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1、The students of Confucius Introduce There are 3000 students who have ever learned by Confucius . It is said that seventy-two students of them have learned six arts , and Confucius speaked highly of ten of them.论语先进“德行:颜渊、闵子骞、冉伯牛、仲弓。言语:宰我、子贡。政事:冉有、季路。文学:子游、子夏。”-Distinguished for their virtuous princi

2、ples and practice, there were Yen Yuan, Min Tsze-chien, Zan Po-niu, and Chung-kung; for their ability in speech, Tsai Wo and Tsze-kung; for their administrative talents, Zan Yu and Chi Lu; for their literary acquirements, Tsze-yu and Tsze-hsia. The best students of Confucius are 颜回、闵损、冉耕、冉雍、宰予、端木赐、冉

3、求、仲由、言偃、卜商,They are known as the ten oracles of Confucianism.Now , Let us introduce the details of these famous students to you . Yen Yuan(B.C521-B.C481) come from the state of LU. He is the best student in the view of the master,he is famous for his virtuous principles and practice.He is 30 years y

4、ounger than confuciusHe is not worried about the poverty of his family .He always work hard and he is always happy to learn the knowledge 子曰:“贤哉回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。”子曰:“回也好学,不迁怒,不贰过。”子曰:“不幸短命死矣,今也则亡,未闻好学者也。”The Master said, Unfortunately, his appointed time was short and he died; and now the

5、re is not such another. I have not yet heard of any one who loves to learn as he did. From this one,we can find that the relationship between Yen Yuan and the master is intimate and he is fond of his diligentWhen he was 29.his hair is white ,he died at the age of 41,confucius is sad as his son died

6、.Tsze-kung(B.C520-B.C456)He is 31years yonger than ConfuciusHe come from the state of WEI It is said that he has an Imposing Appearance . he was very clever and he was respectful for his parents.When he was at the age of 3,he can distinguish which one is good person .when he was 18,he visit the stat

7、e of LU,and he was attacked by Confucius How Tsze-KUNG treated his teacher ?时鲁国大夫孙武赞曰:“子贡贤于仲尼。”子贡谦道:“譬诸宫墙,赐 之墙也及肩,窥见家室之好。夫子之墙数仞,不得其门而入,不见宗庙之美,百官之富,得其门者或寡矣。视孔子有如日月,自谓不能超过。孔子逝世,子贡独守孔墓六年,哀丧至极。 Tsze-lu (BC542 BC480)He comes from the city of Bian(卞),the country of LuHe is one of the most favorite student

8、s of ConfuciusHe is good at governmentsAlthough he is reckless,but he is very filial for confucius He is very brave and powful,from these reasons that 子路性鄙,好勇力,志伉直,冠雄鸡,佩暇豚 史记仲尼弟子列传冠以雄鸡,佩以暇豚。二物皆勇,子路好勇,故冠之。 集解But he is not the men who were Aggressive ,he want to bring the Justice, plead for the people

9、,and help the weak one How Confucius give an evaluation for Tsze-lu ?道不行,乘桴浮于海。从我者,其由与?Confucius think that if he went to a dead line and must flee from LU to other countries ,Tsze-lu will will follow with him and protect him How Tsze-lu treated his teacher?When Confucius was in trouble ,he remains

10、loyal to his teacherWhen Confucius was wrong,he also criticized his teacher ,and give the right advice 子路问“政”。子曰:“先之,劳之。”请益。曰:“无倦。” Tsze-lu asked about government. the master said, go before the people with your example, and be laborious in their affairs. he requested further instruction, and was an

11、swered, be not weary in these things.“ 子路问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“切切偲偲,怡怡如也,可谓士矣。朋友切切偲偲,兄弟怡怡。 Tsze-lu asked, saying, what qualities must a man possess to entitle him to be called a scholar? the master said, he must be thus,-earnest, urgent, and bland:-among his friends, earnest and urgent; among his brethr

12、en, bland.“ He is a special student because he is brave to criticize Confucius 灵公夫人有南子者,使人谓孔子曰:“四方之君子不辱欲与寡君为兄弟者,必见寡小君。寡小君愿见。”孔子辞谢,不得已而见之。夫人在絺帷中。孔子入门,北面稽首。夫人自帷中再拜,环佩玉声璆然。孔子曰:“吾乡为弗见,见之礼答焉。”子路不说。孔子矢之曰:“予所不者,天厌之!天厌之!”He is famous and admirable because of filial piety ,too子路负米图 周仲由,字子路。家贫。常食藜藿之食。为亲负米百里之外

13、。亲没。南游于楚。从车百乘。积粟万钟。累裀而坐。列鼎而食。乃叹曰。虽欲食藜藿。为亲负米。不可得也。孔子曰。由也事亲。可谓生事尽力。死事尽思者也。Name :Tseng Tzu Birth:B.C.505-B.C.432Birth place :lu country 曾参上乘孔子之道,下启思孟学派,对孔子的儒家学派思想既有继承,也有发展和建树,在儒家文化中具有承上启下的重要地位,被后世尊为“宗圣”。曾子曰:士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远,仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎? Tseng Tzu said :”An educated gentleman cannot but be resolute and broud-minded ,for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course .Is it not a heavy responsibility ,which is to practice benevolence?Is it not a long course , which will end only with his death?吾常三省吾身,为人谋,而不忠乎?与朋友交,而不信乎?传不习


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