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1、JJ 六年级下册 Unit 3What Will You Do This SummerLesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky 提示: 点击 进入习题一三二课内阅读对点练拓展阅读提升练一、根据Three Kites in the Sky的故事完成下列任务。(教材第4849页)(一)根据故事内容选择正确的一项。()1. Who has many colours and a long red tail?A. Karla. B. Kylie. C. Krista. ()2. Who flies faster and higher?A. Karla. B. Kylie. C.

2、Krista. BA()3. What is Krista like?a. She is beautiful. b. She is not strong. c. She is not fast. d. She is kind. A. a. b. c. B. b. c. C. b. c. d. C()4. Can the boy swim well?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, he doesnt need help. B()5. Who helps the boy at last?A. The first kite. B. The second

3、 kite. C. The third kite and the man. ()6. Krista sees a boy _ in the lake. A. swimming B. to swimC. swamCA(二)读一读,写出与画线单词相反或相对应的单词。1. She can fly very high in the sky. _2. Kylie is a beautiful kite. _3. The wind is not too strong. _4. Kylie has a long red tail. _5. He brings the boy to the beach. _6

4、. Now, no one remembers beautiful Kylie. _lowuglyweakshort takes forgets (三)用箭头画出故事中的路线图。(四)认真阅读故事,回答以下问题。1. On a wonderful day, What are the three kites doing?_()2. Why do people remember Krista?A. Because Krista can not fly faster and higher. B. Because Krista is poor and lonely(孤独的). C. Because K

5、rista helps the little boy. She is a kindhearted kite. The three kites are flying high in the blue sky. C3. What happens to the little boy?_4. What do you think of the man who saves the boy?_He cant swim well, and he needs some help.He is a kindhearted man.(五)重温故事,说一说三个风筝的特点吧。_Kylie: beautiful; has

6、many colours and a long red tailKarla: strong; can fly very highKrista: not beautiful; not fast; not strong二、阅读短文,完成任务。_ One day a crow is sitting in a big tree. She has a big piece of meat in her mouth. An old fox is looking for his breakfast. When he sees the crow and her meat, he says to the crow

7、, “Good morning, Mrs. Crow! How are you?” But the crow doesnt say a word. “You are very beautiful, Mrs. Crow. And you have a beautiful voice, too. ” says the fox. “Will you please sing for me?” “How nice the fox is! I must sing for him, ” the crow thinks. So she opens her mouth, “Caw!” The meat goes

8、 down into the foxs mouth. A. 根据故事内容,选择和回答问题。()1. The best title is _. A. The Crow B. The FoxC. The Crow and The FoxC()2. The story is about _. A. B. C. A()3. What is the fox doing?A. He is singing. B. He is eating breakfast. C. He is looking for his breakfast. ()4. Where does the crow sit?A. In a t

9、ree. B. On a stone. C. Under a tree. CA()5. What can we learn about the fox?A. He is very nice. B. He is very bad. C. He is very funny. 6. Why does the fox ask the crow to sing for him?_. BBecause he wants to eat the meat in the crows mouth.B. 根据故事以及你的生活经验,联想一下后来发生了什么?请你写出几句话。_. The fox is very happ

10、y. He thinks he is so clever. And the crow is sad. She loses her meat and the fox cheats her. From then on, no one likes the fox, and no one believes him. He is lonely at last.(答案不唯一)三、阅读短文,完成下列各题。_ A wolf is very hungry. It looks for food here and there. At last, it finds some bread and meat in the

11、 hole of a tree. The hungry wolf squeezes(挤) into the hole. It eats all the food. That is a farmers lunch. He is on his way back to the tree to have lunch. But there is no food in the hole. Instead(反而), he sees a wolf. The wolf sees the farmer, and it is very frightened(害怕的). It tries to get out of

12、the hole. But it cant. Its tummy(肚子) is too big. The farmer gives the wolf beatings(打). A. 根据短文内容填入所缺单词(每空一词)。1. The wolf is very _. 2. The wolf eats the farmers _. 3. When the wolf sees the farmer, it is very _. 4. The wolf cant get out of the hole because of its big _. 5. The farmer gives the wolf _. hungr


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