



1、成都天府新区小学英语(外研版)三年级上册教学设计学校天府一小姓名罗甜甜上课年级三年级模块单元2模块2单元课题Whats your name?课型新授课一、教材分析 本模块的话题是Self-introduction自我介绍,这也是本模块本单元的话题,是上一单元话题的延展,从上一单元陈述句的自我介绍“Im”到本单元疑问句的询问他人姓名“Whats your name?”,让学生学习掌握一问一答的互动对话。本单元话题相关的知识点较为简单,主要在于掌握询问他人姓名的表达,其中掌握对不同性别的老师或长辈的称呼是难点。二、学情分析 通过一模块及上一单元的学习学生对英语问候方式和自我介绍已有一定的认识,例如

2、已掌握“Hello/Hi/Good morning./How are you?/Im fine./Thank you./Im ”等语言,同时已经认识本教材中的几位小主人公。而对如何询问他人姓名未有接触,对不同性别的老师或长辈的英语称呼学生也未有这方面的学习,也是第一次认识教材中“Mr Li”这一角色,其中“Good afternoon./Whats your name?”则是本课应掌握的语言。三、教学目标知识与技能目标:1. 学生能理解课文并进行朗读;2. 学生能听懂,会认读,会用“Good afternoon, Mr /Whats your name?”等句型;3. 学生能听懂,能认读,会用

3、“What/is/your/name/please/afternoon/Mr”等词汇。能力目标:1. 学生能表演课文;2. 学生能运用“Good afternoon, Mr ”正确的向他人问候并能用“Whats your name?”询问他人姓名;3. 学生能在交际中正确运用“What/is/your/name/please/afternoon/Mr”进行表达。情感目标: 1. 学生能基于结交新朋友等的兴趣运用英语;2. 学生能初步感知英语的问候方式以及对不同性别的老师或长辈的称呼。四、 教学重点、难点重点:1. 学生对故事的表演;难点:1. 学生运用目标语言对对话表演的创编。五、教学准备PP

4、T,词卡,图片,头饰六、教学步骤StepsActivities Purpose Step1 Warm-up(7 minutes)Activity1GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Im Sweety. My name is Sweety. (Show the pictures of teachers in the school.)T: Who is she?S: Ms Qin/TanT: Who is he?S: 贾老师。T: Mr Jia.Activity 2Explain the reward systemT: Look,

5、who is she?S: Ms Smart.T: Ms Smart is for girls.(Show the picture of Mr Li)T: Who is he? T: You can find out in this lesson. So this one for boys. Lets see who runs faster. OK?Activity 3Sing a song-Good morning, Sam.T: Lets enjoy a song.T: Now, stand up. Follow me. T: Lets sing together.(Sing and da

6、nce)1.营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,拉近师生距离,在真实情境中复习旧知“Im . /How are you? /Im fine. /boy /girl /Ms Smart”并结合学生真实生活在复习旧知 “Ms”时引入新知“Mr”。 2.利用与教学内容相关的奖励机制-Ms Smart/Mr Li, who runs faster? 激发学生学习积极性并发挥其语言操练运用的作用。3. 将教材中part4的歌曲(内容都是单元一已学)放在热身环节,复习巩固旧知,调动学生学习热情。Step2Lead-in(7 minutes)Activity 1View and say (Present the las

7、t picture in the Part1.)T: Who are they?S: Sam and Amy.T: And this is a policeman. Look at Sam and Amy, why do they laugh? What happened?Activity2Watch and answer(Play the video of part1.)T: What happened?T: Why did the policeman make the mistake?Activity3Watch and followActivity4Act out1.制造悬念,激发学生探

8、索兴趣,让学生带着目的去看去思。 2.让学生带着问题去感知新语言并利用问题“Why did the policeman make the mistake?”培养学生的读图观察力。3.助动画调动学生视听说多感官,进行目标语言操练。4.让学生在表演中运用目标语言。Step3Presentation(7 minutes)Activity 1View and answer(Present the picture1 in the part2 and ask)T: Look, who are they? T: Who is he? Activity 2Watch and answer (Play the

9、video of part2.) T: Who is he? S: Mr Li.T: How do you know?T: Mr Li says “Good afternoon, Im Mr Li.”T: “afternoon”,whats the meaning?(Show the picture of clock and the sun.)T: Look, it 8:00 AM. Its morning.T: Now, what time? Its 5:00 PM. Its?S: Afternoon.T: What does Mr Li ask?Activity 3Watch and fi

10、nd(Play the video again.)T: What does Mr Li ask?S: Whats your name?1.制造悬念,激发学生的探索兴趣,让学生带着问题任务去看去听,培养学生提取关键信息的能力。2.利用图片和旧知,更加直观的教授新知“afternoon”。3. 设置听前问题,让学生有目的的去听去看,利用问题处理本课目标语言。Step4Consolidation(16 minutes)Activity 1Watch and followActivity 2Point and readActivity 3Act out the storyActivity 4Liste

11、n and match-part3Activity 5Make a dialogue (Show the different roles in the book.)T: Lets role paly. What are their names? T: Lets practice the dialogue.Activity 6-Part6Do, ask and answer.T: Work in pairs. Do, ask and answer, like this.(Give an example.)T: Make a name card. Introduce myself, Im Swee

12、ty. And ask others name, Whats your name? T: 3 minutes for you.T: Times up. Which pair wants to show us?1. 利用动画操练语言,让学生模仿音频的语音语调。2. 让学生在角色扮演中进行语言的操练。3. 在练习中检测学生的学习情况,巩固所学知识。4. 在角色扮演中操练语言,巩固本课所学。5.引导学生在真实生活中运用本课知识认识新朋友。Step 5Summary(2 minutes)Activity 1Go over the teaching contents with blackboard design.T: What have we learned today?1. 回顾本课,进行总结。Step6Homework(1 minute)1. Listen to the tap and re


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