1、K L S T F J 第三套听力文本与答1Every year, manyK L S T F J 第三套听力文本与答1Every year, many experienced and non-experienced climbers attempt to climb to the top of Mount Everest. This is a very exciting trip, but it can also be very dangerous. How would you describe such an experience? Frightening? Adventurous? Fo
2、olish? Choose one of the above and explain why you think it best describes the experience.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology distances people from each other more than it brings them together. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.3Quiet Time at Ca
3、mpus dormitories will be quieter in the near future. Following frequent complaints from students about noisy dormitories, the university is introducing a policy of quiet time after 10:00 P.M, on weeknights. No loud noise will be permitted in the dorm rooms or hallways after 10:00 P.M. Students wishi
4、ng to watch television or play music loudly will be required to go to the dormitory lounge. According to the dean of student housing, besides reducing nighttime noise in the dorms, the new policy is expected to reduce the number of disputes among roommates and coresidents. Such disagreements are oft
5、en about noise, so the new policy is expected to make the dormitory atmosphere more pleasant for everyone.1: So, what do you think of this new 2: I think we really need 1: 2: Well, right now, I spend more time in the library than Id like to and Im sure a lot of other students do too. Theres just too
6、 much partying going on in the dorms. Its impossible to get any work done there and Id really like to do more studying in my dorm 1: So it would really K L S T F J 2: Right and besides that, what if you have K L S T F J 2: Right and besides that, what if you have early morning classes? Youd probably
7、 want to go to bed early, you know, but in my dorm room thats almost impossible. I think the new rule will help with that a lot.1: Ok, but do you think this can help improve relationships between 2: Yea, I do, like my friend has a roommate whos always playing loud music in their room. Every time she
8、 asks her roommate to lower the volume, they get into an argument and after all this time, she still cant get her roommate to keep the volume down.1: So things arent really great between 2: No, theyre not, so my point is: its hard for one student to tell another student what to do, but if the univer
9、sity makes a rule everyone has to stick to it and you dont have to confront anyone. It makes it easier to get along.Outcome Peoples first impressions of another person may be influenced by whether they on that person to help them achieve particular goal. When people are dependent another person to a
10、chieve a goal, or outcome, the situation is known as dependency. When people perceive their success as being dependent on another person, they tend to have a favorable initial impression of that person. In other words, the effect of outcome dependency is that people perceive a new acquaintance as ha
11、ving traits that will be helpful in achieving a desired goal.叫兽Ok, some researchers did a study on this at company that sold office equipment. sales people at this company worked as a team. This team had certain sales goals and the team reached those goals every member of the team would receive a ni
12、ce bonus, a nice big, extra paycheck at the end of the year. Ok, so what these researchers did was, they divided this sales team into two groups and they showed both groups a video, the same video. This video featured a man who was also a salesperson. This man was talking about himself, about his qu
13、alifications, his past work experience, and so on. Ok. Before the first group of salespeople watched the video, the researchers simply asked them to watch the video and after theyd seen the video, the researchers asked them what they though of the man in the video, whether they thought hed be an eff
14、ective salesperson and the members of this first group werent particularly impressed with the man. werent sure he had the qualifications or the right personality to be a good salesperson. Ok, but before the second group of salespeople watched the video, the researchers told them that the man in the
15、video was going to be joining their sales team at the company; that hed be helping them sell office equipment, helping them work towards that big bonus at the end of the year and after this second group saw the video, when the researchers asked them what they thought of the man, they said they thoug
16、ht he seemed really likeable and confident, that hed probably be an excellent salesperson. Now remember, this second group watched the same video the first group watched. The 四箭齐发公众微信KL S T F J difference was that the second group saw the man 四箭齐发公众微信KL S T F J difference was that the second group s
17、aw the man in the video as someone theyd be working with, that theyd be relying on to help them meet their sales goals.51: Hey Jane! Wherere you off 2: Ive got a class presentation. Didnt realize what time it is. Class is on the other side of campus and due to start in about ten minutes, so I better
18、 get going.1: Well, good luck with your presentation and stay 2: Stay dry? What do you mean? Is it raining or 1: Is it raining? Have you looked outside? Its 2: Are you serious? I didnt realize Ive been in the library all day and I dont have an umbrella. I got to leave now. What am I going to do?1: W
19、ell, if you dont want to get wet, you could borrow my Im going to here studying for awhile, so I dont need it. You could just bring it back to me after your 2: Really? Thanks! Thatd be 1: Only thing is, my umbrellas not exactly with me. I think I must have left it upstairs when I was doing research.
20、 Its only a few floors up, but by the time you run up and run back down, I dont know if youd make it to your class on time.2: Yea, itd probably make me late for my 1: But, you know, if you did get the umbrella at least youd stay 2: I guess my only other options to run across campus now so I wont be
21、1: And get 2: Yea, I know. Ill look awful when I give my presentation, huh? Ill be dripping wet, plus my bag and all my books and notes will get wet.1: But at least youd be on 6So, in many animal species, the mother is very protective of her young, her offspring, and she wont let any other animals,
22、even of the same species, come near them, but, well, K L S T F J other cases for some species, the mother will actually allow another animal of the same species, a younger female, to help her take care of her offspring and this relationship benefits both animals in a couple ways. The first way it be
23、nefits them is by providing the mother with someone to care for her offspring for short periods of time allowing the mother time to go off and perform other activities important to her survival and the survival of her offspring. Take rhesus monkeys. A rhesus monkey mother will leave her babies in th
24、e care of a younger female when she, the mother, goes off to find food. That way she has enough time to get food for herself and her offspring, food they need to survive and meanwhile her babies are kept safe while shes gone because theyre being cared forK L S T F J other cases for some species, the
25、 mother will actually allow another animal of the same species, a younger female, to help her take care of her offspring and this relationship benefits both animals in a couple ways. The first way it benefits them is by providing the mother with someone to care for her offspring for short periods of
26、 time allowing the mother time to go off and perform other activities important to her survival and the survival of her offspring. Take rhesus monkeys. A rhesus monkey mother will leave her babies in the care of a younger female when she, the mother, goes off to find food. That way she has enough ti
27、me to get food for herself and her offspring, food they need to survive and meanwhile her babies are kept safe while shes gone because theyre being cared for by the younger female. Now, theres a second way this arrangement between the mother and the younger female benefits animals like rhesus monkey
28、s: by helping train the next generation of mothers, preparing them to care for their own babies when they become mothers themselves. See, taking care of the mothers offspring allows female rhesus monkey to develop important mothering skills. The younger gets valuable experience, like holding baby mo
29、nkeys, nurturing them, and them warm and comfortable. So the younger females able to practice important skill thatll make her a better mother later on when she has her own 第三套答案1. 四箭齐发Personally I would describe such experience as adventurous, because in the process you can get to challenge your ext
30、reme and understand the true meaning of life. There is a famous entrepreneur in China named Wang shi. He is the founder of Wanke Group, the largest real estate developer in China. He is already very wealthy, but he wants to challenge himself on the top of Mount Everest. He knew it was going to be ve
31、ry dangerous, but he successfully conquered the mountain after overcoming a lot of difficulties. His stories inspired a lot of people. Life is like climbing the mountain. Without the spirit of adventure, there can be no success.2.【四箭齐发】Personally I disagree with the statement that technology distanc
32、es people. Technology actually brings people closer to each other. Take myself as an example. Before I Took TOEFL test, I felt very nervous and couldnt get asleep. So I called my mom and told her through telephone how I worried about the exam. My mom comforted me and I calmed down after the talk. Af
33、terwards I got a satisfactory score in the exam. I think without telephone I couldnt have got the comfort from my mom. Therefore I think technology brings people closer.3.The university is going to introduce a policy of quiet time after 10 p.m. on weeknights. In addition to reducing nighttime noise
34、in the dorms, the policy is expected to reduce the number of disputes among roommates and coresidents since such disputes are often about noise. The student in the conversation agrees with this new policy. First of all, there is too much party going on I the dorms and its hard to get things done. Th
35、e new rule will help solve this problem, especially for students who have to get to bed early for morning classes. Also, it can improve the relationships between students. The students friend has a roommate always playing loud music in the dorms. They always get into quarrel. But if the university m
36、akes it a policy, then it will be easier to get along.K L S T F J 4. 【四K L S T F J 4. 【四箭齐发】Outcome dependency refers to the situation where people are dependent on another person to achieve a goal. The effect of outcome dependency is that people will have good first impressions about another person
37、 if their success is dependent on that person. In the lecture the professor uses a study on a company that sold office equipment to illustrate this concept. The sales people in a team would receive a large bonus if they achieved the sales goals. There were two such teams. Both of them watched a vide
38、o featuring a salesman. The only difference was that the second group was told that the salesperson was going to join the team to help them achieve the goals. The result was that the first team was not sure whether the salesperson had good qualifications or not. But the second team thought the man w
39、as a great salesperson. Since the second group relied on that salesperson to achieve the goals, they thus had good first impressions about that 5【四箭齐发Thewoman has to make a class presentation and has to go from library to the classroom. However its raining heavily outside. The woman has two solution
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