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1、月江镇福溪小学2023年秋期备课任课年级:三年级 任课教师:涂学洪教 学课 题Module 4 Unit 1 Its red 授 课 时 间第 1 课时2023 年 9月 24日本期总第 6 节课 时教 学目 标1.知识与技能目标:(1)、能听懂、会读、会说red、yellow、blue、green、black这些单词并能看到带颜色的物品说出表示颜色的单词。(2)、掌握本课句型:Hi, Im a chameleon./Its red.能运用Its来准确介绍事物的颜色。2. 能力目标:能够培养学生说英语,正确运用英语进行表述的能力。3.德育素质目标:培养学生热爱大自然,爱护动物的高尚道德情操。4

2、.情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与,乐于模仿和表达,在学习中互相帮助,形成合作意识。重点难点 1. 教学重点:(1)基本能听懂、会读、会说red、yellow、blue、green、black这些单词并能看到带颜色的物品说出表示颜色的单词。(2)句型:Hi, Im a chameleon./Its red.(3)能运用Its来准确介绍事物的颜色。2教学难点:(1).各种颜色词汇的发音及分辨.(2).能够灵活运用本单元的短语和句型,描述事物颜色。教学方法和措施直观教学法、提问法、精讲多练、任务型教学法。课前准备单词卡片、颜色卡片、熊猫、变色龙图片、PPT,学生准备

3、画笔。教 学 活 动 过 程学生活动Step 1 Warming up (热身和导入)1、T:Good morning,boys and girls.S:Good morning,Ms Tu.T:How are you ?S:Im fine,thank you ?T:Im fine,too.2、Sing a song .(设计意图:通过简单的问候,帮助学生适应英语语感,进入英语学习状态,再采用歌曲形式来复习前面所学内容,缓解学生紧张情绪,建立轻松的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定基础。) Step 2 Presentation(呈现新知)1. The teacher divides the stu

4、dents into three groups: Red team、Blue team and yellow teach redblueyellow Teach Part 1 in Page 20.2. T:Everybody acts today I will introduce a friend to ,Do you know him?S:熊猫T:Yes,its a panda. Teach the new word “panda” But today he meets a magic likes changing clothes very you know what it is. Yes

5、,Its a chameleon .Teach the new word “chameleon”. Now lets go to see the chameleon changing today lets learn Module 4 Unit 1 Its red.3. Play the PPT,show the red chameleon ,teach “red”.4. Show the blue chameleon ,teach “blue” .5. Show the yellow chameleon ,teach “yellow” .6. Show the green chameleon

6、 ,teach “green” .7. Show the black chameleon ,teach “black”8. T: Now,lets have a look what happened between Panpan and chameleon ? Please turn to Page20 ,listen to the tape and find out how did the chameleon change the colours.9. Read the tape and follow the record . (设计意图:通过这一直观教学手段使学生产生浓厚的兴趣,是把抽象化

7、的词汇学习具体化,易化了这一教学难点,在学生操练单词时,还运用各种形式操练。) Step3、Practice(操练)T: OK,boys and girls,now ,I have four colour cards .I will show them,and you should read the colour quickly,clear?Ss;Yes. .Practise it in pairs.Practice sentence patterns in various forms. (设计意图:通过找颜色卡片的游戏让学生操练新单词,锻炼学生的反应能力,使学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中得到了知识的

8、操练,加深学生记忆。) Step 4 Consolidation and extension (巩固并拓展) a game “looking for things” and colour (设计意图:通过不同形式的提问来巩固和拓展新单词和句型,培养学生的创造性与发散性思维,巩固所学知识,同时也进行了美育教育)Step5、Summary(总结)Sum up what you learned today . Step6 Homework:(家庭作业)Read the colour word Read the text Find out the colour of the things as man

9、y as you can .Greetings Sing a songRead the new words : red , blue, yellow.Listen to the tape .Read Part 1 .Listen carefully and read the word “pandaListen carefully and read the word“chameleonRead Part 2Read the new words : red , blue, yellow. Green. Black.Read the tape and follow the recordRead the new sentences : Its red , Its blue, Its yellow. Its s BlackPractise it in pairs.Play a gameAnswe


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