preparation(教学准备): EN5; English cards; flash; lettersTeaching Proce

4、dures(教学过程):Unit2 I go home at 5.Step1 Greeting and Warming-upGreeting.T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! S: Good afternoon, Ms Liu!T: I can tell that you are so happy. So, lets play a game first. I do, and you guess. OK?S: OK.(教师表演起床的动作)T: At 7, IS1: At 7, I get up.T: Very good. One letter is for y

5、ou. If you do a good job, I will give your team a letter. Lets see who will be the winner at last.(教师再分别表演上学、吃午餐、踢足球的动作,请学生回答。)Step2: Lead-inT: At 7, I get up. At 12, I have lunch. How about Sam? (展示Sam的图片) Guess. At 7, what does Sam do? Lets watch and fill the blank for Sam. (播放flash1)T: Lets fill

6、the blank for Sam.S: I watch TV at 7.T: Very good. Please look here. (教单词watch, TV, watch TV)T: Now, lets watch and repeat. Finger! Point! (观看flash,一起跟读)T: Good. This time, I am Sam. You are the bird. I watch TV at 7.S: Watch TV, watch TV.Step3: PresentationT: We know Sam watches TV at 7. How about

7、Amy and Lingling? (展示活动2的图片) Look! Amy and Lingling talked about 4 things. What are they? Lets watch and find the answer. (观看flash2)T: So, what are they?S: Have lunch, play basketball, watch TV, and go home. (教go home)(将文本拆分成四幅图,一幅一幅地填空,贴板书。巩固练习句型:I do something at + time. )T: Now, lets watch and re

8、peat. (跟读)T: Now, lets read in roles. Team1 and Team2, you are Lingling. Team3 and Team4, you are Amy. Ready? Go! (分角色读)T: Lets read together. (齐读)T: Now, we will work in pairs. One is Amy, and one is Lingling. You have 2 minutes to practice. Then we will act it out. (同桌之间练习对话,然后请几组同学到讲台上来表演)Step4:

9、ExerciseT: Please turn to page 30. Lets do an exercise. Please listen and number. Take out your pencil. Pencil!S: Pencil!T: Ready? Go! (播放录音,学生完成活动三)T: OK, lets check the answer. (请学生回答答案,检查答案)T: Lets read together. (齐读一遍文本)Step5: PracticeT: Boys and girls, please look here. Now, we will talk about

10、these activities with our partners. For example, I get up at 7. I go to school at 8 Go. (让学生自主谈论自己的作息时间,然后请几个小朋友发言)Step6 Homework Do 17xiaoxue APP.Blackboard DesignModule5 Unit2 I home go at 5.Ling ling Amy have lunch at 12 1 I play basketball at 4 x Watch TV at 7 6 go home at 5 5Teaching Reflection(教学反思):本节课主要让学生掌握短语:have lunch ,play basketball,watch TV, go home, 同时教会学生表述:I have lunch at 12.等句型。这节课我上得很开心,做到了享受课堂。整堂课与其说是我在教学生,不如说是我在带着他们玩耍,在玩中学,学中玩。这堂课学生参与度极高,全英文教学的模式使得课堂中的英语氛围很浓厚。通过学习,学生掌握了本节课的重点知识。此外,很多学生自我表达能力


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